38 research outputs found

    Aspects of knowledge mining on minimizing drive tests in self-organizing cellular networks

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    The demand for mobile data traffic is about to explode and this drives operators to find ways to further increase the offered capacity in their networks. If networks are deployed in the traditional way, this traffic explosion will be addressed by increasing the number of network elements significantly. This is expected to increase the costs and the complexity of planning, operating and optimizing the networks. To ensure effective and cost-efficient operations, a higher degree of automation and self-organization is needed in the next generation networks. For this reason, the concept of self-organizing networks was introduced in LTE covering multitude of use cases. This was specifically done in the areas of self-configuration, self-optimization and selfhealing of networks. From an operator’s perspective, automated collection and analysis of field measurements while complementing the traditional drive test campaigns is one of the top use cases that can provide significant cost savings in self-organizing networks. This thesis studies the Minimization of Drive Tests in self-organizing cellular networks from three different aspects. The first aspect is network operations, and particularly the network fault management process, as the traditional drive tests are often conducted for troubleshooting purposes. The second aspect is network functionality, and particularly the technical details about the specified measurement and signaling procedures in different network elements that are needed for automating the collection of the field measurement data. The third aspect concerns the analysis of the measurement databases that is a process used for increasing the degree of automation and self-awareness in the networks, and particularly the mathematical means for autonomously finding meaningful patterns of knowledge from huge amounts of data. Although the above mentioned technical areas have been widely discussed in previous literature, it has been done separately and only a few papers discuss how for example, knowledge mining is employed for processing field measurement data in a way that minimizes the drive tests in self-organizing LTE networks. The objective of the thesis is to use well known knowledge mining principles to develop novel self-healing and self-optimization algorithms. These algorithms analyze MDT databases to detect coverage holes, sleeping cells and other geographical areas of anomalous network behavior. The results of the research suggest that by employing knowledge mining in processing the MDT databases, one can acquire knowledge for discriminating between different network problems and detecting anomalous network behavior. For example, downlink coverage optimization is enhanced by classifying RLF reports into coverage, interference and handover problems. Moreover, by incorporating a normalized power headroom report with the MDT reports, better discrimination between uplink coverage problems and the parameterization problems is obtained. Knowledge mining is also used to detect sleeping cells by means of supervised and unsupervised learning. The detection framework is based on a novel approach where diffusion mapping is used to learn about network behavior in its healthy state. The sleeping cells are detected by observing an increase in the number of anomalous reports associated with a certain cell. The association is formed by correlating the geographical location of anomalous reports with the estimated dominance areas of the cells. Moreover, RF fingerprint positioning of the MDT reports is studied and the results suggest that RF fingerprinting can provide a quite detailed location estimation in dense heterogeneous networks. In addition, self-optimization of the mobility state estimation parameters is studied in heterogeneous LTE networks and the results suggest that by gathering MDT measurements and constructing statistical velocity profiles, MSE parameters can be adjusted autonomously, thus resulting in reasonably good classification accuracy. The overall outcome of the thesis is as follows. By automating the classification of the measurement reports between certain problems, network engineers can acquire knowledge about the root causes of the performance degradation in the networks. This saves time and resources and results in a faster decision making process. Due to the faster decision making process the duration of network breaks become shorter and the quality of the network is improved. By taking into account the geographical locations of the anomalous field measurements in the network performance analysis, finer granularity for estimating the location of the problem areas can be achieved. This can further improve the operational decision making that guides the corresponding actions for example, where to start the network optimization. Moreover, by automating the time and resource consuming task of tuning the mobility state estimation parameters, operators can enhance the mobility performance of the high velocity UEs in heterogeneous radio networks in a cost-efficient and backward compatible manner

