66 research outputs found

    Numerical computation and avoidance of manipulator singularities

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    This thesis develops general solutions to two open problems of robot kinematics: the exhaustive computation of the singularity set of a manipulator, and the synthesis of singularity-free paths between given configurations. Obtaining proper solutions to these problems is crucial, because singularities generally pose problems to the normal operation of a robot and, thus, they should be taken into account before the actual construction of a prototype. The ability to compute the whole singularity set also provides rich information on the global motion capabilities of a manipulator. The projections onto the task and joint spaces delimit the working regions in such spaces, may inform on the various assembly modes of the manipulator, and highlight areas where control or dexterity losses can arise, among other anomalous behaviour. These projections also supply a fair view of the feasible movements of the system, but do not reveal all possible singularity-free motions. Automatic motion planners allowing to circumvent problematic singularities should thus be devised to assist the design and programming stages of a manipulator. The key role played by singular configurations has been thoroughly known for several years, but existing methods for singularity computation or avoidance still concentrate on specific classes of manipulators. The absence of methods able to tackle these problems on a sufficiently large class of manipulators is problematic because it hinders the analysis of more complex manipulators or the development of new robot topologies. A main reason for this absence has been the lack of computational tools suitable to the underlying mathematics that such problems conceal. However, recent advances in the field of numerical methods for polynomial system solving now permit to confront these issues with a very general intention in mind. The purpose of this thesis is to take advantage of this progress and to propose general robust methods for the computation and avoidance of singularities on non-redundant manipulators of arbitrary architecture. Overall, the work seeks to contribute to the general understanding on how the motions of complex multibody systems can be predicted, planned, or controlled in an efficient and reliable way.Aquesta tesi desenvolupa solucions generals per dos problemes oberts de la cinemàtica de robots: el càlcul exhaustiu del conjunt singular d'un manipulador, i la síntesi de camins lliures de singularitats entre configuracions donades. Obtenir solucions adequades per aquests problemes és crucial, ja que les singularitats plantegen problemes al funcionament normal del robot i, per tant, haurien de ser completament identificades abans de la construcció d'un prototipus. La habilitat de computar tot el conjunt singular també proporciona informació rica sobre les capacitats globals de moviment d'un manipulador. Les projeccions cap a l'espai de tasques o d'articulacions delimiten les regions de treball en aquests espais, poden informar sobre les diferents maneres de muntar el manipulador, i remarquen les àrees on poden sorgir pèrdues de control o destresa, entre d'altres comportaments anòmals. Aquestes projeccions també proporcionen una imatge fidel dels moviments factibles del sistema, però no revelen tots els possibles moviments lliures de singularitats. Planificadors de moviment automàtics que permetin evitar les singularitats problemàtiques haurien de ser ideats per tal d'assistir les etapes de disseny i programació d'un manipulador. El paper clau que juguen les configuracions singulars ha estat àmpliament conegut durant anys, però els mètodes existents pel càlcul o evitació de singularitats encara es concentren en classes específiques de manipuladors. L'absència de mètodes capaços de tractar aquests problemes en una classe suficientment gran de manipuladors és problemàtica, ja que dificulta l'anàlisi de manipuladors més complexes o el desenvolupament de noves topologies de robots. Una raó principal d'aquesta absència ha estat la manca d'eines computacionals adequades a les matemàtiques subjacents que aquests problemes amaguen. No obstant, avenços recents en el camp de mètodes numèrics per la solució de sistemes polinòmics permeten ara enfrontar-se a aquests temes amb una intenció molt general en ment. El propòsit d'aquesta tesi és aprofitar aquest progrés i proposar mètodes robustos i generals pel càlcul i evitació de singularitats per manipuladors no redundants d'arquitectura arbitrària. En global, el treball busca contribuir a la comprensió general sobre com els moviments de sistemes multicos complexos es poden predir, planificar o controlar d'una manera eficient i segur

