144,754 research outputs found


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    The development of learning technology continues to shift little by little over time causing the use of multimedia in learning to become a common thing. The research entitled the application of multimedia in learning Islamic religious education at SMA Islam Nusantara Malang has the aim of describing the planning, and control of multimedia application in learning Islamic religious education at SMA Islam Nusantara Malang. The method used in this research is qualitative research with the type of case study research. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that: (1) The learning planning process using multimedia in Islamic religious education learning at SMA Islam Nusantara Malang is planning for multimedia learning in a computer laboratory which is carried out by preparing multimedia-based learning facilities and infrastructure, such as computers, LCDs, projectors, sound system and internet network. (2) The process of controlling the application of multimedia in learning Islamic religious education at SMA Islam Nusantara Malang is the process of implementing learning in the computer laboratory, namely: explaining the material, seeking additional information via the internet, discussing, concluding the ongoing learning.

    Perancangan Multimedia Interaktif Offline Bilingual Untuk Penguasaan Istilah Asing Pada Materi Public Area Di Akomodasi Perhotelan

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    This research is background by limited of student skill in mastery of foreign term. Using in intructional media of public area subject is limited, in oder to need inovative instructional media that help student. This research purpose to create interactive bilingual offline media as instructionall madia that help student to mastery foreign term of public area subject. This reearsch uses research and development by PPE model is planning, production, and evaluation. At design stage of interactive multimedia assisted with flow charts and story board to facilitate production process. The production process is carried out based on the design has been created. At this stage of the development of interactive multimedia software supporting mainly using Macromedia Flash 8. Participants in this research are two media expert to expert judgment interactive multimedia. Expert judgment for offline interactive multimedia bilingual by first media experts on feasible criteria with some suggestions for improvement. The results of the second phase of expert judgment criteria are eligible without revision after repair. Repairs carried out in accordance input from media experts. The end product of this research is a CD Interactive. Recomendation for next  researcher can research of implementation in interactive bilingual offline multimedia for mastery of foreign term of public area subject or about interactive multimedia from other subject in hospitality acomofation

    Modifikasi Multimedia Development Lifecycle dan Proses Produksi Video Dalam Pembuatan Perangkat Multimedia Untuk Film Dokumenter: “Krupuk Amplang Balikpapan”

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    Abstract— Proses pembuatan produk multimedia menggunakan pendekatan yang identik dengan rekayasa perangkat lunak (SDLC). Pada pengembangannya, SDLC mengalami modifikasi sesuai dengan ruang lingkup dataset multimedia dan memunculkan metodologi Multimedia Development Lifecylce (MDLC). Namun metodologi ini memiliki kelemahan apabila produk multimedia yang dikembangkan berbasis waktu karena memiliki pendekatan yang berbeda. Sebagai contoh produksi film umumnya mementingkan tahap pra-produksi, produksi dan pasca-produksi seperti pada alur pengerjaan proses produksi video. Tahapan ini belum pernah diakomodasi sebelumnya pada standar MDLC. Kami mengusulkan modifikasi MDLC untuk mengkombinasikan proses produksi video agar dapat membantu pihak pengembang dalam merencanakan dan membangun produk multimedia berbasis waktu. Untuk memvalidasi usulan metode ini, kami menggunakan studi kasus film dokumenter krupuk Amplang Balikpapan. Studi kasus ini dipilih karena krupuk Amplang Balikpapan kurang dikenal oleh masyarakat terutama dari luar Balikpapan. Popularitasnya masih dibawah krupuk Amplang Samarinda. Film dokumenter ini perlu dilengkapi dengan perangkat pelengkap dalam bentuk website interaktif sehingga relevan dengan penerapan modifikasi MDLC. Hasil pengujian menggunakan Film Analysis Guide serta uji t berpasangan terhadap data responden setelah memakai produk ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa metode usulan modifikasi MDLC dapat menjadi alternatif pengembangan produk multimedia berbasis waktu. Keywords: mdlc, proses produksi video, film dokumenter, amplang, balikpapan   Abstrak— The production of multimedia products follows a methodology that is identical to software engineering (SDLC). During the process of its development, the Standard Development Lifecycle (SDLC) was altered to accommodate the comprehensive nature of the multimedia dataset, which resulted in the emergence of the Multimedia Development Lifecycle (MDLC) methodology. On the other hand, if the multimedia product that is being developed is time-based, then this methodology is inadequate because it takes a different approach. For instance, the pre-production, production, and post-production stages of film production are the most important ones to focus on, just as they are in the workflow of the video production process. The MDLC standard has never before made room for this level in any of its iterations. As a result, we suggest a change to the MDLC in order to combine the video production process in order to provide developers with assistance in the process of planning and producing time-based multimedia products. In order to demonstrate the viability of this proposed strategy, we conducted a case study based on the documentary film crackers Amplang Balikpapan. The Amplang Balikpapan crackers were selected for this case study because they are not as well known by the general public, particularly those who are not from the Balikpapan area. Its notoriety is not yet on par with that of the crackers sold in Amplang Samarinda. In addition, in order for this documentary to be useful in the process of implementing the MDLC alteration, it needs to be accompanied with supplementary resources. One example of these tools is an interactive website. The results of the test using the Film Analysis Guide and a t-paired test of the respondent's data after using this product can be obtained by saying that the modified MDLC method can be an alternative time-based multimedia product development. This was determined by comparing the data from both of these test. Kata kunci: mdlc, video production process, documentary movies, amplang, balikpapan &nbsp