    Context-Aware Self-Healing for Small Cell Networks

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    These can be an invaluable source of information for the management of the network, in a way that we have denominated as context-aware SON, which is the approach proposed in this thesis. To develop this concept, the thesis follows a top-down approach. Firstly, the characteristics of the cellular deployments are assessed, especially for indoor small cell networks. In those scenarios, the need for context-aware SON is evaluated and considered indispensable. Secondly, a new cellular architecture is defined to integrate both context information and SON mechanisms in the management plane of the mobile network. Thus, the specifics of making context an integral part of cellular OAM/SON are defined. Also, the real-world implementation of the architecture is proposed. Thirdly, from the established general SON architecture, a logical self-healing framework is defined to support the context-aware healing mechanisms to be developed. Fourthly, different self-healing algorithms are defined depending on the failures to be managed and the conditions of the considered scenario. The mechanisms are based on probabilistic analysis, making use of both context and network data for detection and diagnosis of cellular issues. The conditions for the implementation of these methods are assessed. Their applicability is evaluated by means of simulators and testbed trials. The results show important improvements in performance and capabilities in comparison to previous methods, demonstrating the relevance of the proposed approach.The last years have seen a continuous increase in the use of mobile communications. To cope with the growing traffic, recently deployed technologies have deepened the adoption of small cells (low powered base stations) to serve areas with high demand or coverage issues, where macrocells can be both unsuccessful or inefficient. Also, new cellular and non-cellular technologies (e.g. WiFi) coexist with legacy ones, including also multiple deployment schemes (macrocell, small cells), in what is known as heterogeneous networks (HetNets). Due to the huge complexity of HetNets, their operation, administration and management (OAM) became increasingly difficult. To overcome this, the NGMN Alliance and the 3GPP defined the Self-Organizing Network (SON) paradigm, aiming to automate the OAM procedures to reduce their costs and increase the resulting performance. One key focus of SON is the self-healing of the network, covering the automatic detection of problems, the diagnosis of their causes, their compensation and their recovery. Until recently, SON mechanisms have been solely based on the analysis of alarms and performance indicators. However, on the one hand, this approach has become very limited given the complexity of the scenarios, and particularly in indoor cellular environments. Here, the deployment of small cells, their coexistence with multiple telecommunications systems and the nature of those environments (in terms of propagation, coverage overlapping, fast demand changes and users' mobility) introduce many challenges for classic SON. On the other hand, modern user equipment (e.g. smartphones), equipped with powerful processors, sensors and applications, generate a huge amount of context information. Context refers to those variables not directly associated with the telecommunication service, but with the terminals and their environment. This includes the user's position, applications, social data, etc

    Self-Organizing Networks use cases in commercial deployments

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    These measurements can be obtained from different sources, but these sources are either expensive or not applicable to any network. To solve this problem, this thesis proposes a method that uses information available in any network so that the calibration of predictive maps is converted into universal without losing accuracy with respect to current methods. Furthermore, the complexity of today's networks makes them prone to failure. To save costs, operators employ network self-healing techniques so that networks are able to self-diagnose and even self-fix when possible. Among the various failures that can occur in mobile communication networks, a common case is the existence of sectors whose radiated signal has been exchanged. This issue appears during the network roll-out when engineers accidentally cross feeders of several antennas. Currently, manual methodology is used to identify this problem. Therefore, this thesis presents an automatic system to detect these cases. Finally, special attention has been paid to the computational efficiency of the algorithms developed in this thesis since they have finally been integrated into commercial tools.Ince their origins, mobile communication networks have undergone major changes imposed by the need for networks to adapt to user demand. To do this, networks have had to increase in complexity. In turn, complexity has made networks increasingly difficult to design and maintain. To mitigate the impact of network complexity, the concept of self-organizing networks (SON) emerged. Self-organized networks aim at reducing the complexity in the design and maintenance of mobile communication networks by automating processes. Thus, three major blocks in the automation of networks are identified: self-configuration, self-optimization and self-healing. This thesis contributes to the state of the art of self-organized networks through the identification and subsequent resolution of a problem in each of the three blocks into which they are divided. With the advent of 5G networks and the speeds they promise to deliver to users, new use cases have emerged. One of these use cases is known as Fixed Wireless Access. In this type of network, the last mile of fiber is replaced by broadband radio access of mobile technologies. Until now, regarding self-configuration, greenfield design methodologies for wireless networks based on mobile communication technologies are based on the premise that users have mobility characteristics. However, in fixed wireless access networks, the antennas of the users are in fixed locations. Therefore, this thesis proposes a novel methodology for finding the optimal locations were to deploy network equipment as well as the configuration of their radio parameters in Fixed Wireless Access networks. Regarding self-optimization of networks, current algorithms make use of signal maps of the cells in the network so that the changes that these maps would experience after modifying any network parameter can be estimated. In order to obtain these maps, operators use predictive models calibrated through real network measurements

    Addressing training data sparsity and interpretability challenges in AI based cellular networks

