961 research outputs found

    Phylogenetic tree information aids supervised learning for predicting protein-protein interaction based on distance matrices

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    BACKGROUND: Protein-protein interactions are critical for cellular functions. Recently developed computational approaches for predicting protein-protein interactions utilize co-evolutionary information of the interacting partners, e.g., correlations between distance matrices, where each matrix stores the pairwise distances between a protein and its orthologs from a group of reference genomes. RESULTS: We proposed a novel, simple method to account for some of the intra-matrix correlations in improving the prediction accuracy. Specifically, the phylogenetic species tree of the reference genomes is used as a guide tree for hierarchical clustering of the orthologous proteins. The distances between these clusters, derived from the original pairwise distance matrix using the Neighbor Joining algorithm, form intermediate distance matrices, which are then transformed and concatenated into a super phylogenetic vector. A support vector machine is trained and tested on pairs of proteins, represented as super phylogenetic vectors, whose interactions are known. The performance, measured as ROC score in cross validation experiments, shows significant improvement of our method (ROC score 0.8446) over that of using Pearson correlations (0.6587). CONCLUSION: We have shown that the phylogenetic tree can be used as a guide to extract intra-matrix correlations in the distance matrices of orthologous proteins, where these correlations are represented as intermediate distance matrices of the ancestral orthologous proteins. Both the unsupervised and supervised learning paradigms benefit from the explicit inclusion of these intermediate distance matrices, and particularly so in the latter case, which offers a better balance between sensitivity and specificity in the prediction of protein-protein interactions

    Protein co-evolution, co-adaptation and interactions

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    Co-evolution has an important function in the evolution of species and it is clearly manifested in certain scenarios such as host–parasite and predator–prey interactions, symbiosis and mutualism. The extrapolation of the concepts and methodologies developed for the study of species co-evolution at the molecular level has prompted the development of a variety of computational methods able to predict protein interactions through the characteristics of co-evolution. Particularly successful have been those methods that predict interactions at the genomic level based on the detection of pairs of protein families with similar evolutionary histories (similarity of phylogenetic trees: mirrortree). Future advances in this field will require a better understanding of the molecular basis of the co-evolution of protein families. Thus, it will be important to decipher the molecular mechanisms underlying the similarity observed in phylogenetic trees of interacting proteins, distinguishing direct specific molecular interactions from other general functional constraints. In particular, it will be important to separate the effects of physical interactions within protein complexes (‘co-adaptation') from other forces that, in a less specific way, can also create general patterns of co-evolution

    Comparison of phylogenetic trees through alignment of embedded evolutionary distances

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The understanding of evolutionary relationships is a fundamental aspect of modern biology, with the phylogenetic tree being a primary tool for describing these associations. However, comparison of trees for the purpose of assessing similarity and the quantification of various biological processes remains a significant challenge.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We describe a novel approach for the comparison of phylogenetic distance information based on the alignment of representative high-dimensional embeddings (xCEED: Comparison of Embedded Evolutionary Distances). The xCEED methodology, which utilizes multidimensional scaling and Procrustes-related superimposition approaches, provides the ability to measure the global similarity between trees as well as incongruities between them. We demonstrate the application of this approach to the prediction of coevolving protein interactions and demonstrate its improved performance over the mirrortree, tol-mirrortree, phylogenetic vector projection, and partial correlation approaches. Furthermore, we show its applicability to both the detection of horizontal gene transfer events as well as its potential use in the prediction of interaction specificity between a pair of multigene families.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>These approaches provide additional tools for the study of phylogenetic trees and associated evolutionary processes. Source code is available at <url>http://gomezlab.bme.unc.edu/tools</url>.</p

    Mean-Field Theory of Meta-Learning

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    We discuss here the mean-field theory for a cellular automata model of meta-learning. The meta-learning is the process of combining outcomes of individual learning procedures in order to determine the final decision with higher accuracy than any single learning method. Our method is constructed from an ensemble of interacting, learning agents, that acquire and process incoming information using various types, or different versions of machine learning algorithms. The abstract learning space, where all agents are located, is constructed here using a fully connected model that couples all agents with random strength values. The cellular automata network simulates the higher level integration of information acquired from the independent learning trials. The final classification of incoming input data is therefore defined as the stationary state of the meta-learning system using simple majority rule, yet the minority clusters that share opposite classification outcome can be observed in the system. Therefore, the probability of selecting proper class for a given input data, can be estimated even without the prior knowledge of its affiliation. The fuzzy logic can be easily introduced into the system, even if learning agents are build from simple binary classification machine learning algorithms by calculating the percentage of agreeing agents.Comment: 23 page

    From learning taxonomies to phylogenetic learning: Integration of 16S rRNA gene data into FAME-based bacterial classification

