111 research outputs found

    Channel estimation and tracking algorithms for vehicle to vehicle communications

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    The vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications channels are highly time-varying, making reliable communication difficult. This problem is particularly challenging because the standard of the V2V communications (IEEE 802.11p standard) is based on the WLAN IEEE 802.11a standard, which was designed for indoor, relatively stationary channels; so the IEEE 802.11p standard is not customized for outdo or, highly mobile non-stationary channels. In this thesis,We propose Channel estimation and tracking algorithms that are suitable for highly-time varying channels. The proposed algorithms utilize the finite alphabet property of the transmitted symbol, time domain truncation, decision-directed as well as pilot information. The proposed algorithm s improve the overall system performance in terms of bit error rates, enabling the system to achieve higher data rates and larger packet lengths at high relative velocities. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms achieve improved performance for all the V2V channel models with different velocities, and for different modulation schemes and packet sizes as compared to the conventional least squares and other previously proposed channel estimation techniques for V2V channels

    Beaconing Approaches in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A Survey

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    A Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is a type of wireless ad hoc network that facilitates ubiquitous connectivity between vehicles in the absence of fixed infrastructure. Beaconing approaches is an important research challenge in high mobility vehicular networks with enabling safety applications. In this article, we perform a survey and a comparative study of state-of-the-art adaptive beaconing approaches in VANET, that explores the main advantages and drawbacks behind their design. The survey part of the paper presents a review of existing adaptive beaconing approaches such as adaptive beacon transmission power, beacon rate adaptation, contention window size adjustment and Hybrid adaptation beaconing techniques. The comparative study of the paper compares the representatives of adaptive beaconing approaches in terms of their objective of study, summary of their study, the utilized simulator and the type of vehicular scenario. Finally, we discussed the open issues and research directions related to VANET adaptive beaconing approaches.Ghafoor, KZ.; Lloret, J.; Abu Bakar, K.; Sadiq, AS.; Ben Mussa, SA. (2013). Beaconing Approaches in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks: A Survey. Wireless Personal Communications. 73(3):885-912. doi:10.1007/s11277-013-1222-9S885912733ITS-Standards (1996) Intelligent transportation systems, U.S. Department of Transportation, http://www.standards.its.dot.gov/about.aspCheng, L., Henty, B., Stancil, D., Bai, F., & Mudalige, P. (2005). Mobile vehicle-to-vehicle narrow-band channel measurement and characterization of the 5.9 Ghz dedicated short range communication (DSRC) frequency band. IEEE Transactions on Selected Areas in Communications, 25(8), 1501–1516.van Eenennaam, E., Wolterink, K., Karagiannis, G., & Heijenk, G. (2009). Exploring the solution space of beaconing in vanets. In Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE international vehicular networking conference, Tokyo (pp. 1–8).Torrent-Moreno, M. 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    Design and implementation of simulation tools, protocols and architectures to support service platforms on vehicular networks

