15 research outputs found


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    The work presents the structure and the necessary complex of elements that ensure the functioning of computer simulators-simulators in the tasks of electric power engineering. The organization of the system for ensuring work in the given computer simulator-simulator is proposed. On the basis of the formulated general technical requirements for simulator software, their tasks and functions, a computer simulator-simulator of an autonomous power-generating installation was developed to practice the skills of technical operation of electrical installations of consumers. Mathematical support for the formation of subprograms as independent elements capable of interacting with each other is proposed. On the basis of the formulated general technical requirements for the software of the simulator, its tasks and functions, a computer simulator of an autonomous power plant was created to form the skills of technical operation of the consumer of electrical equipment. An algorithm for software and hardware implementation of a computer simulator-simulator, identical to a real physical autonomous mini-power plant based on a diesel-generator unit, has been developed.В работе представлена структура и необходимый комплекс элементов, обеспечивающих функционирование компьютерных тренажеров-имитаторов в задачах электроэнергетики. Предложена организация системы обеспечения работы в приведенном компьютерном тренажер-имитаторе. На основе сформулированных общетехнических требований, предъявляемых к тренажерным программным средствам, их задачам и функциям, для отработки навыков технической эксплуатации электроустановок потребителей разработан компьютерный тренажер-имитатор автономной энергогенерирующей установки. Предложено математическое обеспечение в формировании подпрограмм как самостоятельных элементов, способных взаимодействовать между собой. На основе сформулированных общих технических требований к программному обеспечению тренажера, его задачам и функциям создан компьютерный тренажер автономной электростанции для формирования навыков технической эксплуатации потребителя электрооборудования. Разработан алгоритм программно-аппаратной реализации компьютерного тренажера-имитатора, тождественного реальной физической автономной миниэлектростанции на базе дизель-генераторной установки.В роботі представлено структуру та необхідний комплекс елементів, що забезпечують  функціонування комп’ютерних тренажерів-імітаторів в задачах електроенергетики. Запропоновано організацію системи забезпечення роботи в наведеному комп’ютерному тренажер-імітаторі. На основі сформульованих загальнотехнічних вимог, що висуваються до тренажерних програмних засобів, їх задач і функцій, для відпрацювання навичок технічної експлуатації електроустановок споживачів розроблено комп’ютерний тренажер-імітатор автономної енергогенеруючої установки. Запропоновано математичне  забезпечення формуванні підпрограм як самостійних елементів, здатних взаємодіяти між собою.  На основі сформульованих загальних технічних вимог до програмного забезпечення тренажера, його завдань і функцій створено комп’ютерний тренажер автономної електростанції для формування навичок технічної експлуатації споживача електроустаткування. Розроблено алгоритм програмно-апаратної реалізації комп’ютерного тренажера-імітатора, тотожного реальній фізичній автономній мініелектростанції на базі дизель-генераторної установки

    A remote laboratory to leverage motivation of learners to practice: an exploratory study about system administration

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    International audienceThis paper introduces a framework dedicated to online practical activities. Our remote laboratory is based on a distributed architecture composed of three layers: the learning interface is dedicated to end-users; the laboratory layer hosts the resources on which learners, teachers and tutors perform remote actions; the middleware layer acts as a broker between the two previous layers and embeds various control and learning services. The originality of our framework stands on: (1) a standard to control and supervise the resources of the remote laboratory, (2) the tracking of all users' activities at a low level of granularity (including both actions performed on the remote resources, as well as those resulting from the invocation of the learning services) so that various pedagogical features can be further designed, and (3) its independence regarding the learning domain to be learned. An implementation of the framework based on open source software and dedicated to computer engineering is exposed, allowing for an exploratory study involving 139 students enrolled in the first year of a computer science degree. The results of this study are discussed, and suggest a positive effect of our framework on motivation of learners when they come to learn system administration

    AngeLA: Putting the Teacher in Control of Student Privacy in the Online Classroom

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    Learning analytics (LA) is often considered as a means to improve learning and learning environments by measuring student behaviour, analysing the tracked data and acting upon the results. The use of LA tools implies recording and processing of student activities conducted on software platforms. This paper proposes a flexible, contextual and intuitive way to provide the teacher with full control over student activity tracking in online learning environments. We call this approach AngeLA, inspired by an angel guarding over LA privacy. AngeLA mimics in a virtual space the privacy control mechanism that works well in a physical room: if a person is present in a room, she is able to observe all activities happening in the room. AngeLA serves two main purposes: (1) it increases the awareness of teachers about the activity tracking and (2) provides an intuitive way to manage the activity tracking permissions. This approach can be applied to various learning environments and social media platforms. We have implemented AngeLA in Graasp, a social platform that fosters collaborative activities

