925 research outputs found

    A Fit between Clinical Workflow and Health Care Information Systems: Not waiting for Godot but making the journey

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    Health care has long suffered from inefficiencies due to the fragmentation of patient care information and the lack of coordination between health professionals [1]. Health care information systems (HISs) have been lauded as tools to remedy such inefficiencies [2, 3]. The primary idea behind the support of their implementation in health care is that these systems support clinical workflow and thereby decrease medical errors [2]. However, their introduction to health care settings have been accompanied by a transformation of the way their primary users, care providers, carry out clinical tasks and establish or maintain work relationships [4]. Studies have shown that these transformations have not always been productive [5, 6]

    Strategies to Mitigate Information Technology Discrepancies in Health Care Organizations

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    Medication errors increased 64.4% from 2015 to 2018 in the United States due to the use of computerized physician order entry (CPOE) systems and the inability to exchange information among health care facilities. Healthcare information exchange (HIE) and subsequent discrepancies resulted in significant medical errors due to the lack of exchangeable health care information using technology software. The purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the strategies health care business managers used to manage computerized physician order entry systems within health care facilities to reduce medication errors and increase profitability. The population of the study was 8 clinical business managers in 2 successful small health care clinics located in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. Data were collected from semistructured interviews with health care leaders and documents from the health care organization as a resource. Inductive analysis was guided by the Donabedian theory and sociotechnical system theory, and trustworthiness of interpretations was confirmed through member checking. Three themes emerged: standardizing data formats reduced medication errors and increased profits, adopting user-friendly HIE reduced medication errors and increase profits, and efficient communication reduced medication errors and increased profits. The findings of this study contribute to positive change through improved health care delivery to patients resulting in healthier communities

    A Fit between Clinical Workflow and Health Care Information Systems

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    A Fit between Clinical Workflow and Health Care Information Systems

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    Process Improvement to Reduce Route of Medication Administration Errors in Patients with Enteral Feeding Tubes

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    Advances in health information management in the form electronic health records, computerized provider order entry systems, and clinical decision support systems and tools have enhanced the productivity, effectiveness, and efficiency of healthcare. However, the cost of these positive effects does come at the expense of other factors. Along with the introduction of Clinical Provider Order Entry (CPOE) systems, organizations have experienced new possibilities for medication errors and risks to patient safety. Factors associated with these errors should be evaluated in detail in order to mitigate the causes of these types of errors and to plan strategies for prevention. Continued research into how to improve the quality of these systems is necessary to promote the usability and acceptance of CPOE systems by prescribers and to continue to make an impact on the frequency of medication errors within health care organizations. Health care organizations must develop strategies to improve the rate of medication errors caused by CPOE systems. Strategies may vary from organization to organization, and depend upon organization-specific resources. Ideally, a plan to improve patient safety and prevent errors related to CPOE systems would include stakeholders such as the clinical team and providers, involve a system that can audit the frequency of errors, and include ongoing education about the problem and the proposed solution. A plan to prevent errors and improve patient safety that is not-dependent upon the intricacies of a specific electronic medical record is ideal. A strategy that can carry-over from one electronic medical record system to the next and that can address the central problem with accuracy, efficiency, and evidence-based research will be proposed

    How do stakeholders experience the adoption of electronic prescribing systems in hospitals? A systematic review and thematic synthesis of qualitative studies

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    Background: Electronic prescribing (ePrescribing) or computerised provider/physician order entry (CPOE) systems can improve the quality and safety of health services, but the translation of this into reduced harm for patients remains unclear. This review aimed to synthesise primary qualitative research relating to how stakeholders experience the adoption of ePrescribing/CPOE systems in hospitals, to help better understand why and how healthcare organisations have not yet realised the full potential of such systems and to inform future implementations and research. Methods: We systematically searched 10 bibliographic databases and additional sources for citation searching and grey literature, with no restriction on date or publication language. Qualitative studies exploring the perspectives/experiences of stakeholders with the implementation, management, use and/or optimisation of ePrescribing/CPOE systems in hospitals were included. Quality assessment combined criteria from the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme Qualitative Checklist and the Standards for Reporting Qualitative Research guidelines. Data were synthesised thematically. Results: 79 articles were included. Stakeholders’ perspectives reflected a mixed set of positive and negative implications of engaging in ePrescribing/CPOE as part of their work. These were underpinned by further-reaching change processes. Impacts reported were largely practice related rather than at the organisational level. Factors affecting the implementation process and actions undertaken prior to implementation were perceived as important in understanding ePrescribing/CPOE adoption and impact. Conclusions: Implementing organisations and teams should consider the breadth and depth of changes that ePrescribing/CPOE adoption can trigger rather than focus on discrete benefits/problems and favour implementation strategies that: consider the preimplementation context, are responsive to (and transparent about) organisational and stakeholder needs and agendas and which can be sustained effectively over time as implementations develop and gradually transition to routine use and system optimisation