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    Tesis por compendioProducts related with Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) are becoming a reality on our roads. All car manufacturers are starting to include Internet access in their vehicles and to integrate smartphones directly from the dashboard, but more and more services will be introduced in the near future. Connectivity through "vehicular networks" will become a cornerstone of every new proposal, and offering an adequate quality of service is obviously desirable. However, a lot of work is needed for vehicular networks to offer performances similar to those of the wired networks. Vehicular networks can be characterized by two main features: high variability due to mobility levels that can reach up to 250 kilometers per hour, and heterogeneity, being that various competing versions from different vendors have and will be released. Therefore, to make the deployment of efficient services possible, an extensive study must be carried out and adequate tools must be proposed and developed. This PhD thesis addresses the service deployment problem in these networks at three different levels: (i) the physical and link layer, showing an exhaustive analysis of the physical channel and models; (ii) the network layer, proposing a forwarding protocol for IP packets; and (iii) the transport layer, where protocols are proposed to improve data delivery. First of all, the two main wireless technologies used in vehicular networks where studied and modeled, namely the 802.11 family of standards, particularly 802.11p, and the cellular networks focusing on LTE. Since 802.11p is a quite mature standard, we defined (i) a propagation and attenuation model capable of replicating the transmission range and the fading behavior of real 802.11p devices, both in line-of-sight conditions and when obstructed by small obstacles, and (ii) a visibility model able to deal with large obstacles, such as buildings and houses, in a realistic manner. Additionally, we proposed a model based on high-level performance indicators (bandwidth and delay) for LTE, which makes application validation and evaluation easier. At the network layer, a hybrid protocol called AVE is proposed for packet forwarding by switching among a set of standard routing strategies. Depending on the specific scenario, AVE selects one out of four different routing solutions: a) two-hop direct delivery, b) Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO), c) greedy georouting, and d) store-carry-and-forward technique, to dynamically adapt its behavior to the specific situation. At the transport layer, we proposed a content delivery protocol for reliable and bidirectional unicast communication in lossy links that improves content delivery in situations where the wireless network is the bottleneck. It has been designed, validated, optimized, and its performance has been analyzed in terms of throughput and resource efficiency. Finally, at system level, we propose an edge-assisted computing model that allows reducing the response latency of several queries by placing a computing unit at the network edge. This way, traffic traversal through the Internet is avoided when not needed. This scheme could be used in both 802.11p and cellular networks, and in this thesis we decided to focus on its evaluation using LTE networks. The platform presented in this thesis combines all the individual efforts to create a single efficient platform. This new environment could be used by any provider to improve the quality of the user experience obtainable through the proposed vehicular network-based services.Los productos relacionados con los Sistemas Inteligentes de Transporte (ITS) se están transformando en una realidad en nuestras carreteras. Todos los fabricantes de coches comienzan a incluir acceso a internet en sus vehículos y a