431 research outputs found

    A temporal phase coherence estimation algorithm and its application on DInSAR pixel selection

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    © 2019 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes,creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Pixel selection is a crucial step of all advanced Differential Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (DInSAR) techniques that have a direct impact on the quality of the final DInSAR products. In this paper, a full-resolution phase quality estimator, i.e., the temporal phase coherence (TPC), is proposed for DInSAR pixel selection. The method is able to work with both distributed scatterers (DSs) and permanent scatterers (PSs). The influence of different neighboring window sizes and types of interferograms combinations [both the single-master (SM) and the multi-master (MM)] on TPC has been studied. The relationship between TPC and phase standard deviation (STD) of the selected pixels has also been derived. Together with the classical coherence and amplitude dispersion methods, the TPC pixel selection algorithm has been tested on 37 VV polarization Radarsat-2 images of Barcelona Airport. Results show the feasibility and effectiveness of TPC pixel selection algorithm. Besides obvious improvements in the number of selected pixels, the new method shows some other advantages comparing with the other classical two. The proposed pixel selection algorithm, which presents an affordable computational cost, is easy to be implemented and incorporated into any advanced DInSAR processing chain for high-quality pixels' identification.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Long-term monitoring of geodynamic surface deformation using SAR interferometry

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2014Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry (InSAR) is a powerful tool to measure surface deformation and is well suited for surveying active volcanoes using historical and existing satellites. However, the value and applicability of InSAR for geodynamic monitoring problems is limited by the influence of temporal decorrelation and electromagnetic path delay variations in the atmosphere, both of which reduce the sensitivity and accuracy of the technique. The aim of this PhD thesis research is: how to optimize the quantity and quality of deformation signals extracted from InSAR stacks that contain only a low number of images in order to facilitate volcano monitoring and the study of their geophysical signatures. In particular, the focus is on methods of mitigating atmospheric artifacts in interferograms by combining time-series InSAR techniques and external atmospheric delay maps derived by Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) models. In the first chapter of the thesis, the potential of the NWP Weather Research & Forecasting (WRF) model for InSAR data correction has been studied extensively. Forecasted atmospheric delays derived from operational High Resolution Rapid Refresh for the Alaska region (HRRRAK) products have been compared to radiosonding measurements in the first chapter. The result suggests that the HRRR-AK operational products are a good data source for correcting atmospheric delays in spaceborne geodetic radar observations, if the geophysical signal to be observed is larger than 20 mm. In the second chapter, an advanced method for integrating NWP products into the time series InSAR workflow is developed. The efficiency of the algorithm is tested via simulated data experiments, which demonstrate the method outperforms other more conventional methods. In Chapter 3, a geophysical case study is performed by applying the developed algorithm to the active volcanoes of Unimak Island Alaska (Westdahl, Fisher and Shishaldin) for long term volcano deformation monitoring. The volcano source location at Westdahl is determined to be approx. 7 km below sea level and approx. 3.5 km north of the Westdahl peak. This study demonstrates that Fisher caldera has had continuous subsidence over more than 10 years and there is no evident deformation signal around Shishaldin peak.Chapter 1. Performance of the High Resolution Atmospheric Model HRRR-AK for Correcting Geodetic Observations from Spaceborne Radars -- Chapter 2. Robust atmospheric filtering of InSAR data based on numerical weather prediction models -- Chapter 3. Subtle motion long term monitoring of Unimak Island from 2003 to 2010 by advanced time series SAR interferometry -- Chapter 4. Conclusion and future work

    On some spectral properties of TanDEM-X interferograms over forested areas

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    This letter reports about some obervations over rainforest (in Brazil and Indonesia), where the spectra of TanDEM-X interferograms show distinct features, almost a signature, which is explained and modelled in terms of the scattering properties. Supported by comparisons with simulations, the observations exclude any homogeneous, horizontally-layered forest; instead, they are compatible with a model with point scatterers clustered in clouds. Such a model, with high extinction and large gaps that allow significant penetration, is able to explain to a good degree the observations

