16,358 research outputs found


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    The Effect of EDTA in Attachment Gain and Root Coverage

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    Root surface biomodification using low pH agents such as citric acid and tetracycline has been proposed to enhance root coverage following connective tissue grafting. The authors hypothesized that root conditioning with neutral pH edetic acid would improve vertical recession depth, root surface coverage, pocket depth, and clinical attachment levels. Twenty teeth in 10 patients with Miller class I and II recession were treated with connective tissue grafting. The experimental sites received 24% edetic acid in sterile distilled water applied to the root surface for 2 minutes before grafting. Controls were pretreated with only sterile distilled water. Measurements were evaluated before surgery and 6 months after surgery. Analysis of variance was used to determine differences between experimental and control groups. We found significant postoperative improvements in vertical recession depth, root surface coverage, and clinical attachment levels in test and control groups, compared to postoperative data. Pocket depth differences were not significant (P\u3c.01)

    The Effect of Biologic Materials and Oral Steroids on Radiographic and Clinical Outcomes of Horizontal Alveolar Ridge Augmentation.

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate if the addition of biologic materials and/or oral steroids would affect horizontal bone gain, or the bone density of the grafted bone in horizontal alveolar ridge augmentations. A retrospective chart review was completed to assess the clinical and radiographic outcomes of 53 ridge augmentation patients. An average bone gain of 3.6mm of width was found in our study based on radiographic analysis. There were no statistically significant differences found in the linear bone gain with the addition of biologic materials and steroids. A marginally statistically significant difference was found in the bone density when biologics were added (p-value=0.0653). No statistically significant difference found in the bone density with the addition of oral steroids. The use of tenting screws and resorbable occlusive membranes and a combination of allograft and xenograft bone materials provides significant clinical and radiographic dimensional changes in alveolar ridge width

    Treatment of Gingival Recession

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    Gingival recession is an intriguing and complex phenomenon. Recession frequently disturbs patients because of sensitivity and esthetics. Many surgical techniques have been introduced to treat gingival recession, including those involving autogenous tissue grafting, various flap designs, orthodontics, and guided tissue regeneration (GTR). This article describes different clinical approaches to treat gingival recession with emphasis on techniques that show promising results and root coverage

    Effect of Membrane Exposure on Guided Bone Regeneration: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis

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    Aims: This review aimed at investigating the effect of membrane exposure on guided bone regeneration (GBR) outcomes at peri-implant sites and edentulous ridges. Material and Methods: Electronic and manual literature searches were conducted by two independent reviewers using four databases, including MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, for articles up to February 2017. Articles were included if they were human clinical trials or case series reporting outcomes of GBR procedures with and without membrane exposure. A random-effects meta-analysis was conducted, and the weighted mean difference (WMD) between the two groups and 95% confidence interval (CI) were reported. Results: Overall, eight articles were included in the quantitative analysis. The WMD of the horizontal bone gain at edentulous ridges was −76.24% (95% CI = −137.52% to −14.97%, p = .01) between sites with membrane exposure and without exposure. In addition, the WMD of the dehiscence reduction at peri- implant sites was −27.27% (95% CI of −45.87% to −8.68%, p = .004). Both analyses showed significantly favorable outcomes at the sites without membrane exposure. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, membrane exposure after GBR procedures has a significant detrimental influence on the outcome of bone augmentation. For the edentulous ridges, the sites without membrane exposure achieved 74% more horizontal bone gain than the sites with exposure. For peri-implant dehiscence defects, the sites without membrane exposure had 27% more defect reduction than the sites with exposure

    Assessing the Medical Emergency Preparedness of Dental Faculty, Residents, and Practicing Periodontists: An Exploratory Study

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    With the increased number of elderly and medically compromised individuals receiving dental care and the presence of systemic comorbidities and associated treatment modalities in this patient population, it is imperative that dentists be prepared to manage a variety of medical emergencies. The aim of this study was to assess the knowledge of and preparedness to manage common medical emergencies of cohorts of practicing periodontists, specialty residents, and faculty members, both for comparative purposes and as an aid to refining a dental school’s standardized case scenarios. The study, conducted in 2017, was designed for four groups of randomly selected participants with at least 20 in each group; the actual number of voluntary participants was 28 private practice periodontists, 22 residents in specialty programs, 21 specialist faculty members, and 24 general practice faculty members. Participants were asked to evaluate ten clinical emergency cases and identify the diagnosis and indicated intervention for each. Groups were also evaluated for differences among correct responses for each case. Overall, there were no statistically significant differences for number of correct diagnoses or interventions among the four groups. However, several cases had varying degrees of incorrect diagnoses and management across all groups. Participants who had recently graduated or were still in school were able to treat cases appropriately more often than the other participants. Further refinement of cases to assess provider preparedness to correctly diagnose and manage medical emergencies is needed, specifically establishing case-specific features and addressing areas of potential confusion before the cases are used for educational purposes