facilitar su integración con los teléfonos móviles, pero más y más servicios se introducirán en el futuro. La conectividad usando las "redes vehiculares" se convertirá en la piedra angular de cada nueva propuesta, y ofrecer una calidad de servicio adecuada será, obviamente, deseable. Sin embargo, se necesita una gran cantidad de trabajo para que las redes vehiculares ofrezcan un rendimiento similar al de las redes cableadas. Las redes vehiculares quedan definidas por sus dos características básicas: alto dinamismo, pues los nodos pueden alcanzar una velocidad relativa de más de 250 km/h; y heterogeneidad, por la gran cantidad de propuestas diferentes que los fabricantes están lanzando al mercado. Por ello, para hacer posible el despliegue de servicios sobre ellas, se impone la necesidad de hacer un estudio en profundidad de este entorno, y deben de proponerse y desarrollarse las herramientas adecuadas. Esta tesis ataca la problemática del despliegue de servicios en estas redes a tres niveles diferentes: (i) el nivel físico y de enlace, mostrando varios análisis en profundidad del medio físico y modelos derivados para su simulación; (ii) el nivel de red, proponiendo un protocolo de difusión de la información para los paquetes IP; y (iii) el nivel de transporte, donde otros protocolos son propuestos para mejorar el rendimiento del transporte de datos. En primer lugar, se han estudiado y modelado las dos principales tecnologías inalámbricas que se utilizan para la comunicación en redes vehiculares, la rama de estándares 802.11, en concreto 802.11p; y la comunicación celular, en particular LTE. Dado que el estándar 802.11p es un estándar bastante maduro, nos centramos en crear (i) un modelo de propagación y atenuación capaz de replicar el rango de transmisión de dispositivos 802.11p reales, en condiciones de visión directa y obstrucción por pequeños obstáculos, y (ii) un modelo de visibilidad capaz de simular el efecto de grandes obstáculos, como son los edifcios, de una manera realista. Además, proponemos un modelo basado en indicadores de rendimiento de alto nivel (ancho de banda y retardo) para LTE, que facilita la validación y evaluación de aplicaciones. En el plano de red, se propone un protocolo híbrido, llamado AVE, para el encaminamiento y reenvío de paquetes usando un conjunto de estrategias estándar de enrutamiento. Dependiendo del escenario, AVE elige entre cuatro estrategias diferentes: a) entrega directa a dos saltos, b) Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) c) georouting voraz, y d) una técnica store-carry-and- forward, para adaptar su comportamiento dinámicamente a cada situación. En el plano de transporte, se propone un protocolo bidireccional de distribución de contenidos en canales con pérdidas que mejora la entrega de contenidos en situaciones en las que la red es un cuello de botella, como las redes inalámbricas. Ha sido diseñado, validado, optimizado, y su rendimiento ha sido analizado en términos de productividad y eficiencia en la utilización de recursos. Finalmente, a nivel de sistema, proponemos un modelo de computación asistida que permite reducir la latencia en la respuesta a muchas consultas colocando una unidad de computación en el borde de la red, i.e., la red de acceso. Este esquema podría ser usado en redes basadas en 802.11p y en redes celulares, si bien en esta tesis decidimos centrarnos en su evaluación usando redes LTE. La plataforma presentada en esta tesis combina todos los esfuerzos individuales para crear una plataforma única y eficiente. Este nuevo entorno puede ser usado por cualquier proveedor para mejorar la calidad de la experiencia de usuario en los servicios desplegados sobre redes vehiculares.Els productes relacionats amb els sistemes intel · ligents de transport (ITS) s'estan transformant en una realitat en les nostres carreteres. Tots els fabri- cants de cotxes comencen