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    AbstrakPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan produk (media pembelajaran) dan mengetahui kelayakan dari produk yang dihasilkan. Produk yang dikembangkan ialah multimedia interaktif berbasis aplikasi android dengan materi konsep multimedia interaktif, mata pelajaran desain multimedia interaktif kelas XII Multimedia di SMKN 1 Jombang. Penelitian ini menggunakan model ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5 tahapan yaitu Analyze (analisis), Desain (perencanaan), Development (pengembangan), Implementation (implementasi) dan Evaluation (evaluasi). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini diperoleh dari hasil angket. Pengembangan ini telah melalui proses uji validasi materi, media dan desain pembelajaran, dimana dari ke 3 uji validasi tersebut mendapatkan hasil sebagai berikut : uji validasi materi mendapatkan persentase 100%, uji validasi media mendapatkan persentase 100%, dan uji validasi desain pembelajaran (RPP) mendapatkan persentase 100%. Lalu untuk hasil uji coba kelayakan media oleh 15 peserta didik mendapatkan persentase 97,33%. Dari hasil keseluruhan persentase tersebut dapat disimpulkan media pembelajaran multimedia interaktif materi konsep multimedia interaktif, mata pelajaran desain multimedia interaktif pada kelas XII di SMKN 1 Jombang dikategorikan sangat baik dan layak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran.Kata kunci : Pengembangan, Multimedia Interaktif, Konsep Multimedia InteraktifAbstractThis study aims to develop a product (learning media) and determine the feasibility of the resulting product. The product developed is interactive multimedia based on android applications with interactive multimedia concept material, interactive multimedia design subjects for class XII Multimedia at SMKN 1 Jombang. This study uses the ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely Analyze (analysis), Design (planning), Development (development), Implementation (implementation) and Evaluation (evaluation). The data collection technique used in this study was obtained from the results of a questionnaire. This development has gone through a process of material, media and learning design validation tests, where from the 3 validation tests the results obtained are as follows: the material validation test gets a percentage of 100%, the media validation test gets a percentage of 100%, and the learning design validation test (RPP) get 100% percentage. Then for the results of the media feasibility trial by 15 students, the percentage was 97.33%. From the results of the overall percentage, it can be concluded that interactive multimedia learning media, interactive multimedia concept material, interactive multimedia design subjects in class XII at SMKN 1 Jombang are categorized as very good and suitable for use in the learning process.Keywords : Development, Interactive Multimedia, Interactive Multimedia Concept

    Development of a multimedia tutorial to educate how to assess the critical view of safety in laparoscopic cholecystectomy using expert review and crowd-sourcing

