616 research outputs found

    Automatic, fast and robust characterization of noise distributions for diffusion MRI

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    Knowledge of the noise distribution in magnitude diffusion MRI images is the centerpiece to quantify uncertainties arising from the acquisition process. The use of parallel imaging methods, the number of receiver coils and imaging filters applied by the scanner, amongst other factors, dictate the resulting signal distribution. Accurate estimation beyond textbook Rician or noncentral chi distributions often requires information about the acquisition process (e.g. coils sensitivity maps or reconstruction coefficients), which is not usually available. We introduce a new method where a change of variable naturally gives rise to a particular form of the gamma distribution for background signals. The first moments and maximum likelihood estimators of this gamma distribution explicitly depend on the number of coils, making it possible to estimate all unknown parameters using only the magnitude data. A rejection step is used to make the method automatic and robust to artifacts. Experiments on synthetic datasets show that the proposed method can reliably estimate both the degrees of freedom and the standard deviation. The worst case errors range from below 2% (spatially uniform noise) to approximately 10% (spatially variable noise). Repeated acquisitions of in vivo datasets show that the estimated parameters are stable and have lower variances than compared methods.Comment: v2: added publisher DOI statement, fixed text typo in appendix A

    Fast and Robust Automatic Segmentation Methods for MR Images of Injured and Cancerous Tissues

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    Magnetic Resonance Imaging: MRI) is a key medical imaging technology. Through in vivo soft tissue imaging, MRI allows clinicians and researchers to make diagnoses and evaluations that were previously possible only through biopsy or autopsy. However, analysis of MR images by domain experts can be time-consuming, complex, and subject to bias. The development of automatic segmentation techniques that make use of robust statistical methods allows for fast and unbiased analysis of MR images. In this dissertation, I propose segmentation methods that fall into two classes---(a) segmentation via optimization of a parametric boundary, and: b) segmentation via multistep, spatially constrained intensity classification. These two approaches are applicable in different segmentation scenarios. Parametric boundary segmentation is useful and necessary for segmentation of noisy images where the tissue of interest has predictable shape but poor boundary delineation, as in the case of lung with heavy or diffuse tumor. Spatially constrained intensity classification is appropriate for segmentation of noisy images with moderate contrast between tissue regions, where the areas of interest have unpredictable shapes, as is the case in spinal injury and brain tumor. The proposed automated segmentation techniques address the need for MR image analysis in three specific applications:: 1) preclinical rodent studies of primary and metastatic lung cancer: approach: a)),: 2) preclinical rodent studies of spinal cord lesion: approach: b)), and: 3) postclinical analysis of human brain cancer: approach: b)). In preclinical rodent studies of primary and metastatic lung cancer, respiratory-gated MRI is used to quantitatively measure lung-tumor burden and monitor the time-course progression of individual tumors. I validate a method for measuring tumor burden based upon average lung-image intensity. The method requires accurate lung segmentation; toward this end, I propose an automated lung segmentation method that works for varying tumor burden levels. The method includes development of a novel, two-dimensional parametric model of the mouse lungs and a multifaceted cost function to optimally fit the model parameters to each image. Results demonstrate a strong correlation: 0.93), comparable with that of fully manual expert segmentation, between the automated method\u27s tumor-burden metric and the tumor burden measured by lung weight. In preclinical rodent studies of spinal cord lesion, MRI is used to quantify tissues in control and injured mouse spinal cords. For this application, I propose a novel, multistep, multidimensional approach, utilizing the Classification Expectation Maximization: CEM) algorithm, for automatic segmentation of spinal cord tissues. In contrast to previous methods, my proposed method incorporates prior knowledge of cord geometry and the distinct information contained in the different MR images gathered. Unlike previous approaches, the algorithm is shown to remain accurate for whole spinal cord, white matter, and hemorrhage segmentation, even in the presence of significant injury. The results of the method are shown to be on par with expert manual segmentation. In postclinical analysis of human brain cancer, access to large collections of MRI data enables scientifically rigorous study of cancers like glioblastoma multiforme, the most common form of malignant primary brain tumor. For this application, I propose an efficient and effective automated segmentation method, the Enhanced Classification Expectation Maximization: ECEM) algorithm. The ECEM algorithm is novel in that it introduces spatial information directly into the classical CEM algorithm, which is otherwise spatially unaware, with low additional computational complexity. I compare the ECEM\u27s performance on simulated data to the standard finite Gaussian mixture EM algorithm, which is not spatially aware, and to the hidden-Markov random field EM algorithm, a commonly-used spatially aware automated segmentation method for MR brain images. I also show sample results demonstrating the ECEM algorithm\u27s ability to segment MR images of glioblastoma

    Printed Receive Coils with High Acoustic Transparency for Magnetic Resonance Guided Focused Ultrasound.

