39,449 research outputs found

    The derivation of performance expressions for communication protocols from timed Petri net models

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    Petri Net models have been extended in a variety of ways and have been used to prove the correctness and evaluate the performance of communication protocols. Several extensions have been proposed to model time. This work uses a form of Timed Petri Nets and presents a technique for symbolically deriving expressions which describe system performance. Unlike past work on performance evaluation of Petri Nets which assumes a priori knowledge of specific time delays, the technique presented here applies to a wide range of time delays so long as the delays satisfy a set of timing constraints. The technique is demonstrated using a simple communication protocol

    Timed petri net simulation of flexible manufacturing systems

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    Standard Petri nets have been used to model and analyze Flexible Manufacturing Systems. The timed Petri net, which can incorporate the time delay associated with manufacturing events, provides additional information about real time behavior of practical systems. The Timed Petri Net Simulation Tool, a highly interactive graphical tool, is applied to simulate the modeled flexible manufacturing systems. Timed Petri net models are experimented with. Machine utilization data and throughput are obtained. Analysis of the results shows that the system performance can be optimized by choosing proper parameters


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    The development of parallel programs following the paradigm of communicating sequen- tial processes to be executed on distributed memory multiprocessor systems is addressed. The key issue in programming parallel machines today is to provide computerized tools supporting the development of efficient parallel software, i.e. software effectively har- nessing the power of parallel processing systems. The critical situations where a parallel programmer needs help is in expressing a parallel algorithm in a programming language, in getting a parallel program to work and in tuning it to get optimum performance (for example speedup). . We show that the Petri net formalism is higly suitable as a performance modeling technique for asynchronous parallel systems, by introducing a model taking care of the parallel program, parallel architecture and mapping influences on overall system perfor- mance. PRM -net (Program-Resource- Mapping) models comprise a Petri net model of the multiple flows of control in a parallel program, a Petri net model of the parallel hardware and the process-to-processor mapping information into a single integrated performance model. Automated analysis of PRM-net models addresses correctness and performance of parallel programs mapped to parallel hardware. Questions upon the correctness of parallel programs can be answered by investigating behavioural properties of Petri net programs like liveness, reachability, boundedness, mutualy exclusiveness etc. Peformance of parallel programs is usefully considered only in concern with a dedicated target hard- ware. For this reason it is essential to integrate multiprocessor hardware characteristics into the specification of a parallel program. The integration is done by assigning the concurrent processes to physical processing devices and communication patterns among parallel processes to communication media connecting processing elements yielding an in- tegrated, Petri net based performance model. Evaluation of the integrated model applies simulation and markovian analysis to derive expressions characterising the peformance of the program being developed. Synthesis and decomposition rules for hierarchical models naturally give raise to use PRM-net models for graphical, performance oriented parallel programming, support- ing top-down (stepwise refinement) as well as bottom-up development approaches. The graphical representation of Petri net programs visualizes phenomena like parallelism, syn- chronisation, communication, sequential and alternative execution. Modularity of pro- gram blocks aids reusability, prototyping is promoted by automated code generation on the basis of high level program specifications

    Modelling and simulation of blood collection systems: improvement of human resources allocation for better cost-effectiveness and reduction of candidate donor abandonment

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    International audienceFormal Petri net models were used to describe all relevant donor flows of the various blood collection systems; the Petri net models were converted onto discrete-event simulation models, allowing the evaluation of a large number of scenarios and configurations of blood collection systems. Quantitative models were proposed that encompassed all components of the blood collection systems, such as the donor arrival process, resource capacities and performance indicators. Appropriate experimental designs and cost-effectiveness analyses were used to determine the best configurations of human resources and donor appointment strategies