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    We sought to determine the feasibility of developing a multimedia educational tutorial to teach learners to assess the critical view of safety using input from expert surgeons, non-surgeons and crowd-sourcing. We intended to develop a tutorial that would teach learners how to identify the basic anatomy and physiology of the gallbladder, identify the components of the critical view of safety criteria, and understand its significance for performing a safe gallbladder removal. Using rounds of assessment with experts, laypersons and crowd-workers we developed an educational video with improving comprehension after each round of revision. We demonstrate that the development of a multimedia educational tool to educate learners of various backgrounds is feasible using an iterative review process that incorporates the input of experts and crowd sourcing. When planning the development of an educational tutorial, a step-wise approach as described herein should be considered


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    MULTIMEDIA VIDEO TUTORIAL BATIK CAP TEKNIK BLEACHING SEBAGAI HIASAN APLIKASI PADA TAS Hanny Noviyanti 1505059 [email protected] ABSTRAK Batik cap teknik bleaching merupakan inovasi baru dengan cara mengganti proses pewarnaan pada batik cap dengan teknik bleaching sehingga menghasilkan batik yang memiliki nilai estetis dan keunikan tersendiri. Berdasarkan pembuatannya batik cap teknik bleaching ini memerlukan kreativitas dan ketelitian yang cukup tinggi dimulai dari menentukan motif batik cap, proses meripit/menyusun motif canting cap, dan proses bleaching pada saat menentukan formula sehingga diperlukan multimedia yang menunjang dalam proses pembelajaran menjadi lebih terperinci, jelas, dan menarik. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini berupa metode Research and Development. Prosedur penelitian multimedia video tutorial dilakukan melalui (1) tahap analisis, (2) tahap perencanaan, (3) tahap produksi, (4) tahap validasi, (5) tahap revisi, (6) tahap penilaian. Hasil validasi dari ahli materi diperoleh presentase sebesar 97,1% bahwa multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dinilai sangat layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran batik cap teknik bleaching sebagai hiasan aplikasi pada tas .Validasi dari ahli multimedia diperoleh presentase sebesar 98,6% bahwa multimedia pembelajaran interaktif dinilai sangat layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran. Hasil uji coba terbatas terhadap pengguna diperoleh persentase sebesar 93,8% dinilai sangat layak digunakan untuk menunjang proses pembelajaran batik cap teknik bleaching sebagai hiasan aplikasi pada tas. Temuan dan masukan dari ahli materi dan ahli multimedia berupa kejelasan pada alat dan bahan serta penggunaan kata secara umum, konsistensi penggunaan tombol navigasi, pada video tutorial diberi penjelasan berupa teks secara garis besar, backsound diharapkan ada pada setiap layar. Verifikasi hasil validasi menunjukan bahwa ahli materi dan ahli multimedia menyepakati pengembangan multimedia video tutorial batik cap teknik bleaching sebagai hiasan aplikasi pada tas dibuat sangat layak digunakan sebagai multimedia pada mata kuliah Batik dan Jumputan. Kata Kunci: Multimedia Video Tutorial, Batik Cap Teknik Bleaching, Hiasan Aplikasi, Tas MULTIMEDIA VIDEO TUTORIAL BATIK CAP BLEACHING TECHNIQUE AS A DECORATION OF APPLICATION IN BAG Hanny Noviyanti 1505059 [email protected] Abstract Bleaching batik technique is a new innovation by replacing the coloring process on batik with bleaching technique which has its own aesthetic and unique value. Based on the making of batik, this bleaching technique requires quite high creativity and accuracy, starting from determining the batik cap motif, the process of seizing / composing canting cap motifs, and the bleaching process when determining the formula so that multimedia support is needed in the learning process to be more detailed, clear, and interesting. The method used in this research is the Research and Development method. The procedure of multimedia video tutorial research is carried out through (1) the analysis phase, (2) the planning stage, (3) the production phase, (4) the validation stage, (5) the revision stage, (6) the assessment stage. The results of the validation of the material experts obtained a percentage of 97.1% that interactive learning multimedia is considered very feasible as a learning media for batik cap bleaching techniques as decoration applications on bags. Validation from multimedia experts obtained a percentage of 98.6% that interactive learning multimedia is assessed very feasible to be used as a learning medium. The results of a limited trial of the user obtained a percentage of 93.8% considered very feasible to be used to support the learning process of batik bleaching technique as a decorative application on the bag. Findings and input from material experts and multimedia experts in the form of clarity on tools and materials as well as the use of words in general, the consistency of the use of navigation buttons, video tutorials are given an outline of text, backsounds are expected to exist on each screen. Verification of the results of the validation shows that the material experts and multimedia experts agreed on the development of a batik video tutorial with a batik bleaching technique as a decoration application on a bag made very feasible to use. Key words: Multimedia Video Tutorial, Batik Cap Bleaching Technique, Application Decoration, bag


