60 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kapabilitas Problem Solving dengan Strategi Blended Learning: Membelajarkan Siswa di Era Disruptif

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    Abstrak Pebelajar sekarang tumbuh dalam dunia yang dipenuhi dengan kecanggihan teknologi baru jauh sebelum kedatangan mereka di sekolah. Mereka bisa belajar dengan beragam macam cara yang berbeda-beda. Blended learning adalah konsep inovatif yang mencakup keunggulan pengajaran tradisional di kelas dan pembelajaran yang didukung TIK termasuk pembelajaran offline dan pembelajaran online. Kapabilitas pemecahan masalah (problem solving) merupakan salah satu keterampilan yang paling tinggi yang disebut higher order thinking. Blended learning dengan teknologi pembelajaran online dapat memberikan fleksibilitas dalam cara siswa belajar, sehingga sangat sesuai untuk pembelajaran era revolusi industri 4.0 dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan kapabilitas problem solving dari peserta didik.   Kata Kunci: Kapabilitas problem solving, blended learning, era disruptif

    Problem Based Learning in Digital Forensics

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    The purpose of this paper is to compare and contrast the efforts of two universities to address the issue of providing computer forensics students with the opportunity to get involved in the practical aspects of forensic search and seizure procedures. The paper discusses the approaches undertaken by the University of Sunderland and the University of South Wales (Glamorgan) to give the students the opportunity to process a case from the crime scene through to the court room. In order to do this both institutions adopted a problem based learning (PBL) approach – to reflect real-world solutions and encourage students to work in groups to seek further knowledge and understanding of the various processes and procedures – in particular the steps around search and seizure of digital evidence from a crime scene. The PBL activities at Sunderland and Glamorgan were designed in order to help the students understand the processes of digital crime scene analysis and search and seizure procedures and to give them the opportunity to put into practice their digital forensics techniques. Both exercises were designed to give the opportunity to solve realistic problems using PBL, and to illustrate the inter-relationships between science, technology, and human activity as it applies to digital forensics, forensic science and the criminal justice system. The paper concludes with an evaluation of the exercises considering the impact they have had on student understanding and learning. Consideration is given to how the PBL activities can be disseminated and/or transferred to the wider community

    Analysis of Attitudes and Approaches to Problem Solving: Gender Differences and Education Levels

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    The main problem in this research is the low ability of students to solve physics problems. Students' attitudes and approaches to problem-solving are allegedly related to the way they study physics and their success in solving physics problems. This study demonstrated student attitudes and approaches to solving physics problems using Attitudes and Approaches to Problem Solving (AAPS) survey questions using quantitative methods. Data were collected from 1045 students. Data analysis was carried out by grouping the data by gender and education level. The t-test was used to see the differences in each group. The result showed no statistically significant differences between men and women (t = -1,65 dan Sig. = 0,098 > 0,05).  In addition, there was a significant difference in the level of education between collect students with junior and senior high school education levels (p < 0.05). The implications for practice, and the directions for future research are discussed

    Introductory students’ attitudes and approaches to physics problem solving: major, achievement level and gender differences

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    Students’ attitudes and approaches to problem solving are claimed to be related to their ways they learn physics and to their success in solving physics problems. In this study, the Attitudes and Approaches to Problem Solving (AAPS) survey was used to reveal Turkish introductory university students’ attitudes and approaches to physics problem solving. The data were collected from 175 students, in the spring semester of 2015-2016 academic year, from an introductory physics course at a university in the Black See Region of Turkey. The analysis of the data was conducted by grouping the data by major, achievement level, and gender. They were no statistically significant differences between the averages of civil engineering and molecular biology majors, and between male and female students. However, we obtained a small sample correlation between students’ attitudes and exam grades that suggests high achievers’ attitudes and approaches to physics problems are more expert-like than the attitudes and approaches of low achievers. Implications for problem solving strategies and directions for further research are discussedPeer Reviewe

    Exploring the Development and Research Focus of Cognitive Load Theory, as Described by Its Founders: Interviewing John Sweller, Fred Paas, and Jeroen van Merriënboer

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    This manuscript presents an interview with John Sweller, Fred Paas, and Jeroen van Merrienboer about cognitive load theory. It presents the views of these main founders of the theory on the progress from the first major publication on the theory in 1998 (Sweller, Van Merrienboer, & Paas, Educational Psychology Review, 10(3), 251–296, 1998) to the current publication, 20 years later in 2018 (Sweller, Van Merrienboer, & Paas, Educational Psychology Review, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10648-019-09465-5, 2019). More specifically, the interview focuses on challenges and opportunities of cognitive load theory and the associated instructional design research, the role of measurement of cognitive load and mental efficiency, as well as the instructional control of cognitive load in the cognitive load research. The interview is concluded with suggestions and advice for young researchers

    Students’ Computational Thinking Skills In Physics Learning: A Case study of Kinematic Concepts

