1,329 research outputs found

    Localization Precise in Urban Area

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    Nowadays, stand-alone Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning accuracy is not sufficient for a growing number of land users. Sub-meter or even centimeter accuracy is becoming more and more crucial in many applications. Especially for navigating rovers in the urban environment, final positioning accuracy can be worse as the dramatically lack and contaminations of GNSS measurements. To achieve a more accurate positioning, the GNSS carrier phase measurements appear mandatory. These measurements have a tracking error more precise by a factor of a hundred than the usual code pseudorange measurements. However, they are also less robust and include a so-called integer ambiguity that prevents them to be used directly for positioning. While carrier phase measurements are widely used in applications located in open environments, this thesis focuses on trying to use them in a much more challenging urban environment. To do so, Real Time-Kinematic (RTK) methodology is used, which is taking advantage on the spatially correlated property of most code and carrier phase measurements errors. Besides, the thesis also tries to take advantage of a dual GNSS constellation, GPS and GLONASS, to strengthen the position solution and the reliable use of carrier phase measurements. Finally, to make up the disadvantages of GNSS in urban areas, a low-cost MEMS is also integrated to the final solution. Regarding the use of carrier phase measurements, a modified version of Partial Integer Ambiguity Resolution (Partial-IAR) is proposed to convert as reliably as possible carrier phase measurements into absolute pseudoranges. Moreover, carrier phase Cycle Slip (CS) being quite frequent in urban areas, thus creating discontinuities of the measured carrier phases, a new detection and repair mechanism of CSs is proposed to continuously benefit from the high precision of carrier phases. Finally, tests based on real data collected around Toulouse are used to test the performance of the whole methodology

    LIBRA: An inexpensive geodetic network densification system

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    A description is given of the Libra (Locations Interposed by Ranging Aircraft) system, by which geodesy and earth strain measurements can be performed rapidly and inexpensively to several hundred auxiliary points with respect to a few fundamental control points established by any other technique, such as radio interferometry or satellite ranging. This low-cost means of extending the accuracy of space age geodesy to local surveys provides speed and spatial resolution useful, for example, for earthquake hazards estimation. Libra may be combined with an existing system, Aries (Astronomical Radio Interferometric Earth Surveying) to provide a balanced system adequate to meet the geophysical needs, and applicable to conventional surveying. The basic hardware design was outlined and specifications were defined. Then need for network densification was described. The following activities required to implement the proposed Libra system are also described: hardware development, data reduction, tropospheric calibrations, schedule of development and estimated costs

    New approach to detect seismic surface waves in 1Hz-sampled GPS time series

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    Recently, co-seismic seismic source characterization based on GPS measurements has been completed in near- and far-field with remarkable results. However, the accuracy of the ground displacement measurement inferred from GPS phase residuals is still depending of the distribution of satellites in the sky. We test here a method, based on the double difference (DD) computations of Line of Sight (LOS), that allows detecting 3D co-seismic ground shaking. The DD method is a quasi-analytically free of most of intrinsic errors affecting GPS measurements. The seismic waves presented in this study produced DD amplitudes 4 and 7 times stronger than the background noise. The method is benchmarked using the GEONET GPS stations recording the Hokkaido Earthquake (2003 September 25th, Mw = 8.3)

    Study of lunar landing sensor performance final report

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    Lunar landing sensor performance - extended range altimeter, short range velocity sensor, and beacon tracking rada

    Navigation Facility for High Accuracy Offline Trajectory and Attitude Estimation in Airborne Applications

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    The paper focuses on a navigation facility, relying on commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) technology, developed to generate high-accuracy attitude and trajectory measurements in postprocessing. Target performance is cm-level positioning with tenth of degree attitude accuracy. The facility is based on the concept of GPS-aided inertial navigation but comprises carrier-phase differential GPS (CDGPS) processing and attitude estimation based on multiantenna GPS configurations. Expected applications of the system include: (a) performance assessment of integrated navigation systems, developed for general aviation aircraft and medium size unmanned aircraft systems (UAS); (b) generation of reference measurements to evaluate the flight performance of airborne sensors (e.g., radar or laser); and (c) generation of reference trajectory and attitude for improving imaging quality of airborne remote sensing data. The paper describes system architecture, selected algorithms for data processing and integration, and theoretical performance evaluation. Experimental results are also presented confirming the effectiveness of the implemented approach

    Bayesian inference of focal mechanisms and backprojection methods for source kinematics characterization