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    This research is background by limited of student skill in mastery of foreign term. Using in intructional media of public area subject is limited, in oder to need inovative instructional media that help student. This research purpose to create interactive bilingual offline media as instructionall madia that help student to mastery foreign term of public area subject. This reearsch uses research and development by PPE model is planning, production, and evaluation. At design stage of interactive multimedia assisted with flow charts and story board to facilitate production process. The production process is carried out based on the design has been created. At this stage of the development of interactive multimedia software supporting mainly using Macromedia Flash 8. Participants in this research are two media expert to expert judgment interactive multimedia. Expert judgment for offline interactive multimedia bilingual by first media experts on feasible criteria with some suggestions for improvement. The results of the second phase of expert judgment criteria are eligible without revision after repair. Repairs carried out in accordance input from media experts. End product of this research is Interactive Compact Disk. Recomendation for next researcher is about implementation in interactive bilingual offline multimedia for mastery of foreign term of public area subject or about interactive multimedia from other subject in hospitality acomofation. ---------- Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh terbatasnya kemampuan peserta didik dalam penguasaan istilah asing. Penggunaan media pembelajaran untuk membantu penguasaan istilah asing pada materi public area juga masih terbatas, sehingga perlu adanya media pembelajaran inovatif yang bisa membantu peserta didik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat multimedia interaktif offline bilingual sebagai media pembelajaran yang bisa membantu peserta didik dalam penguasaan istilah asing pada materi public area. Penelitian ini menggunakan Research and Development dengan model PPE, yaitu palnning, production, dan evaluation. Pada tahap perancangan multimedia interaktif dibantu dengan penyusunan flow chart dan story board untuk memudahkan proses produksi. Proses produksi dilakukan berdasarkan perancangan yang telah dibuat. Penunjang utama dalam proses produksi menggunakan software macromedia flash 8. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini adalah ahli media yang berjumlah dua orang untuk melakukan expert judgment multimedia interaktif. Expert judgment untuk multimedia interaktif offline bilingual yang dilakukan oleh ahli media pertama berada kriteria layak dengan beberapa saran perbaikan. Expert judgment yang dilakukan oleh ahli media kedua berada pada kriteria layak tanpa revisi setelah dilakukan perbaikan. Hasil expert judgment berdasarkan penilaian dua orang ahli media diperoleh kategori layak. Perbaikan dilakukan sesuai masukan dari ahli media. Produk akhir dari penelitian ini berupa CD Interaktif. Rekomendasi untuk peneliti selanjutnya dapat ditindak lanjuti terkait implementasi multimedia interaktif offline bilingual untuk penguasaan istilah asing pada materi public area atau tentang materi pembelajaran lainnya di akomodasi perhotelan

    Development of Multimedia Interactive Learning of Hydrosphere Material for High School

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    The purpose of this research is the development of learning interactive multimedia at hydrosphere subject matter class  X of high School. The  development research which aims to produce learning interactive multimedia on subjects geography which is valid, practical and effective against the learning outcomes of students. Research development was using the Alessi and Trollip models. The steps of its developers, namely, planning, design, and development. On the stage of the alpha test do the validation on the validator I, validator II, and validator III. Test phase implemented in the class X IPS B SMA Muhammadiyah 6 Palembang. Data collection techniques using interviews, questionnaires, and tests. This research is valid and deserves to be tested after going through the process of validation of the validator I, validator II, and validator III. Through the beta test results the practicality shows the average value of 92,3 to the category of “very practical”. At the stage of field test learning outcomes of students showed an increase which amounted to 56,6 with the average results of the pretest of 24.6, while the posttest results amounted to 81,2 with N-gain of 0.75 then it belongs to the category of high, this shows that the learning interactive multimedia that is developed has a value of valid, practical, effectiveness and worth to use