    Petri Net Modeling of a Flexible Assembly Station for Printed Circuit Boards

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    Petri net modeling approaches are presented for a flexible workstation for automatic assembly of printed circuit boards. In order to improve the productivity of such a system, the building of mathematical models is a crucial step. Concentrating on the operational aspects, the authors construct ordinary and temporal Petri net models for the AT&T FWS-200 physical flexible workstation. Three outcomes follow from such models. First, designers can have a better understanding of concurrency, synchronization, mutual exclusion, and sequential relations involved in the system control from the graphical representations of Petri nets. Second, the performance analysis of system operations under different settings can be conducted. Thus, the results can be used to help designers choose the best operational setting on a basis of the system parameters. Third, the models can be used as an aid for automatic generation of real-time control programs and construction of Petri-net-based simulation if needed. The approaches suggested can be generalized to many other applications of multirobot assembly systems

    Performance Evaluation of CORBA Concurrency Control Service Using Stochastic Petri Nets

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    The interest in performance evaluation of middleware systems is increasing. Measurement techniques are still predominant among those used to carry out performance evaluation. However, performance models are currently being defined due to their flexibility, precision and facilities to carry out capacity planning activities. This paper presents stochastic Petri net models for performance evaluation of the CORBA Concurrency Control Service (CCS), which mediates concurrent access to objects. In order to validate the proposed models, CCS performance results obtained using those models are then compared against ones obtained through actual measurements.The interest in performance evaluation of middleware systems is increasing. Measurement techniques are still predominant among those used to carry out performance evaluation. However, performance models are currently being defined due to their flexibility, precision and facilities to carry out capacity planning activities. This paper presents stochastic Petri net models for performance evaluation of the CORBA Concurrency Control Service (CCS), which mediates concurrent access to objects. In order to validate the proposed models, CCS performance results obtained using those models are then compared against ones obtained through actual measurements

    Using the probabilistic evaluation tool for the analytical solution of large Markov models

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    Stochastic Petri net-based Markov modeling is a potentially very powerful and generic approach for evaluating the performance and dependability of many different systems, such as computer systems, communication networks, manufacturing systems, etc. As a consequence of their general applicability, SPN-based Markov models form the basic solution approach for several software packages that have been developed for the analytic solution of performance and dependability models. In these tools, stochastic Petri nets are used to conveniently specify complicated models, after which an automatic mapping can be carried out to an underlying Markov reward model. Subsequently, this Markov reward model is solved by specialized solution algorithms, appropriately selected for the measure of interest. One of the major aspects that hampers the use of SPN-based Markov models for the analytic solution of performance and dependability results is the size of the state space. Although typically models of up to a few hundred thousand states can conveniently be solved on modern-day work-stations, often even larger models are required to represent all the desired detail of the system. Our tool PET (probabilistic evaluation tool) circumvents problems of large state spaces when the desired performance and dependability measure are transient measures. It does so by an approach named probabilistic evaluatio

    Comparison and Evaluation of Deadlock Prevention Methods for Different Size Automated Manufacturing Systems

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    In automated manufacturing systems (AMSs), deadlocks problems can arise due to limited shared resources. Petri nets are an effective tool to prevent deadlocks in AMSs. In this paper, a simulation based on existing deadlock prevention policies and different Petri net models are considered to explore whether a permissive liveness-enforcing Petri net supervisor can provide better time performance. The work of simulation is implemented as follows. (1) Assign the time to the controlled Petri net models, which leads to timed Petri nets. (2) Build the Petri net model using MATLAB software. (3) Run and simulate the model, and simulation results are analyzed to determine which existing policies are suitable for different systems. Siphons and iterative methods are used for deadlocks prevention. Finally, the computational results show that the selected deadlock policies may not imply high resource utilization and plant productivity, which have been shown theoretically in previous publications. However, for all selected AMSs, the iterative methods always lead to structurally and computationally complex liveness-enforcing net supervisors compared to the siphons methods. Moreover, they can provide better behavioral permissiveness than siphons methods for small systems. For large systems, a strict minimal siphon method leads to better behavioral permissiveness than the other methods