    Non-Local Compressive Sensing Based SAR Tomography

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    Tomographic SAR (TomoSAR) inversion of urban areas is an inherently sparse reconstruction problem and, hence, can be solved using compressive sensing (CS) algorithms. This paper proposes solutions for two notorious problems in this field: 1) TomoSAR requires a high number of data sets, which makes the technique expensive. However, it can be shown that the number of acquisitions and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) can be traded off against each other, because it is asymptotically only the product of the number of acquisitions and SNR that determines the reconstruction quality. We propose to increase SNR by integrating non-local estimation into the inversion and show that a reasonable reconstruction of buildings from only seven interferograms is feasible. 2) CS-based inversion is computationally expensive and therefore barely suitable for large-scale applications. We introduce a new fast and accurate algorithm for solving the non-local L1-L2-minimization problem, central to CS-based reconstruction algorithms. The applicability of the algorithm is demonstrated using simulated data and TerraSAR-X high-resolution spotlight images over an area in Munich, Germany.Comment: 10 page

    Comparison of Small Baseline Interferometric SAR Processors for Estimating Ground Deformation

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    The small Baseline Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Interferometry (SBI) technique has been widely and successfully applied in various ground deformation monitoring applications. Over the last decade, a variety of SBI algorithms have been developed based on the same fundamental concepts. Recently developed SBI toolboxes provide an open environment for researchers to apply different SBI methods for various purposes. However, there has been no thorough discussion that compares the particular characteristics of different SBI methods and their corresponding performance in ground deformation reconstruction. Thus, two SBI toolboxes that implement a total of four SBI algorithms were selected for comparison. This study discusses and summarizes the main differences, pros and cons of these four SBI implementations, which could help users to choose a suitable SBI method for their specific application. The study focuses on exploring the suitability of each SBI module under various data set conditions, including small/large number of interferograms, the presence or absence of larger time gaps, urban/vegetation ground coverage, and temporally regular/irregular ground displacement with multiple spatial scales. Within this paper we discuss the corresponding theoretical background of each SBI method. We present a performance analysis of these SBI modules based on two real data sets characterized by different environmental and surface deformation conditions. The study shows that all four SBI processors are capable of generating similar ground deformation results when the data set has sufficient temporal sampling and a stable ground backscatter mechanism like urban area. Strengths and limitations of different SBI processors were analyzed based on data set configuration and environmental conditions and are summarized in this paper to guide future users of SBI techniques

    PSI deformation map retrieval by means of temporal sublook coherence on reduced sets of SAR images

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    Prior to the application of any persistent scatterer interferometry (PSI) technique for the monitoring of terrain displacement phenomena, an adequate pixel selection must be carried out in order to prevent the inclusion of noisy pixels in the processing. The rationale is to detect the so-called persistent scatterers, which are characterized by preserving their phase quality along the multi-temporal set of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images available. Two criteria are mainly available for the estimation of pixels' phase quality, i.e., the coherence stability and the amplitude dispersion or permanent scatterers (PS) approach. The coherence stability method allows an accurate estimation of the phase statistics, even when a reduced number of SAR acquisitions is available. Unfortunately, it requires the multi-looking of data during the coherence estimation, leading to a spatial resolution loss in the final results. In contrast, the PS approach works at full-resolution, but it demands a larger number of SAR images to be reliable, typically more than 20. There is hence a clear limitation when a full-resolution PSI processing is to be carried out and the number of acquisitions available is small. In this context, a novel pixel selection method based on exploiting the spectral properties of point-like scatterers, referred to as temporal sublook coherence (TSC), has been recently proposed. This paper seeks to demonstrate the advantages of employing PSI techniques by means of TSC on both orbital and ground-based SAR (GB-SAR) data when the number of images available is small (10 images in the work presented). The displacement maps retrieved through the proposed technique are compared, in terms of pixel density and phase quality, with traditional criteria. Two X-band datasets composed of 10 sliding spotlight TerraSAR-X images and 10 GB-SAR images, respectively, over the landslide of El Forn de Canillo (Andorran Pyrenees), are employed for this study. For both datasets, the TSC technique has showed an excellent performance compared with traditional techniques, achieving up to a four-fold increase in the number of persistent scatters detected, compared with the coherence stability approach, and a similar density compared with the PS approach, but free of outliers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Railways' stability observed in Campania (Italy) by InSAR data

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    Campania region is characterized by intense urbanization, active volcanoes, subsidence, and landslides; therefore, the stability of public transportation structures is highly concerned. We have app..

