8 research outputs found

    Membuat Pixel Art Menggunakan Learning Vector Quantization

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    Pixel art didesain untuk banyak kepentingan dalam merepresentasikan wujud real life look seni visual artefak kontemporer. Pixel art adalah kratifitas seni membangun gambar dari unit kecil berwarna yang disebut dengan piksel, dari sebuah citra digital. Melukis pixel art pada bidang tulis digital dengan komposisi lukisan yang kompleks memiliki beberapa tantangan yang serius. Permasalahannya adalah penggunaan warna dalam pixel painting mengandung prasyarat bahwa pixel diisi degan warna yang penuh, mampu menggambarkan warna transisi serta dapat menunjukan corak warna terang dan gelap. Dari pemahaman ini, dipandang penting untuk membuat suatu metode melukis pixel art alternatif. Berperan sebagai kanvas digital, bidang citra diterjemahkan kedalam painting surface yang berkorespondensi terhadap nilai panjang dan lebar citra sedangkan kuantitas satuan piksel yang memaknai ruang data spasial dan warna adalah sebagai kuas maya. Goresan tinta diproduksi melalui serangkaian olah matematis dengan pendekatan vector quantization untuk diajarkan agar mampu merepresentasikan wujud citra alami yang realisitis. Penelitian ini menunjukan keberhasilan pengorganisasian parameter kedekatan jarak antara piksel dan kelas utamanya pada nilai 0.5 satuan piksel sebagai ruang optimum sehingga voronoi area dapat tercipta dengan baik. Sebagai bahan uji kulifikasi disediakan sejumlah citra pixel art yang berhasil ditransformasikan dengan baik berdasarkan hasil evaluasi area yang tersegmentasi lebih artistis ketika codebook yang disebarkan adalah proporsional dengan jumlah objek pixel art. Sehingga ikhtisar untuk mendapatkan corak pixel art dengan vector quantization adalah dengan memastikan jumlah codebook yang disebar berdasarkan referensi pola informasi spasial dan warna objek citra

    Light in Power: A General and Parameter-free Algorithm for Caustic Design

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    We present in this paper a generic and parameter-free algorithm to efficiently build a wide variety of optical components, such as mirrors or lenses, that satisfy some light energy constraints. In all of our problems, one is given a collimated or point light source and a desired illumination after reflection or refraction and the goal is to design the geometry of a mirror or lens which transports exactly the light emitted by the source onto the target. We first propose a general framework and show that eight different optical component design problems amount to solving a light energy conservation equation that involves the computation of visibility diagrams. We then show that these diagrams all have the same structure and can be obtained by intersecting a 3D Power diagram with a planar or spherical domain. This allows us to propose an efficient and fully generic algorithm capable to solve these eight optical component design problems. The support of the prescribed target illumination can be a set of directions or a set of points located at a finite distance. Our solutions satisfy design constraints such as convexity or concavity. We show the effectiveness of our algorithm on simulated and fabricated examples

    State of the Art on Stylized Fabrication

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    © 2018 The Authors Computer Graphics Forum © 2018 The Eurographics Association and John Wiley & Sons Ltd. Digital fabrication devices are powerful tools for creating tangible reproductions of 3D digital models. Most available printing technologies aim at producing an accurate copy of a tridimensional shape. However, fabrication technologies can also be used to create a stylistic representation of a digital shape. We refer to this class of methods as ‘stylized fabrication methods’. These methods abstract geometric and physical features of a given shape to create an unconventional representation, to produce an optical illusion or to devise a particular interaction with the fabricated model. In this state-of-the-art report, we classify and overview this broad and emerging class of approaches and also propose possible directions for future research

    State of the art on stylized fabrication

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    © 2019 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Digital fabrication devices are powerful tools for creating tangible reproductions of 3D digital models. Most available printing technologies aim at producing an accurate copy of a tridimensional shape. However, fabrication technologies can also be used to create a stylistic representation of a digital shape. We refer to this class of methods as stylized fabrication methods. These methods abstract geometric and physical features of a given shape to create an unconventional representation, to produce an optical illusion, or to devise a particular interaction with the fabricated model. In this course, we classify and overview this broad and emerging class of approaches and also propose possible directions for future research

    Fabrication-Aware Design with Performative Criteria

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    Artists and architects often need to handle multiple constraints during design of physical constructions. We define a performative constraint as any constraint on design that is tied to the performance of the model--either during fabrication, construction, daily use, or destruction. Even for small to medium scale models, there are functional criteria such as the ease of fabrication and the assembly process, or even the interplay of light with the material. Computational tools can greatly aid in this process, assisting with the lower-level performative constraints, while the designer handles the high-level artistic decisions. Additionally, using new fabrication methods, our tools can aid in lowering the difficulty of building complex constructions, making them accessible to hobbyists. In this thesis, we present three computational methods for designing with different approaches, each with a different material, fabrication method, and use case. The first method is a construction with intersecting planar pieces that can be laser cut or milled. These 3D forms are assembled by sliding pieces into each other along straight slits, and do not require other support such as glue or screws. We present a mathematical abstraction that formalizes the constraints between pieces as a graph, including fabrication and assembly constraints, and ensure global rigidity of the sculpture. We also propose an optimization algorithm to guide the user using automatic constraint satisfaction based on analysis of the constraint relation graph. We demonstrate our approach by creating several small- to medium-scale examples including functional furniture. The second method presents a solution to building a 3D sculpture out of existing building blocks that can be found in many homes. Starting from the voxelization of a 3D mesh we merge voxels to form larger bricks, and then analyze and repair structural problems based on a graph representation of the block connections. We then output layer-by-layer building instructions to allow a user to quickly and easily build the model. We also present extensions such as hollowing the models to use less bricks, limiting the number of bricks of each size, and including color constraints. We present both real and virtual brick constructions and associated timings, showing improvements over previous work. The final case presented tackles the inverse design problem of finding a surface to produce a target caustic on a receiver plane when light is refracted or reflected. This is an example where the performative constraint is the principal driver of the design. We introduce an optimal transport formulation to find a correspondence between the incoming light and the output target light distribution. We then show a 3D optimization that finds the surface that transports light based on the correspondence map. Our approach supports piecewise smooth surfaces that are as smooth as possible but allow for creases, to greatly reduce the amount of artifacts while allowing light to be completely diverted producing completely black regions. We show how this leads to a very large space of high-contrast, high-resolution caustic images, including point and line singularities of infinite light density as well as photo-realistic images. Our approach leads to surfaces that can be milled using standard CNC milling. We demonstrate the approach showing both simulated and fabricated examples

    збірник матеріалів І Всеукраїнської науково-практичної інтернет-конференції

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    У збірнику представлені матеріали учасників І Всеукраїнської науково-практичної інтернет-конференції: «Наукові дослідження та інновації в галузі суспільно гуманітарних наук», яка відбулася 24 листопада 2021 року. У збірнику висвітлені результати наукових досліджень здобувачів вищої освіти, науково-педагогічних працівників, дослідників та практиків закладів вищої освіт. Матеріали видані в авторській редакції. Відповідальність за зміст наданих матеріалів, точність наведених даних та відповідність принципам академічної доброчесності несуть автори