1,226 research outputs found

    Philosophical reflection on mathematics in Poland in the interwar period

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    AbstractIn the paper the views and tendencies in the philosophical reflection on mathematics in Poland between the wars are analyzed. Views of most outstanding representatives of Lvov–Warsaw Philosophical School and of Polish Mathematical School are presented. Their influence on logical and mathematical researches is considered

    The academic virtues in public discussion: Adam Schaff and the campaign against the Lvov-Warsaw School in post-war Poland

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    Adam Schaff was at the front of the ideological campaign organized in post-war Poland during the wave of Stalinization. By attempting to adapt the Soviet “model” of public discussion to Polish academia, Schaff wanted to teach the representatives of the Lvov-Warsaw School of logic how to lead a scholarly debate. Schaff ’s group consisted of young scholars from the Instytut Kształcenia Kadr Naukowych [Institute for Education of Scientific Staff] and with critical reviews on the works of Polish logicians they tried to force their opponents to change the basic principles of their academic practice under the new circumstances. Nevertheless, Schaff ’s project failed since, unlike Soviet scholars, the participants in the discussion referred to different academic virtues that made the adaptation of the Soviet model of public discussion impossible.Cnoty akademickie w dyskusji publicznej: Adam Schaff i kampania przeciwko szkole lwowsko-warszawskiej w powojennej Polsce Artykuł dotyczy kampanii ideologicznej prowadzonej przez Adama Schaffa, zorganizowanej w powojennej Polsce na fali stalinizacji. Próbując dostosować radziecki „model” dyskusji publicznej do polskiego środowiska akademickiego, Schaff chciał „nauczyć” przedstawicieli lwowsko-warszawskiej szkoły logiki, jak prowadzić debatę naukową. Pisząc krytyczne recenzje prac polskich logików, grupa Schaffa, w skład której wchodzili młodzi naukowcy z Instytutu Kształcenia Kadr Naukowych, próbowała zmusić swoich przeciwników do zmiany podstawowych zasad praktyki akademickiej w nowych warunkach. Niemniej jednak projekt Schaffa nie powiódł się, ponieważ, w przeciwieństwie do sowieckich uczonych, uczestnicy dyskusji odnosili się do różnych cnót akademickich, które uniemożliwiały adaptację „radzieckiego modelu” dyskusji publicznej

    Związki Szkoły Lwowsko-Warszawskiej i Uniwersytetu w Poznaniu

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    The Lvov-Warsaw School in Philosophy – as the very name suggests – was connected mainly with two academic centers: universities in Lvov and Warsaw. However, it had a broader impact. The members of this school were active also at other universities, in particular in Cracow, Vilnius and Poznań. The aim of the paper is to present and analyze the connections of Lvov-Warsaw School with the university in Poznań.Szkoła Lwowsko-Warszawska – jak wskazuje sama nazwa – związana była glównie z dwoma ośrodkami akademickimi: uniwersytetami we Lwowie i w Warszawie. Jednakże jej wpływ był znacznie szerszy, uczeni będący członkami tej szkoły byli aktywni także w innych uniwersytetach, w szczególności w Krakowie, Wilnie i Poznaniu. Celem tej pracy jest prezentacja i analiza związków Szkoły Lwowsko-Warszawskiej i uniwersytetu w Poznaniu

    On Hungarian Philosophy

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    Contents (Special Issue)

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    On Hungarian Philosophy

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    Liberal education in selected Polish pedagogical concepts : in comparison to English-language concepts : with particular reference to the enlightenment period (part 2)

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    In the English language, although the term liberal education has multiple semantic meanings, it may still be interpreted in the new sense of the meaning. The idea refers to an ancient and medieval model of education within the liberal arts (artes liberales), developed in the era of Enlightenment philosophers’ theory to promote knowledge, self-dependent and critical thinking as a path to individual freedom, political and civil liberty and social progress. It seems that this is one of the ideas that could build the European identity. What is its perception and understanding in Polish philosophical and pedagogical theory? In Poland, this term, if it is translated directly as “edukacja liberalna”, directly evokes liberalism as political and social doctrine. Thus, “kształcenie ogólne” is more often used but fails to reflect the meaning of liberal education in its entirety. It ignores in fact the relation between knowledge, understanding and freedom/liberty, critical attitude, openness to the plurality of reasons, independence, tolerance for diversity of views and models of good life. The main objective of this presentation is to trace selected Polish educational concepts and the presence of elements of Anglo-Saxon tradition of liberal education in them, with particular reference to the Enlightenment

    Psychoanalysis – the Promised Land?

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    The book is the first systematic study of the beginnings of psychoanalysis on Polish lands in Galicia (Austria-Hungary) and Congress Poland (Russia) during the partitions of Poland in the years between 1900 and 1918. The birth of the movement was presented on a broad cultural background, as an element of the assimilation processes among Polish Jews. At the same time, Freud's and Jung's theories began to gain popularity in Polish medical, philosophical, artistic and literary circles. By 1918, over a dozen articles on psychoanalysis had been published in Polish scientific and philosophical journals. Freud himself was vitally interested in this process, sending Ludwig Jekels to Krakow in the role of – as he wrote – an "apostle" of his theory in the circles of the Polish intelligentsia

    Recepcja teorii pedagogicznej Marii Montessori w wychowaniu przedszkolnym w Drugiej Rzeczypospolitej

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    The innovative tendency in pedagogy, called “new education”, which appeared in many European countries in the first half of the 20th century, aimed at reviving schooling, the conditions of education, and the process of learning; it also set a new role for the teacher and emphasized a new approach to the child. Maria Montessori (1870–1952), an Italian physician and educationalist, was one of the representatives of “new education”. Knowledge of the pedagogical theory developed by Montessori was spread in Poland through her books and the pedagogical-psychological literature of Polish educationalists, which referred to the Montessori educational concept. The purpose of this work is to present the reception of Montessori’s pedagogical theory in pre-school education in 1918–1939.Nowatorski nurt w pedagogice, określany mianem „nowego wychowania”, który pojawił się w wielu krajach Europy w I połowie XX w., zmierzał do odnowy szkoły, warunków nauki i procesu uczenia się, wyznaczał nową rolę nauczycielowi, akcentował także nowe podejście do dziecka. Jedną z wielu przedstawicieli „nowego wychowania” była Maria Montessori (1870–1952), włoska lekarka i pedagog. Poznaniu teorii pedagogicznej M. Montessori w Polsce służyły publikacje książkowe jej autorstwa oraz literatura pedagogiczno-psychologiczna polskich pedagogów, w której nawiązywano do koncepcji wychowania Montessori. Celem artykułu jest ukazanie recepcji teorii pedagogicznej M. Montessori w wychowaniu przedszkolnym w latach 1918–1939