    DigiExplanation driven assignments for personalising learning in construction education

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    Personalising learning is critical for universities to achieving excellence in education.  It entails maintaining an education system that is responsive to the learning needs, aptitudes and interests of individual students.  Rather than imposing a ‘one-size fits all’ model, personalising learning is anticipated to ensure that every learner achieves his/her highest potential. Pedagogical literature suggests that learning-oriented assessments that are engaging, authentic and relevant are an effective mode for personalisation. DigiExplanations is a novel approach that requires students to create short digital media to communicate their ideas to ordinary audiences. It offers an opportunity for research-based authentic learning by harnessing digital media that exist outside of their institution and their digital competencies to create personally relevant and interesting resources. The aim of the research was to investigate the effectiveness of digiExplanations driven assessments for improving personalised learning in construction education. A case study strategy was adopted in the research. A first-year subject from the construction management degree was chosen as the case, which had a class of 159 students. A new assignment scheme was introduced for which students were required to develop digiExplanations in groups of five. The assessment criteria comprised: rationale for the study; depth and breadth of the discussions for the topic; appropriateness of media used in the discussions; creativity in the use of media (storyboarding); design of digiExplanation; quality of conclusion; and proper acknowledgement of materials used. After the submission deadline, an online survey was conducted with the students to assess how the new assessment approach facilitated personalised learning. Several findings emerged from the study. The digiExplanations based assignment provided similar learning experiences for students with different characteristics concerning their first language, domestic/international student status, work situation and digital competencies. Moreover, the study found that some considerations are more significant than others in designing assessments that can drive personalised learning, which are: personally relevant/interesting, engagement, harnessing internet resources and progressive feedback. The survey findings further suggest that while the new pedagogical approach achieved its intended aim, few students perceived it a cumbersome method as it required more efforts than traditional assignments

    Asian Students’ Cultural Orientation and Computer Self-Efficacy Significantly Related to Online Inquiry-Based Learning Outcomes on the Go-Lab Platform

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    Learning and teaching Mendelian genetics are central topics in school science. This study explored factors associated with the learning outcomes of Taiwanese junior high school students in an online inquiry learning environment. Research within face-to-face classroom settings had revealed that Asian students are more likely to be tutor-oriented and collectivistic learners. However, results of how these orientations affect learning in online environments are needed. In this analysis, seventh-grade students from Taiwan (N = 290) completed a genetics lesson using an Inquiry Learning Space (ILS) on the Go-Lab platform. Students were randomly assigned conditions in which support was provided either by general text or by an expert person in the form of a cartoon figure. In addition, students completed questionnaires assessing their cultural orientations, as well as their computer self-efficacy. Results revealed that the presence of a virtual expert did not influence students’ learning outcomes. However, the extent to which students identified as collectivistic and their level of computer self-efficacy were positively associated with the learning outcomes. Students’ computer self-efficacy was positively related to their behavioral intentions as well. These results illustrate the importance of Asian students’ disciplined personality and computer self-efficacy for online inquiry-based learning.</p

    Understanding teacher design practices for digital inquiry–based science learning: the case of Go-Lab

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    Designing and implementing online or digital learning material is a demanding task for teachers. This is even more the case when this material is used for more engaged forms of learning, such as inquiry learning. In this article, we give an informed account of Go-Lab, an ecosystem that supports teachers in creating Inquiry Learning Spaces (ILSs). These ILSs are built around STEM–related online laboratories. Within the Go-Lab ecosystem, teachers can combine these online laboratories with multimedia material and learning apps, which are small applications that support learners in their inquiry learning process. The Go-Lab ecosystem offers teachers ready–made structures, such as a standard inquiry cycle, alternative scenarios or complete ILSs that can be used as they are, but it also allows teachers to configure these structures to create personalized ILSs. For this article, we analyzed data on the design process and structure of 2414 ILSs that were (co)created by teachers and that our usage data suggest have been used in classrooms. Our data show that teachers prefer to start their design from empty templates instead of more domain–related elements, that the makeup of the design team (a single teacher, a group of collaborating teachers, or a mix of teachers and project members) influences key design process characteristics such as time spent designing the ILS and number of actions involved, that the characteristics of the resulting ILSs also depend on the type of design team and that ILSs that are openly shared (i.e., published in a public repository) have different characteristics than those that are kept private.</p

