304 research outputs found

    Improved Segmentation of the Intracranial and Ventricular Volumes in Populations with Cerebrovascular Lesions and Atrophy Using 3D CNNs

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    Successful segmentation of the total intracranial vault (ICV) and ventricles is of critical importance when studying neurodegeneration through neuroimaging. We present iCVMapper and VentMapper, robust algorithms that use a convolutional neural network (CNN) to segment the ICV and ventricles from both single and multi-contrast MRI data. Our models were trained on a large dataset from two multi-site studies (N = 528 subjects for ICV, N = 501 for ventricular segmentation) consisting of older adults with varying degrees of cerebrovascular lesions and atrophy, which pose significant challenges for most segmentation approaches. The models were tested on 238 participants, including subjects with vascular cognitive impairment and high white matter hyperintensity burden. Two of the three test sets came from studies not used in the training dataset. We assessed our algorithms relative to four state-of-the-art ICV extraction methods (MONSTR, BET, Deep Extraction, FreeSurfer, DeepMedic), as well as two ventricular segmentation tools (FreeSurfer, DeepMedic). Our multi-contrast models outperformed other methods across many of the evaluation metrics, with average Dice coefficients of 0.98 and 0.96 for ICV and ventricular segmentation respectively. Both models were also the most time efficient, segmenting the structures in orders of magnitude faster than some of the other available methods. Our networks showed an increased accuracy with the use of a conditional random field (CRF) as a post-processing step. We further validated both segmentation models, highlighting their robustness to images with lower resolution and signal-to-noise ratio, compared to tested techniques. The pipeline and models are available at: https://icvmapp3r.readthedocs.io and https://ventmapp3r.readthedocs.io to enable further investigation of the roles of ICV and ventricles in relation to normal aging and neurodegeneration in large multi-site studies

    Deep Learning vs. Conventional Machine Learning: Pilot Study of WMH Segmentation in Brain MRI with Absence or Mild Vascular Pathology

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    In the wake of the use of deep learning algorithms in medical image analysis, we compared performance of deep learning algorithms, namely the deep Boltzmann machine (DBM), convolutional encoder network (CEN) and patch-wise convolutional neural network (patch-CNN), with two conventional machine learning schemes: Support vector machine (SVM) and random forest (RF), for white matter hyperintensities (WMH) segmentation on brain MRI with mild or no vascular pathology. We also compared all these approaches with a method in the Lesion Segmentation Tool public toolbox named lesion growth algorithm (LGA). We used a dataset comprised of 60 MRI data from 20 subjects in the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI) database, each scanned once every year during three consecutive years. Spatial agreement score, receiver operating characteristic and precision-recall performance curves, volume disagreement score, agreement with intra-/inter-observer reliability measurements and visual evaluation were used to find the best configuration of each learning algorithm for WMH segmentation. By using optimum threshold values for the probabilistic output from each algorithm to produce binary masks of WMH, we found that SVM and RF produced good results for medium to very large WMH burden but deep learning algorithms performed generally better than conventional ones in most evaluations

    Automated white matter hyperintensity segmentation using Bayesian Model Selection: assessment and correlations with cognitive change

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    Accurate, automated white matter hyperintensity (WMH) segmentations are needed for large-scale studies to understand contributions of WMH to neurological diseases. We evaluated Bayesian Model Selection (BaMoS), a hierarchical fully-unsupervised model selection framework for WMH segmentation. We compared BaMoS segmentations to semi-automated segmentations, and assessed whether they predicted longitudinal cognitive change in control, early Mild Cognitive Impairment (EMCI), late Mild Cognitive Impairment (LMCI), subjective/significant memory concern (SMC) and Alzheimer’s (AD) participants. Data were downloaded from the Alzheimer’s disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Magnetic resonance images from 30 control and 30 AD participants were selected to incorporate multiple scanners, and were semi-automatically segmented by 4 raters and BaMoS. Segmentations were assessed using volume correlation, Dice score, and other spatial metrics. Linear mixed-effect models were fitted to 180 control, 107 SMC, 320 EMCI, 171 LMCI and 151 AD participants separately in each group, with the outcomes being cognitive change (e.g. mini-mental state examination; MMSE), and BaMoS WMH, age, sex, race and education used as predictors. There was a high level of agreement between BaMoS’ WMH segmentation volumes and a consensus of rater segmentations, with a median Dice score of 0.74 and correlation coefficient of 0.96. BaMoS WMH predicted cognitive change in: control, EMCI, and SMC groups using MMSE; LMCI using clinical dementia rating scale; and EMCI using Alzheimer’s disease assessment scale-cognitive subscale (p < 0.05, all tests). BaMoS compares well to semi-automated segmentation, is robust to different WMH loads and scanners, and can generate volumes which predict decline. BaMoS can be applicable to further large-scale studies

    Automated White Matter Hyperintensity Segmentation Using Bayesian Model Selection: Assessment and Correlations with Cognitive Change.