a incloure accés a internet en els vehicles i a facilitar- ne la integració amb els telèfons mòbils, però en el futur més i més serveis s'hi introduiran. La connectivitat usant les xarxes vehicular esdevindrà la pedra angular de cada nova proposta, i oferir una qualitat de servei adequada serà, òbviament, desitjable. No obstant això, es necessita una gran quantitat de treball perquè les xarxes vehiculars oferisquen un rendiment similar al de les xarxes cablejades. Les xarxes vehiculars queden definides per dues característiques bàsiques: alt dinamisme, ja que els nodes poden arribar a una velocitat relativa de més de 250 km/h; i heterogeneïtat, per la gran quantitat de propostes diferents que els fabricants estan llançant al mercat. Per això, per a fer possible el desplegament de serveis sobre aquestes xarxes, s'imposa la necessitat de fer un estudi en profunditat d'aquest entorn, i cal proposar i desenvolupar les eines adequades. Aquesta tesi ataca la problemàtica del desplegament de serveis en aquestes xarxes a tres nivells diferents: (i) el nivell físic i d'enllaç , mostrant diverses anàlisis en profunditat del medi físic i models derivats per simular-lo; (ii) el nivell de xarxa, proposant un protocol de difusió de la informació per als paquets IP; i (iii) el nivell de transport, on es proposen altres protocols per a millorar el rendiment del transport de dades. En primer lloc, s'han estudiat i modelat les dues principals tecnologies sense fils que s'utilitzen per a la comunicació en xarxes vehiculars, la branca d'estàndards 802.11, en concret 802.11p; i la comunicació cel · lular, en partic- ular LTE. Atès que l'estàndard 802.11p és un estàndard bastant madur, ens centrem a crear (i) un model de propagació i atenuació capaç de replicar el rang de transmissió de dispositius 802.11p reals, en condicions de visió directa i obstrucció per petits obstacles, i (ii) un model de visibilitat capaç de simular l'efecte de grans obstacles, com són els edificis, d'una manera realista. A més, proposem un model basat en indicadors de rendiment d'alt nivell (ample de banda i retard) per a LTE, que facilita la validació i l'avaluació d'aplicacions. En el pla de xarxa, es proposa un protocol híbrid, anomenat AVE, per a l'encaminament i el reenviament de paquets usant un conjunt d'estratègies estàndard d'encaminament. Depenent de l'escenari , AVE tria entre quatre estratègies diferents: a) lliurament directe a dos salts, b) Dynamic MANET On-demand (DYMO) c) georouting voraç, i d) una tècnica store-carry-and- forward, per a adaptar-ne el comportament dinàmicament a cada situació. En el pla de transport, es proposa un protocol bidireccional de distribució de continguts en canals amb pèrdues que millora el lliurament de continguts en situacions en què la xarxa és un coll de botella, com les xarxes sense fils. Ha sigut dissenyat, validat, optimitzat, i el seu rendiment ha sigut analitzat en termes de productivitat i eficiència en la utilització de recursos. Finalment, a nivell de sistema, proposem un model de computació assistida que permet reduir la latència en la resposta a moltes consultes col · locant una unitat de computació a la vora de la xarxa, és a dir, la xarxa d'accés. Aquest esquema podria ser usat en xarxes basades en 802.11p i en xarxes cel · lulars, si bé en aquesta tesi decidim centrar-nos en la seua avaluació usant xarxes LTE. La plataforma presentada en aquesta tesi combina tots els esforços indi- viduals per a crear una plataforma única i eficient. Aquest nou entorn pot ser usat per qualsevol proveïdor per a millorar la qualitat de l'experiència d'usuari en els serveis desplegats sobre xarxes vehiculars.Báguena Albaladejo, M. (2017). Design and implementation of simulation tools, protocols and architectures to support service platforms on vehicular networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/85333TESISCompendi

