391 research outputs found

    Towards Machine Learning-Based FPGA Backend Flow: Challenges and Opportunities

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    Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is at the core of System on Chip (SoC) design across various Industry 5.0 digital systems—healthcare devices, farming equipment, autonomous vehicles and aerospace gear to name a few. Given that pre-silicon verification using Computer Aided Design (CAD) accounts for about 70% of the time and money spent on the design of modern digital systems, this paper summarizes the machine learning (ML)-oriented efforts in different FPGA CAD design steps. With the recent breakthrough of machine learning, FPGA CAD tasks—high-level synthesis (HLS), logic synthesis, placement and routing—are seeing a renewed interest in their respective decision-making steps. We focus on machine learning-based CAD tasks to suggest some pertinent research areas requiring more focus in CAD design. The development of open-source benchmarks optimized for an end-to-end machine learning experience, intra-FPGA optimization, domain-specific accelerators, lack of explainability and federated learning are the issues reviewed to identify important research spots requiring significant focus. The potential of the new cloud-based architectures to understand the application of the right ML algorithms in FPGA CAD decision-making steps is discussed, together with visualizing the scenario of incorporating more intelligence in the cloud platform, with the help of relatively newer technologies such as CAD as Adaptive OpenPlatform Service (CAOS). Altogether, this research explores several research opportunities linked with modern FPGA CAD flow design, which will serve as a single point of reference for modern FPGA CAD flow design

    AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology

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    An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuit (IC) industry in the nanometer regime is the investigation and development of methods that can reduce the design complexity ensuing from growing process variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing. Conventional methodologies employed for such tasks are largely manual; thus, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In contrast, the unique learning strategies of artificial intelligence (AI) provide numerous exciting automated approaches for handling complex and data-intensive tasks in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design and testing. Employing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing reduces the time and effort for understanding and processing the data within and across different abstraction levels via automated learning algorithms. It, in turn, improves the IC yield and reduces the manufacturing turnaround time. This paper thoroughly reviews the AI/ML automated approaches introduced in the past towards VLSI design and manufacturing. Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations

    Design and Programming Methods for Reconfigurable Multi-Core Architectures using a Network-on-Chip-Centric Approach

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    A current trend in the semiconductor industry is the use of Multi-Processor Systems-on-Chip (MPSoCs) for a wide variety of applications such as image processing, automotive, multimedia, and robotic systems. Most applications gain performance advantages by executing parallel tasks on multiple processors due to the inherent parallelism. Moreover, heterogeneous structures provide high performance/energy efficiency, since application-specific processing elements (PEs) can be exploited. The increasing number of heterogeneous PEs leads to challenging communication requirements. To overcome this challenge, Networks-on-Chip (NoCs) have emerged as scalable on-chip interconnect. Nevertheless, NoCs have to deal with many design parameters such as virtual channels, routing algorithms and buffering techniques to fulfill the system requirements. This thesis highly contributes to the state-of-the-art of FPGA-based MPSoCs and NoCs. In the following, the three major contributions are introduced. As a first major contribution, a novel router concept is presented that efficiently utilizes communication times by performing sequences of arithmetic operations on the data that is transferred. The internal input buffers of the routers are exchanged with processing units that are capable of executing operations. Two different architectures of such processing units are presented. The first architecture provides multiply and accumulate operations which are often used in signal processing applications. The second architecture introduced as Application-Specific Instruction Set Routers (ASIRs) contains a processing unit capable of executing any operation and hence, it is not limited to multiply and accumulate operations. An internal processing core located in ASIRs can be developed in C/C++ using high-level synthesis. The second major contribution comprises application and performance explorations of the novel router concept. Models that approximate the achievable speedup and the end-to-end latency of ASIRs are derived and discussed to show the benefits in terms of performance. Furthermore, two applications using an ASIR-based MPSoC are implemented and evaluated on a Xilinx Zynq SoC. The first application is an image processing algorithm consisting of a Sobel filter, an RGB-to-Grayscale conversion, and a threshold operation. The second application is a system that helps visually impaired people by navigating them through unknown indoor environments. A Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) sensor scans the environment, while Inertial Measurement Units (IMUs) measure the orientation of the user to generate an audio signal that makes the distance as well as the orientation of obstacles audible. This application consists of multiple parallel tasks that are mapped to an ASIR-based MPSoC. Both applications show the performance advantages of ASIRs compared to a conventional NoC-based MPSoC. Furthermore, dynamic partial reconfiguration in terms of relocation and security aspects are investigated. The third major contribution refers to development and programming methodologies of NoC-based MPSoCs. A software-defined approach is presented that combines the design and programming of heterogeneous MPSoCs. In addition, a Kahn-Process-Network (KPN) –based model is designed to describe parallel applications for MPSoCs using ASIRs. The KPN-based model is extended to support not only the mapping of tasks to NoC-based MPSoCs but also the mapping to ASIR-based MPSoCs. A static mapping methodology is presented that assigns tasks to ASIRs and processors for a given KPN-model. The impact of external hardware components such as sensors, actuators and accelerators connected to the processors is also discussed which makes the approach of high interest for embedded systems

    Machine Learning Techniques to Evaluate the Approximation of Utilization Power in Circuits

