12 research outputs found

    Measuring the quality of e-commerce websites using analytical hierarchy process

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    Improving website quality for e-commerce website is indispensable since it affects customer satisfaction. There are several aspects of website quality that should be considered. Unfortunately, what criteria that should be prioritized is still under research. This research aims to identify the priority of website quality criteria and incorporate these criteria to measure the quality of ten e-commerce websites in Indonesia using Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP). This study interviews two experts to assign priority for each criterion. In the end, this study has found that availability is the uttermost aspect to consider. Furthermore, this study also found that OLX.com is the best Customer-to-Customer (C2C) e-commerce in Indonesia in terms of website quality. This research is useful for any e-commerce technical developer to improve his/her website in twofold: 1) criteria priority to improve the quality of C2C e-commerce websites and 2) website quality ranking of C2C e-commerce


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    Pemeringkatan dengan sistem webometric semakin banyak dipergunakan untuk menilai kualitas web universitas. Walaupun demikian, sistem ini belum menggunakan teknik pembobotan variabel dan pemeringkatan dengan teknik analisis multicriteria decision analysis sehingga tingkat validitas hasil pemeringkatan yang dihasilkan belum optimal. Penelitian ini memiliki target khusus untuk mengembangkan metode baru pemeringkatan webometrics universitas di dunia dengan memperhitungkan proses pembobotan variabel. Selanjutnya tujuan jangka panjang penelitian ini adalah merintis lembaga pemeringkatan webometrics berbasis multicriteria decision analysis dan mempublikasikan hasil pemeringkatan web universitas di dunia secara berkala. Penelitian ini merupakan tahun pertama berupa penelitian eksperimental yang melibatkan 30 pakar ilmu informasi di dunia. Kelompok pakar diminta untuk memberikan rekomendasi variabel dan bobot penilaian webometrics dengan menggunakan metode Analytical hierarchy process. Selanjutnya dilakukan analisis pembobotan dengan menggunakan metode geometric average mean. Penelitian ini akan dilanjutkan pada tahun ke II dengan melakukan validasi proses pemeringkatan webometrics menggunakan dua buah metode outranking yaitu PROMETHE dan VIKOR. Di akhir penelitian ditargetkan tersusun standar baru penilaian webometrics dengan mengembangkan situs perangkingan webometrics yang dipublikasikan setiap 6 bulan. Penelitian tahun II juga difokuskan pada penambahan jumlah sampel universitas, pembuatan website untuk publikasi berkala hasil perangkingan webometrics, serta pembuatan instrumen perangkat lunak dan basis data untuk otomatisasi pengambilan data. Hasil Penelitian : dari penelitian ini adalah Dari hasil pembobotan dengan menggunakan teknik AHP, didapat hasil pembobotan untuk masing-masing kategori sebagai berikut: size =0.1359, visibility = 0.1346, rich files = 0.1408, scholar = 0.1387, traffic rank = 0.1447, page rank = 0.1450, dan quality of Link = 0.144


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mengetahui website performance milik Kementerian di Indonesia; (2) mengetahui hasil pemeringkatan website milik Kementerian di Indonesia berdasarkan website performance. Hasil penelitian tersebut disajikan dalam bentuk pemeringkatan menggunakan Metode Electre. Objek penelitian ini adalah 34 website milik Kementerian di Indonesia. Data dikumpulkan sebanyak 15 kali selama 3 bulan menggunakan website tools. Data yang diperoleh dari penelitian dihitung untuk mendapatkan hasil penilaian. Hasil penilaian tersebut diolah menggunakan Metode Entropi untuk menentukan nilai pembobotan. Nilai pembobotan tersebut kemudian digunakan pada Metode Electre untuk mengetahui peringkat website milik Kementerian di Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Dari segi load time dan markup validation, website performance milik Kementerian di Indonesia tergolong buruk, sedangkan dari segi response time dan broken link tergolong baik; (2) Hasil pemeringkatan menunjukkan bahwa website milik Kementerian BUMN mendapatkan peringkat tertinggi dengan nilai 28,02 sedangkan Kementerian Pariwisata mendapatkan peringkat terendah dengan nilai -22,78

