15 research outputs found

    Counting Shortest Two Disjoint Paths in Cubic Planar Graphs with an NC Algorithm

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    Given an undirected graph and two disjoint vertex pairs s1,t1s_1,t_1 and s2,t2s_2,t_2, the Shortest two disjoint paths problem (S2DP) asks for the minimum total length of two vertex disjoint paths connecting s1s_1 with t1t_1, and s2s_2 with t2t_2, respectively. We show that for cubic planar graphs there are NC algorithms, uniform circuits of polynomial size and polylogarithmic depth, that compute the S2DP and moreover also output the number of such minimum length path pairs. Previously, to the best of our knowledge, no deterministic polynomial time algorithm was known for S2DP in cubic planar graphs with arbitrary placement of the terminals. In contrast, the randomized polynomial time algorithm by Bj\"orklund and Husfeldt, ICALP 2014, for general graphs is much slower, is serial in nature, and cannot count the solutions. Our results are built on an approach by Hirai and Namba, Algorithmica 2017, for a generalisation of S2DP, and fast algorithms for counting perfect matchings in planar graphs

    NC Algorithms for Computing a Perfect Matching and a Maximum Flow in One-Crossing-Minor-Free Graphs

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    In 1988, Vazirani gave an NC algorithm for computing the number of perfect matchings in K3,3K_{3,3}-minor-free graphs by building on Kasteleyn's scheme for planar graphs, and stated that this "opens up the possibility of obtaining an NC algorithm for finding a perfect matching in K3,3K_{3,3}-free graphs." In this paper, we finally settle this 30-year-old open problem. Building on recent NC algorithms for planar and bounded-genus perfect matching by Anari and Vazirani and later by Sankowski, we obtain NC algorithms for perfect matching in any minor-closed graph family that forbids a one-crossing graph. This family includes several well-studied graph families including the K3,3K_{3,3}-minor-free graphs and K5K_5-minor-free graphs. Graphs in these families not only have unbounded genus, but can have genus as high as O(n)O(n). Our method applies as well to several other problems related to perfect matching. In particular, we obtain NC algorithms for the following problems in any family of graphs (or networks) with a one-crossing forbidden minor: ∙\bullet Determining whether a given graph has a perfect matching and if so, finding one. ∙\bullet Finding a minimum weight perfect matching in the graph, assuming that the edge weights are polynomially bounded. ∙\bullet Finding a maximum stst-flow in the network, with arbitrary capacities. The main new idea enabling our results is the definition and use of matching-mimicking networks, small replacement networks that behave the same, with respect to matching problems involving a fixed set of terminals, as the larger network they replace.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure

    Matching Is as Easy as the Decision Problem, in the NC Model

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    Is matching in NC, i.e., is there a deterministic fast parallel algorithm for it? This has been an outstanding open question in TCS for over three decades, ever since the discovery of randomized NC matching algorithms [KUW85, MVV87]. Over the last five years, the theoretical computer science community has launched a relentless attack on this question, leading to the discovery of several powerful ideas. We give what appears to be the culmination of this line of work: An NC algorithm for finding a minimum-weight perfect matching in a general graph with polynomially bounded edge weights, provided it is given an oracle for the decision problem. Consequently, for settling the main open problem, it suffices to obtain an NC algorithm for the decision problem. We believe this new fact has qualitatively changed the nature of this open problem. All known efficient matching algorithms for general graphs follow one of two approaches: given by Edmonds [Edm65] and Lov\'asz [Lov79]. Our oracle-based algorithm follows a new approach and uses many of the ideas discovered in the last five years. The difficulty of obtaining an NC perfect matching algorithm led researchers to study matching vis-a-vis clever relaxations of the class NC. In this vein, recently Goldwasser and Grossman [GG15] gave a pseudo-deterministic RNC algorithm for finding a perfect matching in a bipartite graph, i.e., an RNC algorithm with the additional requirement that on the same graph, it should return the same (i.e., unique) perfect matching for almost all choices of random bits. A corollary of our reduction is an analogous algorithm for general graphs.Comment: Appeared in ITCS 202

    Planar Maximum Matching: Towards a Parallel Algorithm

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    NC Algorithms for Weighted Planar Perfect Matching and Related Problems

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    Consider a planar graph G=(V,E) with polynomially bounded edge weight function w:E -> [0, poly(n)]. The main results of this paper are NC algorithms for finding minimum weight perfect matching in G. In order to solve this problems we develop a new relatively simple but versatile framework that is combinatorial in spirit. It handles the combinatorial structure of matchings directly and needs to only know weights of appropriately defined matchings from algebraic subroutines. Moreover, using novel planarity preserving reductions, we show how to find: maximum weight matching in G when G is bipartite; maximum multiple-source multiple-sink flow in G where c:E -> [1, poly(n)] is a polynomially bounded edge capacity function; minimum weight f-factor in G where f:V -> [1, poly(n)]; min-cost flow in G where c:E -> [1, poly(n)] is a polynomially bounded edge capacity function and b:V -> [1, poly(n)] is a polynomially bounded vertex demand function. There have been no known NC algorithms for these problems previously

    Building Multiple Classifier Systems Using Linear Combinations of Reduced Graphs.

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    Despite great efforts done in research in the last decades, the classification of general graphs, i.e., graphs with unconstrained labeling and structure, remains a challenging task. Due to the inherent relational structure of graphs it is difficult, or even impossible, to apply standard pattern recognition methods to graphs to achieve high recognition accuracies. Common methods to solve the non-trivial problem of graph classification employ graph matching in conjunction with a distance-based classifier or a kernel machine. In the present paper, we address the specific task of graph classification by means of a novel framework that uses information acquired from a broad range of reduced graph subspaces. Our novel approach can be roughly divided into three successive steps. In the first step, differently reduced graphs are created out of the original graphs relying on node centrality measures. In the second step, we compute the graph edit distance between each reduced graph and all the other graphs of the corresponding graph subspace. Finally, we linearly combine the distances in the third step and feed them into a distance-based classifier to obtain the final classification result. On six graph data sets, we empirically confirm that the proposed multiple classifier system directly benefits from the combined distances computed in the various graph subspaces

    Fairly Allocating Goods in Parallel

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    We initiate the study of parallel algorithms for fairly allocating indivisible goods among agents with additive preferences. We give fast parallel algorithms for various fundamental problems, such as finding a Pareto Optimal and EF1 allocation under restricted additive valuations, finding an EF1 allocation for up to three agents, and finding an envy-free allocation with subsidies. On the flip side, we show that fast parallel algorithms are unlikely to exist (formally, CCCC-hard) for the problem of computing Round-Robin EF1 allocations