37 research outputs found

    Representability of orthogonal matroids over partial fields

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    Let r⩽nr \leqslant n be nonnegative integers, and let N=(nr)−1N = \binom{n}{r} - 1. For a matroid MM of rank rr on the finite set E=[n]E = [n] and a partial field kk in the sense of Semple--Whittle, it is known that the following are equivalent: (a) MM is representable over kk; (b) there is a point p=(pJ)∈PN(k)p = (p_J) \in {\bf P}^N(k) with support MM (meaning that Supp(p):={J∈(Er)  ∣  pJ≠0}\text{Supp}(p) := \{J \in \binom{E}{r} \; \vert \; p_J \ne 0\} of pp is the set of bases of MM) satisfying the Grassmann-Pl\"ucker equations; and (c) there is a point p=(pJ)∈PN(k)p = (p_J) \in {\bf P}^N(k) with support MM satisfying just the 3-term Grassmann-Pl\"ucker equations. Moreover, by a theorem of P. Nelson, almost all matroids (meaning asymptotically 100%) are not representable over any partial field. We prove analogues of these facts for Lagrangian orthogonal matroids in the sense of Gelfand-Serganova, which are equivalent to even Delta-matroids in the sense of Bouchet.Comment: 13 page

    Representative set statements for delta-matroids and the Mader delta-matroid

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    We present representative sets-style statements for linear delta-matroids, which are set systems that generalize matroids, with important connections to matching theory and graph embeddings. Furthermore, our proof uses a new approach of sieving polynomial families, which generalizes the linear algebra approach of the representative sets lemma to a setting of bounded-degree polynomials. The representative sets statements for linear delta-matroids then follow by analyzing the Pfaffian of the skew-symmetric matrix representing the delta-matroid. Applying the same framework to the determinant instead of the Pfaffian recovers the representative sets lemma for linear matroids. Altogether, this significantly extends the toolbox available for kernelization. As an application, we show an exact sparsification result for Mader networks: Let G=(V,E)G=(V,E) be a graph and T\mathcal{T} a partition of a set of terminals T⊆V(G)T \subseteq V(G), ∣T∣=k|T|=k. A T\mathcal{T}-path in GG is a path with endpoints in distinct parts of T\mathcal{T} and internal vertices disjoint from TT. In polynomial time, we can derive a graph G′=(V′,E′)G'=(V',E') with T⊆V(G′)T \subseteq V(G'), such that for every subset S⊆TS \subseteq T there is a packing of T\mathcal{T}-paths with endpoints SS in GG if and only if there is one in G′G', and ∣V(G′)∣=O(k3)|V(G')|=O(k^3). This generalizes the (undirected version of the) cut-covering lemma, which corresponds to the case that T\mathcal{T} contains only two blocks. To prove the Mader network sparsification result, we furthermore define the class of Mader delta-matroids, and show that they have linear representations. This should be of independent interest

    Isotropical Linear Spaces and Valuated Delta-Matroids

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    The spinor variety is cut out by the quadratic Wick relations among the principal Pfaffians of an n x n skew-symmetric matrix. Its points correspond to n-dimensional isotropic subspaces of a 2n-dimensional vector space. In this paper we tropicalize this picture, and we develop a combinatorial theory of tropical Wick vectors and tropical linear spaces that are tropically isotropic. We characterize tropical Wick vectors in terms of subdivisions of Delta-matroid polytopes, and we examine to what extent the Wick relations form a tropical basis. Our theory generalizes several results for tropical linear spaces and valuated matroids to the class of Coxeter matroids of type D

    The Group Structure of Pivot and Loop Complementation on Graphs and Set Systems

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    We study the interplay between principal pivot transform (pivot) and loop complementation for graphs. This is done by generalizing loop complementation (in addition to pivot) to set systems. We show that the operations together, when restricted to single vertices, form the permutation group S_3. This leads, e.g., to a normal form for sequences of pivots and loop complementation on graphs. The results have consequences for the operations of local complementation and edge complementation on simple graphs: an alternative proof of a classic result involving local and edge complementation is obtained, and the effect of sequences of local complementations on simple graphs is characterized.Comment: 21 pages, 7 figures, significant additions w.r.t. v3 are Thm 7 and Remark 2

    A simple algorithm for finding a maximum triangle-free 2-matching in subcubic graphs

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    AbstractIn this paper, we consider the problem of finding a maximum weight 2-matching containing no cycle of a length of at most three in a weighted simple graph, which we call the weighted triangle-free 2-matching problem. Although the polynomial solvability of this problem is still open in general graphs, a polynomial-time algorithm is given by Hartvigsen and Li for the problem in subcubic graphs, i.e., graphs with a maximum degree of at most three. Our contribution is to provide another polynomial-time algorithm for the weighted triangle-free 2-matching problem in subcubic graphs. Our algorithm consists of two basic algorithms: a steepest ascent algorithm and a classical maximum weight2-matching algorithm, and is justified by fundamental results from the theory of discrete convex functions on jump systems