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    To meet the diverse and stringent communication requirements for emerging networks use cases, zero-touch arti cial intelligence (AI) based deep automation in cellular networks is envisioned. However, the full potential of AI in cellular networks remains hindered by two key challenges: (i) training data is not as freely available in cellular networks as in other fields where AI has made a profound impact and (ii) current AI models tend to have black box behavior making operators reluctant to entrust the operation of multibillion mission critical networks to a black box AI engine, which allow little insights and discovery of relationships between the configuration and optimization parameters and key performance indicators. This dissertation systematically addresses and proposes solutions to these two key problems faced by emerging networks. A framework towards addressing the training data sparsity challenge in cellular networks is developed, that can assist network operators and researchers in choosing the optimal data enrichment technique for different network scenarios, based on the available information. The framework encompasses classical interpolation techniques, like inverse distance weighted and kriging to more advanced ML-based methods, like transfer learning and generative adversarial networks, several new techniques, such as matrix completion theory and leveraging different types of network geometries, and simulators and testbeds, among others. The proposed framework will lead to more accurate ML models, that rely on sufficient amount of representative training data. Moreover, solutions are proposed to address the data sparsity challenge specifically in Minimization of drive test (MDT) based automation approaches. MDT allows coverage to be estimated at the base station by exploiting measurement reports gathered by the user equipment without the need for drive tests. Thus, MDT is a key enabling feature for data and artificial intelligence driven autonomous operation and optimization in current and emerging cellular networks. However, to date, the utility of MDT feature remains thwarted by issues such as sparsity of user reports and user positioning inaccuracy. For the first time, this dissertation reveals the existence of an optimal bin width for coverage estimation in the presence of inaccurate user positioning, scarcity of user reports and quantization error. The presented framework can enable network operators to configure the bin size for given positioning accuracy and user density that results in the most accurate MDT based coverage estimation. The lack of interpretability in AI-enabled networks is addressed by proposing a first of its kind novel neural network architecture leveraging analytical modeling, domain knowledge, big data and machine learning to turn black box machine learning models into more interpretable models. The proposed approach combines analytical modeling and domain knowledge to custom design machine learning models with the aim of moving towards interpretable machine learning models, that not only require a lesser training time, but can also deal with issues such as sparsity of training data and determination of model hyperparameters. The approach is tested using both simulated data and real data and results show that the proposed approach outperforms existing mathematical models, while also remaining interpretable when compared with black-box ML models. Thus, the proposed approach can be used to derive better mathematical models of complex systems. The findings from this dissertation can help solve the challenges in emerging AI-based cellular networks and thus aid in their design, operation and optimization

    Towards more intelligent wireless access networks

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    Evaluating and improving indoor positioning methods

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    A Tutorial on Environment-Aware Communications via Channel Knowledge Map for 6G

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    Sixth-generation (6G) mobile communication networks are expected to have dense infrastructures, large-dimensional channels, cost-effective hardware, diversified positioning methods, and enhanced intelligence. Such trends bring both new challenges and opportunities for the practical design of 6G. On one hand, acquiring channel state information (CSI) in real time for all wireless links becomes quite challenging in 6G. On the other hand, there would be numerous data sources in 6G containing high-quality location-tagged channel data, making it possible to better learn the local wireless environment. By exploiting such new opportunities and for tackling the CSI acquisition challenge, there is a promising paradigm shift from the conventional environment-unaware communications to the new environment-aware communications based on the novel approach of channel knowledge map (CKM). This article aims to provide a comprehensive tutorial overview on environment-aware communications enabled by CKM to fully harness its benefits for 6G. First, the basic concept of CKM is presented, and a comparison of CKM with various existing channel inference techniques is discussed. Next, the main techniques for CKM construction are discussed, including both the model-free and model-assisted approaches. Furthermore, a general framework is presented for the utilization of CKM to achieve environment-aware communications, followed by some typical CKM-aided communication scenarios. Finally, important open problems in CKM research are highlighted and potential solutions are discussed to inspire future work

    Enabling Energy-Efficient and Backhaul-aware Next Generation Heterogeneous Networks