    Personal Learning with Social Media:Reputation, Privacy and Identity Perspectives

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    Social media platforms are increasingly used in recent years to support learning activities, especially for the construction of activity- and learner-centric personal learning environments (PLEs). This thesis investigates the solutions to four essential design requirements for social media based PLEs: support for help seeking, privacy protection, identity management and activity monitoring, as well as context awareness. Three main components of the thesis, reputation, privacy, and identity, are built upon these four design requirements. We investigate the three components through the following research questions. How do we help learners to find suitable experts or peers who they can learn from or collaborate with in a particular learning context? How can we design a proper privacy mechanism to make sure the information shared by learners is only disclosed to the intended audience in a given context? What identity scheme should be used to preserve the privacy of learners while also providing personalized learning experience, especially for teenage learners? To tackle the design requirement of support for help seeking, we address the reputation dimension in the context of personal learning for doctoral studies, where doctoral students need to find influential experts or peers in a particular domain. We propose an approach to detect a domain-specific community in academic social media platforms. Based on that, we investigate the influence of scholars taking both their academic and social impact into account. We propose a measure called R-Index that aggregates the readership of a scholar's publications to assess her academic impact. Furthermore, we add the social dimension into the influence measure by adopting network centrality metrics in a domain-specific community. Our results show that academic influence and social influence measures do not strongly correlate with each other, which implies that, adding the social dimension could enhance the traditional impact metrics that only take academic influence into account. Moreover, we tackle the privacy dimension of designing a PLE in the context of higher education. To protect against unauthorized access to learners' data, we propose a privacy control approach that allows learners to specify the audience, action, and artifact for their sharing behavior. Then we introduce the notion of privacy protocol with which learners can define fine-grained sharing rules. To provide a usable application of the privacy protocol in social media based PLEs, we exploit the space concept that provides an easy way for users to define the privacy protocols within a particular context. The proposed approach is evaluated through two user studies. The results reveal that learners confirm the usefulness and usability of the privacy enhanced sharing scheme based on spaces. In the last part of the thesis, we study the identity dimension in the context of STEM education at secondary and high schools. To support personalization while also preserving learners' privacy, we propose a classroom-like pseudonymity scheme that allows tracking of learners' activities while keeping their real identities undisclosed. In addition, we present a data storage mechanism called Vault that allows apps to store and exchange data within the scope of a Web-based inquiry learning space

    Enabling peer-to-peer remote experimentation in distributed online remote laboratories

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    Remote Access Laboratories (RALs) are online platforms that allow human user interaction with physical instruments over the Internet. Usually RALs follow a client-server paradigm. Dedicated providers create and maintain experiments and corresponding educational content. In contrast, this dissertation focuses on a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) service model for RALs where users are encouraged to host experiments at their location. This approach can be seen as an example of an Internet of Things (IoT) system. A set of smart devices work together providing a cyber-physical interface for users to run experiments remotely via the Internet. The majority of traditional RAL learning activities focus on undergraduate education where hands-on experience such as building experiments, is not a major focus. In contrast this work is motivated by the need to improve Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education for school-aged children. Here physically constructing experiments forms a substantial part of the learning experience. In the proposed approach, experiments can be designed with relatively simple components such as LEGO Mindstorms or Arduinos. The user interface can be programed using SNAP!, a graphical programming tool. While the motivation for the work is educational in nature, this thesis focuses on the technical details of experiment control in an opportunistic distributed environment. P2P RAL aims to enable any two random participants in the system - one in the role of maker creating and hosting an experiment and one in the role of learner using the experiment - to establish a communication session during which the learner runs the remote experiment through the Internet without requiring a centralized experiment or service provider. The makers need to have support to create the experiment according to a common web based programing interface. Thus, the P2P approach of RALs requires an architecture that provides a set of heterogeneous tools which can be used by makers to create a wide variety of experiments. The core contribution of this dissertation is an automaton-based model (twin finite state automata) of the controller units and the controller interface of an experiment. This enables the creation of experiments based on a common platform, both in terms of software and hardware. This architecture enables further development of algorithms for evaluating and supporting the performance of users which is demonstrated through a number of algorithms. It can also ensure the safety of instruments with intelligent tools. The proposed network architecture for P2P RALs is designed to minimise latency to improve user satisfaction and learning experience. As experiment availability is limited for this approach of RALs, novel scheduling strategies are proposed. Each of these contributions has been validated through either simulations, e.g. in case of network architecture and scheduling, or test-bed implementations, in case of the intelligent tools. Three example experiments are discussed along with users' feedback on their experience of creating an experiment and using others’ experimental setup. The focus of the thesis is mainly on the design and hosting of experiments and ensuring user accessibility to them. The main contributions of this thesis are in regards to machine learning and data mining techniques applied to IoT systems in order to realize the P2P RALs system. This research has shown that a P2P architecture of RALs can provide a wide variety of experimental setups in a modular environment with high scalability. It can potentially enhance the user-learning experience while aiding the makers of experiments. It presents new aspects of learning analytics mechanisms to monitor and support users while running experiments, thus lending itself to further research. The proposed mathematical models are also applicable to other Internet of Things applications