    Adaptação da taxa de transmissão em redes veiculares

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e TelecomunicaçõesAo longo dos últimos anos, vários progressos em comunicações sem fios têm extendido investigações a novas áreas, onde soluções baseadas em redes com fios são impraticáveis. Neste contexto apareceram as Vehicular Ad hoc NETworks (VANETs), uma classe emergente das redes Ad Hoc, para interligação e comunicação entre veículos. Devido ás suas características peculiares como alta mobilidade, topologia dinâmica, frequente perda de conectividade, as VANETs enfrentam vários desafios para definir protolocos e mecanismos fiáveis, como a adaptação da taxa de transmissão. De facto, a monitorização do tráfego das ruas através de aplicações são o núcleo das VANETs cujo desempenho depende da taxa de envio de pacotes e da taxa de sucesso que estas redes conseguem oferecer. Mecanismos de adaptação da taxa de transmissão têm como objetivo evitar a degradação do desempenho da rede devido a uma escolha muito elevada da taxa de transmissão, quando a qualidade do canal está deteorada, ou devido à utilização de uma taxa muito baixa quando as condições da qualidade do canal melhoram. Uma vez que os dispositivos que operam segundo a norma IEEE 802.11p suportam várias taxas de transmissão, é importante que estes possam adaptar a taxa de forma dinâmica de modo a obter um desempenho elevado. Assim é essencial ter um mecanismo de adaptação da taxa de transmissão que seja robusto e capaz de lidar com elevadas flutuações e assimetrias do canal, transmissões em rajada e de duração inconstante, e perda de pacotes devido ás condições do meio e à existência de terminais escondidos. Assim sendo, esta dissertação permite avaliar e comparar os mecanismos existentes para redes sem fios, em ambientes veiculares usando o Network Simulator 3 (NS-3) e o Simulator of Urban Mobility (SUMO). Depois de analisar os principais mecanismos presentes na literatura, foram selecionados quatro para serem testados: Adaptive Auto Rate Fall Back-Collision Detection (AARF-CD), Collision-Aware Rate Adaptation (CARA), Minstrel e o Ideal. Serão considerados dois tipos de cenários: auto-estrada e urbano. A comparação dos algoritmos será baseada em métricas conhecidas como a taxa de envio de pacotes, taxa de sucesso e a percentagem de retransmissões para vários níveis de transmissão. Os resultados experimentais mostraram que o AARFCD atingiu um desempenho superior, quando comparado com os restantes algoritmos. O CARA foi o segundo melhor algoritmo segundo as métricas consideradas. De realçar que o AARF-CD obteve uma taxa de sucesso superior ao do CARA, apesar deste oferecer uma taxa de envio de pacotes superior em certos cenários. Em relação ao atraso na rede, tanto o AARFCD como o CARA alcançaram resultados similares. Foi também concluído que algoritmos com diferenciação de perdas de pacotes como o AARF-CD e o CARA oferecem uma melhor adaptação da taxa de transmissão. Por fim, é sugerido um algoritmo de adatação da taxa de transmissão que tem em conta parâmetros externos, como a velocidade, distância e a densidade de veículos. Cada parâmetro é considerado de acordo com a sua influência na transmissão de dados através de pesos. Desta forma os parâmetros que afetam mais a adaptação da taxa de transmissão serão associados a pesos maiores. A adaptação da taxa de transmissão será baseada num processo de pesos, de acordo com o efeito das condições exteriores no desempenho da rede.Over the last years, several progresses in wireless communications have extended research in new sub-areas, where wired solutions are impracticable. In this context, VANETs arose as an emerging area of wireless ad hoc networks, which connect and allow communication between vehicles. Due to its peculiar characteristics such as high mobility, dynamic topology and frequent loss of connectivity, VANETs face many challenges to de ne reliable protocols and mechanisms like rate adaptation schemes. Indeed tra c querying and road sensing applications are the core of VANETs whose performance depends on the throughput and the success ratio these networks can provide. Rate adaptation mechanisms aim to avoid performance network degradation due to rate over-selection when channel quality is deteriorated or rate under-selection when channel quality improves. Since IEEE 802.11p supports multi-rate capabilities, devices must adapt their transmission rate dynamically in order to achieve a high performance. Thus it is critical to have a robust rate adaptation mechanism that can deal with high uctuation and asymmetry of channels, bursty and infrequent duration transmissions, and loss packet own to the extreme environment conditions or hidden terminals. Thereby, this dissertation evaluates and compares the existing rate adaptation mechanisms for wireless in vehicular environments, using NS-3 and SUMO. Four mechanisms: AARF-CD, CARA, Minstrel and Ideal were selected to be compared, after analysing the main mechanisms across literature. It will be considered two types of scenarios: highway and urban scenario. The comparison between the algorithms will be based on known metrics: network throughput, success ratio, delay and percentage of retransmissions. Experimentation results showed that AARF-CD achieved higher performance when compared with the remaining algorithms in both scenarios. CARA was the second best algorithm, considering the same metrics. Although CARA provides higher throughput in certain scenarios, it is outperformed by AARF-CD in terms of rate success. Regarding delay, AARF-CD and CARA attained similar results. It was also concluded that algorithms with loss di erentiation such as AARF-CD and CARA provide better rate adaptation. Finally, it is suggested a rate adaptation algorithm which considers external parameters like velocity, distance and density of nodes. Each parameter is considered according to its impact in the data transmission through weights. Parameters that a ect more the rate adaptation are associated to larger weights. Thus, the rate adaptation is based on a weighted process according to the e ect of external conditions in the network performance


