128 research outputs found

    A Generic Network and System Management Framework

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    Networks and distributed systems have formed the basis of an ongoing communications revolution that has led to the genesis of a wide variety of services. The constantly increasing size and complexity of these systems does not come without problems. In some organisations, the deployment of Information Technology has reached a state where the benefits from downsizing and rightsizing by adding new services are undermined by the effort required to keep the system running. Management of networks and distributed systems in general has a straightforward goal: to provide a productive environment in which work can be performed effectively. The work required for management should be a small fraction of the total effort. Most IT systems are still managed in an ad hoc style without any carefully elaborated plan. In such an environment the success of management decisions depends totally on the qualification and knowledge of the administrator. The thesis provides an analysis of the state of the art in the area of Network and System Management and identifies the key requirements that must be addressed for the provisioning of Integrated Management Services. These include the integration of the different management related aspects (i.e. integration of heterogeneous Network, System and Service Management). The thesis then proposes a new framework, INSMware, for the provision of Management Services. It provides a fundamental basis for the realisation of a new approach to Network and System Management. It is argued that Management Systems can be derived from a set of pre-fabricated and reusable Building Blocks that break up the required functionality into a number of separate entities rather than being developed from scratch. It proposes a high-level logical model in order to accommodate the range of requirements and environments applicable to Integrated Network and System Management that can be used as a reference model. A development methodology is introduced that reflects principles of the proposed approach, and provides guidelines to structure the analysis, design and implementation phases of a management system. The INSMware approach can further be combined with the componentware paradigm for the implementation of the management system. Based on these principles, a prototype for the management of SNMP systems has been implemented using industry standard middleware technologies. It is argued that development of a management system based on Componentware principles can offer a number of benefits. INSMware Components may be re-used and system solutions will become more modular and thereby easier to construct and maintain

    Working Notes from the 1992 AAAI Workshop on Automating Software Design. Theme: Domain Specific Software Design

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    The goal of this workshop is to identify different architectural approaches to building domain-specific software design systems and to explore issues unique to domain-specific (vs. general-purpose) software design. Some general issues that cut across the particular software design domain include: (1) knowledge representation, acquisition, and maintenance; (2) specialized software design techniques; and (3) user interaction and user interface


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    Software development is beset with problems relating to development productivity, resulting in projects delivered late and over budget. While the term software engineering was first introduced in the late sixties, its current state reflects no other engineering discipline. Component-orientation has been proposed as a technique to address the problems of development productivity and much industrial literature extols the benefits of a component-oriented approach to software development. This research programme assesses the use of component technologies within industrial software development. From this assessment, consideration is given to how organisations can best adopt such techniques. Initial work focuses upon the nature of component-orientation, drawing from the considerable body of industrial literature in the area. Conventional wisdom regarding componentorientation is identified from the review. Academic literature relevant to the research programme focuses upon knowledge regarding the assessment of software technologies and models for the adoption of emergent technologies. The method pays particular attention to literature concerning practitioner focussed research, in particular case studies. The application of the case study method is demonstrated. The study of two industrial software development projects enables an examination of specific propositions related to the effect of using component technologies. Each case study is presented, and the impact of component-orientation is each case is demonstrated. Theories regarding the impact of component technologies upon software development are drawn from case study results. These theories are validated through a survey of practitioners. This enabled further examination of experience in component-based development and also understanding how developers learn about the techniques. A strategy for the transfer of research findings into organisational knowledge focuses upon the packaging of previous experience in the use of component-orientation in such a way that it was usable by other developers. This strategy returns to adoption theories in light of the research findings and identifies a pattern-based approach as the most suitable for the research aims. A pattern language, placed in the context of the research programme, is developed from this strategy. Research demonstrates that component-orientation undoubtedly does affect the development process, and it is necessary to challenge conventional wisdom regarding their use. While component-orientation provides the mechanisms for increased productivity in software development, these benefits cannot be exploited without a sound knowledge base around the domain

