12 research outputs found

    Personal data broker instead of blockchain for students’ data privacy assurance

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    Data logs about learning activities are being recorded at a growing pace due to the adoption and evolution of educational technologies (Edtech). Data analytics has entered the field of education under the name of learning analytics. Data analytics can provide insights that can be used to enhance learning activities for educational stakeholders, as well as helping online learning applications providers to enhance their services. However, despite the goodwill in the use of Edtech, some service providers use it as a means to collect private data about the students for their own interests and benefits. This is showcased in recent cases seen in media of bad use of students’ personal information. This growth in cases is due to the recent tightening in data privacy regulations, especially in the EU. The students or their parents should be the owners of the information about them and their learning activities online. Thus they should have the right tools to control how their information is accessed and for what purposes. Currently, there is no technological solution to prevent leaks or the misuse of data about the students or their activity. It seems appropriate to try to solve it from an automation technology perspective. In this paper, we consider the use of Blockchain technologies as a possible basis for a solution to this problem. Our analysis indicates that the Blockchain is not a suitable solution. Finally, we propose a cloud-based solution with a central personal point of management that we have called Personal Data Broker.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Personal Data Broker Instead of Blockchain for Students’ Data Privacy Assurance

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    Data logs about learning activities are being recorded at a growing pace due to the adoption and evolution of educational technologies (Edtech). Data analytics has entered the field of education under the name of learning analytics. Data analytics can provide insights that can be used to enhance learning activities for educational stakeholders, as well as helping online learning applications providers to enhance their services. However, despite the goodwill in the use of Edtech, some service providers use it as a means to collect private data about the students for their own interests and benefits. This is showcased in recent cases seen in media of bad use of students’ personal information. This growth in cases is due to the recent tightening in data privacy regulations, especially in the EU. The students or their parents should be the owners of the information about them and their learning activities online. Thus they should have the right tools to control how their information is accessed and for what purposes. Currently, there is no technological solution to prevent leaks or the misuse of data about the students or their activity. It seems appropriate to try to solve it from an automation technology perspective. In this paper, we consider the use of Blockchain technologies as a possible basis for a solution to this problem. Our analysis indicates that the Blockchain is not a suitable solution. Finally, we propose a cloud-based solution with a central personal point of management that we have called Personal Data Broker

    GDPR Security and Confidentiality compliance in LMS' a problem analysis and engineering solution proposal

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    We have studied the main Learning Management Systems (LMSs) to comprehend how personal data is processed and stored. We found that all the users' personal information, activity, and logs are stored unencrypted on the server filesystem and databases. A user with access to such resources may have full access to all the personal information and metainformation stored. Therefore, the LMSs are very vulnerable to information leaks in front of targeted hacker attacks due to weak GDPR compliance. In this paper, we analyze this problem from a technical and operational perspective for the open-source market leader LMS Moodle, and we propose a solution and a prototype of implementation

    GDPR security and confidentiality compliance in LMS' a problem analysis and engineering proposal

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    We have studied the main Learning Management Systems (LMSs) to comprehend how personal data is processed and stored. We found that all the users' personal information, activity, and logs are stored unencrypted on the server filesystem and databases. A user with access to such resources may have full access to all the personal information and metainformation stored. Therefore, the LMSs are very vulnerable to information leaks in front of targeted hacker attacks due to weak GDPR compliance. In this paper, we analyze this problem from a technical and operational perspective for the open-source market leader LMS Moodle, and we propose a solution and a prototype of implementation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Prestige: Blockchain al servicio de la investigación

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    This paper presents an investigation that addresses the problem of limited accessibility and quality in scientific publication. The reason is to promote equal access to scientific knowledge and improve the quality of research work. Goals include designing a platform that allows researchers to publish freely and fairly, using blockchain technology to ensure transparency and decentralization. The study methodology involves a detailed analysis of the problem, the study of the current state of the blockchain and its alignment with the needs of the project. Outstanding results include the feasibility of the implemented platform and its potential to encourage researchers to publish independently, generating revenue and academic reputation. This work presents an innovative solution to improve scientific publication and promote collaboration and democratization of knowledge in the academic community. The developed platform offers a fair and accessible alternative, promoting the quality and visibility of scientific research.Este paper presenta una investigación que aborda la problemática de la limitada accesibilidad y calidad en la publicación científica. El motivo es promover un acceso igualitario al conocimiento científico y mejorar la calidad de los trabajos de investigación. Los objetivos incluyen diseñar una plataforma que permita a investigadores publicar de forma libre y equitativa, empleando tecnología blockchain para garantizar transparencia y descentralización. La metodología del estudio involucra un análisis detallado del problema, el estudio del estado actual de la blockchain y su alineación con las necesidades del proyecto. Los resultados destacados incluyen la viabilidad de la plataforma implementada y su potencial para incentivar a los investigadores a publicar de manera independiente, generando ingresos y reputación académica. Este trabajo presenta una solución innovadora para mejorar la publicación científica y promover la colaboración y democratización del conocimiento en la comunidad académica. La plataforma desarrollada ofrece una alternativa justa y accesible, fomentando la calidad y visibilidad de las investigaciones científicas

    Evaluación de la importancia de la ética, privacidad y seguridad en los estudios de Learning Analytics, en el marco de las conferencias LAK