    Pengukuran Performa Website C2C E-commerce di Indonesia dengan Menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process

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    Aktifitas transaksi online menggunakan e-commerce di Indonesia semakin meningkat. Hal tersebut mendorong tiap praktisi C2C e-commerce untuk membuat inovasi baru pada website mereka dalam menarik penggunanya. Namun jika inovasi tersebut menyebabkan delay atau kegagalan fungsi websitenya, pengguna dapat beralih ke website kopetitor. Hal tersebut juga mengakibatkan pengguna mengingat pengalaman buruk tersebut dan membuat mereka tidak pernah kembali. Pada penelitian ini, penulis akan melakukan penilaian performa sepuluh website C2C e-commerce di Indonesia dengan menggunakan metode AHP. Kriteria penilaian yang digunakan adalah load time, page size, number of item, availability, broken links, traffic, design optimization, dan markup validation. Dari studi ini, disimpulkan bahwa website yang memiliki performa paling baik adalah OLX. =============== The activity of online transaction using e-commerce in Indonesia is increasing. It encourages every C2C e-commerce practitioner to create new innovations on their website in order to attract users. But if the innovation causes delay or malfunction to their website, the user might switch to their competitor's website and may not return. In this study, the authors will conduct a performance assessment of ten C2C e-commerce websites in Indonesia by using AHP method. The assessment criteria are load time, page size, number of items, availability, broken links, traffic, design optimization, and markup validation. From this study, it is concluded that the website that has the best performance is OLX


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    ANALISIS USABILITY WEBSITE AKADEMIK PERGURUAN TINGGI DI INDONESIA MENGGUNAKAN METODE PROMETHEE, VIKOR, DAN ELECTREE Oleh : Kusdiantoro 07520241030 ABSTRAK Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kualitas usability website akademik perguruan tinggi di Indonesia serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas usability website terhadap peringkat dalam perankingan Webometrics. Hasil analisis kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk perankingan, menggunakan Metode PROMETHEE, VIKOR, dan ELECTREE. Penelitian juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan hasil perankingan dari ketiga metode tersebut. Objek penelitian ini adalah lima website akademik universitas negeri di Indonesia, yaitu UNY, UGM, UNDIP, UNAIR, UI. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dilakukan kalkulasi untuk memperoleh hasil penilaian. Hasil penilaian kemudian dibuat ranking menggunakan Metode PROMETHEE, VIKOR, dan ELECTREE. Hasil perankingan dari ketiga metode kemudian disbandingkan menggunakan tes Friedman. Masing-masing hasil perankingan dari ketiga metode tersebut juga akan dibandingkan dengan hasil perankingan Webometrics yang dirilis pada bulan Juli 2011 dengan menggunakan tes Spearman. Hasil menunjukkan : (1) Hasil perankingan menggunakan Metode PROMETHEE, VIKOR, dan ELECTREE adalah signifikan sama. Terbukti nilai probabilitas uji Friedman sebesar 75, yang notabene lebih besar dari taraf signifikansi sebesar 5%, yaitu 5.99 (2) Perbandingan hasil perankingan Metode PROMETHEE, VIKOR, dan ELECTREE dengan hasil perankingan Webometrics adalah signifikan sama. Terbukti nilai probabilitas uji Spearman untuk VIKOR DAN ELECTREE, masing-masing sebesar 0.9 dan untuk PROMETHEE sebesar 1, yang notabene lebih dari taraf signifikansi sebesar 5%, yaitu (rs > 0.05). (3) Kualitas usability berpengaruh terhadap peringkat dalam perankingan Webometrics. Terbukti semakin baik kualitas usability website semakin tinggi peringkat website dalam perankingan Webometrics. Kata kunci : usability website, PROMETHEE, VIKOR, ELECTREE, Webometrics Ranking, website akademi