    A distributed intelligent network based on CORBA and SCTP

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    The telecommunications services marketplace is undergoing radical change due to the rapid convergence and evolution of telecommunications and computing technologies. Traditionally telecommunications service providers’ ability to deliver network services has been through Intelligent Network (IN) platforms. The IN may be characterised as envisioning centralised processing of distributed service requests from a limited number of quasi-proprietary nodes with inflexible connections to the network management system and third party networks. The nodes are inter-linked by the operator’s highly reliable but expensive SS.7 network. To leverage this technology as the core of new multi-media services several key technical challenges must be overcome. These include: integration of the IN with new technologies for service delivery, enhanced integration with network management services, enabling third party service providers and reducing operating costs by using more general-purpose computing and networking equipment. In this thesis we present a general architecture that defines the framework and techniques required to realise an open, flexible, middleware (CORBA)-based distributed intelligent network (DIN). This extensible architecture naturally encapsulates the full range of traditional service network technologies, for example IN (fixed network), GSM-MAP and CAMEL. Fundamental to this architecture are mechanisms for inter-working with the existing IN infrastructure, to enable gradual migration within a domain and inter-working between IN and DIN domains. The DIN architecture compliments current research on third party service provision, service management and integration Internet-based servers. Given the dependence of such a distributed service platform on the transport network that links computational nodes, this thesis also includes a detailed study of the emergent IP-based telecommunications transport protocol of choice, Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP). In order to comply with the rigorous performance constraints of this domain, prototyping, simulation and analytic modelling of the DIN based on SCTP have been carried out. This includes the first detailed analysis of the operation of SCTP congestion controls under a variety of network conditions leading to a number of suggested improvements in the operation of the protocol. Finally we describe a new analytic framework for dimensioning networks with competing multi-homed SCTP flows in a DIN. This framework can be used for any multi-homed SCTP network e.g. one transporting SIP or HTTP

    University of Helsinki Department of Computer Science Annual Report 1998

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    Service creation and deployment on an intelligent network

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    Active competition in the telecommunications industry has caused a dramatic shift in focus for public network operators. Service designers need to be able to easily and rapidly create services according to the customer’s requirements. This is achievable by using Intelligent Networks (INs). Two primary goals of service development under the Intelligent Network paradigm are rapid service crcation using new software technologies and the minimisation of service development costs through switch vendor independence. This thesis examines the development of an IN architecture and the deployment of two call control services on it using the ITU-T Service Independent Building Block (SIB) methodology. The services are deployed on a narrow-band Excel switching platform. Various aspects of the IN Conceptual Model (INCM) are examined with a particular emphasis on the middle two planes: the Global Functional Plane (GFP) and the Distributed Functional Plane (DFP). Representations of these planes are designed using the ITU-T Specification and Description Language (SDL) [SDL89] and implemented using Telelogic’s SDL Development Tool (SDT). SDL provides capabilities to allow logical structuring of the INCM into its constituent entities, the modelling of communication between these entities and the processing within them. The Intelligent Network paradigm was developed with a view to extendibility. Two call control services, Ringback and Group Call Pickup, are implemented using the SIB methodology. Further services may be created by rearranging the order of execution of the existing SIBs or, if necessary, by adding new SIBs to the architecture. Given the demand for multimedia applications to run on top of emerging broadband networks it is becoming increasingly more important for network operators to study the enhancement and evolution of their IN service platforms in order to cope with new customer requirements. TINA is the leading architecture for multimedia service control and delivery, which defines an emerging open service platform. Migration from IN to TINA is explored in this thesis by considering two individual paths of migration. The first path involves the replacement of the IN service control and management elements (SCF, SMF, SDF) with appropriate TINA Computational Objects while the switching elements (SSF, CCF) remain IN compliant. As there is no one-to-one mapping of IN functional entities to TINA computational objects, an Adaptation Unit is required to facilitate interaction between the legacy IN entities and the TINA Computational Objects. The advantage of this step is that it is possible to keep the investment of deployed IN SSPs while taking advantage of TINA service modelling. The second step involves the introduction of TINA into the switch. In this approach the switch and its switching capabilities may be viewed as a TINA object in itself. Interworking between IN and TINA (as a step towards full migration to TINA) yields a much richer service platform. This service platform facilitates the creation of services that incorporate both IN and TINA features. A TINA service may use pieces of IN functionality and IN services may also use TINA functionality. It is possible to invoke these hybrid services from either a PSTN or a TINA terminal. Three hybrid IN/TINA services were designed to demonstrate the increased resources available to the service designer using such a platform. A user connected to the IN switch invokes the Freephone Service. This service uses a TINA database to convert the 1-800 number to an extension number. The call is then connected using IN switching functionality. The Audio Video Conference, uses TINA computational objects to set up a video stream between participating users while the audio connection is handled by the IN switching functionality. This service is invoked from a TINA terminal. A user connected to the IN switch invokes the Ringback Service but it runs in the TINA domain using both TINA and IN functionality. Therefore, as well as presenting an application of the IN technology, this thesis proposes possible steps towards migration to the TINA architecture

