95 research outputs found

    The analysis of passenger air transport development in Poland over the period 2010-2018

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    Purpose: The aim of the conducted research was analysis of data regarding aviation activities in the field of passenger transport at Polish airports over the period 2010-2018. Design/Methodology/Approach: The Analysis of the air travel segment referring passenger transport in Polish airports is based on available literature, analysis and statistical documentation of the air transport market for the years 2010-2018. Findings: The Polish market of air services continues to be in a state of flux. The pace at which changes occur results from a combination of external and internal factors, which precondition the behaviour of air carriers and customers, and the operation of airports. When analysing air transport development forecast, we can see a further upward trend in the number of activities of all market participants. That said, in the near future we should be expecting an expansion of connections, erection of state-of-the-art infrastructure, new air services, and above all a growth of importance of Poland on the aviation map of Europe. Practical Implications: Having regard to data included in the study, without a doubt the Polish aviation market should be considered a strongly developing one, having enormous potential ensuing not only from population mobility different EU standards, but also from demographic potential of Poland, gradual wealth gaining of the Polish society, and Poland’s geographic location. Originality/Value: A comparative analysis of the potential of selected air carriers and airports with respect to the volume of transported passengers and flights performed.peer-reviewe


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    In the times of quick and widespread changes, innovations and new ways of city management, new approaches to planning of strategic development of urban entities are expected. Therefore there is a continuing search for possibilities of acquiring new information about the city market and ways to shape it, residents’ participation and involvement, and also creating city openness. Urban centres are not closed entities but they have strong relations with the local, domestic and global markets. There is a search for new directions and priorities in strategic planning of social and economic development, while the established goals follow consultations, workshops and meetings of various groups of urban stakeholders. The consequences of long-term implementation of a city’s image as open is, on the one hand, its recognisability, yet – on the other one – the experience of positive and negative effects of the implementation. The purpose of the study is to identify selected contemporary conditions of strategic planning of a city’s social and economic development, emphasising – in particular – the bases for creating a city’s openness, including the related opportunities and hazards. Another intention is to highlight innovative ways of collecting market information about needs and aspirations of city users, as well as to form the residents’ attitude towards their involvement in the development of their living space. The applied research methods include literature studies, benchmarking and reasoning.dobie szybkich i szerokich zmian, innowacji i nowych sposobów zarządzania miastem oczekiwane są nowe podejścia do planowania strategicznego rozwoju tych jednostek. Wobec czego po- szukuje się możliwości pozyskania nowych informacji o rynku miasta i wpływania na niego; partycypacji i zaangażowania mieszkańców oraz kreowania otwartości miasta. Ośrodki miejskie nie są zamkniętymi organami, mają one silne relacje z rynkiem lokalnym, krajowym i globalnym. W planowaniu strategicznym rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego poszukują nowych kierunków i priorytetów, a wskazane cele są następ- stwem konsultacji, warsztatów i spotkań wielu grup użytkowników miasta. Konsekwencją długookresowego wdrażania wizerunku miasta jako otwartego jest z jednej strony jego rozpoznawalność, z drugiej strony miasto odczuwa pozytywne i negatywne konsekwencje tego działania. Celem badania jest wskazanie wybra- nych współczesnych uwarunkowań planowania strategicznego rozwoju społeczno-gospodarczego miasta, szczególnie podkreślając podstawy kreowania jego otwartości, w tym szanse i zagrożenia płynące z takiego działania. Dodatkowym zamierzeniem jest wskazanie innowacyjnych sposobów zbierania informacji z rynku o potrzebach i dążeniach użytkowników miasta; a także kreowanie postawy zaangażowania mieszkańców w rozwój przestrzeni, w której funkcjonują. Zastosowane metody badawcze to: studia literatury, benchmar- king, wnioskowanie

    Urban exploring - city - heritage - identity

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    This article presents the urban exploring movement, which, in spite of being regarded as quite controversial, is gaining more and more popularity in Poland as well as all over the world. It is an urban cultural movement operating on the border of legality, which is often mistaken for vandalism. If one were to consider the phenomenon from the perspective of culture studies, it should be seen in broader terms, with all its positive aspects. Urban explorers document their work with the use of photographs, historical descriptions and maps of places which are usually not taken into account by people and authorities responsible for heritage. The explorers facilitate the act of preservation of cultural and historical memory and popularization of heritage, which is usually beyond the reach of tourists. It, however, presents a more complete picture of humans and their civilization as well as the history of a given place