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis kualitas usability website akademik perguruan tinggi di Indonesia serta untuk mengetahui pengaruh kualitas usability website terhadap peringkat dalam perankingan Webometrics. Hasil analisis kemudian disajikan dalam bentuk perankingan, menggunakan Metode PROMETHEE, VIKOR, dan ELECTREE. Penelitian juga bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbandingan hasil perankingan dari ketiga metode tersebut. Objek penelitian ini adalah lima website akademik universitas negeri di Indonesia, yaitu UNY, UGM, UNDIP, UNAIR, UI. Data yang diperoleh kemudian dilakukan kalkulasi untuk memperoleh hasil penilaian. Hasil penilaian kemudian dibuat ranking menggunakan Metode PROMETHEE, VIKOR, dan ELECTREE. Hasil perankingan dari ketiga metode kemudian disbandingkan menggunakan tes Friedman. Masing-masing hasil perankingan dari ketiga me-tode tersebut juga akan dibandingkan dengan hasil perankingan Webometrics yang dirilis pada bulan Juli 2011 dengan menggunakan tes Spearman. Hasil menunjukkan : (1) Hasil perankingan menggunakan Metode PROMETHEE, VIKOR, dan ELECTREE adalah signifikan sama. Terbukti nilai probabilitas uji Friedman sebesar 75, yang notabene lebih besar dari taraf signifikansi sebesar 5%, yaitu 5.99 (2) Perbandingan hasil perankingan Metode PROMETHEE, VIKOR, dan ELECTREE dengan hasil perankingan Webometrics adalah signifikan sama. Terbukti nilai probabilitas uji Spearman untuk VIKOR DAN ELECTREE, masing-masing sebesar 0.9 dan untuk PROMETHEE sebesar 1, yang notabene lebih dari taraf signifikansi sebesar 5%, yaitu (rs > 0.05). (3) Kualitas usability berpengaruh terhadap peringkat dalam perankingan Webometrics. Terbukti semakin baik kualitas usability website semakin tinggi peringkat website dalam perankingan Webometrics

    Web engineering for the evaluation of large complex web systems: methodologies in web metrics

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    Roaming the Internet, users sometimes encounter severe problems or feel dissatisfied using a particular site. E-government websites are the public gateways to access information and services but there is still no agreement on how to assess a government’s online presence. Failure of e-government projects in achieving their goals is common and there is uncertainty about how best to evaluate an e-government website. It has been argued that existing evaluation frameworks have some methodological limitations and they mostly neglected citizens. There is a lack of an engineering approach for building web systems and the literature on measuring the quality of website is limited. There is an uncertainty in the selection of evaluation methods and some risks of standardizing inadequate evaluation practices. Managing the complexity of web applications, Web Engineering is emerging as a new discipline for the development and evaluation of web systems to promote high-quality websites. But web quality is still a debatable issue and web metrics is considered a valuable area of ongoing research. Therefore this research focuses on the methodological issues underlying web metrics and how to develop an applicable set of measurement for designing websites. The main aim is to create new metrics for web engineering and develop a generalizable measurement framework for local e-government since research in this field is limited. This study adopted a positivist quantitative research and used triangulation web evaluation methods (heuristic evaluation, user testing, automatic link checkers, and Alexa) to test multiple-case study of Saudi city websites. The proposed E-City Usability Framework is unique in integrating 3-dimension measures (website usability, e-services, and the number and type of e-services), and in using multi-orientations to cover several aspects of e-government: output (information and services), outcomes (citizen-centricity indicators), model, and model-based assessments.Existing e-government models were criticized, and the findings employed in developing the proposed framework. The best web evaluation methods were heuristic evaluation and user testing, while link checkers and Alexa proved to be unreliable tools; nevertheless, they can be used as a useful complementary approach. Saudi city websites were ranked by website quality, e-services, and overall evaluation. Common usability problems in these websites were found to be: the sites were not citizen-centered, limited e-services and information, no e-transaction, no emergency alerts, no municipal budget, and no city council reports. They also suffered from broken links, an inactive city map, a poor eComplaint section, and a nonfunctioning search facility

