255 research outputs found

    Dynamic literature mapping : typography in screen-based media

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    This paper chronicles the development of a visual map representing a literature search on key theorists and thinkers in two principal topics: Typography and New Media. Its aim is to visualise and facilitate conceptual connections between key ideas and philosophies across disciplines. This literature map was drawn up by reviewing available influential literature within these topics. Related categories were later added and a further series of literature searches were conducted to build references in each topic. This on-going cyclical process serves to construct a comprehensive contextual map of knowledge. The benefit of the map is twofold. Primarily, aiding the researcher to navigate and understand complex layers of information. Secondly, allowing the researcher to present and share representations of knowledge. The clarity of the representation is crucial in eliciting the participation of fellow design researchers and practitioners to the development and growth of the literature map

    Innovation in Mobile Learning: A European Perspective

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    In the evolving landscape of mobile learning, European researchers have conducted significant mobile learning projects, representing a distinct perspective on mobile learning research and development. Our paper aims to explore how these projects have arisen, showing the driving forces of European innovation in mobile learning. We propose context as a central construct in mobile learning and examine theories of learning for the mobile world, based on physical, technological, conceptual, social and temporal mobility. We also examine the impacts of mobile learning research on educational practices and the implications for policy. Throughout, we identify lessons learnt from European experiences to date

    Tworzywo bez właściwości – technologia cyfrowa jako metamedium

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    Material without qualities – digital technology as a metamedium    Today, we witness two generative forces of digital media culture meeting – flexible, open, easy-to-use digital technology and large-scale social communication, sharing of in- formation, knowledge and media representations. These two forces are equally important in media convergence and divergence, but also tightly coupled. This paper traces the root of “metamedium” concept, developed in late 70s by Alan Kay, to show that at the beginning two crucial aspects of digital revolution were intentionally connected within the project of creating “personal dynamic media”. Thinking of digital technology as a “material without qualities” – as a open to any transformation, mutation and extension metamedium – has significant impact on new media discourse. Not only because it reveals essential difference between “old” and “new media”, but also because it exposes solid ground for practices od media hybridization, innovation or – using Lev Manovich notion – process of “deep remixability”

    Зародження теорії і практики нових медіа: проекти Алана Кея і Теда Нельсона

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    Мета статті – з’ясувати концептуальний контекст виникнення нових медіа. Задля цього здійснено огляд ключових для нових медіа ідей Алана Кея та Теда Нельсона, а саме: перетворення комп’ютера на персональний метамедіум за допомогою користувацького інферфейсу та ідеї гіпертексту. Підкреслено, що створення медіа на базі комп’ютерних технологій супроводжувалось впливом медіа-теорії Маклюена та поєднанням технічного і гуманітарного дискурсів. Від початку створення нових медіа осмислювалась їхня метапозиція щодо традиційних медіа через здатність перших до симуляції наявних медіа-форм та створення нових. Теоретичні підвалини нових медіа як проекту дають змогу дійти висновку, що вони можуть природньо вписуватись у культурологічні студії

    Retrospectiva de los primeros sistemas de gráficos por ordenador

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    Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Linguistik als antifragile Disziplin? Optionen in der digitalen Transformation

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    Digitalization has led to massive changes in the sciences, especially in the humanities, as shown by the Digital Humanities. Using linguistics, we discuss these changes on theoretical, epistemological and methodological levels, which consist in particular in the fact that methods of machine language processing are increasingly alinguistic. These are methods that are not based on linguistic theories and do not follow linguistic modelling of language or language usage. It remains to ask how a scientific discipline such as linguistics must be structured so that it becomes antifragile rather than robust in the face of such revolutions. In other words, how it can get richer out of unforeseeable changes and does not primarily have to endure fights of demarcation and defence against such transformations

    Rhetoric and Digital Media

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    Critics of computational media can often be seen as being allied with one of two genealogies, that of Marshall McLuhan or that of Friedrich Kittler. McLuhan famously declared that the medium is the message (1964: 7) and expanded the range of cultural messages worth celebrating to include media that might seem to resist interpretation, such as lighting and clothing. McLuhan also distinguished between hot media, such as film, which supposedly provide an audience experience of deep immersion through sequential, linear, and logical arrangements, and cool media, such as comics, which require perception of abstract patterning and a simultaneous decoding of all parts. Like Vannevar Bush, who viewed the computer largely as a storage and retrieval device, McLuhan saw the computer as a research and communication instrument 1995: 295) and compared it to print genres like the encyclopedia or print storage systems like the library.https://scholarworks.wm.edu/asbookchapters/1005/thumbnail.jp