    Parallel Manipulators

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    In recent years, parallel kinematics mechanisms have attracted a lot of attention from the academic and industrial communities due to potential applications not only as robot manipulators but also as machine tools. Generally, the criteria used to compare the performance of traditional serial robots and parallel robots are the workspace, the ratio between the payload and the robot mass, accuracy, and dynamic behaviour. In addition to the reduced coupling effect between joints, parallel robots bring the benefits of much higher payload-robot mass ratios, superior accuracy and greater stiffness; qualities which lead to better dynamic performance. The main drawback with parallel robots is the relatively small workspace. A great deal of research on parallel robots has been carried out worldwide, and a large number of parallel mechanism systems have been built for various applications, such as remote handling, machine tools, medical robots, simulators, micro-robots, and humanoid robots. This book opens a window to exceptional research and development work on parallel mechanisms contributed by authors from around the world. Through this window the reader can get a good view of current parallel robot research and applications

    Trajectory planning for industrial robot using genetic algorithms

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    En las últimas décadas, debido la importancia de sus aplicaciones, se han propuesto muchas investigaciones sobre la planificación de caminos y trayectorias para los manipuladores, algunos de los ámbitos en los que pueden encontrarse ejemplos de aplicación son; la robótica industrial, sistemas autónomos, creación de prototipos virtuales y diseño de fármacos asistido por ordenador. Por otro lado, los algoritmos evolutivos se han aplicado en muchos campos, lo que motiva el interés del autor por investigar sobre su aplicación a la planificación de caminos y trayectorias en robots industriales. En este trabajo se ha llevado a cabo una búsqueda exhaustiva de la literatura existente relacionada con la tesis, que ha servido para crear una completa base de datos utilizada para realizar un examen detallado de la evolución histórica desde sus orígenes al estado actual de la técnica y las últimas tendencias. Esta tesis presenta una nueva metodología que utiliza algoritmos genéticos para desarrollar y evaluar técnicas para la planificación de caminos y trayectorias. El conocimiento de problemas específicos y el conocimiento heurístico se incorporan a la codificación, la evaluación y los operadores genéticos del algoritmo. Esta metodología introduce nuevos enfoques con el objetivo de resolver el problema de la planificación de caminos y la planificación de trayectorias para sistemas robóticos industriales que operan en entornos 3D con obstáculos estáticos, y que ha llevado a la creación de dos algoritmos (de alguna manera similares, con algunas variaciones), que son capaces de resolver los problemas de planificación mencionados. El modelado de los obstáculos se ha realizado mediante el uso de combinaciones de objetos geométricos simples (esferas, cilindros, y los planos), de modo que se obtiene un algoritmo eficiente para la prevención de colisiones. El algoritmo de planificación de caminos se basa en técnicas de optimización globales, usando algoritmos genéticos para minimizar una función objetivo considerando restricciones para evitar las colisiones con los obstáculos. El camino está compuesto de configuraciones adyacentes obtenidas mediante una técnica de optimización construida con algoritmos genéticos, buscando minimizar una función multiobjetivo donde intervienen la distancia entre los puntos significativos de las dos configuraciones adyacentes, así como la distancia desde los puntos de la configuración actual a la final. El planteamiento del problema mediante algoritmos genéticos requiere de una modelización acorde al procedimiento, definiendo los individuos y operadores capaces de proporcionar soluciones eficientes para el problema.Abu-Dakka, FJM. (2011). Trajectory planning for industrial robot using genetic algorithms [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/10294Palanci

    MUSME 2011 4 th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics

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    El libro de actas recoge las aportaciones de los autores a través de los correspondientes artículos a la Dinámica de Sistemas Multicuerpo y la Mecatrónica (Musme). Estas disciplinas se han convertido en una importante herramienta para diseñar máquinas, analizar prototipos virtuales y realizar análisis CAD sobre complejos sistemas mecánicos articulados multicuerpo. La dinámica de sistemas multicuerpo comprende un gran número de aspectos que incluyen la mecánica, dinámica estructural, matemáticas aplicadas, métodos de control, ciencia de los ordenadores y mecatrónica. Los artículos recogidos en el libro de actas están relacionados con alguno de los siguientes tópicos del congreso: Análisis y síntesis de mecanismos ; Diseño de algoritmos para sistemas mecatrónicos ; Procedimientos de simulación y resultados ; Prototipos y rendimiento ; Robots y micromáquinas ; Validaciones experimentales ; Teoría de simulación mecatrónica ; Sistemas mecatrónicos ; Control de sistemas mecatrónicosUniversitat Politècnica de València (2011). MUSME 2011 4 th International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/13224Archivo delegad

    Advances in Robot Kinematics : Proceedings of the 15th international conference on Advances in Robot Kinematics