    CPOE in Iran-A viable prospect?. Physicians' opinions on using CPOE in an Iranian teaching hospital

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    Background: In recent years, the theory that on-line clinical decision support systems can improve patients' safety among hospitalised individuals has gained greater acceptance. However, the feasibility of implementing such a system in a middle or low-income country has rarely been studied. Understanding the current prescription process and a proper needs assessment of prescribers can act as the key to successful implementation. Objectives: The aim of this study was to explore physicians' opinions on the current prescription process, and the expected benefits and perceived obstacles to employ Computerised Physician Order Entry in an Iranian teaching hospital. Methods: Initially, the interview guideline was developed through focus group discussions with eight experts. Then semi-structured interviews were held with 19 prescribers. After verbatim transcription, inductive thematic analysis was performed on empirical data. Forty hours of on-looker observations were performed in different wards to explore the current prescription process. Results: The current prescription process was identified as a physician-centred, top-down, model, where prescribers were found to mostly rely on their memories as well as being overconfident. Some errors may occur during different paper-based registrations, transcriptions and transfers. Physician opinions on Computerised Physician Order Entry were categorised into expected benefits and perceived obstacles. Confidentiality issues, reduction of medication errors and educational benefits were identified as three themes in the expected benefits category. High cost, social and cultural barriers, data entry time and problems with technical support emerged as four themes in the perceived obstacles category. Conclusions: The current prescription process has a high possibility of medication errors. Although there are different barriers confronting the implementation and continuation of Computerised Physician Order Entry in Iranian hospitals, physicians have a willingness to use them if these systems provide significant benefits. A pilot study in a limited setting and a comprehensive analysis of health outcomes and economic indicators should be performed, to assess the merits of introducing Computerised Physician Order Entry with decision support capabilities in Iran. © 2008 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    Can Utilizing a Computerized Provider Order Entry (CPOE) System Prevent Hospital Medical Errors and Adverse Drug Events?

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    Computerized provider order entry (CPOE) systems allow physicians to prescribe patient services electronically. In hospitals, CPOE essentially eliminates the need for handwritten paper orders and achieves cost savings through increased efficiency. The purpose of this research study was to examine the benefits of and barriers to CPOE adoption in hospitals to determine the effects on medical errors and adverse drug events (ADEs) and examine cost and savings associated with the implementation of this newly mandated technology. This study followed a methodology using the basic principles of a systematic review and referenced 50 sources. CPOE systems in hospitals were found to be capable of reducing medical errors and ADEs, especially when CPOE systems are bundled with clinical decision support systems designed to alert physicians and other healthcare providers of pending lab or medical errors. However, CPOE systems face major barriers associated with adoption in a hospital system, mainly high implementation costs and physicians’ resistance to change

    The Implementation and Effects of Computerized Physician Order Entry in Healthcare Settings

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    Introduction: In the United States, medication errors has been a big problem and was the number three cause of death in 2016. Computerize Physician Order Entry (CPOE), also known as Computerized Provider Order Entry, is the process of physicians or providers entering treatment instructions or radiology, laboratory, and medication orders via computer rather than paper, and has led to a decrease in medication errors. The purpose of this study was to examine whether CPOE system could help hospitals to reduce medical errors and costs, as well as examine the new problems resulted by the use of CPOE in the United States hospitals. Methodology: The methodology for this study utilized a literature review and a semi-structured interview. It consisted of academic sources, four electronic databases, academic journals, and government websites. Thirty-eight sources were referenced for this literature review. Results: The literature review analyzed the benefits and drawbacks of CPOE implementation in the healthcare setting. It was found that CPOE implementation has created many benefits for the healthcare setting such as a decrease in medication errors, a higher return on investment, and a faster turnaround time. However, there has still been issues with CPOE such as medication errors and increased workload. Discussion/Conclusion: The implementation of CPOE can reduce hospitals’ medical errors and adverse drug events, as well as help hospitals to reduce expense and outweighs the potential limitations of CPOE. The study reviewed limitations of the study that included research and publication bias, search strategy, and only four databases were used for research. Practical implications included the continual implementation of CPOE in healthcare settings
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