437,055 research outputs found


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    A successful life position for any person is based on different types of knowledge and their acquisition and enrichment probability; awareness of own abilities, their development and personal interest in the process; a system of positive attitudes as an integrated wholeness of personality traits which are formed in life experience, knowledge acquisition and will effort unit and are manifested in values, goals, ideals and norms. Successful role performance guarantees confident young people‘s functioning in the society, thereby creating the sense of security and confidence in themselves and their actions. In order to fulfil social roles it is necessary to acquire the general, social, as well as personal skills, which are generally referred to as life skills. If they are acquired successfully, young people are able to build successful relationships with their peers and also adults, are able to be active members of social life. Life skills guarantee success to young people in their personal life formation. They are able to be more independent and also be responsible for their actions and take responsibility for it. Thus one of the school tasks is to promote the pupils‘ personal and social development. I Rubane (Rubane, 2000) has acknowledged self-cognition and self-determination, awareness and defence of own rights, stress management, resistance to psychological pressure, critical thinking, decision making, problem solution, social adaptation , cooperation, efficient communication asimportant life skills. However, the mentioned life skills can be called as important only conditionally, for no personal skills are mentioned what the young people could find a solution to different life situations with. These skills include self-care, cooking, personal budgeting, housework performance, usage of home/office appliances, daily routine planning, healthy lifestyle adherence etc

    Using Communications to Promote Training within the Non-Profit Sector

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    The influence of a non-profit organization is often subdued by the lack of skills, knowledge, and capability of the workers and volunteers that flood their sector. This is due to a lack of training and development of both potential and current employees (Riddoch, 2009). Untrained workers often feel undervalued and unengaged, which leads to dissatisfaction in the workplace. In addition, employees who are incompetent cause a decrease in efficiency and productivity, which necessitates the hiring of extra workers, costing additional time and money for the organization. Untrained employees can also reflect poorly on the overall organization, causing a lack of public trust and impairing potential donations. However, training involves spending a great deal of time, money, and effort, and non-profit organizations often do not have these resources readily available. In order for an organization to be composed of educated and skilled staff who are dedicated to their mission, both the individual employees and the organization as a whole must understand and believe in the benefit of training and development. This concept must be promoted to both employees and organizations in order to add value and advance both the individual’s career and the mission of the organization

    Starting Off on the Right Foot: Take Proactive Measures to Enhance Project Teams\u27 Performance

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    Key Findings • The period between a project’s initiation and the project team’s first meeting is a crucial time that can significantly affect the team’s success • Team leaders can use this time effectively to lay the groundwork for their team’s activities via a mobilization strategy, in which a leader researches the team’s objectives, proactively defines members’ roles, and staffs the team based on members’ knowledge, skills and abilities • The amount of a team’s aggregate knowledge, skills and abilities, or human capital, is less important to team effectiveness than is the proper alignment of this human capital with project tasks

    Spot Your Leadership Style – Build Your Leadership Brand

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    The purpose of the research paper is to present various leadership styles with illustrations of international leader types. It helps the reader spot a particular leadership style for building a leadership brand. It attempts to motivate senior level leaders to appreciate what style of leadership is essential in the current scenario

    Understanding and Developing Emotional Intelligence

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    {Excerpt} Emotional intelligence describes an ability, capacity, skill, or self-perceived ability to identify, assess, and manage the emotions of one\u27s self, of others, and of groups. The theory is enjoying considerable support in the literature and has had successful applications in many domains. The intelligence quotient, or IQ, is a score derived from one of several different standardized tests to measure intelligence. It has been used to assess giftedness, and sometimes underpin recruitment. Many have argued that IQ, or conventional intelligence, is too narrow: some people are academically brilliant yet socially and interpersonally inept. And we know that success does not automatically follow those who possess a high IQ rating. Wider areas of intelligence enable or dictate how successful we are. Toughness, determination, and vision help. But emotional intelligence, often measured as an emotional intelligence quotient, or EQ, is more and more relevant to important work-related outcomes such as individual performance, organizational productivity, and developing people because its principles provide a new way to understand and assess the behaviors, management styles, attitudes, interpersonal skills, and potential of people. It is an increasingly important consideration in human resource planning, job profiling, recruitment interviewing and selection, learning and development, and client relations and customer service, among others

    Personal intelligence expressed: A theoretical analysis

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    An individual\u27s cumulative life decisions help determine that person\u27s well-being. To make good decisions requires knowing something about who one is and who one wants to be. It seems plausible that personality may draw on a specifically tailored intelligence that supports its own self-understanding and contributes to such life decisions. This personal intelligence (PI) helps the individual meet his or her own personal needs and to fit in with (or stand out from) the environment. What are people high in PI actually like relative to those lower in the skills? Drawing on a 2008 theory of PI-related abilities, the author reviews several literatures to examine what features distinguish the behavior of people high in PI from those lower in such skills. The feature list sets the stage for future research in distinguishing high-PI individuals from low-PI individuals according to their life expressions

    Shortlist Your Employer: Acquire Soft Skills to Achieve Your Career and Leadership Success to Excel as a CEO

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    This unconventional paper lays emphasis on soft and hard skills to shortlist your employer. It shares seven timeless tools to fast-track your career and seven time-tested steps to achieve your all-round success; explains career capital and outlines tips to build your career capital; differentiates between soft and hard skills with a plethora of examples and illustrations; and distinguishes between Indian and Chinese CEOs. It suggests that strong support from the C-suite leaders is essential to build career capital to keep leadership talent ready in the pipeline. It enlightens that there is no permanent employment, but only permanent employability. Lastly, it calls for equipping with soft skills to enhance your employability to grow as a CEO
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