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Machine learning techniques have shown to improve bacterial species classification based on fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) data. Nonetheless, FAME analysis has a limited resolution for discrimination of bacteria at the species level. In this paper, we approach the species classification problem from a taxonomic point of view. Such a taxonomy or tree is typically obtained by applying clustering algorithms on FAME data or on 16S rRNA gene data. The knowledge gained from the tree can then be used to evaluate FAME-based classifiers, resulting in a novel framework for bacterial species classification.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In view of learning in a taxonomic framework, we consider two types of trees. First, a FAME tree is constructed with a supervised divisive clustering algorithm. Subsequently, based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis, phylogenetic trees are inferred by the NJ and UPGMA methods. In this second approach, the species classification problem is based on the combination of two different types of data. Herein, 16S rRNA gene sequence data is used for phylogenetic tree inference and the corresponding binary tree splits are learned based on FAME data. We call this learning approach 'phylogenetic learning'. Supervised Random Forest models are developed to train the classification tasks in a stratified cross-validation setting. In this way, better classification results are obtained for species that are typically hard to distinguish by a single or flat multi-class classification model.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>FAME-based bacterial species classification is successfully evaluated in a taxonomic framework. Although the proposed approach does not improve the overall accuracy compared to flat multi-class classification, it has some distinct advantages. First, it has better capabilities for distinguishing species on which flat multi-class classification fails. Secondly, the hierarchical classification structure allows to easily evaluate and visualize the resolution of FAME data for the discrimination of bacterial species. Summarized, by phylogenetic learning we are able to situate and evaluate FAME-based bacterial species classification in a more informative context.</p

    Computational identification of residues that modulate voltage sensitivity of voltage-gated potassium channels

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    BACKGROUND: Studies of the structure-function relationship in proteins for which no 3D structure is available are often based on inspection of multiple sequence alignments. Many functionally important residues of proteins can be identified because they are conserved during evolution. However, residues that vary can also be critically important if their variation is responsible for diversity of protein function and improved phenotypes. If too few sequences are studied, the support for hypotheses on the role of a given residue will be weak, but analysis of large multiple alignments is too complex for simple inspection. When a large body of sequence and functional data are available for a protein family, mature data mining tools, such as machine learning, can be applied to extract information more easily, sensitively and reliably. We have undertaken such an analysis of voltage-gated potassium channels, a transmembrane protein family whose members play indispensable roles in electrically excitable cells. RESULTS: We applied different learning algorithms, combined in various implementations, to obtain a model that predicts the half activation voltage of a voltage-gated potassium channel based on its amino acid sequence. The best result was obtained with a k-nearest neighbor classifier combined with a wrapper algorithm for feature selection, producing a mean absolute error of prediction of 7.0 mV. The predictor was validated by permutation test and evaluation of independent experimental data. Feature selection identified a number of residues that are predicted to be involved in the voltage sensitive conformation changes; these residues are good target candidates for mutagenesis analysis. CONCLUSION: Machine learning analysis can identify new testable hypotheses about the structure/function relationship in the voltage-gated potassium channel family. This approach should be applicable to any protein family if the number of training examples and the sequence diversity of the training set that are necessary for robust prediction are empirically validated. The predictor and datasets can be found at the VKCDB web site [1]

    Predicting domain-domain interaction based on domain profiles with feature selection and support vector machines

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Protein-protein interaction (PPI) plays essential roles in cellular functions. The cost, time and other limitations associated with the current experimental methods have motivated the development of computational methods for predicting PPIs. As protein interactions generally occur via domains instead of the whole molecules, predicting domain-domain interaction (DDI) is an important step toward PPI prediction. Computational methods developed so far have utilized information from various sources at different levels, from primary sequences, to molecular structures, to evolutionary profiles.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we propose a computational method to predict DDI using support vector machines (SVMs), based on domains represented as interaction profile hidden Markov models (ipHMM) where interacting residues in domains are explicitly modeled according to the three dimensional structural information available at the Protein Data Bank (PDB). Features about the domains are extracted first as the Fisher scores derived from the ipHMM and then selected using singular value decomposition (SVD). Domain pairs are represented by concatenating their selected feature vectors, and classified by a support vector machine trained on these feature vectors. The method is tested by leave-one-out cross validation experiments with a set of interacting protein pairs adopted from the 3DID database. The prediction accuracy has shown significant improvement as compared to <it>InterPreTS </it>(Interaction Prediction through Tertiary Structure), an existing method for PPI prediction that also uses the sequences and complexes of known 3D structure.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>We show that domain-domain interaction prediction can be significantly enhanced by exploiting information inherent in the domain profiles via feature selection based on Fisher scores, singular value decomposition and supervised learning based on support vector machines. Datasets and source code are freely available on the web at <url>http://liao.cis.udel.edu/pub/svdsvm</url>. Implemented in Matlab and supported on Linux and MS Windows.</p