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    This report discusses Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). This generic term is used for a broad range of information-, control- and electronic technology that can be integrated in the road infrastructure and the vehicles themselves, saving lives, time and money bymonitoring and managing traffic flows, reducing conges-tion, avoiding accidents, etc. Because this report was written in the scope of the Policy Research Centre Mobility & Public Works, track Traffic Safety, it focuses on ITS systems from the traffic safety point of view. Within the whole range of ITS systems, two categories can be distinguished: autonomous and cooperative systems. Autonomous systems are all forms of ITS which operate by itself, and do not depend on the cooperation with other vehicles or supporting infrastructure. Example applications are blind spot detection using radar, electronic stability control, dynamic traffic management using variable road signs, emergency call, etc. Cooperative systems are ITS systems based on communication and cooperation, both between vehicles as between vehicles and infrastructure. Example applications are alerting vehicles approaching a traffic jam, exchanging data regarding hazardous road conditions, extended electronic brake light, etc. In some cases, autonomous systems can evolve to autonomous cooperative systems. ISA (Intelligent Speed Adaptation) is an example of this: the dynamic aspect as well as communication with infrastructure (eg Traffic lights, Variable Message Sign (VMS)...) can provide additional road safety. This is the clear link between the two parts of this report. The many ITS applications are an indicator of the high expectations from the government, the academic world and the industry regarding the possibilities made possible by both categories of ITS systems. Therefore, the comprehensive discussion of both of them is the core of this report. The first part of the report covering the autonomous systems treats two aspects: 1. Overview of European projects related to mobility and in particular to road safety 2. Overview for guidelines for the evaluation of ITS projects. Out of the wide range of diverse (autonomous) ITS applications a selection is made; this selection is focused on E Safety Forum and PreVENT. Especially the PreVent research project is interesting because ITS-applications have led to a number of concrete demonstration vehicles that showed - in protected and unprotected surroundings- that these ITS-applications are already technically useful or could be developed into useful products. The component “guidelines for the evaluation of ITS projects” outlines that the government has to have specific evaluation tools if the government has the ambition of using ITS-applications for road safety. Two projects -guidelines for the evaluation of ITS projects- are examined; a third evaluation method is only mentioned because this description shows that a specific targeting of the government can be desirable : 1. TRACE describes the guidelines for the evaluation of ITS projects which are useful for the evaluation of specific ITS-applications. 2. FITS contains Finnish guidelines for the evaluation of ITS project; FIS is an adaptation of methods used for evaluation of transport projects. 3. The third evaluation method for the evaluation of ITS projects is developed in an ongoing European research project, eImpact. eImpact is important because, a specific consultation of stake holders shows that the social importance of some techniques is underestimated. These preliminary results show that an appropriate guiding role for the government could be important. In the second part of this document the cooperative systems are discussed in depth. These systems enable a large number of applications with an important social relevance, both on the level of the environment, mobility and traffic safety. Cooperative systems make it possible to warn drivers in time to avoid collisions (e.g. when approaching the tail of a traffic jam, or when a ghost driver is detected). Hazardous road conditions can be automatically communicated to other drivers (e.g. after the detection of black ice or an oil trail by the ESP). Navigation systems can receive detailed real-time up-dates about the current traffic situation and can take this into account when calculating their routes. When a traffic distortion occurs, traffic centers can immediately take action and can actively influence the way that the traffic will be diverted. Drivers can be notified well in advance about approaching emergency vehicles, and can be directed to yield way in a uniform manner. This is just a small selection from the large number of applications that are made possible because of cooperative ITS systems, but it is very obvious that these systems can make a significant positive contribution to traffic safety. In literature it is estimated that the decrease of accidents with injuries of fatalities will be between 20% and 50% . It is not suprising that ITS systems receive a lot of attention for the moment. On an international level, a number of standards are being established regarding this topic. The International Telecommunications Uniont (ITU), Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Association of Radio Industries and Business (ARIB) and European committee for standardization (CEN) are currently defining standards that describe different aspects of ITS systems. One of the names that is mostly mentioned in literature is the ISO TC204/WG16 Communications Architecture for Land Mobile environment (CALM) standard. It describes a framework that enables transparent (both for the application and the user) continuous communication through different communication media. Besides the innumerable standardization activities, there is a great number of active research projects. On European level, the most important are the i2010 Intelligent Car Initiative, the eSafety Forum, and the COMeSafety, the CVIS, the SAFESPOT, the COOPERS and the SEVECOM project. The i2010 Intelligent Car Initiative is an European initiative with the goal to halve the number of traffic casualties by 2010. The eSafety Forum is an initiative