94 research outputs found

    Study of the speckle noise effects over the eigen decomposition of polarimetric SAR data: a review

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    This paper is focused on considering the effects of speckle noise on the eigen decomposition of the co- herency matrix. Based on a perturbation analysis of the matrix, it is possible to obtain an analytical expression for the mean value of the eigenvalues and the eigenvectors, as well as for the Entropy, the Anisotroopy and the dif- ferent a angles. The analytical expressions are compared against simulated polarimetric SAR data, demonstrating the correctness of the different expressions.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Sea ice segmentation using Tandem-X pursuit mono static and alternative bistatic modes

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    Accepted manuscript version. Source at https://doi.org/10.1109/IGARSS.2017.8126964In this paper we investigate interferometric pairs of SAR images acquired by Tandem-X with the monostatic pursuit and the alternative bistatic modes for sea ice segmentation. The individual SAR images are modelled as non-Gaussian, and from the modelled data different features are extracted, stacked together and clustered. The interferometric coherence is regarded as an additional feature and utilized for clustering. In addition to complementing the information extracted from the individual images, the interferometric coherence is found to be capable of discriminating between open water and sea ice, as well as between different ice types

    Advanced machine learning algorithms for Canadian wetland mapping using polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) and optical imagery

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    Wetlands are complex land cover ecosystems that represent a wide range of biophysical conditions. They are one of the most productive ecosystems and provide several important environmental functionalities. As such, wetland mapping and monitoring using cost- and time-efficient approaches are of great interest for sustainable management and resource assessment. In this regard, satellite remote sensing data are greatly beneficial, as they capture a synoptic and multi-temporal view of landscapes. The ability to extract useful information from satellite imagery greatly affects the accuracy and reliability of the final products. This is of particular concern for mapping complex land cover ecosystems, such as wetlands, where complex, heterogeneous, and fragmented landscape results in similar backscatter/spectral signatures of land cover classes in satellite images. Accordingly, the overarching purpose of this thesis is to contribute to existing methodologies of wetland classification by proposing and developing several new techniques based on advanced remote sensing tools and optical and Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. Specifically, the importance of employing an efficient speckle reduction method for polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) image processing is discussed and a new speckle reduction technique is proposed. Two novel techniques are also introduced for improving the accuracy of wetland classification. In particular, a new hierarchical classification algorithm using multi-frequency SAR data is proposed that discriminates wetland classes in three steps depending on their complexity and similarity. The experimental results reveal that the proposed method is advantageous for mapping complex land cover ecosystems compared to single stream classification approaches, which have been extensively used in the literature. Furthermore, a new feature weighting approach is proposed based on the statistical and physical characteristics of PolSAR data to improve the discrimination capability of input features prior to incorporating them into the classification scheme. This study also demonstrates the transferability of existing classification algorithms, which have been developed based on RADARSAT-2 imagery, to compact polarimetry SAR data that will be collected by the upcoming RADARSAT Constellation Mission (RCM). The capability of several well-known deep Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) architectures currently employed in computer vision is first introduced in this thesis for classification of wetland complexes using multispectral remote sensing data. Finally, this research results in the first provincial-scale wetland inventory maps of Newfoundland and Labrador using the Google Earth Engine (GEE) cloud computing resources and open access Earth Observation (EO) collected by the Copernicus Sentinel missions. Overall, the methodologies proposed in this thesis address fundamental limitations/challenges of wetland mapping using remote sensing data, which have been ignored in the literature. These challenges include the backscattering/spectrally similar signature of wetland classes, insufficient classification accuracy of wetland classes, and limitations of wetland mapping on large scales. In addition to the capabilities of the proposed methods for mapping wetland complexes, the use of these developed techniques for classifying other complex land cover types beyond wetlands, such as sea ice and crop ecosystems, offers a potential avenue for further research

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    This open access book focuses on the practical application of electromagnetic polarimetry principles in Earth remote sensing with an educational purpose. In the last decade, the operations from fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar such as the Japanese ALOS/PalSAR, the Canadian Radarsat-2 and the German TerraSAR-X and their easy data access for scientific use have developed further the research and data applications at L,C and X band. As a consequence, the wider distribution of polarimetric data sets across the remote sensing community boosted activity and development in polarimetric SAR applications, also in view of future missions. Numerous experiments with real data from spaceborne platforms are shown, with the aim of giving an up-to-date and complete treatment of the unique benefits of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in five different domains: forest, agriculture, cryosphere, urban and oceans