    The clarinet as extension of the voice and expressive conduit of musical styles in diverse ensembles : a thesis submitted for [i.e. to] the Victoria University of Wellington in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Musicology, 2011 : New Zealand School of Music, Wellington, New Zealand

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    Original research into the links between vocal and clarinet tone reveals how clarinettists act as expressive conduits of musical styles in diverse ensembles. This research is relevant to musicologists and anthropologists as well as clarinettists and composers, who wish to gain an understanding of the vocal links in clarinet playing, and how clarinettists function in socio-musical contexts. Research is mainly based on Musicology and Music Education (vocal-clarinet links), and also refers to sources in Anthropology (musical identity), and Ethnomusicology (music in ensembles) in order to find some insightful connections. Ethnographic fieldwork is based on four professional freelance clarinettists in four different ensembles in Wellington, New Zealand. Their function in western art and contemporary art music, jazz and klezmer music is explored, to discover how these clarinettists extend, mirror, partner, or replace the voice in these musical contexts. Additional work undertaken on bodymind integration is designed to complement the musical identity work in the thesis and to enhance the musicianship and physical wellbeing of clarinettists. The section on clarinet design illustrates how different combinations of instruments and mouthpieces can vary the tone quality of the clarinet and enhance individual playing styles. The research shows that due to the versatility and flexibility of the instrument, clarinettists are able to transcend gender, ethnic, and ensemble boundaries, to take on leadership roles and to act as expressive conduits of musical styles in and between diverse ensembles. The outcome of the research highlights the intersection between the physiological relationship between the voice and the clarinet and scholarship on musical identity

    On the road : "Donikąd" ("To Nowhere") by Michał Milczarek

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    W pracy poddana została analizie książka Donikąd. Podróże na skraj Rosji (2019) Michała Milczarka –filozofa, rusycysty i podróżnika. Autorka zwraca uwagę na obraz narratora, a także świat, jaki kreuje w perspektywie motywu drogi rozumianego w sposób przestrzenny i metaforyczny. Szczególne zainteresowanie budzi pojęcie „donikąd”. Autorka dowodzi, że postrzeganie rzeczywistości przez pisarza wyrasta z dziecięcego doświadczenia fantazjowania (fantazmaty) oraz opiera się na pojęciach filozofii egzystencjalizmu, szczególnie Martina Heideggera, takich jak „skrytość bycia” i „nicość”.The article is dedicated to the book Nowhere. Journey to the Edge of Russia (2019) by Polish philosopher, philologist and traveller Michal Milcharek. The author of the article pays attention to the narrator’s image, motif of a road and the term “nowhere”. The author argues that the writer’s perception is rooted in the child’s phantasmatization (phantasm) and philosophical concepts of existentialism, most importantly Martin Heidegger’s ideas of “the hiddenness of being” and nothingness.В статье исследуется книга В никуда. Путешествие на край России (2019) польского философа, русиста и путешественника – Михала Мильчарка. Автор статьи обращает внимание на образ рассказчика и создаваемый им мир сквозь призму мотива пути, понимаемого в пространственном и метафорическом значениях. Особенный интерес вызывает содержащееся в заглавии понятие «никуда». Автор доказывает, что восприятие писателем действительности основано на произрастающем из детского опыта фантазировании и на философских понятиях экзистенциального характера, прежде всего на философии Мартина Хайдеггера, в частности «скрытости бытия» и Ничто

    Report on Financial-Economic Activities of the Branch Headquarters for the Period: January 1, 1944 to January 29, 1944

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    Oddział Polskiej Y.M.C.A. przy A.P.W. w Obozach Junaków. Sprawozdanie z diałalności finansowe-gospodarczej Centrali Oddziału za okres : 1.I.44 – 29.II.44. [Branch of the Polish YMCA attached to the Polish Army in the East in Junak Camps. Report on financial-economic activities of the Branch Headquarters for the period: January 1, 1944 to January 29, 1944. Unsigned. (In Polish).https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/ymcadocs/1016/thumbnail.jp

