786 research outputs found

    Novel Algorithm for Hand Gesture Modeling Using Genetic Algorithm with Variable Length Chromosome

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    Many languages the people can exploit for them in order to communicate among them and get the message delivered, but, these languages should be known by those people in order to understand and speak, contrarily, gesture system is the common language that can be adopted for this objective and need less knowledge as compared with spoken languages that need the grammatically and semantically rules, in this paper we applied a novel algorithm for capturing hand gesture shape using one of the evolutionary algorithms in order to fit the hand segment. Previous techniques in the literature that fully captured hand shape applied some artificial intelligent methods [1] or some statistical methods [2]. Genetic Algorithms (GAs) with variable length of chromosomes is used to model the hand structure. The most effective GA parameters used for this purpose are; the generation of initial population, tournament selection, crossover with variable position of the cutting points in the parents, artificial mutation operator, deleting of the repetitive genes in same individual, and elitism strategy. Experimental results shows the robust and efficiency of applying the proposed algorithm

    Evolutionary morphogenesis for multi-cellular systems

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    With a gene required for each phenotypic trait, direct genetic encodings may show poor scalability to increasing phenotype length. Developmental systems may alleviate this problem by providing more efficient indirect genotype to phenotype mappings. A novel classification of multi-cellular developmental systems in evolvable hardware is introduced. It shows a category of developmental systems that up to now has rarely been explored. We argue that this category is where most of the benefits of developmental systems lie (e.g. speed, scalability, robustness, inter-cellular and environmental interactions that allow fault-tolerance or adaptivity). This article describes a very simple genetic encoding and developmental system designed for multi-cellular circuits that belongs to this category. We refer to it as the morphogenetic system. The morphogenetic system is inspired by gene expression and cellular differentiation. It focuses on low computational requirements which allows fast execution and a compact hardware implementation. The morphogenetic system shows better scalability compared to a direct genetic encoding in the evolution of structures of differentiated cells, and its dynamics provides fault-tolerance up to high fault rates. It outperforms a direct genetic encoding when evolving spiking neural networks for pattern recognition and robot navigation. The results obtained with the morphogenetic system indicate that this "minimalist” approach to developmental systems merits further stud

    Multi-Class Clustering of Cancer Subtypes through SVM Based Ensemble of Pareto-Optimal Solutions for Gene Marker Identification

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    With the advancement of microarray technology, it is now possible to study the expression profiles of thousands of genes across different experimental conditions or tissue samples simultaneously. Microarray cancer datasets, organized as samples versus genes fashion, are being used for classification of tissue samples into benign and malignant or their subtypes. They are also useful for identifying potential gene markers for each cancer subtype, which helps in successful diagnosis of particular cancer types. In this article, we have presented an unsupervised cancer classification technique based on multiobjective genetic clustering of the tissue samples. In this regard, a real-coded encoding of the cluster centers is used and cluster compactness and separation are simultaneously optimized. The resultant set of near-Pareto-optimal solutions contains a number of non-dominated solutions. A novel approach to combine the clustering information possessed by the non-dominated solutions through Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifier has been proposed. Final clustering is obtained by consensus among the clusterings yielded by different kernel functions. The performance of the proposed multiobjective clustering method has been compared with that of several other microarray clustering algorithms for three publicly available benchmark cancer datasets. Moreover, statistical significance tests have been conducted to establish the statistical superiority of the proposed clustering method. Furthermore, relevant gene markers have been identified using the clustering result produced by the proposed clustering method and demonstrated visually. Biological relationships among the gene markers are also studied based on gene ontology. The results obtained are found to be promising and can possibly have important impact in the area of unsupervised cancer classification as well as gene marker identification for multiple cancer subtypes

    New Approaches to Mapping Forest Conditions and Landscape Change from Moderate Resolution Remote Sensing Data across the Species-Rich and Structurally Diverse Atlantic Northern Forest of Northeastern North America

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    The sustainable management of forest landscapes requires an understanding of the functional relationships between management practices, changes in landscape conditions, and ecological response. This presents a substantial need of spatial information in support of both applied research and adaptive management. Satellite remote sensing has the potential to address much of this need, but forest conditions and patterns of change remain difficult to synthesize over large areas and long time periods. Compounding this problem is error in forest attribute maps and consequent uncertainty in subsequent analyses. The research described in this document is directed at these long-standing problems. Chapter 1 demonstrates a generalizable approach to the characterization of predominant patterns of forest landscape change. Within a ~1.5 Mha northwest Maine study area, a time series of satellite-derived forest harvest maps (1973-2010) served as the basis grouping landscape units according to time series of cumulative harvest area. Different groups reflected different harvest histories, which were linked to changes in landscape composition and configuration through time series of selected landscape metrics. Time series data resolved differences in landscape change attributable to passage of the Maine Forest Practices Act, a major change in forest policy. Our approach should be of value in supporting empirical landscape research. Perhaps the single most important source of uncertainty in the characterization of landscape conditions is over- or under-representation of class prevalence caused by prediction bias. Systematic error is similarly impactful in maps of continuous forest attributes, where regression dilution or attenuation bias causes the overestimation of low values and underestimation of high values. In both cases, patterns of error tend to produce more homogeneous characterizations of landscape conditions. Chapters 2 and 3 present a machine learning method designed to simultaneously reduce systematic and total error in continuous and categorical maps, respectively. By training support vector machines with a multi-objective genetic algorithm, attenuation bias was substantially reduced in regression models of tree species relative abundance (chapter 2), and prediction bias was effectively removed from classification models predicting tree species occurrence and forest disturbance (chapter 3). This approach is generalizable to other prediction problems, other regions, or other geospatial disciplines

    Generalised fourier analysis of human chromosome images

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