    Remote sensing of mangrove composition and structure in the Galapagos Islands

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    Mangroves are unique inter-tidal ecosystems that provide valuable ecosystem goods and services. This dissertation investigates new methods of characterizing mangrove forests using remote sensing with implications for mapping and modeling ecosystem goods and services. Specifically, species composition, leaf area, and canopy height are investigated for mangroves in the Galapagos Islands. The Galapagos Islands serve as an interesting case study where environmental conditions are highly variable over short distances producing a wide range of mangrove composition and structure to examine. This dissertation reviews previous mangrove remote sensing studies and seeks to address missing gaps. Specifically, this research seeks to examine pixel and object-based methods for mapping mangrove species, investigate the usefulness of spectral and spatial metrics to estimate leaf area, and compare existing global digital surface models with a digital surface model extracted from new very high resolution imagery. The major findings of this research include the following: 1) greater spectral separability between true mangrove and mangrove associate species using object-based image analysis compared to pixel-based analysis, but a lack of separability between individual mangrove species, 2) the demonstrated necessity for novel machine-learning classification techniques rather than traditional clustering classification algorithms, 3) significant but weak relationships between spectral vegetation indices and leaf area, 4) moderate to strong relationships between grey-level co-occurrence matrix image texture and leaf area at the individual species level, 5) similar accuracy between a very high resolution stereo optical digital surface model a coarse resolution InSAR product to estimate canopy height with improved accuracy using a hybrid model of these two products. The results demonstrate advancements in remote sensing technology and technique, but further challenges remain before these methods can be applied to monitoring and modeling applications. Based on these results, future research should focus on emerging technologies such as hyperspectral, very high resolution InSAR, and LiDAR to characterize mangrove forest composition and structure

    A Comprehensive Survey of Deep Learning in Remote Sensing: Theories, Tools and Challenges for the Community

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL), a re-branding of neural networks (NNs), has risen to the top in numerous areas, namely computer vision (CV), speech recognition, natural language processing, etc. Whereas remote sensing (RS) possesses a number of unique challenges, primarily related to sensors and applications, inevitably RS draws from many of the same theories as CV; e.g., statistics, fusion, and machine learning, to name a few. This means that the RS community should be aware of, if not at the leading edge of, of advancements like DL. Herein, we provide the most comprehensive survey of state-of-the-art RS DL research. We also review recent new developments in the DL field that can be used in DL for RS. Namely, we focus on theories, tools and challenges for the RS community. Specifically, we focus on unsolved challenges and opportunities as it relates to (i) inadequate data sets, (ii) human-understandable solutions for modelling physical phenomena, (iii) Big Data, (iv) non-traditional heterogeneous data sources, (v) DL architectures and learning algorithms for spectral, spatial and temporal data, (vi) transfer learning, (vii) an improved theoretical understanding of DL systems, (viii) high barriers to entry, and (ix) training and optimizing the DL.Comment: 64 pages, 411 references. To appear in Journal of Applied Remote Sensin

    Multidimensional SAR data representation and processing based on Binary Partition Trees

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    English: A novel multidimensional SAR data abstraction is presented, based on Binary Partition Trees (BPT). This data abstraction is employed for different applications, as data filtering and segmentation, change detection, etc. The BPT can be contructed from a Polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) image or from a serie of coregistered acquisitions, conforming a tool that enables the systematic exploitation of PolSAR datasets simultaneously in the space and time dimensions.Castellano: na nueva abstracción de datos SAR multidimensionales es presentada, basada en Árboles de Partición Binaria (BPT). Esta abstracción de datos se emplea para distintas aplicaciones, como filtrado, segmentación, detección de cambios, etc. El BPT puede construirse a partir de una imagen SAR polarimétrica o de una serie temporal de imágenes, siendo una herramienta que permite la explotación sistemática de sets de datos PolSAR simultáneamente en espacio y tiempo.Català: Una nova abstracció de dades SAR multidimensionals és presentada, basada en Arbres de Partició Binària (BPT). Aquesta abstracció de dades s'empra per a diferents aplicacions, com filtrat, segmentació, detecció de canvis, etc. El BPT es pot construir a partir d'una imatge SAR polarimètrica o d'una sèrie temporal d'imatges, sent una eina que permet l'explotació sistemàtica de sets de dades PolSAR simultàniament en espai i temps

    Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar, Principles and Application

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    Demonstrates the benefits of the usage of fully polarimetric synthetic aperture radar data in applications of Earth remote sensing, with educational and development purposes. Includes numerous up-to-date examples with real data from spaceborne platforms and possibility to use a software to support lecture practicals. Reviews theoretical principles in an intuitive way for each application topic. Covers in depth five application domains (forests, agriculture, cryosphere, urban, and oceans), with reference also to hazard monitorin

    Method for landslides detection with semi-automatic procedures: The case in the zone center-east of Cauca department, Colombia

