36 research outputs found

    The value of adaptive link annotation in e-learning: A study of a portal-based approach

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    This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive Version of Record was published in Proceedings of the 21st ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia, http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1810617.1810657Adaptive link annotation is one of the most popular adaptive educational hypermedia techniques. It has been widely studied and demonstrated its ability to help students to acquire knowledge faster, improve learning outcomes, reduce navigation overhead, increase motivation, and encourage the beneficial non-sequential navigation. However, almost all studies of adaptive link annotation have been performed in the context of dedicated adaptive educational hypermedia systems. The role of this technique in the context of widely popular learning portals has not yet been demonstrated. In this paper, we attempt to fill this gap by investigating the value of adaptive navigation support embedded into the learning portal. We compare the effect of portal-based adaptive navigation support to both the effect of the adaptive navigation support in adaptive educational hypermedia systems and to non-adaptive learning portals.This work is supported by National Science Foundation under Grant IIS-0447083, Spanish Ministry of Science and Education (TIN2007-64718) and the Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid (S2009/TIC-1650

    Confiabilidade de aprendizagem personalizada de diga mais: uma abordagem dinâmica

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    This study investigated the personalized learning reliability of Tell Me More (TMM) (i.e. the extent to which two hypothetical identical learners receive the same level of instructional and learning support while using a courseware) within the dynamic framework of Tetzlaff, Schmiedek, and Brod (2020) in which personalized learning is considered to be the most reliable and effective when learners' characteristics are dynamically assessed during the learning procedure and the instructions are provided to them accordingly. The lessons, workshops, and activities of TMM's Dynamic mode were qualitatively analyzed and the results revealed that in order for TMM to provide a reliable personalized learning, it should be equipped with a placement test at the beginning of the course and a constant dynamic assessment technology throughout the learning process. Relying on adaptive activities chosen unsystematically by the learners themselves is not reliable in that most learners are neither capable of professionally estimating their own level of language proficiency nor are they trained to determine the required level of task difficulty for their activities. The results have implications for courseware designers to consider placement tests and dynamic assessment technology in their future designs to maximize the reliability of their personalized learning programs.Este estudio investigó la confiabilidad del aprendizaje personalizado de Tell Me More (TMM) (es decir, el grado en que dos estudiantes idénticos hipotéticos reciben el mismo nivel de apoyo educativo y de aprendizaje mientras usan un material de curso) dentro del marco dinámico de Tetzlaff, Schmiedek y Brod (2020) en el que se considera que el aprendizaje personalizado es el más fiable y eficaz cuando las características de los alumnos se evalúan dinámicamente durante el proceso de aprendizaje y se les proporcionan las instrucciones correspondientes. Las lecciones, talleres y actividades del modo Dinámico de TMM se analizaron cualitativamente y los resultados revelaron que para que TMM brinde un aprendizaje personalizado confiable, debe estar equipado con una prueba de nivel al inicio del curso y una tecnología de evaluación dinámica constante. durante todo el proceso de aprendizaje. Depender de actividades adaptativas elegidas de forma no sistemática por los propios alumnos no es fiable, ya que la mayoría de los alumnos no son capaces de estimar profesionalmente su propio nivel de dominio del idioma ni están capacitados para determinar el nivel requerido de dificultad de la tarea para sus actividades. Los resultados tienen implicaciones para que los diseñadores de material educativo consideren las pruebas de ubicación y la tecnología de evaluación dinámica en sus diseños futuros para maximizar la confiabilidad de sus programas de aprendizaje personalizados.Este estudo investigou a confiabilidade de aprendizagem personalizada do Tell Me More (TMM) (ou seja, a extensão em que dois alunos hipotéticos idênticos recebem o mesmo nível de apoio instrucional e de aprendizagem ao usar um material didático) dentro da estrutura dinâmica de Tetzlaff, Schmiedek e Brod (2020) em que a aprendizagem personalizada é considerada a mais confiável e eficaz quando as características dos alunos são avaliadas dinamicamente durante o processo de aprendizagem e as instruções são fornecidas a eles de acordo. As aulas, workshops e atividades do modo Dinâmico do TMM foram analisados ​​qualitativamente e os resultados revelaram que para que o TMM proporcione uma aprendizagem personalizada confiável, ele deve ser equipado com um teste de nivelamento no início do curso e uma tecnologia de avaliação dinâmica constante ao longo do processo de aprendizagem. Depender de atividades adaptativas escolhidas de forma não sistemática pelos próprios alunos não é confiável, pois a maioria dos alunos não é capaz de estimar profissionalmente seu próprio nível de proficiência no idioma, nem são treinados para determinar o nível necessário de dificuldade da tarefa para suas atividades. Os resultados têm implicações para que os designers de material didático considerem os testes de colocação e a tecnologia de avaliação dinâmica em seus projetos futuros para maximizar a confiabilidade de seus programas de aprendizagem personalizados