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    Physics learning provides a context for future careers in fostering ability in high-end logic with the 21st learning goals. Applying computational thinking in schools is challenging and requires systemic transformation and teacher attention. This study aims to investigate the computational thinking of students in physics learning. This study used exploratory qualitative research. Data were gathered through observation, interviews, and portfolio documents. The data are analyzed through six stages: preparing and organizing, exploring, building descriptions, representing the findings, interpreting the results, and validating the accuracy. The result indicated four primary computational thinking skills: decomposition, abstraction, simulation, and evaluation. The computational thinking skills in physics learning can develop students’ understanding and implementation of physics concepts based on data, not just mathematical formulas. Computational thinking in physics learning gives students the opportunity and space to explore and develop their ideas and logical reasoning more deeply in problem-defining, solutions, and evaluation. Students use their logical reasoning to solve the problem precisely. This study is expected to be used as a basis and support for physics teachers to integrate computational thinking into their learning classroom

    Situating Vocational Learning and Teaching Using Digital Technologies - A Mapping Review of Current Research Literature

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    Context: The ongoing change of work life by digital technologies requires vocational education and training (VET) to adapt constantly. This "digital transformation" of work life gives therefore rise to the question how to advance the use of digital technologies in VET. A possible answer may be found by considering that VET should be transferable to work life. This goal may be achieved by coupling educational activities with examples of work situations. Such situated education may be accomplished by using digital technologies. Until five years ago this mainly consisted in using digital photos, videos, and the internet for educational scaffolding or learning tasks. In research this situated digital VET taxonomy is currently expanding. Hence, the use of digital technologies in VET may be advanced by considering current research literature on situated digital VET.Method: Here, we have searched and reviewed scientific publications on situated digital VET published in the past five years. In the peer-reviewed publications that we had selected, we first identified which digital technologies were used for situated VET and which educational activities were coupled with work situation examples. Subsequently, we identified the categories to which the publications could be grouped together by analyzing the content of their full texts. Results: Situated digital VET was accomplished in about half of the reviewed publications by a digital video on a work situation, and in almost half of the publications by a work situation presented in a 3D virtual environment. Digital videos on work situations mostly served all types of learning tasks and rather rarely educational scaffolding. Work situations presented in 3D virtual environments mostly served cognitive or behavioral learning tasks and never educational scaffolding. Situated digital VET was moreover accomplished by using the digital representation of a work situation that either had occurred previously or that was immediately taking place. Conclusions: Our findings suggest that retrospectively and immediately situated digital VET may be the two categories of an up-to-date basic taxonomy of situated digital VET. Hence, an important question to investigate for advancing the use of digital technologies in VET is the following: Which of the two identified types of situated digital VET can facilitate which kind of vocational learning? Based on the reviewed publications we are not able to give any answers to this. Hence, there is a massive need to investigate which kind of vocational learning can be facilitated by retrospectively, and which by immediately situated digital VET.

    An O2O English Drama Course Instructional Design at Middle Schools Based on 4CID-FBL

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    With the rapid development of the information age and the increasing international exchanges, great changes have taken place in the instructional mode of middle schools. In 2020, in order to cope with the outbreak of the epidemic, it has become an inevitable trend for middle schools to implement O2O teaching. This paper integrates the four component instructional design mode and the problem-based instructional design mode in the overall task instructional design, explores the holistic instructional design based on the comprehensive learning task in the development of English drama curriculum at middle schools, and innovates the teaching strategies in the O2O course design. The O2O course design emphasizes the student-centered learning, and takes tasks and problems as driving forces to continue comprehensive learning. Teachers should pay more attention to the learning experience of students in the process of teaching courses, and make full use of all kinds of online and offline teaching resources to achieve the requirements of China’s students’ English abilities standard of compulsory education

    Effects of task structure and group composition on elaboration and metacognitive activities of high-ability students during collaborative learning

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    Collaborative learning tasks may represent an effective way to stimulate higher-order processes among high-ability students in regular classrooms. This study investigated the effects of task structure and group composition on the elaboration and metacognitive activities of 11th grade pre-university students during a collaborative learning task: 102 students worked in small groups. On an ill-structured or moderately structured task. Differential effects for cognitive ability were investigated using a continuous measure. Likewise, the effects of group composition were examined using a continuous measure of the cognitive heterogeneity of the group. The group dialogues were transcribed and coded. Analysis revealed an interaction effect between task structure and cognitive ability on students' elaboration and metacognitive activities. Task structure had a negative effect on the elaborative contributions of high-ability students. For students with lower abilities, task structure had a positive effect on elaboration and metacognitive activities. No effects were found of the cognitive heterogeneity of the group. Group composition seemed not to be related to group interaction among 11th grade pre-university students. The results indicate that open-ended collaborative tasks with little guidance and directions on how to handle them, can stimulate higher-order processes among high-ability students and may offer them the challenge they need
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