of the European Commission, industry and other stakeholders and targets the acceleration of development and deployment of safety-related ITS systems. The COMeSafety project supports the eSafety Forum on the field of vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. In the CVIS project, attention is given to both technical and non-technical issues, with the main goal to develop the first free and open reference implementation of the CALM architecture. The SAFEST project investigates which data is important for safety applications, and with which algorithmsthis data can be extracted from vehicles and infrastructure. The COOPERS project mainly targets communication between vehicles and dedicated roadside infrastructure. Finally, the SEVECOM project researches security and privacy issues. Besides the European projects, research is also conducted in the United States of America (CICAS and VII projects) and in Japan (AHSRA, VICS, Smartway, internetITS). Besides standardization bodies and governmental organizations, also the industry has a considerable interest in ITS systems. In the scope of their ITS activities, a number of companies are united in national and international organizations. On an international level, the best known names are the Car 2 Car Communication Consortium, and Ertico. The C2C CC unites the large European car manufacturers, and focuses on the development of an open standard for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communications based on the already well established IEEE 802.11 WLAN standard. Ertico is an European multi-sector, public/private partnership with the intended purpose of the development and introduction of ITS systems. On a national level, FlandersDrive and The Telematics Cluster / ITS Belgium are the best known organizations. Despite the worldwide activities regarding (cooperative) ITS systems, there still is no consensus about the wireless technology to be used in such systems. This can be put down to the fact that a large number of suitable technologies exist or are under development. Each technology has its specific advantages and disadvantages, but no single technology is the ideal solution for every ITS application. However, the different candidates can be classified in three distinct categories. The first group contains solutions for Dedicated Short Range Communication (DSRC), such as the WAVE technology. The second group is made up of several cellular communication networks providing coverage over wide areas. Examples are GPRS (data communication using the GSM network), UMTS (faster then GPRS), WiMAX (even faster then UMTS) and MBWA (similar to WiMAX). The third group consists of digital data broadcast technologies such as RDS (via the current FM radio transmissions, slow), DAB and DMB (via current digital radio transmissions, quicker) and DVB-H (via future digital television transmissions for mobiledevices, quickest). The previous makes it clear that ITS systems are a hot topic right now, and they receive a lot of attention from the academic world, the standardization bodies and the industry. Therefore, it seems like that it is just a matter of time before ITS systems will find their way into the daily live. Due to the large number of suitable technologies for the implementation of cooperative ITS systems, it is very hard to define which role the government has to play in these developments, and which are the next steps to take. These issues were addressed in reports produced by the i2010 Intelligent Car Initiative and the CVIS project. Their state of the art overview revealed that until now, no country has successfully deployed a fully operational ITS system yet. Seven EU countries are the furthest and are already in the deployment phase: Sweden, Germany, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Finland, Spain and France. These countries are trailed by eight countries which are in the promotion phase: Denmark, Greece, Italy, Austria, Belgium,Norway, the Czech Republic and Poland. Finally, the last ten countries find themselves in the start-up phase: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Hungary, Portugal, Switzerland, Ireland and Luxembourg. These European reports produced by the i2010 Intelligent Car Initiative and the CVIS project have defined a few policy recommendations which are very relevant for the Belgian and Flemish government. The most important recommendations for the Flemish government are: • Support awareness: research revealed that civilians consider ITS applications useful, but they are not really willing to pay for this technology. Therefore, it is important to convince the general public of the usefulness and the importance of ITS systems. • Fill the gaps: Belgium is situated in the promotion phase. This means that it should focus at identifying the missing stakeholders, and coordinating national and regional ITS activities. Here it is important that the research activities are coordinated in a national and international context to allow transfer of knowledge from one study to the next, as well as the results to be comparable. • Develop a vision: in the scope of ITS systems policies have to be defined regarding a large number of issues. For instance there is the question if ITS users should be educated, meaning that the use of ITS systems should be the subject of the drivers license exam. How will the regulations be for the technical inspection of vehicles equipped with ITS technology? Will ITS systems be deployed on a voluntary base, or will they e.g. be obliged in every new car? Will the services be offered by private companies, by the public authorities, or by a combination of them? Which technology will be used to implement ITS systems? These are just a few of the many questions where the government will have to develop a point of view for. • Policy coordination: ITS systems are a policy subject on an international, national and regional level. It is very important that these policy organizations can collaborate in a coordinated manner. • Iterative approach to policy development: developing policies for this complex matter is not a simple task. This asks for an iterative approach, where policy decisions are continuously refined and adjusted