    Management of Carrier Grade Intra-Domain Ethernet

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    Internet ei ole enää pelkkä tiedonlähde, vaan enenevässä määrin kriittisempi osa yhteiskunnan infrastruktuuria. Nykyiset Internet-palveluja tuottavat teknologiat - IPv4 osoitteistuksessa, MPLS siirtoalustana ja SDH fyysisenä välitysteknologiana - ovat alkaneet menettää valta-asemaansa samalla kun kaikille tuttu verkkoteknologia, Ethernet, on laajentunut lähiverkoista runkoverkkoihin. Maailmassa on miljoonia Ethernet-lähiverkkoja. Olisi kustannustehokaampaa toteuttaa myös näiden lähiverkkojen väliset siirtoyhteydet Ethernetillä. Halu kustannustehokkuuteen ja teknologian konsolidointiin on tuonut esille tarpeen ns. operaattorikestoisille Ethernet-palveluille. Koska Ethernetistä puuttuu määrättyjä ominaisuuksia joita ilman on mahdotonta toteuttaa siirtoverkkopalveluja, näitä operaattori-Ethernet-palveluja on tuotettu toistaiseksi olemassa olevilla tekniikoilla, kuten MPLS:llä. Tulevaisuudessa todellinen haaste on luoda operaattoritasoinen, Ethernet-pohjainen siirtoverkkoteknologia, joka kykenee tuottamaan Ethernet-palvelujen lisäksi mitä tahansa muita tietoliikennepalveluja. Tämä diplomityö käsittelee operaattoritasoisen Ethernetin hallintaa yhden runkoverkkoalueen sisällä. Työssä käydään läpi standardoidut operaattorikestoiset Ethernet-palvelut, teknologiat joilla palveluja tällä hetkellä tuotetaan, ehdokkaat tulevaisuuden Ethernet-siirtoverkkoteknologioiksi sekä keskeisimmät verkonhallintaan liittyvät standardit. Työn jälkimmäisessä puoliskossa esitellään Euroopan Unionin 7th Framework ETNA -projektia varten kehitetty verkonhallintajärjestelmä. Hallintajärjestelmä tarjoaa rajapinnan jonka kautta on mahdollista provisioida suojattuja Ethernet-palveluja kahden asiakasliityntäpisteen välillä, ja lisäksi lähetyspuita joissa kohteina on useampi asiakaspiste. Hallintajärjestelmältä tilatut palvelut viestitetään Ben Gurionin yliopiston toteuttaman, verkkoprosessoreilla toimivan välityskerroksen välitystauluihin.Internet is evolving from its role as a mere information provider to an ubiquitous infrastructure crucial to society. The current technologies running the majority of global Internet - IPv4 in addressing, MPLS as core transport and SDH as the physical transfer technology - have been long-lived. However, their dominance has started to diminish because a network technology common to all, Ethernet, has started to expand from local to metropolitan and wide area networks. Most enterprises and home users already use Ethernet in their LAN. Connecting these sites to MAN or WAN with the same technology is the logical next step in technology consolidation. This has raised the demand for Carrier Ethernet services. However, internally they are still mostly provided with non-Ethernet technologies such as MPLS or SDH, because currently Ethernet lacks the necessary service assurance components. The real challenge in future internetworking is creating a Carrier Ethernet Transport (CET). With CET, any imaginable telecommunication service is delivered with a purely Ethernet based technology. When we have Ethernet in transport networks, it is no more a long stretch to a global, routed end-to-end Ethernet. This thesis covers management of an intra-domain CET control plane. First, Carrier Ethernet services and technologies currently producing these services are analyzed. Second, requirements imposed to CET and current CET candidates are discussed. Third, network management standards and their alignment to carrier business is studied. After the background has been discussed, a control plane management system developed for the EU 7th framework ETNA project is introduced. The management system is capable of provisioning point-to-point and multipoint services and is controlled via a web-service -based northbound interface. The control plane is able to install the services as forwarding entries in a network processor -driven data plane developed at Ben Gurion University

    Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Security in Mobile Multiagent Systems

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    This report contains the Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Security on Security of Mobile Multiagent Systems (SEMAS2002). The Workshop was held in Montreal, Canada as a satellite event to the 5th International Conference on Autonomous Agents in 2001. The far reaching influence of the Internet has resulted in an increased interest in agent technologies, which are poised to play a key role in the implementation of successful Internet and WWW-based applications in the future. While there is still considerable hype concerning agent technologies, there is also an increasing awareness of the problems involved. In particular, that these applications will not be successful unless security issues can be adequately handled. Although there is a large body of work on cryptographic techniques that provide basic building-blocks to solve specific security problems, relatively little work has been done in investigating security in the multiagent system context. Related problems are secure communication between agents, implementation of trust models/authentication procedures or even reflections of agents on security mechanisms. The introduction of mobile software agents significantly increases the risks involved in Internet and WWW-based applications. For example, if we allow agents to enter our hosts or private networks, we must offer the agents a platform so that they can execute correctly but at the same time ensure that they will not have deleterious effects on our hosts or any other agents / processes in our network. If we send out mobile agents, we should also be able to provide guarantees about specific aspects of their behaviour, i.e., we are not only interested in whether the agents carry out-out their intended task correctly. They must defend themselves against attacks initiated by other agents, and survive in potentially malicious environments. Agent technologies can also be used to support network security. For example in the context of intrusion detection, intelligent guardian agents may be used to analyse the behaviour of agents on a firewall or intelligent monitoring agents can be used to analyse the behaviour of agents migrating through a network. Part of the inspiration for such multi-agent systems comes from primitive animal behaviour, such as that of guardian ants protecting their hill or from biological immune systems

    Efficient and Virtualized Scheduling for OFDM-Based High Mobility Wireless Communications Objects

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    Services providers (SPs) in the radio platform technology standard long term evolution (LTE) systems are enduring many challenges in order to accommodate the rapid expansion of mobile data usage. The modern technologies demonstrate new challenges to SPs, for example, reducing the cost of the capital and operating expenditures while supporting high data throughput per customer, extending battery life-per-charge of the cell phone devices, and supporting high mobility communications with fast and seamless handover (HO) networking architecture. In this thesis, a variety of optimized techniques aimed at providing innovative solutions for such challenges are explored. The thesis is divided into three parts. The first part outlines the benefits and challenges of deploying virtualized resource sharing concept. Wherein, SPs achieving a different schedulers policy are sharing evolved network B, allowing SPs to customize their efforts and provide service requirements; as a promising solution for reducing operational and capital expenditures, leading to potential energy savings, and supporting higher peak rates. The second part, formulates the optimized power allocation problem in a virtualized scheme in LTE uplink systems, aiming to extend the mobile devices’ battery utilization time per charge. While, the third part extrapolates a proposed hybrid-HO (HY-HO) technique, that can enhance the system performance in terms of latency and HO reliability at cell boundary for high mobility objects (up to 350 km/hr; wherein, HO will occur more frequent). The main contributions of this thesis are in designing optimal binary integer programmingbased and suboptimal heuristic (with complexity reduction) scheduling algorithms subject to exclusive and contiguous allocation, maximum transmission power, and rate constraints. Moreover, designing the HY-HO based on the combination of soft and hard HO was able to enhance the system performance in term of latency, interruption time and reliability during HO. The results prove that the proposed solutions effectively contribute in addressing the challenges caused by the demand for high data rates and power transmission in mobile networks especially in virtualized resources sharing scenarios that can support high data rates with improving quality of services (QoSs)