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    The general goal of this thesis has been to characterize the seismic source of an earthquake. A source can be characterized by macroscopic characteristics in the approximation of a point source, as the location of the hypocenter, moment magnitude of the event and the focal mechanism. Moreover, we can also provide characteristics of the extended source, as its spatial dimensions or the final slip map on the fault plane rather than an average value. Another punctual quantity that can be provided is rupture velocity. We have focused not only on the moderate-to-large events, but we have also tried to infer characteristics for micro-seismicity, believing that the latter is a key to understanding more large-scale mechanisms (De Matteis, 2012). In particular, we focused on the estimation of focal mechanism of microearthquakes (Mw< 3). Firstly, we have developed an algorithm in an evolutionary Bayesian framework to give a rapid estimation of the earthquake focal mechanism using the few seconds of P-wave since the origin time of a set of recording stations for moderate earthquakes (Mw 4.5 to 6.5). Then, opportunely modifying this procedure allowing for the inclusion of S/P amplitude and inclusion of polarity, we tried to infer the focal mechanism also of micro-earthquakes (local magnitude < Ml 3.0). We then investigated two different approaches for back-projection. We performed the back projection as in Marcklin et al,2012 but near source and applied to a moderate event, the 6.5 Mw 2016 Norcia earthquake, retrieving the dominant rupture propagation toward south. Moreover, the duration (~8s) is in agreement with references. This approach beamforms and stacks displacement amplitude directly on the fault plane to retrieve slip rate and slip on the plane. There is also a different strategy to perform the back-projection (Xie & Meng, 2020) which locates the seismic radiators, that are sub-events of an earthquake. We applied the Multi-array Back-projection to study 3 different earthquakes at local and regional scales, in different tectonic regimes, to determine the location of seismic radiators and we used the distance from seismic radiators as source-to-site distance metric to considering for the path effect in local Ground Motion Prediction Equations. This technique does not require the discretization of the source in sub-sources, neither to orient the fault plane in the space. It works to match the coherency of waveforms to locate seismic radiators, which distribution reflects the main direction of the rupture and also the rupture length. We used the distance of stations to radiators at local scale in an evolutionary approach to obtain estimation of Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) in time, predicting in good agreement the observed PGA some seconds before

    New GPS Time Series Analysis and a Simplified Model to Compute an Accurate Seasonal Amplitude of Tropospheric Delay

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    Horizontal and vertical deformation of the Earth’s crust is due to a variety of different geophysical processes that take place on various spatiotemporal scales. The quality of the observations from spaced-based geodesy instruments such as Global Positioning System (GPS) and differential interferometric synthetic aperture radar (DInSAR) data for monitoring these deformations are dependent on numerous error sources. Therefore, accurately identifying and eliminating the dominant sources of the error, such as troposphere error in GPS signals, is fundamental to obtain high quality, sub-centimeter accuracy levels in positioning results. In this work, I present the results of double-differenced processing of five years of GPS data, between 2008 and 2012, for sparsely distributed GPS stations in southeastern Ontario and western Québec. I employ Bernese GPS Software Version 5.0 (BSW5.0) and found two optimal sub-networks which can provide high accuracy estimation of the position changes. I demonstrate good agreement between the resulted coordinate time series and the estimates of the crustal motions obtained from a global solution. In addition, I analyzed the GPS position time series by using a complex noise model, a combination of white and power-law noises. The estimated spectral index of the noise model demonstrates that the flicker noise is the dominant noise in most GPS stations in our study area. The interpretation of the observed velocities suggests that they provide an accurate constraint on glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) prediction models. Based on a deeper analysis of these same GPS stations, I propose a model that accurately estimates the seasonal amplitude of zenith tropospheric delay (ZTD) error in the GPS data on local and regional spatial scales. I process the data for the period 2008 through 2012 from eight GPS stations in eastern Ontario and western Québec using precise point positioning (PPP) online analysis available from Natural Resource Canada (NRCan) (https://webapp.geod.nrcan.gc.ca/geod/tools-outils/ppp.php). The model is an elevation-dependent model and is a function of the decay parameter of refractivity with altitude and the seasonal amplitude of refractivity computed from atmospheric data (pressure, temperature, and water vapor pressure) at a given reference station. I demonstrate that it can accurately estimate the seasonal amplitude of ZTD signals for the GPS stations at any altitude relative to that reference station. Based on the comparison of the observed seasonal amplitudes of the differenced ZTD at each station and the estimates from the proposed model, it can provide an accurate estimation for the stations under normal atmospheric conditions. The differenced ZTD is defined as the differences of ZTD derived from PPP at each station and ZTD at the reference station. Moreover, I successfully compute a five-year precipitable water vapor (PWV) at each GPS site, based on the ZTD derived from meteorological data and GPS processing. The results provide an accurate platform to monitor long-term climate changes and inform future weather predictions. In an extension of this research, I analyze DInSAR data between 2014 and 2017 with high temporal and spatial resolution, from Kilauea volcano in Hawaii in order to derive the spatial and temporal pattern of the seasonal amplitude of ZTD. I propose an elevation-dependent model by the data from a radiosonde station and observations at a surface weather station for modeling the seasonal amplitudes of ZTD at any arbitrary elevation. The results obtained from this model fit the vertical profile of the observed seasonal amplitude of ZTD in DInSAR data, increasing systematically from the elevation of the DInSAR reference point. I demonstrate that the proposed model could be used to estimate the seasonal amplitude of the differenced ZTD at each GPS station within a local network with high accuracy. The results of this study concluded that, employing this model in GPS processing applications eliminates the need for the meteorological observations at each GPS site
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