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    Accurate, automated white matter hyperintensity (WMH) segmentations are needed for large-scale studies to understand contributions of WMH to neurological diseases. We evaluated Bayesian Model Selection (BaMoS), a hierarchical fully-unsupervised model selection framework for WMH segmentation. We compared BaMoS segmentations to semi-automated segmentations, and assessed whether they predicted longitudinal cognitive change in control, early Mild Cognitive Impairment (EMCI), late Mild Cognitive Impairment (LMCI), subjective/significant memory concern (SMC) and Alzheimer's (AD) participants. Data were downloaded from the Alzheimer's disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI). Magnetic resonance images from 30 control and 30 AD participants were selected to incorporate multiple scanners, and were semi-automatically segmented by 4 raters and BaMoS. Segmentations were assessed using volume correlation, Dice score, and other spatial metrics. Linear mixed-effect models were fitted to 180 control, 107 SMC, 320 EMCI, 171 LMCI and 151 AD participants separately in each group, with the outcomes being cognitive change (e.g. mini-mental state examination; MMSE), and BaMoS WMH, age, sex, race and education used as predictors. There was a high level of agreement between BaMoS' WMH segmentation volumes and a consensus of rater segmentations, with a median Dice score of 0.74 and correlation coefficient of 0.96. BaMoS WMH predicted cognitive change in: control, EMCI, and SMC groups using MMSE; LMCI using clinical dementia rating scale; and EMCI using Alzheimer's disease assessment scale-cognitive subscale (p < 0.05, all tests). BaMoS compares well to semi-automated segmentation, is robust to different WMH loads and scanners, and can generate volumes which predict decline. BaMoS can be applicable to further large-scale studies

    Validation of White Matter Hyperintensities automatic segmentation methods

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    Treballs finals del Màster de Fonaments de Ciència de Dades, Facultat de matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2020, Tutor: Eloi Puertas i Prats i Joaquim Raduà[en] This master’s thesis seeks to review and objectively evaluate the current white matter hyperintensities (WMH) automatic segmentation methods published journals. To this end, the methods have been systematically searched in scientific databases, and those meeting inclusion criteria have been evaluated. The evaluation has consisted in applying the method to detect WMH in our dataset of patients with bipolar disorder and healthy controls, in which an experienced neuroradiologist had manually coded all WMH. After the systematic search, we selected all available methods that were ready for use with standard MRI data by a standard user. Four methods met these criteria. We then applied these methods to detect WMH in our dataset, and compared the results with the neuroradiologist-based ground truth deriving several evaluation metrics. This master’s thesis also include a discussion section, in which we compare the results of our evaluations with the results of the WMH Segmentation Challenge held in 2017, which included substantially different datasets. The most relevant conclusion of this master’s thesis is that no method seems to be accurate enough for clinical implementation, although the low performance of the methods may be related to the differences between our data and the data that were used to train them. Besides, realizing the huge improvement made in the field during the last few years after the appearance of deep neural networks, we anticipate that a method with sufficient accuracy might be available soon. The codes used to obtain the results and graphs displayed in this project together with some guidelines to run them are available through PFM-WMH 1

    MRI white matter lesion segmentation using an ensemble of neural networks and overcomplete patch-based voting