    Soft Tissue Grafting to Improve Implant Esthetics

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    Dental implants are becoming the treatment of choice to replace missing teeth, especially if the adjacent teeth are free of restorations. When minimal bone width is present, implant placement becomes a challenge and often resulting in recession and dehiscence around the implant that leads to subsequent gingival recession. To correct such defect, the author turned to soft tissue autografting and allografting to correct a buccal dehiscence around tooth #24 after a malpositioned implant placed by a different surgeon. A 25-year-old woman presented with the chief complaint of gingival recession and exposure of implant threads around tooth #24. The patient received three soft tissue grafting procedures to augment the gingival tissue. The first surgery included a connective tissue graft to increase the width of the keratinized gingival tissue. The second surgery included the use of autografting (connective tissue graft) to coronally position the soft tissue and achieve implant coverage. The third and final surgery included the use of allografting material Alloderm to increase and mask the implant from showing through the gingiva. Healing period was uneventful for the patient. After three surgical procedures, it appears that soft tissue grafting has increased the width and height of the gingiva surrounding the implant. The accomplished thickness of gingival tissue appeared to mask the showing of implant threads through the gingival tissue and allowed for achieving the desired esthetic that the patient desired. The aim of the study is to present a clinical case with soft tissue grafting procedures

    The Effect of Partially Exposed Connective Tissue Graft on Root‐Coverage Outcomes: A Systematic Review and Meta‐Analysis

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    The aim of this systematic review was to compare the root‐coverage outcomes of using a partially exposed connective tissue graft (CTG) technique with a fully covered CTG technique for root coverage. An electronic search up to February 28th, 2017, was performed to identify human clinical studies with data comparing outcomes of root coverage using CTG, with and without a partially exposed graft. Five clinical studies were selected for inclusion in this review. For each study, the gain of keratinized gingiva, reduction of recession depth, number of surgical sites achieving complete root coverage, percentage of root coverage, gain of tissue thickness, and changes of probing depth and clinical attachment level were recorded. Meta‐analysis for the comparison of complete root coverage between the two techniques presented no statistically significant differences. A statistically significant gain of keratinized tissue in favor of the sites with an exposed CTG and a tendency of greater reduction in recession depth were seen at the sites with a fully covered CTG. Based on the results, the use of a partially exposed CTG in root‐coverage procedures could achieve greater gain in keratinized gingiva, while a fully covered CTG might be indicated for procedures aiming to reduce recession depth

    Trends and Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Antibiotic Prescribing Practices of Dentists in The United States

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    Objective The aim of this study was to examine trends and racial/ethnic disparities in antibiotic prescribing practices of dentists in the United States. Methods The US Medical Expenditure Panel Survey data for 1996‐2013 was analyzed. Information on patient sociodemographic characteristics, dental visits, receipt of dental procedures, and type of antibiotics prescribed following visits was obtained. Descriptive statistics were calculated separately for each year. Logistic regression analyses were conducted to identify associations during the period with and without adjustment for dental procedures and sociodemographic characteristics. Survey weights were incorporated to handle the sampling design. Results Nationally, the number of antibiotic prescribed at dental visits was estimated to be higher by 842,749 (0.4 percent) at year 2013 compared to the prescription level at 2003 were the population sociodemographic distribution kept at 2013 level. On average, the odds of prescribing antibiotics following dental care increased with each decade of study (OR: 1.10; 95% CI: [1.04, 1.17]) after adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics and receipt of dental procedures. Compared to Whites, Blacks had 21 percent (95% CI: 11%, 31%) higher odds of receiving a prescription for antibiotics from a dentist after adjusting for dental procedure and other sociodemographic characteristics. Conclusions The prescription of antibiotics following dental visits increased over time after adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics and dental procedure. The probability of being prescribed antibiotics by dentists was higher for Blacks compared to Whites

    The use of a non-absorbable membrane as an occlusive barrier for alveolar ridge preservation: A one year follow-up prospective cohort study

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    The aims of this study were to obtain preliminary data and test the clinical efficacy of a novel nonporous dense-polytetrafluoroethylene (d-PTFE) membrane (permamem®, botiss) in alveolar ridge preservation (ARP) procedures with a flapless approach. A traumatic extraction was performed in the premolar maxillary area, and a d-PTFE membrane was used to seal the alveolar cavity: no biomaterial was used to graft the socket and the membrane was left intentionally exposed and stabilized with sutures. The membrane was removed after four weeks and dental implants were placed four months after the procedure. The primary outcome variables were defined as the dimensional changes in the ridge width and height after four months. A total of 15 patients were enrolled in this study. The mean width of the alveolar cavity was 8.9 ± 1.1 mm immediately after tooth extraction, while four months later a mean reduction of 1.75 mm was experienced. A mean vertical reduction of 0.9 ± 0.42 mm on the buccal aspect and 0.6 ± 0.23 mm on the palatal aspect were recorded at implant placement. Within the limitations of this study, the d-PTFE membrane proved to be effective in alveolar ridge preservation, with the outcomes of the regeneration not affected by the complete exposure of this biomaterial