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    Heterogeneous networks have been firmly established as the direction in which next-generation cellular networks are evolving. We consider the dense deployment of small cells to provide enhanced capacity, while the macro cells provide wide area coverage. With the development of dual connectivity technology, deploying small cells on dedicated carriers has become an attractive option, with enhanced flexibility for splitting traffic within the network. The power consumption and latency requirements of the backhaul link are also gaining increasing prominence due to these factors. Backhaul link quality itself is expected to play an important role in influencing the deployment costs of next-generation 5G systems.  Energy efficiency as a network design paradigm is also gaining relevance due to the increasing impact cellular networks are having on the global carbon emission footprint. For operators, improving energy efficiency has the added advantage of reducing network operation expenditures. For the end-users, avoiding unnecessary draining of device battery power would improve the user experience.  In this work, we study energy efficient mechanisms for inter-frequency small cell discovery, based on mobility awareness and proximity estimation. Further, we apply generalized small cell discovery concepts in a device-to-device communication environment in order to optimize the energy consumption for device discovery. We also look at energy efficient small cell operations based on traffic characteristics and load constraints-based offloading in relation to the radio access and backhaul power consumption. In addition we study intelligent means of dist-ributing delay-critical functionalities such as Hybrid ARQ, while centralizing the computationally-intense processes in a 5G, cloud-based, centralized radio access network. Numerical evaluations done using a LTE-Advanced heterogeneous network and analytical settings indicate that significant UE and network power consumption reductions could be achieved with the considered enhancements. Using the optimized small cell operation schemes investigated in this work, reductions in network power consumption and consequent improvements in the overall energy efficiency of the network were observed. The performance of the distributed opportunistic HARQ mechanism for a centralized radio access network is compared to the optimal and static retransmission mechanisms, and the evaluated scheme is shown to perform close to the optimal mechanism, while operating with a non-ideal backhaul link

    Understanding mobile network quality and infrastructure with user-side measurements

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    Measurement collection is a primary step towards analyzing and optimizing performance of a telecommunication service. With an Mobile Broadband (MBB) network, the measurement process has not only to track the network’s Quality of Service (QoS) features but also to asses a user’s perspective about its service performance. The later requirement leads to “user-side measurements” which assist in discovery of performance issues that makes a user of a service unsatisfied and finally switch to another network. User-side measurements also serve as first-hand survey of the problem domain. In this thesis, we exhibit the potential in the measurements collected at network edge by considering two well-known approaches namely crowdsourced and distributed testbed-based measurements. Primary focus is on exploiting crowdsourced measurements while dealing with the challenges associated with it. These challenges consist of differences in sampling densities at different parts of the region, skewed and non-uniform measurement layouts, inaccuracy in sampling locations, differences in RSS readings due to device-diversity and other non-ideal measurement sampling characteristics. In presence of heterogeneous characteristics of the user-side measurements we propose how to accurately detect mobile coverage holes, to devise sample selection process so to generate a reliable radio map with reduced sample cost, and to identify cellular infrastructure at places where the information is not public. Finally, the thesis unveils potential of a distributed measurement test-bed in retrieving performance features from domains including user’s context, service content and network features, and understanding impact from these features upon the MBB service at the application layer. By taking web-browsing as a case study, it further presents an objective web-browsing Quality of Experience (QoE) model

    Context-aware Self-Optimization in Small-Cell Networks

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    Most mobile communications take place at indoor environments, especially in commercial and corporate scenarios. These places normally present coverage and capacity issues due to the poor signal quality, which degrade the end-user Quality of Experience (QoE). In these cases, mobile operators are offering small cells to overcome the indoor issues, being femtocells the main deployed base stations. Femtocell networks provide significant benefits to mobile operators and their clients. However, the massive integration and the particularities of femtocells, make the maintenance of these infrastructures a challenge for engineers. In this sense, Self-Organizing Networks (SON) techniques play an important role. These techniques are a key feature to intelligently automate network operation, administration and management procedures. SON mechanisms are based on the analysis of the mobile network alarms, counters and indicators. In parallel, electronics, sensors and software applications evolve rapidly and are everywhere. Thanks to this, valuable context information can be gathered, which properly managed can improve SON techniques performance. Within possible context data, one of the most active topics is the indoor positioning due to the immediate interest on indoor location-based services (LBS). At indoor commercial and corporate environments, user densities and traffic vary in spatial and temporal domain. These situations lead to degrade cellular network performance, being temporary traffic fluctuations and focused congestions one of the most common issues. Load balancing techniques, which have been identified as a use case in self-optimization paradigm for Long Term Evolution (LTE), can alleviate these congestion problems. This use case has been widely studied in macrocellular networks and outdoor scenarios. However, the particularities of femtocells, the characteristics of indoor scenarios and the influence of users’ mobility pattern justify the development of new solutions. The goal of this PhD thesis is to design and develop novel and automatic solutions for temporary traffic fluctuations and focused network congestion issues in commercial and corporate femtocell environments. For that purpose, the implementation of an efficient management architecture to integrate context data into the mobile network and SON mechanisms is required. Afterwards, an accurate indoor positioning system is developed, as a possible inexpensive solution for context-aware SON. Finally, advanced self-optimization methods to shift users from overloaded cells to other cells with spare resources are designed. These methods tune femtocell configuration parameters based on network information, such as ratio of active users, and context information, such as users’ position. All these methods are evaluated in both a dynamic LTE system-level simulator and in a field-trial