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    International audienceThe motion of mechanisms, kinematics, is one of the most fundamental aspect of robot design, analysis and control but is also relevant to other scientific domains such as biome- chanics, molecular biology, . . . . The series of books on Advances in Robot Kinematics (ARK) report the latest achievement in this field. ARK has a long history as the first book was published in 1991 and since then new issues have been published every 2 years. Each book is the follow-up of a single-track symposium in which the participants exchange their results and opinions in a meeting that bring together the best of world’s researchers and scientists together with young students. Since 1992 the ARK symposia have come under the patronage of the International Federation for the Promotion of Machine Science-IFToMM.This book is the 13th in the series and is the result of peer-review process intended to select the newest and most original achievements in this field. For the first time the articles of this symposium will be published in a green open-access archive to favor free dissemination of the results. However the book will also be o↵ered as a on-demand printed book.The papers proposed in this book show that robot kinematics is an exciting domain with an immense number of research challenges that go well beyond the field of robotics.The last symposium related with this book was organized by the French National Re- search Institute in Computer Science and Control Theory (INRIA) in Grasse, France

    Robot Manipulators

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    Robot manipulators are developing more in the direction of industrial robots than of human workers. Recently, the applications of robot manipulators are spreading their focus, for example Da Vinci as a medical robot, ASIMO as a humanoid robot and so on. There are many research topics within the field of robot manipulators, e.g. motion planning, cooperation with a human, and fusion with external sensors like vision, haptic and force, etc. Moreover, these include both technical problems in the industry and theoretical problems in the academic fields. This book is a collection of papers presenting the latest research issues from around the world

    Kinematics and Robot Design II (KaRD2019) and III (KaRD2020)

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    This volume collects papers published in two Special Issues “Kinematics and Robot Design II, KaRD2019” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/robotics/special_issues/KRD2019) and “Kinematics and Robot Design III, KaRD2020” (https://www.mdpi.com/journal/robotics/special_issues/KaRD2020), which are the second and third issues of the KaRD Special Issue series hosted by the open access journal robotics.The KaRD series is an open environment where researchers present their works and discuss all topics focused on the many aspects that involve kinematics in the design of robotic/automatic systems. It aims at being an established reference for researchers in the field as other serial international conferences/publications are. Even though the KaRD series publishes one Special Issue per year, all the received papers are peer-reviewed as soon as they are submitted and, if accepted, they are immediately published in MDPI Robotics. Kinematics is so intimately related to the design of robotic/automatic systems that the admitted topics of the KaRD series practically cover all the subjects normally present in well-established international conferences on “mechanisms and robotics”.KaRD2019 together with KaRD2020 received 22 papers and, after the peer-review process, accepted only 17 papers. The accepted papers cover problems related to theoretical/computational kinematics, to biomedical engineering and to other design/applicative aspects