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    [EN] Accurate quantification of white matter hyperintensities (WMH) from Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a valuable tool for the analysis of normal brain ageing or neurodegeneration. Reliable automatic extraction of WMH lesions is challenging due to their heterogeneous spatial occurrence, their small size and their diffuse nature. In this paper, we present an automatic method to segment these lesions based on an ensemble of overcomplete patch-based neural networks. The proposed method successfully provides accurate and regular segmentations due to its overcomplete nature while minimizing the segmentation error by using a boosted ensemble of neural networks. The proposed method compared favourably to state of the art techniques using two different neurodegenerative datasets. (C) 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This research has been done thanks to the Australian distinguished visiting professor grant from the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) and the Spanish "Programa de apoyo a la investigacion y desarrollo (PAID-00-15)" of the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia. This research was partially supported by the Spanish grant TIN2013-43457-R from the Ministerio de Economia y competitividad. This study has been carried out also with support from the French State, managed by the French National Research Ageny in the frame of the Investments for the future Program IdEx Bordeaux (ANR-10-IDEX-03-02, HL-MRI Project), Cluster of excellence CPU and TRAIL (HR-DTI ANR-10-LABX-57) and the CNRS multidisciplinary project Defi imag'In. Some of the data used in this work was collected by the AIBL study group. Funding for the AIBL study is provided by the CSIRO Flagship Collaboration Fund and the Science and Industry Endowment Fund (SIEF) in partnership with Edith Cowan University (ECU), Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI), Alzheimer's Australia (AA), National Ageing Research Institute (NARI), Austin Health, Macquarie University, CogState Ltd, Hollywood Private Hospital, and Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital.Manjón Herrera, JV.; Coupe, P.; Raniga, P.; Xia, Y.; Desmond, P.; Fripp, J.; Salvado, O. (2018). MRI white matter lesion segmentation using an ensemble of neural networks and overcomplete patch-based voting. Computerized Medical Imaging and Graphics. 69:43-51. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compmedimag.2018.05.001S43516

    What does hand motor function tell us about our aging brain in association with WMH?

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    Background - White matter hyperintensities (WMH) are a common cerebral finding in older people. WMH are usually asymptomatic, but excessive WMH are associated with cognitive decline and dementia. WMH are also among the neurological findings most consistently associated with declining motor performance in healthy ageing. Aims - To determine if WMH load is associated with simple and complex motor movements in dominant and non-dominant hands in cognitively intact older subjects. Methods - Hand motor performance was assessed with the Purdue Pegboard and Finger-tapping tests on 44 healthy right-handed participants, mean age 70.9 years (range 59–84 years). Participants also underwent magnetic resonance (MR) imaging, which were used to quantify WMH volume. The effect of WMH on the motor parameters was assessed via mediation analyses. Results - WMH load increased significantly with age, while the motor scores decreased significantly with age. WMH load mediated only the relationship between age and left-hand pegboard scores. Discussion - WMH mediated only the more complex Purdue Pegboard task for the non-dominant hand. This is likely because complex movements in the non-dominant hand recruit a larger cerebral network, which is more vulnerable to WMH. Conclusions - Complex hand movements in the non-dominant hand are mediated by WMH. Subtle loss of motor movements of non-dominant hand might predict future excessive white matter atrophy

    Influence of threshold selection and image sequence in in-vivo segmentation of enlarged perivascular spaces

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    BACKGROUND: Growing interest surrounds perivascular spaces (PVS) as a clinical biomarker of brain dysfunction given their association with cerebrovascular risk factors and disease. Neuroimaging techniques allowing quick and reliable quantification are being developed, but, in practice, they require optimisation as their limits of validity are usually unspecified.NEW METHOD: We evaluate modifications and alternatives to a state-of-the-art (SOTA) PVS segmentation method that uses a vesselness filter to enhance PVS discrimination, followed by thresholding of its response, applied to brain magnetic resonance images (MRI) from patients with sporadic small vessel disease acquired at 3 T.RESULTS: The method is robust against inter-observer differences in threshold selection, but separate thresholds for each region of interest (i.e., basal ganglia, centrum semiovale, and midbrain) are required. Noise needs to be assessed prior to selecting these thresholds, as effect of noise and imaging artefacts can be mitigated with a careful optimisation of these thresholds. PVS segmentation from T1-weighted images alone, misses small PVS, therefore, underestimates PVS count, may overestimate individual PVS volume especially in the basal ganglia, and is susceptible to the inclusion of calcified vessels and mineral deposits. Visual analyses indicated the incomplete and fragmented detection of long and thin PVS as the primary cause of errors, with the Frangi filter coping better than the Jerman filter.COMPARISON WITH EXISTING METHODS: Limits of validity to a SOTA PVS segmentation method applied to 3 T MRI with confounding pathology are given.CONCLUSIONS: Evidence presented reinforces the STRIVE-2 recommendation of using T2-weighted images for PVS assessment wherever possible. The Frangi filter is recommended for PVS segmentation from MRI, offering robust output against variations in threshold selection and pathology presentation.</p
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