    Minimizing the residual topography effect on interferograms to improve DInSAR results: estimating land subsidence in Port-Said City, Egypt

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    The accurate detection of land subsidence rates in urban areas is important to identify damage-prone areas and provide decision-makers with useful information. Meanwhile, no precise measurements of land subsidence have been undertaken within the coastal Port-Said City in Egypt to evaluate its hazard in relationship to sea-level rise. In order to address this shortcoming, this work introduces and evaluates a methodology that substantially improves small subsidence rate estimations in an urban setting. Eight ALOS/PALSAR-1 scenes were used to estimate the land subsidence rates in Port-Said City, using the Small BAse line Subset (SBAS) DInSAR technique. A stereo pair of ALOS/PRISM was used to generate an accurate DEM to minimize the residual topography effect on the generated interferograms. A total of 347 well distributed ground control points (GCP) were collected in Port-Said City using the leveling instrument to calibrate the generated DEM. Moreover, the eight PALSAR scenes were co-registered using 50 well-distributed GCPs and used to generate 22 interferogram pairs. These PALSAR interferograms were subsequently filtered and used together with the coherence data to calculate the phase unwrapping. The phase-unwrapped interferogram-pairs were then evaluated to discard four interferograms that were affected by phase jumps and phase ramps. Results confirmed that using an accurate DEM (ALOS/PRISM) was essential for accurately detecting small deformations. The vertical displacement rate during the investigated period (2007–2010) was estimated to be −28 mm. The results further indicate that the northern area of Port-Said City has been subjected to higher land subsidence rates compared to the southern area. Such land subsidence rates might induce significant environmental changes with respect to sea-level rise

    Robust and Flexible Persistent Scatterer Interferometry for Long-Term and Large-Scale Displacement Monitoring