    Hardware limitations to secure C-ITS: experimental evaluation and solutions

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    Cooperative Intelligent Transportation Systems (C-ITS) improve driving experience and safety through secure Vehicular Ad-hoc NETworks (VANETs) that satisfy strict security and performance constraints. Relevant standards, such as the IEEE 1609.2, prescribe network-efficient cryptographic protocols to reduce communication latencies through a combination of the Elliptic Curve Qu-Vanstone (ECQV) implicit certificate scheme and the Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). However, literature lacks open implementations and performance evaluations for vehicular systems. This paper assesses the applicability of IEEE 1609.2 and of ECQV and ECDSA schemes to C-ITSs. We release an open implementation of the standard ECQV scheme to benchmark its execution time on automotive-grade hardware. Moreover, we evaluate its performance in real road and traffic scenarios and show that compliance with strict latency requirements defined for C-ITS requires computational resources that are not met by many automotive-grade embedded hardware platforms. As a final contribution, we propose and evaluate novel heuristics to reduce the number of signatures to be verified in real C-ITS scenarios

    Design and evaluation of safety-critical applications based on inter-vehicle communication

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    Inter-vehicle communication has a potential to improve road traffic safety and efficiency. Technical feasibility of communication between vehicles has been extensively studied, but due to the scarcity of application-level research, communication\u27s impact on the road traffic is still unclear. This thesis addresses this uncertainty by designing and evaluating two fail-safe applications, namely, Rear-End Collision Avoidance and Virtual Traffic Lights

    Data decoding aided channel estimation techniques for OFDM systems in vehicular environment

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    L'oggetto del presente lavoro di tesi è costituito dallo studio e sviluppo di algoritmi di inseguimento di canale per sistemi basati su una modulazione di tipo Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), con riferimento allo standard IEEE802.11p per comunicazioni mobili di tipo Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN), tra veicolo e veicolo e tra veicolo e infrastruttura. La caratteristica principale dei sistemi wireless in ambiente veicolare µe la presenza dell'effetto Doppler dovuto alla velocità relativa tra trasmettitore e ricevitore che rende il canale wireless tempo variante

    Vehicle Sensing and Communications using LED Headlights to Enhance the Performance of Intelligent Transportation Systems: Proof of Concept, Implementation, and Applications

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    This project investigates the use of vehicle light-emitting diode (LED) headlamp devices for improving the accuracy and reliability of traffic (sensing and communication) data measurements required for developing effective intelligent transportation systems (ITS) technologies and solutions. Vehicular communication and sensing technologies are mainly based on conventional radio frequency (RF) or laser technologies. These systems suffer from several issues such as RF interference and poor performance in scenarios where the incidence angle between the speed detector and the vehicle is rapidly varying. Introducing a new sensing technology will add diversity to these systems and enhance the reliability of the real-time data. In this project, we proposed and investigated a novel speed estimation sensing system named “Visible Light Detection and Ranging (ViLDAR)” (patent pending). ViLDAR utilizes visible light-sensing technology to measure the variation of the vehicle’s headlamp light intensity to estimate the vehicle speed. Similarly, visible light sensing technology is used for data communication purposes, where the vehicle headlamp is utilized for wireless data transmission purposes. This project outlines the ViLDAR system simulations, implementation including hardware and software components, experimental evaluation in both laboratory and outdoor environments. The experimental measurement settings of the ViLDAR experiments are detailed. Encouraging results for both sensing and communication scenarios are obtained. The outcome of this proof-of-concept study both in the laboratory and outdoor validates the merit of the proposed technology in speed estimation (sensing) and data communication. The outcomes of this project will inspire a wide and diverse range of researchers, scientists and practitioners from the ITS community to explore this new and exciting technology. This project built initial steps in exploring this new sensing and communication modality using vehicle headlamps, leaving open a wide field for exploration and novel research