    Towards Understanding Learner Experiences In Elearning Tools

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    An understanding of how learners interact with eLearning tools and the relationship of different forms of interaction on subsequent learning outcomes is fundamental to improved learning outcomes as well as the effectiveness of eLearning tools. In this paper our main objective is to present methods to extract and analyse some crucial experiences and patterns, from an eLearning tool, that have significant effect on students learning. The proposed methods are presented in the context of a study conducted with undergraduates and postgraduates taking a course inan information system discipline. We demonstrate how the extracted experiences and patterns can be used as feedback to learners to improve learning. Academicians and lecturers can also use the analysis as a gauging instrument to measure the effectiveness of the eLearning tool thereby allowing the tool and learning practices to be improved

    Impact of personalized recommendation and social comparison on learning behaviours and outcomes

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    ELearning suffers from the lack of face-to-face interaction and can deprive learners from the benefits of social interaction and comparison. In this paper we present the results of a study conducted for the impact of social comparison. The study was conducted by collecting students&rsquo; engagement with an eLearning tool, the attendance, and grades scored by students at specific milestones and presented these metrics to students as feedback using Kiviat charts. The charts were complemented with appropriate recommendations to allow them to adapt their study strategy and behaviour. The study spanned over 4 semesters (2 with and 2 without the Kiviats) and the results were analysed using paired T tests to test the pre and post results on topics covered by the eLearning tool. Survey questionnaires were also administered at the end for qualitative analysis. The results indicated that the Kiviat feedback with recommendation had positive impact on learning outcomes and attitudes.<br /

    DAISEE: Dataset for Affective States in E-Learning Environments

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    Extracting and understanding a ective states of subjects through analysis of face videos is of high consequence to advance the levels of interaction in human-computer interfaces. This paper aims to highlight vision-related tasks focused on understanding \reactions" of subjects to presented content which has not been largely studied by the vision community in comparison to other emotions. To facilitate future study in this eld, we present an e ort in collecting DAiSEE, a free to use large-scale dataset using crowd annotation, that not only simulates a real world setting for e-learning environments, but also captures the interpretability issues of such a ective states by human annotators. In addition to the dataset, we present benchmark results based on stan- dard baseline methods and vote aggregation strategies, thus providing a springboard for further research

    Interactive Scalable Lectures with ASQ

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    Abstract. Taking full advantage of the Web technology platform during in-class lectures requires a shift from the established scheme of online education delivery that utilizes the video channel to embed all types of content and gathers student feedback via multiple choice questions or textual answers. In this paper we present the design of ASQ to deliver interactive content for use in heterogeneous educational settings with a large number of students, taking advantage of the co-location of students and instructors and building upon the latest capabilities of the Web platform. ASQ is centered around interactive HTML5 presentations coupled with a versatile microformat to create and deliver various types quizzes and scalable, synchronous/asynchronous feedback mechanisms

    Personalizing Access to Learning Networks

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    Consciência do contexto do aprendiz em um ambiente de educação pervasiva

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    Este trabalho apresenta uma infra-estrutura para suporte a consciênciado contexto do aprendiz em um ambiente para suporte à educação pervasivadenominado GlobalEdu. O contexto é gerenciado através de ServiçosEducacionais (SE), que manipulam, também, o perfil do aprendiz e seu modelo deconhecimento. O aprendiz é acompanhado no ambiente pervasivo por um AgentePedagógico Pessoal Pervasivo – A3P. Neste trabalho, a consciência do contextodo aprendiz no GlobalEdu é aprofundada e uma aplicação educacionaldesenvolvida para validação da proposta é apresentada