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    Die Persistent Scatterer Interferometrie (PSI) ist eine Methode zur Überwachung von Verschiebungen der ErdoberflĂ€che aus dem Weltraum. Sie basiert auf der Identifizierung und Analyse von stabilen Punktstreuern (sog. Persistent Scatterer, PS) durch die Anwendung von AnsĂ€tzen der Zeitreihenanalyse auf Stapel von SAR-Interferogrammen. PS Punkte dominieren die RĂŒckstreuung der Auflösungszellen, in denen sie sich befinden, und werden durch geringfĂŒgige Dekorrelation charakterisiert. Verschiebungen solcher PS Punkte können mit einer potenziellen Submillimetergenauigkeit ĂŒberwacht werden, wenn Störquellen effektiv minimiert werden. Im Laufe der Zeit hat sich die PSI in bestimmten Anwendungen zu einer operationellen Technologie entwickelt. Es gibt jedoch immer noch herausfordernde Anwendungen fĂŒr die Methode. Physische VerĂ€nderungen der LandoberflĂ€che und Änderungen in der Aufnahmegeometrie können dazu fĂŒhren, dass PS Punkte im Laufe der Zeit erscheinen oder verschwinden. Die Anzahl der kontinuierlich kohĂ€renten PS Punkte nimmt mit zunehmender LĂ€nge der Zeitreihen ab, wĂ€hrend die Anzahl der TPS Punkte zunimmt, die nur wĂ€hrend eines oder mehrerer getrennter Segmente der analysierten Zeitreihe kohĂ€rent sind. Daher ist es wĂŒnschenswert, die Analyse solcher TPS Punkte in die PSI zu integrieren, um ein flexibles PSI-System zu entwickeln, das in der Lage ist mit dynamischen VerĂ€nderungen der LandoberflĂ€che umzugehen und somit ein kontinuierliches Verschiebungsmonitoring ermöglicht. Eine weitere Herausforderung der PSI besteht darin, großflĂ€chiges Monitoring in Regionen mit komplexen atmosphĂ€rischen Bedingungen durchzufĂŒhren. Letztere fĂŒhren zu hoher Unsicherheit in den Verschiebungszeitreihen bei großen AbstĂ€nden zur rĂ€umlichen Referenz. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit Modifikationen und Erweiterungen, die auf der Grund lage eines bestehenden PSI-Algorithmus realisiert wurden, um einen robusten und flexiblen PSI-Ansatz zu entwickeln, der mit den oben genannten Herausforderungen umgehen kann. Als erster Hauptbeitrag wird eine Methode prĂ€sentiert, die TPS Punkte vollstĂ€ndig in die PSI integriert. In Evaluierungsstudien mit echten SAR Daten wird gezeigt, dass die Integration von TPS Punkten tatsĂ€chlich die BewĂ€ltigung dynamischer VerĂ€nderungen der LandoberflĂ€che ermöglicht und mit zunehmender ZeitreihenlĂ€nge zunehmende Relevanz fĂŒr PSI-basierte Beobachtungsnetzwerke hat. Der zweite Hauptbeitrag ist die Vorstellung einer Methode zur kovarianzbasierten Referenzintegration in großflĂ€chige PSI-Anwendungen zur SchĂ€tzung von rĂ€umlich korreliertem Rauschen. Die Methode basiert auf der Abtastung des Rauschens an Referenzpixeln mit bekannten Verschiebungszeitreihen und anschließender Interpolation auf die restlichen PS Pixel unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der rĂ€umlichen Statistik des Rauschens. Es wird in einer Simulationsstudie sowie einer Studie mit realen Daten gezeigt, dass die Methode ĂŒberlegene Leistung im Vergleich zu alternativen Methoden zur Reduktion von rĂ€umlich korreliertem Rauschen in Interferogrammen mittels Referenzintegration zeigt. Die entwickelte PSI-Methode wird schließlich zur Untersuchung von Landsenkung im Vietnamesischen Teil des Mekong Deltas eingesetzt, das seit einigen Jahrzehnten von Landsenkung und verschiedenen anderen Umweltproblemen betroffen ist. Die geschĂ€tzten Landsenkungsraten zeigen eine hohe VariabilitĂ€t auf kurzen sowie großen rĂ€umlichen Skalen. Die höchsten Senkungsraten von bis zu 6 cm pro Jahr treten hauptsĂ€chlich in stĂ€dtischen Gebieten auf. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass der grĂ¶ĂŸte Teil der Landsenkung ihren Ursprung im oberflĂ€chennahen Untergrund hat. Die prĂ€sentierte Methode zur Reduzierung von rĂ€umlich korreliertem Rauschen verbessert die Ergebnisse signifikant, wenn eine angemessene rĂ€umliche Verteilung von Referenzgebieten verfĂŒgbar ist. In diesem Fall wird das Rauschen effektiv reduziert und unabhĂ€ngige Ergebnisse von zwei Interferogrammstapeln, die aus unterschiedlichen Orbits aufgenommen wurden, zeigen große Übereinstimmung. Die Integration von TPS Punkten fĂŒhrt fĂŒr die analysierte Zeitreihe von sechs Jahren zu einer deutlich grĂ¶ĂŸeren Anzahl an identifizierten TPS als PS Punkten im gesamten Untersuchungsgebiet und verbessert damit das Beobachtungsnetzwerk erheblich. Ein spezieller Anwendungsfall der TPS Integration wird vorgestellt, der auf der Clusterung von TPS Punkten basiert, die innerhalb der analysierten Zeitreihe erschienen, um neue Konstruktionen systematisch zu identifizieren und ihre anfĂ€ngliche Bewegungszeitreihen zu analysieren