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    Landslides are a common natural hazard that causes human casualties, but also infrastructure damage and land-use degradation. Therefore, a quantitative assessment of their presence is required by means of detecting and recognizing the potentially unstable areas. This research aims to develop a method supported on semiautomatic methods to detect potential mass movements at a regional scale. Five techniques were studied: Morphometry, SAR interferometry (InSAR), Persistent Scatterer InSAR (PS-InSAR), SAR polarimetry (PolSAR) and NDVI composites of Landsat 5, Landsat 7, and Landsat 8. The case study was chosen within the mid-eastern area of the Cauca state, which is characterised by its mountainous terrain and the presence of slope instabilities, officially registered in the CGS-SIMMA landslide inventory. This inventory revealed that the type `slide' occurred with 77.4% from the entire registries, `fall' with 16.5%, followed by `creeps' with 3%, flows with 2.6%, and `lateral spread' with 0.43%. As a result, we obtained the morphometric variables: slope, CONVI, TWI, landform, which were highly associated with landslides. The effect of a DEM in the processing flow of the InSAR method was similar for the InSAR coherence variable using the DEMs ASTER, PALSAR RTC, Topo-map, and SRTM. Then, a multiInSAR analysis gave displacement velocities in the LOS direction between -10 and 10 mm/year. With the dual-PolSAR analysis (Sentinel-1), VH and VV C-band polarised radar energy emitted median values of backscatters, for landslides, about of -14.5 dB for VH polarisation and -8.5 dB for VV polarisation. Also, L-band fully polarimetric NASA-UAVSAR data allowed to nd the mechanism of dispersion of CGS landslide inventory: 39% for surface scattering, 46.4% for volume dispersion, and 14.6% for double-bounce scattering. The optical remote sensing provided NDVI composites derived from Landsat series between 2012 and 2016, showing that NDVI values between 0.40 and 0.70 had a high correlation to landslides. In summary, we found the highest categories related to landslides by Weight of Evidence method (WofE) for each spaceborne technique applied. Finally, these results were merged to generate the landslide detection model by using the supervised machine learning method of Random Forest. By taking training and test samples, the precision of the detection model was of about 70% for the rotational and translational types.Los deslizamientos son una amenaza natural que causa pérdidas humanas, daños a la infraestructura y degradación del suelo. Una evaluación cuantitativa de su presencia se requiere mediante la detección y el reconocimiento de potenciales áreas inestables. Esta investigación tuvo como alcance desarrollar un método soportado en métodos semi-automáticos para detectar potenciales movimientos en masa a escala regional. Cinco técnicas fueron estudiadas: Morfometría, Interferometría radar, Interferometría con Persistent Scatterers, Polarimetría radar y composiciones del NDVI con los satélites Landsat 5, Landsat 7 y Landsat 8. El caso de estudio se seleccionó dentro de la región intermedia al este del departamento del Cauca, la cual se caracteriza por terreno montañoso y la presencia de inestabilidades de la pendiente oficialmente registrados en el servicio SIMMA del Servicio Geológico Colombiano. Este inventario reveló que el tipo de movimiento deslizamiento ocurrió con una frecuencia relativa de 77.4%, caidos con el 16.5% de los casos y reptaciones con 3%, flujos con 2.6% y propagación lateral con 0.43%. Como resultado, se obtuvo las variables morfométricas: pendiente, convergencia, índice topográfico de humedad y forma del terreno altamente asociados con los deslizamientos. El efecto de un DEM en el procesamiento del método InSAR fue similar para la variable coherencia usando los DEMs: ASTER, PAlSAR RTC, Topo-map y SRTM. Un análisis Multi-InSAR estimó velocidades de desplazamiento en dirección de vista del radar entre -10 y 10 mm/año. El análisis de polarimetría dual del Sentinel-1 arrojó valores de retrodispersión promedio de -14.5 dB en la banda VH y -8.5dB en la banda VV. Las cuatro polarimetrías del sensor aéreo UAVSAR permitió caracterizar el mecanismo de dispersión del Inventario de Deslizamiento así: 39% en el mecanismo de superficie, 46.4% en el mecanismo de volumen y 14.6% en el mecanismo de doble rebote. La información generada en el rango óptico permitió obtener composiciones de NDVI derivados de la plataforma Landsat entre los años 2012 y 2016, mostrando que el rango entre 0.4 y 0.7 tuvieron una alta asociación con los deslizamientos. En esta investigación se determinaron las categorías de las variables de Teledetección más altamente relacionadas con los movimientos en masa mediante el método de Pesos de Evidencias (WofE). Finalmente, estos resultados se fusionaron para generar el modelo de detección de deslizamientos usando el método supervisado de aprendizaje de máquina Random Forest. Tomando muestras aleatorias para entrenar y validar el modelo en una proporción 70:30, el modelo de detección, especialmente los movimientos de tipo rotacional y traslacional fueron clasificados con una tasa general de éxito del 70%.Ministerio de CienciasConvocatoria 647 de 2014Research line: Geotechnics and Geoenvironmental HazardDoctorad