    Controlling a contactless planar actuator with manipulator

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    An existing magnetically levitated planar actuator with manipulator has been studied and improved from a control point of view. This prototype consists of a magnetically levitated six-degree-of-freedom (6-DOF) planar actuator with moving magnets, with a 2-DOF manipulator on top of it. This system contains three different contactless technologies: contactless bearing and propulsion of the planar actuator, wireless powering of the manipulator, and wireless communication and control of the manipulator. The planar actuator (PA) consists of a Halbach magnet array, which is levitated and controlled in all six DOF’s above a stationary coil array. The PA is propelled in two horizontal translational DOF’s while the other four DOF’s are stabilized to accomplish a stiff bearing. Each active coil contributes to the production of forces and torques acting on the magnet array. Since the number of active coils is much larger than the number of DOF’s, the desired force production can be distributed over many coils. Therefore, a commutation algorithm has to be used to invert the mapping of the forces and torques exerted by the set of active coils as a function of the coil currents and the position and orientation of the translator. One method for linearization and decoupling of the forces and torques was developed in the past. The method is called direct wrench decoupling and guaranties minimal dissipation of energy. However, no constraints on the maximum current can be given. This study proposes two novel, norm-based commutation methods: l8-norm and clipped l2-norm based commutation. Both methods can put bounds on the maximum currents in the coils to prevent saturation of the current amplifiers. The first method focuses on minimization of the maximum current whereas the second method limits the peak current while it minimizes the power losses. Consequently, a higher acceleration of the translator can be achieved and/or less powerful (cheaper) current amplifiers can be utilized and/or fewer commutation errors arise. Only a long-stroke translational movement of the moving magnet planar actuators has been considered in the past. The possibility of a completely propelled and controlled rotation about the vertical axis instead of just stabilizing it for bearing has been analyzed in this thesis from a control point of view. Enhancing the planar actuator with a long-range rotation will increase its utility value and opens new application areas. Based on this investigation, a novel coil array with a triangular grid of rounded coils has been proposed for better controllability in any orientation of the PA. In addition, other coil and magnet topologies have been studied from a control point of view for their suitability for full rotation. The influence of different kinds of error-causes on the commutation precision has been studied. From this investigation, it has been found that the offsets of the measurement system have the highest influence on the precision of the commutation. Investigation of the convergence of the procedure for estimation and elimination of these offsets has been performed. Although it was not proven that the procedure could be applied on the whole workspace of the PA, the convergence has been shown at least for all the investigated points. From this investigation, convergence for any position in the workspace of the PA is expected. It was found that it is possible to use the procedure also with different topologies and with different commutations. A novel wireless link has been developed for the real-time control of a fast motion system. The wireless link communicates via infrared-light transceivers and the link has a delay and a packet-loss ratio almost indistinguishable from the wired connection for the bandwidth of the system up to several kilohertz. The clipped l2-norm based commutation method has been successfully tested on the experimental setup after improving the measurement system, the contactless energy transfer and the wireless communication. With a new, interferometer sensor system, a well-controlled PA with two long-stroke DOF’s has become available. Improved contactless energy transfer does not cause increased electromagnetic interference during switching between the primary coils any more and the wireless connection using the infrared link provides a reliable communication channel between the manipulator and the fixed world. Several control approaches have been tested on the experimental setup. Both, the classical PID control, Sliding-mode control and Iterative learning control have been implemented. Each controller brought better performance than the previous one. Also, a fourth-order trajectory and enhanced feedforward control helped to improve performance. Finally, the tracking errors, in comparison to the initial situation, were reduced by a factor 10 (and even more than by a factor 50 with deactivated contactless energy transfer) while the velocity and acceleration of the system were a factor 4 and 14, respectively, higher

    Proceedings of the NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, volume 1

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    The theme of the Conference was man-machine collaboration in space. Topics addressed include: redundant manipulators; man-machine systems; telerobot architecture; remote sensing and planning; navigation; neural networks; fundamental AI research; and reasoning under uncertainty

    How do humans mediate with the external physical world? From perception to control of articulated objects

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    Many actions in our daily life involve operation with articulated tools. Despite the ubiquity of articulated objects in daily life, human ability in perceiving the properties and control of articulated objects has been merely studied. Articulated objects are composed of links and revolute or prismatic joints. Moving one part of the linkage results in the movement of the other ones. Reaching a position with the tip of a tool requires adapting the motor commands to the change of position of the endeffector different from the action of reaching the same position with the hand. The dynamic properties are complex and variant in the movement of articulated bodies. For instance, apparent mass, a quantity that measures the dynamic interaction of the articulated object, varies as a function of the changes in configuration. An actuated articulated system can generate a static, but position-dependent force field with constant torques about joints. There are evidences that internal models are involved in the perception and control of tools. In the present work, we aim to investigate several aspects of the perception and control of articulated objects and address two questions, The first question is how people perceive the kinematic and dynamic properties in the haptic interaction with articulated objects? And the second question is what effect has seeing the tool on the planning and execution of reaching movements with a complex tool? Does the visual representation of mechanism structures help in the reaching movement and how? To address these questions, 3D printed physical articulated objects and robotic systems have been designed and developed for the psychophysical studies. The present work involves three studies in different aspects of perception and control of articulated objects. We first did haptic size discrimination tasks using three different types of objects, namely, wooden boxes, actuated apparatus with two movable flat surfaces, and large-size pliers, in unimanual, bimanual grounded and bimanual free conditions. We found bimanual integration occurred in particular in the free manipulation of objects. The second study was on the visuo-motor reaching with complex tools. We found that seeing the mechanism of the tool, even briefly at the beginning of the trial, improved the reaching performance. The last study was about force perception, evidences showed that people could take use of the force field at the end-effector to induce the torque about the joints generated by the articulated system