561,650 research outputs found

    Teaching self-regulation through role modeling in K-12

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    For K-12 teachers to develop effective teaching skills, integration of role modeling strategies into teaching and learning process as a dimension of selfregulated learning is of the foremost value. Role modeling strategy training through a hybrid professional development model bears the potential to serve as a facilitating component in promoting K-12 teachers’ instructional competence. Conducted within the selfregulated learning framework, this study suggested findings of a teacher professional development training aimed at role modeling strategy implementation at K-12 level. Pursuing a mixed-method model, the current research was performed with 16 teachers who were trained and supervised to integrate role-modeling strategies into their teaching context. In this study, the data sources were role-modelingintegrated lesson plans, trainers’ feedback on these lesson plans, and online student products. The data collection methods included lesson plan evaluation through a role-modeling rubric in a quantitative fashion, whereas content analysis of trainer feedback on lesson plans, latterly revised lesson plans and online student products composed the qualitative aspect. Results revealed that this professional development training achieved significantly positive changes in teachers’ role modeling strategy implementation skills, particularly in terms of teachers’ role as agents in students’ self-regulated learning skills, promotion of student-centered learning and overall improvement in students’ self-regulated learning skills. Further, the integration of education technology tools into lessons was observed to have a positive impact on enhancing students’ self-regulated learning skills. This study could offer major contributions to designing teacher professional development training for researchers, practitioners, and teacher trainers, particularly in role modeling dimension of selfregulated learning

    Tides and Water Levels

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    This site serves as a gateway to three sections devoted to learning about tides and water levels: an online tutorial, an list of links to tidal resources, and formal lesson plans. The tutorial is an overview of the complex systems that govern the movement of tides and water levels. It is content rich, is presented in easy-to-understand language, and includes many illustrative and interactive graphics to visually enhance the text. The links direct users to specific tidal and current data offered within the National Ocean Service and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's family of products. Lesson plans integrate information presented in the tutorial with online data. These lesson plans have been developed for students in grades 9-12 and focus on the forces that cause and effect tides, analysis of the variations in tidal patterns and what conditions may cause them, and the effect of lunar cycles on living organisms. Educational levels: High school

    The need for a system view to regulate artificial intelligence/machine learning-based software as medical device

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    Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine learning (ML) systems in medicine are poised to significantly improve health care, for example, by offering earlier diagnoses of diseases or recommending optimally individualized treatment plans. However, the emergence of AI/ML in medicine also creates challenges, which regulators must pay attention to. Which medical AI/ML-based products should be reviewed by regulators? What evidence should be required to permit marketing for AI/ML-based software as a medical device (SaMD)? How can we ensure the safety and effectiveness of AI/ML-based SaMD that may change over time as they are applied to new data? The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), for example, has recently proposed a discussion paper to address some of these issues. But it misses an important point: we argue that regulators like the FDA need to widen their scope from evaluating medical AI/ML-based products to assessing systems. This shift in perspective—from a product view to a system view—is central to maximizing the safety and efficacy of AI/ML in health care, but it also poses significant challenges for agencies like the FDA who are used to regulating products, not systems. We offer several suggestions for regulators to make this challenging but important transition


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    This research is a research and development that aims to develop learning tools such as student worksheets (LKS) and lesson plans (RPP) on the circles equation. The approach used is scientific approach with the help of Geogebra.The development is done by following 4D models of development that is only done 3 phases: define, design and development without doing disseminate phase. The quality of development products are Valid, Practical and effective. The validation is done by two validators and after validated the products were tested in the classroom to determine it’s practicality and effectiveness level. The subject of this reasearch were the two validators and 22 students of 11th grade senior high school.Keywords: circles equation, scientific approach, geogebra, learning tool

    Developing quality indicators for learning with care

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    As part of its response to the report, the Scottish Executive commissioned work to develop training and other support materials aimed at improving educational outcomes for looked after children and young people. The project was undertaken by a partnership led by the Scottish Institute for Residential Child Care (SIRCC), and including the British Association for Adoption and Fostering, Save the Children, Who Cares? Scotland and the Faculty of Education in the University of Strathclyde. The products of the project included a training pack (Hudson et al., 2003), an information booklet (Connelly, McKay and O'Hagan, 2003) and an independent report prepared by Who Cares? Scotland and Save the Children (Ritchie, 2003). The project team was also asked to undertake the development of quality indicators in response to Recommendation 7 in the Learning With Care report: 'As part of their quality assurance procedures local authorities should undertake an audit of their residential units to assess how far they are educationally rich environments and, where shortcomings are found, make plans to take appropriate action' (ibid., p.7)


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    In lesson plan, MTS Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan teachers have prepared learning tools such as RPP and Syllabus as lesson plans that are supposed to be made and prepared to support the expected learning. This is consistent with the indicators in Rusman's theory that researcher used in carrying out the implementation of learning that needs attention as follows: (1) compiling learning objectives in an operational form; (2) formulating learning objectives in the form of learning products, not learning processes; (3) formulating learning objectives in student behavior, not teacher behavior; (4) formulating standards of behavior to be achieved; (5) containing only one learning goal; and (6) formulating learning objectives in the conditions under which the behavior occurs. Learning is successful if formative and summative evaluations have been carried out after planning and implementing learning. Facilities and infrastructure will support the level of success in implementing Islamic cultural history lesson in MTs Al Washliyah 16 Perbaungan.Keyword: Implementation, Learning

    Rancang-Bangun Perangkat Silabus Dan RPP Sains Kimia Bercirikan Model GI Dengan Media Lingkungan Untuk Siswa Kelas VII Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    A set of syllabus and lesson plans of science chemistry charaterizing group investigation (GI) model andenvironment as learning resources for 7th-grade students of SMP has been developed. The development theproduct was intended to design an active and joyful instructional process for 7th-grade students of SMP inlearning science chemistry. The procedure of the development adopted Hannafin and Peck model that consists ofthree phases. This model was started with a need assessment and analysis (phase 1), then was designing process(phase 2), and finally development and implementation in a real teaching (phase 3). According to experts thedeveloped products are characterized by GI with environmental media. The result of research showed that theproducts could improve student\u27s activities in learning process

    The Effectiveness of Smart Learning Based on Expert Systems in Cryptography Courses

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    The development of science and technology requires universities not only to matter but also to have abilities in their respective fields including Security System. The unavailability of network design laboratory and its minimum, network design, cryptography design and flexibility of face-to-face time in the discussion of material compiled not in accordance with the competencies in this course. To overcome these deficiencies in learning activities, development of a project-based blended learning model is carried out. The development carried out in this study uses the Puslitjaknov development model which reduces the Borg and Gall stages to five stages namely product analysis, initial product design, expert validation and revision, field trials and implementation. Data were collected by interview, observation, questionnaire and test. Data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods to produce research products in the form of books, modules, learning plans and manuals for the use of learning applications. Product validation by experts, practicality tests carried out by users and effectiveness tests with student learning outcomes. Based on the results of data analysis, the results of this study are: 1) Research has successfully developed a project-based blended learning model in Cryptography courses. 2) The developed learning model syntax consists of 9 stages / syntax. 3) In supporting learning activities, modules, RPS and manuals are used for learning applications. All products and models developed have been developed and are categorized as valid, practical and effective
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