    Fomento de las competencias experimentales utilizando recursos complementarios

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    [EN]The use of ICT in the academic context is a reality, in the world we live in. The young generation of students is digital native, being immersed in a virtual world during a considerable part of their day. This has an impact in their life, including on their education. In undergraduate engineering education laboratory classes are an integral part of its curriculum. These days, many laboratory classes combine traditional hands-on labs with online labs (remote and virtual labs) and several experimental resources. A “blended” or “hybrid” approach to experimental learning seems the most effective to (students’) experimental learning and the development of competences. Still this technologically mediated resource affects the way students learn and in the literature there is still a lack of works, considering the characterization of didactical implementations using a “blended” or “hybrid” approach and its impact in students’ learning and the way they construct their knowledge. In the Electric and Electronic Engineering topic and using the remote laboratory VISIR there are really very few works, reported in literature, describing some small scaled didactical experiments. The problematic which motivated this work was the need to understand the impact of different didactical approaches using this methodology (simultaneous use of several experimental resources) has on students’ academic results. Ultimately this work intends to contribute to fill a gap identified in the literature: identify factors (including some eventual students’ characteristics) which affect students’ learning and engagement in the electric and electronic circuits topic using the remote lab VISIR along with other complementary resources. To accomplish this end, four research questions where posed, each of them taking into account a set of factors in a specific field of inquiry and its influence on students’ results. The first research question approached the way the several experimental resources could be combined and its effect on students. The second dealt with the influence of the proposed VISIR tasks characteristics on students’ results. The third tackled important teacher mediation traces that could be linked to better students’ performance. And finally, the last research question investigates if there were students’ characteristics that were more associated with good learning outcomes and engagement. Considering the former objectives, it was chosen a multi-case study research methodology, using a mixed method approach, resourcing mainly to questionnaire, interview, documental analysis and observation as data gathering methods, and statistical analysis (descriptive and inferential) and content analysis, as data analysis techniques. A large-scale study analysis was conducted, including 26 courses (in a total of 43 didactical implementations using VISIR, as some of the courses have undergone more than one course implementation edition), comprising 1794 students and involving 52 different teachers. This study took place in several Higher Education Institutions (and at a minor extent, in some Technological and High Schools) in Argentina, Brazil and Portugal. In the southern hemisphere these didactical implementations happened in the 2016 and 2017 academic years while in the northern hemisphere it was possible to collect data from three semesters between 2016/17 and 2018/19 academic years. The study focused on analysing each didactical implementation (their characteristics, teachers’ usage and perception) and the matching students’ results (usage, academic results and perception). Ethical questions to guarantee both students’ and teachers’ privacy was taken care of, when using the data of the participants. The former data was only used for the purposes of this study and the state of the participation was reflected anonymously, which can be observed both in the information collected for the analysis as well as in the transcripts along the text. The study included the analysis of the collected data from various sources, the interpretation of its results using several analysis techniques, and the convergence in a process of triangulation. These results, after discussed with literature, allowed to answer in the most possible complete way the four research questions. Based on them, conclusions were drawn to identify factors that may foster students’ learning and engagement. The study also contributed to the advancement of knowledge in this research area. It allowed to conclude that VISIR and this methodology can be as useful for introductory courses as for more advanced ones (dealing with this thematic) as long as teachers plan the didactical implementation according to the type of course and students’ background. Plus, this methodology based upon VISIR can be applied with high success to courses that do not have an experimental component, nor its contents are directly related to the Electricity and Electronics topic. In these courses VISIR can be used with the purpose of contextualization, providing more interesting and appealing learning environments (e.g. theoretical mathematical courses). Finally, both teachers’ perception and students’ results suggest VISIR target public seems to be the students that require more support in their learning, that is, the students still struggling with difficulties than the more proficient students