9,472 research outputs found

    Labeling of Unique Sequences in Double-Stranded DNA at Sites of Vicinal Nicks Generated by Nicking Endonucleases

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    We describe a new approach for labeling of unique sequences within dsDNA under nondenaturing conditions. The method is based on the site-specific formation of vicinal nicks, which are created by nicking endonucleases (NEases) at specified DNA sites on the same strand within dsDNA. The oligomeric segment flanked by both nicks is then substituted, in a strand displacement reaction, by an oligonucleotide probe that becomes covalently attached to the target site upon subsequent ligation. Monitoring probe hybridization and ligation reactions by electrophoretic mobility retardation assay, we show that selected target sites can be quantitatively labeled with excellent sequence specificity. In these experiments, predominantly probes carrying a target-independent 3′ terminal sequence were employed. At target labeling, thus a branched DNA structure known as 3′-flap DNA is obtained. The single-stranded terminus in 3′-flap DNA is then utilized to prime the replication of an externally supplied ssDNA circle in a rolling circle amplification (RCA) reaction. In model experiments with samples comprised of genomic λ-DNA and human herpes virus 6 type B (HHV-6B) DNA, we have used our labeling method in combination with surface RCA as reporter system to achieve both high sequence specificity of dsDNA targeting and high sensitivity of detection. The method can find applications in sensitive and specific detection of viral duplex DNA.Wallace A. Coulter Foundatio

    Reconstitution of recombination-associated DNA synthesis with human proteins.

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    The repair of DNA breaks by homologous recombination is a high-fidelity process, necessary for the maintenance of genome integrity. Thus, DNA synthesis associated with recombinational repair must be largely error-free. In this report, we show that human DNA polymerase delta (δ) is capable of robust DNA synthesis at RAD51-mediated recombination intermediates dependent on the processivity clamp PCNA. Translesion synthesis polymerase eta (η) also extends these substrates, albeit far less processively. The single-stranded DNA binding protein RPA facilitates recombination-mediated DNA synthesis by increasing the efficiency of primer utilization, preventing polymerase stalling at specific sequence contexts, and overcoming polymerase stalling caused by topological constraint allowing the transition to a migrating D-loop. Our results support a model whereby the high-fidelity replicative DNA polymerase δ performs recombination-associated DNA synthesis, with translesion synthesis polymerases providing a supportive role as in normal replication

    A global profile of replicative polymerase usage

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    Three eukaryotic DNA polymerases are essential for genome replication. Polymerase (Pol) α–primase initiates each synthesis event and is rapidly replaced by processive DNA polymerases: Polɛ replicates the leading strand, whereas Polδ performs lagging-strand synthesis. However, it is not known whether this division of labor is maintained across the whole genome or how uniform it is within single replicons. Using Schizosaccharomyces pombe, we have developed a polymerase usage sequencing (Pu-seq) strategy to map polymerase usage genome wide. Pu-seq provides direct replication-origin location and efficiency data and indirect estimates of replication timing. We confirm that the division of labor is broadly maintained across an entire genome. However, our data suggest a subtle variability in the usage of the two polymerases within individual replicons. We propose that this results from occasional leading-strand initiation by Polδ followed by exchange for Polɛ

    Capturing the ‘ome’ : the expanding molecular toolbox for RNA and DNA library construction

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    All sequencing experiments and most functional genomics screens rely on the generation of libraries to comprehensively capture pools of targeted sequences. In the past decade especially, driven by the progress in the field of massively parallel sequencing, numerous studies have comprehensively assessed the impact of particular manipulations on library complexity and quality, and characterized the activities and specificities of several key enzymes used in library construction. Fortunately, careful protocol design and reagent choice can substantially mitigate many of these biases, and enable reliable representation of sequences in libraries. This review aims to guide the reader through the vast expanse of literature on the subject to promote informed library generation, independent of the application

    Template-dependent multiple displacement amplification for profiling human circulating RNA