    Caretta – A multiple protein structure alignment and feature extraction suite

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    The vast number of protein structures currently available opens exciting opportunities for machine learning on proteins, aimed at predicting and understanding functional properties. In particular, in combination with homology modelling, it is now possible to not only use sequence features as input for machine learning, but also structure features. However, in order to do so, robust multiple structure alignments are imperative. Here we present Caretta, a multiple structure alignment suite meant for homologous but sequentially divergent protein families which consistently returns accurate alignments with a higher coverage than current state-of-the-art tools. Caretta is available as a GUI and command-line application and additionally outputs an aligned structure feature matrix for a given set of input structures, which can readily be used in downstream steps for supervised or unsupervised machine learning. We show Caretta's performance on two benchmark datasets, and present an example application of Caretta in predicting the conformational state of cyclin-dependent kinases.</p

    Identification of co-regulated candidate genes by promoter analysis.

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    EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    The GDR : a novel approach to detect large-scale genomic sequence patterns

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    Utvikling av ny sekvenseringsteknologi de to siste tiårene har tillatt dypere dykk ned i de biomolekylære aspektene ved menneskets oppskrift. Hel-genom data fra flere hundre tusen mennesker er allerede tilgjengelig, men hvordan den økende mengden informasjon kan settes sammen til meningsfull funksjonell tolkning er komplisert og krever nye metoder. MikroRNA - mRNA interaksjoner utgjør et enormt genreguleringsnettverk som er vanskelig å predikere, selv for dagens beste maskinlæringsalgoritmer(1). Disse ikke-kodende elementene er involvert i omtrent alle cellulære prosesser i mennesket, primært via delvis komplementær baseparing mellom mikroRNA og mRNA, men det er mye vi ikke forstår av dette nettverkets betydning i vår biologi (2-4). Nye metoder er nødvendige for å kunne utforske genetisk variasjon i dette nettverket, som kan gi nye innblikk i hvordan genene våre reguleres. Her presenteres «The Group Diversity Ratio» (GDR) som en ny målenhet til å møte denne utfordringen. GDR kan kvantifisere evolusjonær struktur av variasjon i store mengder genomisk sekvensdata, med et resultat som kan statistisk valideres. Metoden baserer seg på å måle gruppe-struktur i et distanse-basert fylogenetisk tre av sekvensdata, for forhåndsdefinerte grupper av «blader» i treet. Gruppene representerer en egenskap som kan relateres til sekvensdataen, og det undersøkes til hvilken grad det finnes en sammenheng mellom de to. Metoden kan primært brukes til å raskt skaffe overblikk over store mengder genomisk sekvensdata, som kan gi verdifulle innblikk til videre etterforskning. For å teste metoden ble GDR brukt til å identifisere variasjon assosiert med etniske populasjoner i 3’UTR data fra «The 1000 Genomes Project» (1KGP). 1KGP var det første store prosjektet som adresserte den etniske skjevheten som nå finnes i genom-databaser, og som utgjør en god grunn til å utforske etnisk genetisk variasjon (5). I tillegg til identifikasjon av mer enn 1000 3’UTR sekvenser som inneholder signifikant etnisitet-spesifikk variasjon, viser dette studiet GDR-metodens høye potensial til å undersøke genetisk variasjon i stor skala.The emergence of new sequencing technologies over the past two decades has enabled us to dive deeper into the biomolecular aspect of the human recipe. Entire genomes from several hundred thousand people are already accessible, but how to interpretate the connections between the blueprints and the phenotypes are complicated, even for the best developed machine learning algorithms. Prediction of the microRNA-mRNA targeting network is a classic example, which is involved with gene regulation of all living cell processes. These non-coding features make up complex networks of interactions, where microRNAs primarily target 3’UTRs through partial complementary base-pairing. Thus, the challenge to investigate patterns in such large-scaled genomic sequence data requires new approaches. The Group Diversity Ratio (GDR) metric is presented here as a novel approach to aid in this challenge. The GDR quantifies genome-wide structure in large-scale sequence data with a statistically testable result. Patterns are measured for a group feature that may be related to variation in sequence samples, based on phylogenetic distance estimations. It opens opportunities to quickly gain insights into genomic regions of interests and used to guide further research. To demonstrate the use of the GDR metric, ethnicity-associated variation patterns in more than 1000 human 3’UTRs was identified with the GDR. The study set was from 1000 Genomes project, which was the first major effort to address the problem of ethnic bias in genetic studies and contained more than 2500 whole-genome sequences from 26 ethnic lineages. In addition to detecting significantly distinct 3’UTR elements for ethnic populations, the key finding of this study was the high potentials of the GDR to facilitate more high-throughput characterization of genomic sequence data.M-BIA