    Report on the Activities of the Headquarters of the Branch of the Polish YMCA

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    Sprawozdanie z działalnoci Centrali Oddziału Polskiej YMCA przy Dowodztwie Szkól Junaków / gospodarka otryzmanym budżetom i darami /, za okres: 1.I.1943 – 30.IX.1943.” [Report on the activities of the Headquarters of the Branch of the Polish YMCA with the Headquarters of the Junak Schools / accounts for monies received and gifts for the period January 1, 1943 – September 30, 1943.” Submitted by Zofia Krzyżanowska, Tel Aviv, Palestine, December 4, 1943. 29p.https://digitalcommons.buffalostate.edu/ymcadocs/1018/thumbnail.jp

    Proper names in French translation of tourist texts concerning Krakow

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    It is claimed that the translation of proper names is not difficult because proper names are not supposed to be translated. However, a corpus of travel guides devoted to Krakow that I have analyzed shows that the translation of proper names in tourist texts poses a number of problems. This study aims to address the problems encountered by translators in the process of transferring names from French to Polish in tourist texts concerning Krakow, as well as the methods used to solve those problems.On prétend que la traduction des noms propres n’est pas difficile car... les noms propres ne se traduisent pas. Pourtant, l’analyse des textes touristiques, d’après le corpus restreint de guides touristiques consacrés à Cracovie que nous avons examiné, prouve que la traduction des noms propres pose un certain nombre de problèmes. Cette étude vise à répondre aux questions concernant les techniques utilisées et les problèmes rencontrés par les traducteurs dans le processus de transfert des noms propres du français vers le polonais dans les textes touristiques sur Cracovie

    Zagrożenia dla lotnictwa cywilnego

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    Ensuring security in the civil aviation sector is a priority activity for many aviation organizations. This is confirmed by numerous documents regulating civil aviation security problems, issued not only at the level of national and EU law, but also in conventions of international scope. The risk of security disruption in civil aviation is enormous because there are many risks that can contribute to the loss of security. There are attempts to counteract them, however, if they are be effective, it is necessary to be aware of the dangers and their potential consequences. They may have a military, non-military background, or come from an internal or external environment of a given aviation organization. Various possible threats originating from these sources have been presented and described in the article.Zapewnienie bezpieczeństwa w sektorze lotnictwa cywilnego jest priorytetowym działaniem wielu organizacji lotniczych. Potwierdzeniem tego są liczne dokumenty regulujące kwestie ochrony lotnictwa cywilnego, wydane nie tylko na szczeblu prawa krajowego i unijnego, ale również w konwencjach o zasięgu międzynarodowym. Ryzyko zaburzenia bezpieczeństwa w lotnictwie cywilnym jest ogromne, ponieważ istnieje wiele zagrożeń, które mogą przyczynić się do jego utracenia. Dąży się do przeciwdziałania im, jednak aby były one skuteczne niezbędna jest świadomość istnienia zagrożeń i ich potencjalnych skutków. Mogą one posiadać podłoże militarne, nie militarne, bądź też pochodzić z otoczenia wewnętrznego lub zewnętrznego danej organizacji lotniczej. Różne możliwe zagrożenia pochodzące właśnie z tych źródeł, zostały przedstawione i opisane w tym opracowaniu

    Konteksty istnienia: życie, media i sacrum w orędziach papieża Benedykta XVI

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    The presentation of the theme The life, the media and the sacrum in the messages of the pope Benedict XVI is based on the pontifical messages for the World Communications Day. In the first part it is shown how the human life is understood as linked to multiple, as Benedict XVI defined, contexts. Then it is presented the relationship of mutual helping each other between two selected contexts of life which are sacrum and communication. The last part presents, according to the Pope, the media as a favorable environment for the human spiritual life.Artykuł prezentuje podany w tytule temat na podstawie orędzi papieża Benedykta XVI na Światowy Dzień Środków Społecznego Przekazu. W pierwszej części ukazano, w jaki sposób orędzia przedstawiają życie ludzkie jako powiązane z wieloma, jak to określa Benedykt XVI, kontekstami. Następnie zaprezentowano relacje między kontekstami – środowiskami życia, którymi są sacrum i komunikacja, jako wzajemne wspomaganie się. Ostatnia część ukazuje rozumienie mediów jako środowiska sprzyjającego życiu duchowemu człowieka