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    [ES]Los orígenes del Learning Analytics son difusos y rodeados por un intenso debate sobre su definición. Este debate se sitúa en el ámbito académico y comunidad científica. Además, se pretende identificar el alcance, retos y barreras en la aplicación de análisis de datos educativos. El presente artículo corresponde a una investigación más amplia, centrada en el tratamiento y gestión de datos educativos. Hemos conducido una Literature Review aplicando Text Analytics sobre los títulos, resúmenes y autores de los artículos publicados en todas las conferencias LAK (Learning Analytics & Knowledge, periodo 2011-2019). El objetivo del análisis de texto es doble. Por una parte, averiguar si en los congresos LAK existe debate alrededor de la temática “privacidad y seguridad en el tratamiento y uso datos educativos en Learning Analytics”. Por otra parte, dar una aproximación del nivel de profundidad y aportar nuevas direcciones de investigación, si así fuera necesario. El resultado refleja una amplia tendencia en los congresos LAK de hacer un tratamiento informatizado, predictivo y masivo de datos educativos para ilustrar casos de estudio, marcos teóricos y propuestas de enfoque. Muy pocos artículos presentados se concentran en ética y/o privacidad (pero con un alto impacto científico), y ninguno en seguridad

    Evaluación de la importancia de la ética, privacidad y seguridad en los estudios de Learning Analytics, en el marco de las conferencias LAK

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    Los orígenes del Learning Analytics son difusos y rodeados por un intenso debate sobre su definición. Este debate se sitúa en el ámbito académico y comunidad científica. Además, se pretende identificar el alcance, retos y barreras en la aplicación de análisis de datos educativos. El presente artículo corresponde a una investigación más amplia, centrada en el tratamiento y gestión de datos educativos. Hemos conducido una Literature Review aplicando Text Analytics sobre los títulos, resúmenes y autores de los artículos publicados en todas las conferencias LAK (Learning Analytics & Knowledge, periodo 2011-2019). El objetivo del análisis de texto es doble. Por una parte, averiguar si en los congresos LAK existe debate alrededor de la temática “privacidad y seguridad en el tratamiento y uso datos educativos en Learning Analytics”. Por otra parte, dar una aproximación del nivel de profundidad y aportar nuevas direcciones de investigación, si así fuera necesario. El resultado refleja una amplia tendencia en los congresos LAK de hacer un tratamiento informatizado, predictivo y masivo de datos educativos para ilustrar casos de estudio, marcos teóricos y propuestas de enfoque. Muy pocos artículos presentados se concentran en ética y/o privacidad (pero con un alto impacto científico), y ninguno en seguridad

    Local technology to enhance data privacy and security in educational technology

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    In educational environments, technological adoption in the last 10 years has enabled a data-driven and decisionmaking paradigm in organizations. The integration of cloud services in schools and universities is a positive shift in the field of learning, but it also presents threats to all academic roles that need to be discussed in terms of protection, privacy, and confidentiality. Cloud storage brings the ubiquity of data to this technical transition and a delusive opportunity for cost savings. In many cases, this suggests that certain actors, beyond the control of schools and colleges, collect, handle and treat educational data on private servers and data centers. This privatization enables the manipulation of stored records, leaks, and unauthorized access. In this article, we expose the possibilities that open from the viewpoint of local technology adoption. We seek to reduce or even totally solve the detrimental effects of using cloud-based instructional and analytical technology, mixing or only using local technology. Technological methods that conform to this alternate viewpoint and new lines of study are also being suggested and created.The research that has given rise to these results has been carried out through funds from the Secretariat of Universities and Research of the Department of Business and Knowledge of the Generalitat de Catalunya and Ramon Llull University, with the project 2020-URLProj-058.Peer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::16 - Pau, Justícia i Institucions Sòlides::16.6 - Crear unes institucions eficaces, responsables i transparents a tots els nivellsObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::16 - Pau, Justícia i Institucions Sòlides::16.b - Promoure i aplicar lleis i polítiques no discriminatòries en favor del desenvolupament sostenibleObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::16 - Pau, Justícia i Institucions SòlidesPostprint (published version

    Local Technology to Enhance Data Privacy and Security in Educational Technology

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    In educational environments, technological adoption in the last 10 years has enabled a data-driven and decisionmaking paradigm in organizations. The integration of cloud services in schools and universities is a positive shift in the field of learning, but it also presents threats to all academic roles that need to be discussed in terms of protection, privacy, and confidentiality. Cloud storage brings the ubiquity of data to this technical transition and a delusive opportunity for cost savings. In many cases, this suggests that certain actors, beyond the control of schools and colleges, collect, handle and treat educational data on private servers and data centers. This privatization enables the manipulation of stored records, leaks, and unauthorized access. In this article, we expose the possibilities that open from the viewpoint of local technology adoption. We seek to reduce or even totally solve the detrimental effects of using cloud-based instructional and analytical technology, mixing or only using local technology. Technological methods that conform to this alternate viewpoint and new lines of study are also being suggested and created

    El uso de Blockchain para resguardar analíticas de aprendizaje

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    Smart Contract para Blockchain Ethereum que controla permisos de acceso dados por estudiantes, además de su middleware capaz de comunicarse mediante peticiones REST