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    This paper justifies the planning and development of teachers' creativity through media-based learning in English language teaching, especially in the pandemic era. This study used a descriptive-qualitative method with a case study. The data sources consisted of 37 English teachers, school principals, and students involved in the teaching and learning process in SMP 7 Purwokerto. The results showed that the teacher's creativity at the planning stage was demonstrated by consistently well-arranged planning the lessons and adequately preparing the learning media regarding the implementation of multimedia. Regarding creativity at the preliminary stage, ESL teachers employed various mediums to make it easier for pupils to acquire and grasp the topic. Audio, visual, and audiovisual media are examples of media. Audio and visual media were the most commonly employed in ELT classes. The planning and creativity teachers become the main factors to make the class more interactive using several media


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan multimedia pembelajaran interaktif berbasis game petualangan dengan model Problem Solving dan mengetahui seberapa besar pengaruh penggunaan multimedia tersebut terhadap peningkatan pemahaman siswa pada mata pelajaran jaringan dasar materi topologi jaringan serta mengetahui respon siswa terhadap multimedia yang dibangun. Subjek penelitan adalah siswa kelas X TKJ SMK Negeri 5 Bandung. Langkah-langkah pada multimedia ini mengacu pada fase-fase model pembelajaran Prolem solving. Pengembangan multimedia ini dilakukan melalui tahap penelitian dan pengumpulan informasi, perencanaan, pengembangan produk, uji coba dan penilaian. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian Research and Development (R&D), sesuai dengan tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk membangun multimedia pembelajaran. Setelah multimedia dinyatakan layak digunakan, kemudian multimedia digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran jaringan dasar, kemudian untuk mengetahui peningkatan pemahaman digunakan instrumen tes berupa pretest dan posttest yang kemudian dicari nilai gain, untuk mengetahui respon siswa digunakan angket yang didalamnya terdapat aspek rekayasa perangkat lunak, pembelajaran, dan komunikasi visual. Hasil penelitian ini adalah: 1) Multimedia pembelajaran dinyatakan layak dan di kategorikan sangat baik berdasarkan validasi ahli media dengan presentase 76% dan ahli materi dengan persentase 88,75%, 2) Peningkatan pemahaman siswa dengan menggunakan multimedia memperoleh rata-rata nilai gain sebesar 0,73 dan dikategori tinggi pengaruhnya terhadap pembelajaran jaringan dasar. 3) respon positif dari siswa dengan rata-rata presentase 83,59% yang dikategorikan sangat baik.;--- This research aims to develop a multimedia interactive learning model, adventure based game with Problem Solving model, and to determine how much does the usage of multimedia can affect to the improvement of student’s cognitive (comprehension) on the subjects matter of basic network topology of the network and to know the student’s response to the multimedia that is built. Research subjects are class X TKJ SMK Negeri 5 Bandung.Stages in this multimedia refer to problem solving learning model phases. This multimedia development process is done through careful research implementation and information gathering, planning, product development, trials and assessment. This study applies Research and Development (R & D) methods, corresponds to the goal of this research, to develop multimedia learning. After this multimedia is declared eligible to be used, then it will be applied as a medium for learning with subject: basic network. To determine cognitive enhancement of the students, we use test instruments such as pretest and posttest, which after that we determine gain value. To reveal students’s responses, we use questionnaires in which contained aspects such as software engineering, learning/educating, and visual communication. The conclusions of this research are: 1) Multimedia learning is declared to be feasible/proper and cathegorized as very good based to media expert’s validation appraisal with percentage of 76% and subject matter’s expert appraisal with percentage of 88.75%, 2) The increasing of students’s comprehension or understanding by using multimedia attained average score of gain at 0.73, and this is categorized as to have high influence on learning in basic network course. 3) Positive response from students with an average percentage of 83.59% which is considered to be very good
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