    Modelo multidimensional para avaliação da qualidade de websites de imobiliárias

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Tecnológico, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Produção, Florianópolis, 2021.Manter um site atraente, apropriado ao público, fácil de usar e destacado no segmento em que atua é premissa para qualquer negócio que pretende usar a internet de maneira eficaz. No mercado imobiliário, onde a concorrência é acirrada e o uso da web é cada vez mais intenso, esses são fatores ainda mais relevantes. Neste contexto, considerando a chegada da transformação digital, a importância do setor imobiliário para a economia, a relevância que as imobiliárias possuem para as transações imobiliárias e o crescimento da busca de imóveis por meio dos websites, a construção de medidas de avaliação da qualidade dos websites das imobiliárias se torna indispensável. Entretanto, sabe-se que a elaboração de medidas da qualidade no contexto de websites é uma tarefa desafiadora, pois a qualidade em websites é um conceito complexo e de natureza multidimensional. Desse modo, o objetivo dessa pesquisa é mensurar a qualidade de websites de imobiliárias brasileiras. Para isso essa pesquisa está estruturada em quatro fases: (i) definição do construto qualidade de websites por meio de uma revisão sistemática da literatura; (ii) avaliação da satisfação dos usuários de websites de imobiliárias, podendo identificar itens que os usuários estão mais e menos satisfeitos; (iii) verificação da percepção dos gestores imobiliários sobre a importância de critérios no website imobiliários, levando em consideração o impacto da pandemia, observando se a percepção da importância de determinados itens modificou depois do início da pandemia; e (iv) construção de uma escala para avaliar os websites de imobiliárias brasileiras. Os resultados demonstraram que embora existam centenas de dimensões utilizadas para mensurar a qualidade de websites, estas possuem similaridades e podem ser agrupadas. Além disso, foi evidenciado a ausência de escalas para mensurar qualidade de websites no contexto imobiliário. Assim, apoiado pelos resultados obtidos com a avaliação da satisfação dos usuários e o da percepção dos gestores imobiliários, foi desenvolvido um instrumento composto de 71 itens e coletado dados de 679 websites de imobiliárias. Utilizando o meio modelo compensatório de dois parâmetros da Teoria da Resposta ao Item, uma escala tridimensional foi construída, contendo as dimensões: qualidade da informação, qualidade de serviço e qualidade de sistema. A pesquisa pioneira no tema de qualidade de websites de imobiliária contribui para a discussão acerca da temática, contribuindo para o avanço da discussão sobre a qualidade de websites. Futuramente a escala desenvolvida pode auxiliar as imobiliárias a melhorarem seus websites e até ser utilizado como um checklist para construção de websites de imobiliárias, verificando os itens que aumentam o grau de qualidade do website.Abstract: Keeping a website attractive, appropriate to the public, easy to use and highlighted in the segment in which it operates is a premise for any business that intends to use the internet effectively. In the real estate market, where competition is fierce and web usage is intense, these are even more relevant factors. In this context, considering the arrival of the digital transformation, the importance of the real estate sector for the economy, the relevance that real estate companies have for real estate transactions and the growth of the search for properties through websites, the development of measures to assess the quality of real estate websites becomes indispensable. However, it is known that quality measures in the context of websites is a challenging task, as the quality of websites is a complex and multidimensional concept. Along this lines, the objective of this research is to measure the quality of Brazilian real estate websites. For this, this research is structured in for steps: (i) definition of construct referent of websites quality through a systematic literature review; (ii) evaluation of user satisfaction of real estate websites, being able to identify items that users are more and less satisfied; (iii) verification of the perception of real estate managers about the importance of criteria on the real estate website, taking into account the impact of the pandemic, observing whether the perception of the importance of certain items changed after the beginning of the pandemic; e (iv) development of a scale to evaluate Brazilian real estate websites. The results showed that although there are hundreds of dimensions used to measure the quality of websites, they have similarities and can be grouped. Furthermore, the absence of scales to measure quality of websites in the real estate context was evidenced. Thus, supported by the results obtained from the assessment of user satisfaction and the perception of real estate managers, an instrument consisting of 71 items was developed and data was collected from 679 real estate websites. Using the two-parameter compensatory model of Item Response Theory, a three-dimensional scale was development, containing the dimensions: information quality, service quality and system quality. The pioneering research on the theme of quality of real estate websites contributes to the discussion on the subject, contributing to the advancement of the discussion on the quality of websites. In the future, the scale developed can help real estate companies to improve their websites and even be used as a checklist for real estate website development, checking the items that increase the quality of the website