19 research outputs found

    Deduction modulo theory

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    This paper is a survey on Deduction modulo theor

    Linking Focusing and Resolution with Selection

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    Focusing and selection are techniques that shrink the proof search space for respectively sequent calculi and resolution. To bring out a link between them, we generalize them both: we introduce a sequent calculus where each occurrence of an atom can have a positive or a negative polarity; and a resolution method where each literal, whatever its sign, can be selected in input clauses. We prove the equivalence between cut-free proofs in this sequent calculus and derivations of the empty clause in that resolution method. Such a generalization is not semi-complete in general, which allows us to consider complete instances that correspond to theories of any logical strength. We present three complete instances: first, our framework allows us to show that ordinary focusing corresponds to hyperresolution and semantic resolution; the second instance is deduction modulo theory; and a new setting, not captured by any existing framework, extends deduction modulo theory with rewriting rules having several left-hand sides, which restricts even more the proof search space

    Clausal Presentation of Theories in Deduction Modulo

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    International audienceResolution modulo is an extension of first-order resolution where axioms are replaced by rewrite rules, used to rewrite, or more generally narrow, clauses during the search. In the first version of this method, clauses were rewritten to arbitrary propositions, that needed to be dynamically transformed into clauses. This unpleasant feature can be eliminated when the rewrite system is clausal, i.e. when it transforms clauses to clauses. We show in this paper that how to transform any rewrite system into a clausal one, preserving the existence of cut free proof of any sequent

    Le model Checking et la émonstration de théorèmes

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    Model checking is a technique for automatically verifying correctness properties of finite systems. Normally, model checking tools enjoy two remarkable features: they are fully automatic and a counterexample will be produced if the system fails to satisfy the property. Deduction Modulo is a reformulation of Predicate Logic where some axioms—possibly all—are replaced by rewrite rules. The focus of this dissertation is to give anencoding of temporal properties expressed in CTL as first-order formulas, by translating the logical equivalence between temporal operators into rewrite rules. This way, proof-search algorithms designed for Deduction Modulo, such as Resolution Modulo or Tableaux Modulo, can be used to verify temporal properties of finite transition systems.To achieve the aim of solving model checking problems with an off-the-shelf automated theorem prover, three works are included in this dissertation. First, we address the graph traversal problems in model checking with automated theorem provers. As a preparationwork, we propose a way of encoding a graph as a formula such that the traversal of the graph corresponds to resolution steps. Then we present the way of translating model checking problems as proving first-order formulas in Deduction Modulo. The soundness and completeness of our method shows that solving CTL model checking problems with automated theorem provers is feasible. At last, based on the theoreticalbasis in the second work, we propose a symbolic model checking method. This method is implemented in iProver Modulo, which is a first-order theorem prover uses Polarized Resolution Modulo.Le model checking est une technique de vérification automatique de propriétés de correction de systèmes finis. Normalement, les outils de model checking ont deux caractéristiques remarquables: ils sont automatisés et ils produisent un contre-exemple si le systéme ne satisfait pas la propriété. La Déduction Modulo est une reformulation de la logique des prédicats où certains axiomes—possiblement tous—sont remplacés par des régles de réécriture. Le but de cette dissertation est de donner un encodage de propriétés temporelles exprimées en CTL en des formules du premier ordre, en exprimant l’équivalence logique entre les opérateurs temporels avec des règles de réécriture. De cette manière, les algorithmes de recherche de preuve conçus pour la Déduction Modulo, tels que la Résolution Modulo ou les Tableaux Modulo, peuvent être utilisés pour vérifierdes propriétés temporelles de systèmes de transition finis.Afin d’accomplir le but de résoudre des problèmes de model checking avec un prouveur automatique quelconque, trois travaux sont inclus dans cette dissertation. Premièrement, nous abordons le problème de parcours de graphes en model checking avec des prouveurs automatiques. Nous proposons une façon d’encoder un graphe en tant que formule de manière à ce que le parcours du graphe correspond aux etapes de résolution. Nous présentons ensuite comment formuler les problèmes de model checking comme des formules du premier ordre en Déduction Modulo. La correction et la complétude de notre méthode montre que résoudre des problèmes de model checking CTL avec des prouveursautomatiques est faisable. Enfin, en nous appuyant sur la base théorique du deuxième travail, nous proposons une méthode de model checking symbolique. Cette méthode est implantée dans iProver Modulo, qui est un prouveur automatique du premier ordre qui utilise la Résolution Modulo Polarisée

    Resolution in Solving Graph Problems

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    International audienceResolution is a proof-search method for proving unsatisfia-bility problems. Various refinements have been proposed to improve the efficiency of this method. However, when we try to prove some graph properties, it seems that none of the refinements have an efficiency comparable with traditional graph traversal algorithms. In this paper we propose a way of encoding some graph problems as resolution. We define a selection function and a new subsumption rule to avoid redundancies while solving such problems

    Linking Focusing and Resolution with Selection

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    International audienceFocusing and selection are techniques that shrink the proof-search space for respectively sequent calculi and resolution. To bring out a link between them, we generalize them both: we introduce a sequent calculus where each occurrence of an atomic formula can have a positive or a negative polarity; and a resolution method where each literal, whatever its sign, can be selected in input clauses. We prove the equivalence between cut-free proofs in this sequent calculus and derivations of the empty clause in that resolution method. Such a generalization is not semi-complete in general, which allows us to consider complete instances that correspond to theories of any logical strength. We present three complete instances: first, our framework allows us to show that ordinary focusing corresponds to hyperresolution and semantic resolution; the second instance is deduction modulo theory and the related framework called superdeduction; and a new setting, not captured by any existing framework, extends deduction modulo theory with rewriting rules having several left-hand sides, which restricts even more the proof-search space

    Simple Type Theory as a Clausal Theory

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    We give a presentation of Simple Type Theory as a clausal rewrite system in Polarized deduction modulo

    CTL Model Checking in Deduction Modulo

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    International audienceIn this paper we give an overview of proof-search method for CTL model checking based on Deduction Modulo. Deduction Modulo is a reformulation of Predicate Logic where some axioms—possibly all—are replaced by rewrite rules. The focus of this paper is to give an encoding of temporal properties expressed in CTL, by translating the logical equivalence between temporal operators into rewrite rules. This way, the proof-search algorithms designed for Deduction Modulo, such as Resolution Modulo or Tableaux Modulo, can be used in verifying temporal properties of finite transition systems. An experimental evaluation using Resolution Modulo is presented

    Axiomatizing truth in a finite model

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    Given a nite model, we build an axiomatic theory such that the propositions provable in this theory are those valid in the model. We sketch applications to automated theorem proving

    From proof theory to theories theory

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    In the last decades, several objects such as grammars, economical agents, laws of physics... have been defined as algorithms. In particular, after Brouwer, Heyting, and Kolomogorov, mathematical proofs have been defined as algorithms. In this paper, we show that mathematical theories can be also be defined as algorithms and that this definition has some advantages over the usual definition of theories as sets of axioms