130 research outputs found

    Prosodic Prominence and Boundaries in Sequence-to-Sequence Speech Synthesis

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    Recent advances in deep learning methods have elevated synthetic speech quality to human level, and the field is now moving towards addressing prosodic variation in synthetic speech.Despite successes in this effort, the state-of-the-art systems fall short of faithfully reproducing local prosodic events that give rise to, e.g., word-level emphasis and phrasal structure. This type of prosodic variation often reflects long-distance semantic relationships that are not accessible for end-to-end systems with a single sentence as their synthesis domain. One of the possible solutions might be conditioning the synthesized speech by explicit prosodic labels, potentially generated using longer portions of text. In this work we evaluate whether augmenting the textual input with such prosodic labels capturing word-level prominence and phrasal boundary strength can result in more accurate realization of sentence prosody. We use an automatic wavelet-based technique to extract such labels from speech material, and use them as an input to a tacotron-like synthesis system alongside textual information. The results of objective evaluation of synthesized speech show that using the prosodic labels significantly improves the output in terms of faithfulness of f0 and energy contours, in comparison with state-of-the-art implementations.Peer reviewe

    Text-Independent Voice Conversion

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    This thesis deals with text-independent solutions for voice conversion. It first introduces the use of vocal tract length normalization (VTLN) for voice conversion. The presented variants of VTLN allow for easily changing speaker characteristics by means of a few trainable parameters. Furthermore, it is shown how VTLN can be expressed in time domain strongly reducing the computational costs while keeping a high speech quality. The second text-independent voice conversion paradigm is residual prediction. In particular, two proposed techniques, residual smoothing and the application of unit selection, result in essential improvement of both speech quality and voice similarity. In order to apply the well-studied linear transformation paradigm to text-independent voice conversion, two text-independent speech alignment techniques are introduced. One is based on automatic segmentation and mapping of artificial phonetic classes and the other is a completely data-driven approach with unit selection. The latter achieves a performance very similar to the conventional text-dependent approach in terms of speech quality and similarity. It is also successfully applied to cross-language voice conversion. The investigations of this thesis are based on several corpora of three different languages, i.e., English, Spanish, and German. Results are also presented from the multilingual voice conversion evaluation in the framework of the international speech-to-speech translation project TC-Star

    Fast Speech in Unit Selection Speech Synthesis

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    Moers-Prinz D. Fast Speech in Unit Selection Speech Synthesis. Bielefeld: Universität Bielefeld; 2020.Speech synthesis is part of the everyday life of many people with severe visual disabilities. For those who are reliant on assistive speech technology the possibility to choose a fast speaking rate is reported to be essential. But also expressive speech synthesis and other spoken language interfaces may require an integration of fast speech. Architectures like formant or diphone synthesis are able to produce synthetic speech at fast speech rates, but the generated speech does not sound very natural. Unit selection synthesis systems, however, are capable of delivering more natural output. Nevertheless, fast speech has not been adequately implemented into such systems to date. Thus, the goal of the work presented here was to determine an optimal strategy for modeling fast speech in unit selection speech synthesis to provide potential users with a more natural sounding alternative for fast speech output

    Composition of Deep and Spiking Neural Networks for Very Low Bit Rate Speech Coding

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    Most current very low bit rate (VLBR) speech coding systems use hidden Markov model (HMM) based speech recognition/synthesis techniques. This allows transmission of information (such as phonemes) segment by segment that decreases the bit rate. However, the encoder based on a phoneme speech recognition may create bursts of segmental errors. Segmental errors are further propagated to optional suprasegmental (such as syllable) information coding. Together with the errors of voicing detection in pitch parametrization, HMM-based speech coding creates speech discontinuities and unnatural speech sound artefacts. In this paper, we propose a novel VLBR speech coding framework based on neural networks (NNs) for end-to-end speech analysis and synthesis without HMMs. The speech coding framework relies on phonological (sub-phonetic) representation of speech, and it is designed as a composition of deep and spiking NNs: a bank of phonological analysers at the transmitter, and a phonological synthesizer at the receiver, both realised as deep NNs, and a spiking NN as an incremental and robust encoder of syllable boundaries for coding of continuous fundamental frequency (F0). A combination of phonological features defines much more sound patterns than phonetic features defined by HMM-based speech coders, and the finer analysis/synthesis code contributes into smoother encoded speech. Listeners significantly prefer the NN-based approach due to fewer discontinuities and speech artefacts of the encoded speech. A single forward pass is required during the speech encoding and decoding. The proposed VLBR speech coding operates at a bit rate of approximately 360 bits/s

    Implementing and Improving a Speech Synthesis System

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    Tato práce se zabývá syntézou řeči z textu. V práci je podán základní teoretický úvod do syntézy řeči z textu. Práce je postavena na MARY TTS systému, který umožňuje využít existujících modulů k vytvoření vlastního systému pro syntézu řeči z textu, a syntéze řeči pomocí skrytých Markovových modelů natrénovaných na vytvořené řečové databázi. Bylo vytvořeno několik jednoduchých programů ulehčujících vytvoření databáze a přidání nového jazyka a hlasu pro MARY TTS systém bylo demonstrováno. Byl vytvořen a publikován modul a hlas pro Český jazyk. Byl popsán a implementován algoritmus pro přepis grafémů na fonémy.This work deals with text-to-speech synthesis. A general theoretical introduction to TTS is~given. This work is based on the MARY TTS system which allows to use existing modules for the creation of an own text-to-speech system and a speech synthesis model using hidden Markov models trained on the created speech database. Several simple programs to ease database creation were created and adding a new language and voice to the MARY TTS system was shown hot to add. The Czech language module and voice for the MARY TTS system was created and published. An algorithm for grapheme-to-phoneme transcription was described and implemented.

    Articulatory-based Speech Processing Methods for Foreign Accent Conversion

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    The objective of this dissertation is to develop speech processing methods that enable without altering their identity. We envision accent conversion primarily as a tool for pronunciation training, allowing non-native speakers to hear their native-accented selves. With this application in mind, we present two methods of accent conversion. The first assumes that the voice quality/identity of speech resides in the glottal excitation, while the linguistic content is contained in the vocal tract transfer function. Accent conversion is achieved by convolving the glottal excitation of a non-native speaker with the vocal tract transfer function of a native speaker. The result is perceived as 60 percent less accented, but it is no longer identified as the same individual. The second method of accent conversion selects segments of speech from a corpus of non-native speech based on their acoustic or articulatory similarity to segments from a native speaker. We predict that articulatory features provide a more speaker-independent representation of speech and are therefore better gauges of linguistic similarity across speakers. To test this hypothesis, we collected a custom database containing simultaneous recordings of speech and the positions of important articulators (e.g. lips, jaw, tongue) for a native and non-native speaker. Resequencing speech from a non-native speaker based on articulatory similarity with a native speaker achieved a 20 percent reduction in accent. The approach is particularly appealing for applications in pronunciation training because it modifies speech in a way that produces realistically achievable changes in accent (i.e., since the technique uses sounds already produced by the non-native speaker). A second contribution of this dissertation is the development of subjective and objective measures to assess the performance of accent conversion systems. This is a difficult problem because, in most cases, no ground truth exists. Subjective evaluation is further complicated by the interconnected relationship between accent and identity, but modifications of the stimuli (i.e. reverse speech and voice disguises) allow the two components to be separated. Algorithms to measure objectively accent, quality, and identity are shown to correlate well with their subjective counterparts