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    In magnetic resonance guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) therapy sound waves are focused through the body to selectively ablate difficult to access lesions and tissues. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner non-invasively tracks the temperature increase throughout the tissue to guide the therapy. In clinical MRI, tightly fitted hardware comprised of multichannel coil arrays are required to capture high quality images at high spatiotemporal resolution. Ablating tissue requires a clear path for acoustic energy to travel but current array materials scatter and attenuate acoustic energy. As a result coil arrays are placed outside of the transducer, clear of the beam path, compromising imaging speed, resolution, and temperature accuracy of the scan. Here we show that when coil arrays are fabricated by additive manufacturing (i.e., printing), they exhibit acoustic transparency as high as 89.5%. This allows the coils to be placed in the beam path increasing the image signal to noise ratio (SNR) five-fold in phantoms and volunteers. We also characterize printed coil materials properties over time when submerged in the water required for acoustic coupling. These arrays offer high SNR and acceleration capabilities, which can address current challenges in treating head and abdominal tumors allowing MRgFUS to give patients better outcomes


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    Electroencephalogram (EEG) is a technique for recording asynchronous activation of neuronal firing inside the brain with non-invasive scalp electrodes. EEG signal is well studied to evaluate the cognitive state, detect brain diseases such as epilepsy, dementia, coma, autism spectral disorder (ASD), etc. In this dissertation, the EEG signal is studied for the early detection of the Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). MCI is the preliminary stage of Dementia that may ultimately lead to Alzheimers disease (AD) in the elderly people. Our goal is to develop a minimalistic MCI detection system that could be integrated to the wearable sensors. This contribution has three major aspects: 1) cleaning the EEG signal, 2) detecting MCI, and 3) predicting the severity of the MCI using the data obtained from a single-channel EEG electrode. Artifacts such as eye blink activities can corrupt the EEG signals. We investigate unsupervised and effective removal of ocular artifact (OA) from single-channel streaming raw EEG data. Wavelet transform (WT) decomposition technique was systematically evaluated for effectiveness of OA removal for a single-channel EEG system. Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT) and Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT), is studied with four WT basis functions: haar, coif3, sym3, and bior4.4. The performance of the artifact removal algorithm was evaluated by the correlation coefficients (CC), mutual information (MI), signal to artifact ratio (SAR), normalized mean square error (NMSE), and time-frequency analysis. It is demonstrated that WT can be an effective tool for unsupervised OA removal from single channel EEG data for real-time applications.For the MCI detection from the clean EEG data, we collected the scalp EEG data, while the subjects were stimulated with five auditory speech signals. We extracted 590 features from the Event-Related Potential (ERP) of the collected EEG signals, which included time and spectral domain characteristics of the response. The top 25 features, ranked by the random forest method, were used for classification models to identify subjects with MCI. Robustness of our model was tested using leave-one-out cross-validation while training the classifiers. Best results (leave-one-out cross-validation accuracy 87.9%, sensitivity 84.8%, specificity 95%, and F score 85%) were obtained using support vector machine (SVM) method with Radial Basis Kernel (RBF) (sigma = 10, cost = 102). Similar performances were also observed with logistic regression (LR), further validating the results. Our results suggest that single-channel EEG could provide a robust biomarker for early detection of MCI. We also developed a single channel Electro-encephalography (EEG) based MCI severity monitoring algorithm by generating the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) scores from the features extracted from EEG. We performed multi-trial and single-trail analysis for the algorithm development of the MCI severity monitoring. We studied Multivariate Regression (MR), Ensemble Regression (ER), Support Vector Regression (SVR), and Ridge Regression (RR) for multi-trial and deep neural regression for the single-trial analysis. In the case of multi-trial, the best result was obtained from the ER. In our single-trial analysis, we constructed the time-frequency image from each trial and feed it to the convolutional deep neural network (CNN). Performance of the regression models was evaluated by the RMSE and the residual analysis. We obtained the best accuracy with the deep neural regression method

    Proceedings of the second "international Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST'14)

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    The implicit objective of the biennial "international - Traveling Workshop on Interactions between Sparse models and Technology" (iTWIST) is to foster collaboration between international scientific teams by disseminating ideas through both specific oral/poster presentations and free discussions. For its second edition, the iTWIST workshop took place in the medieval and picturesque town of Namur in Belgium, from Wednesday August 27th till Friday August 29th, 2014. The workshop was conveniently located in "The Arsenal" building within walking distance of both hotels and town center. iTWIST'14 has gathered about 70 international participants and has featured 9 invited talks, 10 oral presentations, and 14 posters on the following themes, all related to the theory, application and generalization of the "sparsity paradigm": Sparsity-driven data sensing and processing; Union of low dimensional subspaces; Beyond linear and convex inverse problem; Matrix/manifold/graph sensing/processing; Blind inverse problems and dictionary learning; Sparsity and computational neuroscience; Information theory, geometry and randomness; Complexity/accuracy tradeoffs in numerical methods; Sparsity? What's next?; Sparse machine learning and inference.Comment: 69 pages, 24 extended abstracts, iTWIST'14 website: http://sites.google.com/site/itwist1

    Local estimation of the noise level in MRI using structural adaptation

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    We present a method for local estimation of the signal-dependent noise level in magnetic resonance images. The procedure uses a multi-scale approach to adaptively infer on local neighborhoods with similar data distribution. It exploits a maximum-likelihood estimator for the local noise level. The validity of the method was evaluated on repeated diffusion data of a phantom and simulated data using T1-data corrupted with artificial noise. Simulation results are compared with a recently proposed estimate. The method was applied to a high-resolution diffusion dataset to obtain improved diffusion model estimation results and to demonstrate its usefulness in methods for enhancing diffusion data