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    The need for products that are more streamlined, more useful, and have longer battery lives is rising in today's culture. More components are being integrated onto smaller, more complex chips in order to do this. The outcome is higher total power consumption as a result of increased power dissipation brought on by dynamic and static currents in integrated circuits (ICs). For effective power planning and the precise application of power pads and strips by floor plan engineers, estimating power dissipation at an early stage is essential. With more information about the design attributes, power estimation accuracy increases. For a variety of applications, including function approximation, regularization, noisy interpolation, classification, and density estimation, they offer a coherent framework. RBFNN training is also quicker than training multi-layer perceptron networks. RBFNN learning typically comprises of a linear supervised phase for computing weights, followed by an unsupervised phase for determining the centers and widths of the Gaussian basis functions. This study investigates several learning techniques for estimating the synaptic weights, widths, and centers of RBFNNs. In this study, RBF networks—a traditional family of supervised learning algorithms—are examined.  Using centers found using k-means clustering and the square norm of the network coefficients, respectively, two popular regularization techniques are examined. It is demonstrated that each of these RBF techniques are capable of being rewritten as data-dependent kernels. Due to their adaptability and quicker training time when compared to multi-layer perceptron networks, RBFNNs present a compelling option to conventional neural network models. Along with experimental data, the research offers a theoretical analysis of these techniques, indicating competitive performance and a few advantages over traditional kernel techniques in terms of adaptability (ability to take into account unlabeled data) and computing complexity. The research also discusses current achievements in using soft k-means features for image identification and other tasks

    FPGA Acceleration of Domain-specific Kernels via High-Level Synthesis

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    Improving low latency applications for reconfigurable devices

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    This thesis seeks to improve low latency application performance via architectural improvements in reconfigurable devices. This is achieved by improving resource utilisation and access, and by exploiting the different environments within which reconfigurable devices are deployed. Our first contribution leverages devices deployed at the network level to enable the low latency processing of financial market data feeds. Financial exchanges transmit messages via two identical data feeds to reduce the chance of message loss. We present an approach to arbitrate these redundant feeds at the network level using a Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). With support for any messaging protocol, we evaluate our design using the NASDAQ TotalView-ITCH, OPRA, and ARCA data feed protocols, and provide two simultaneous outputs: one prioritising low latency, and one prioritising high reliability with three dynamically configurable windowing methods. Our second contribution is a new ring-based architecture for low latency, parallel access to FPGA memory. Traditional FPGA memory is formed by grouping block memories (BRAMs) together and accessing them as a single device. Our architecture accesses these BRAMs independently and in parallel. Targeting memory-based computing, which stores pre-computed function results in memory, we benefit low latency applications that rely on: highly-complex functions; iterative computation; or many parallel accesses to a shared resource. We assess square root, power, trigonometric, and hyperbolic functions within the FPGA, and provide a tool to convert Python functions to our new architecture. Our third contribution extends the ring-based architecture to support any FPGA processing element. We unify E heterogeneous processing elements within compute pools, with each element implementing the same function, and the pool serving D parallel function calls. Our implementation-agnostic approach supports processing elements with different latencies, implementations, and pipeline lengths, as well as non-deterministic latencies. Compute pools evenly balance access to processing elements across the entire application, and are evaluated by implementing eight different neural network activation functions within an FPGA.Open Acces

    Compilation Optimizations to Enhance Resilience of Big Data Programs and Quantum Processors

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    Modern computers can experience a variety of transient errors due to the surrounding environment, known as soft faults. Although the frequency of these faults is low enough to not be noticeable on personal computers, they become a considerable concern during large-scale distributed computations or systems in more vulnerable environments like satellites. These faults occur as a bit flip of some value in a register, operation, or memory during execution. They surface as either program crashes, hangs, or silent data corruption (SDC), each of which can waste time, money, and resources. Hardware methods, such as shielding or error correcting memory (ECM), exist, though they can be difficult to implement, expensive, and may be limited to only protecting against errors in specific locations. Researchers have been exploring software detection and correction methods as an alternative, commonly trading either overhead in execution time or memory usage to protect against faults. Quantum computers, a relatively recent advancement in computing technology, experience similar errors on a much more severe scale. The errors are more frequent, costly, and difficult to detect and correct. Error correction algorithms like Shor’s code promise to completely remove errors, but they cannot be implemented on current noisy intermediate-scale quantum (NISQ) systems due to the low number of available qubits. Until the physical systems become large enough to support error correction, researchers instead have been studying other methods to reduce and compensate for errors. In this work, we present two methods for improving the resilience of classical processes, both single- and multi-threaded. We then introduce quantum computing and compare the nature of errors and correction methods to previous classical methods. We further discuss two designs for improving compilation of quantum circuits. One method, focused on quantum neural networks (QNNs), takes advantage of partial compilation to avoid recompiling the entire circuit each time. The other method is a new approach to compiling quantum circuits using graph neural networks (GNNs) to improve the resilience of quantum circuits and increase fidelity. By using GNNs with reinforcement learning, we can train a compiler to provide improved qubit allocation that improves the success rate of quantum circuits

    Design Space Exploration and Resource Management of Multi/Many-Core Systems

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    The increasing demand of processing a higher number of applications and related data on computing platforms has resulted in reliance on multi-/many-core chips as they facilitate parallel processing. However, there is a desire for these platforms to be energy-efficient and reliable, and they need to perform secure computations for the interest of the whole community. This book provides perspectives on the aforementioned aspects from leading researchers in terms of state-of-the-art contributions and upcoming trends
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