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    Multiple displacement amplification (MDA) is widely used in whole-genome/transcriptome amplification. However, template-independent amplification (TIA) in MDA is a commonly observed phenomenon, particularly when using high concentrations of random hexamer primers and extended incubation times. Here, we demonstrate that the use of random pentamer primers with 5´ ends blocked by a C18 spacer results in MDA solely in a template-dependent manner, a technique we have named tdMDA. Together with an optimized procedure for the removal of residual genomic DNA during RNA extraction, tdMDA was used to profile circulating RNA from 0.2 mL of patient sera. In comparison to regular MDA, tdMDA demonstrated a lack of quantifiable DNA amplification in the negative control, a remarkable reduction of unmapped reads from Illumina sequencing (7 ± 10.9% versus 58.6 ± 39%, P = 0.006), and increased mapping rates of the serum transcriptome (26.9 ± 7.9% versus 5.8 ± 8.2%, P = 3.8 × 10-4). Transcriptome profiles could be used to separate patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection from those with HCV-associated hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). We conclude that tdMDA should facilitate RNA-based liquid biopsy, as well as other genome studies with biological specimens having ultralow amounts of genetic material. </jats:p

    Primase-polymerases are a functionally diverse superfamily of replication and repair enzymes

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    Until relatively recently, DNA primases were viewed simply as a class of proteins that synthesize short RNA primers requisite for the initiation of DNA replication. However, recent studies have shown that this perception of the limited activities associated with these diverse enzymes can no longer be justified. Numerous examples can now be cited demonstrating how the term 'DNA primase' only describes a very narrow subset of these nucleotidyltransferases, with the vast majority fulfilling multifunctional roles from DNA replication to damage tolerance and repair. This article focuses on the archaeo-eukaryotic primase (AEP) superfamily, drawing on recently characterized examples from all domains of life to highlight the functionally diverse pathways in which these enzymes are employed. The broad origins, functionalities and enzymatic capabilities of AEPs emphasizes their previous functional misannotation and supports the necessity for a reclassification of these enzymes under a category called primase-polymerases within the wider functional grouping of polymerases. Importantly, the repositioning of AEPs in this way better recognizes their broader roles in DNA metabolism and encourages the discovery of additional functions for these enzymes, aside from those highlighted here

    Single cell transcriptome analysis using next generation sequencing.

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    The heterogeneity of tissues, especially in cancer research, is a central issue in transcriptome analysis. In recent years, research has primarily focused on the development of methods for single cell analysis. Single cell analysis aims at gaining (novel) insights into biological processes of healthy and diseased cells. Some of the challenges in transcriptome analysis concern low abundance of sample starting material, necessary sample amplification steps and subsequent analysis. In this study, two fundamentally different approaches to amplification were compared using next-generation sequencing analysis: I. exponential amplification using polymerase-chain-reaction (PCR) and II. linear amplification. For both approaches, protocols for single cell extraction, cell lysis, cDNA synthesis, cDNA amplification and preparation of next-generation sequencing libraries were developed. We could successfully show that transcriptome analysis of low numbers of cells is feasible with both exponential and linear amplification. Using exponential amplification, the highest amplification rates up to 106 were possible. The reproducibility of results is a strength of the linear amplification method. The analysis of next generation sequencing data in single cell samples showed detectable expression in at least 16.000 genes. The variance between samples results in a need to work with a greater amount of biological replicates. In summary it can be said that single cell transcriptome analysis with next generation sequencing is possible but improvements leading to a higher yield of transcriptome reads is required. In the near future by comparing single cancer cells with healthy ones for example, a basis for improved prognosis and diagnosis can be realised

    Probing the mechanical unzipping of DNA

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    A study of the micromechanical unzipping of DNA in the framework of the Peyrard-Bishop-Dauxois model is presented. We introduce a Monte Carlo technique that allows accurate determination of the dependence of the unzipping forces on unzipping speed and temperature. Our findings agree quantitatively with experimental results for homogeneous DNA, and for λ\lambda-phage DNA we reproduce the recently obtained experimental force-temperature phase diagram. Finally, we argue that there may be fundamental differences between {\em in vivo} and {\em in vitro} DNA unzipping