7 research outputs found

    A Genetic Algorithm for Multiobjective Hard Scheduling Optimization

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    This paper proposes a genetic algorithm for multiobjective scheduling optimization based in the object oriented design with constrains on delivery times, process precedence and resource availability. Initially, the programming algorithm (PA) was designed and implemented, taking into account all constraints mentioned. This algorithm’s main objective is, given a sequence of production orders, products and processes, calculate its total programming cost and time. Once the programming algorithm was defined, the genetic algorithm (GA) was developed for minimizing two objectives: delivery times and total programming cost. The stages defined for this algorithm were: selection, crossover and mutation. During the first stage, the individuals composing the next generation are selected using a strong dominance test. Given the strong restrictions on the model, the crossover stage utilizes a process level structure (PLS) where processes are grouped by its levels in the product tree. Finally during the mutation stage, the solutions are modified in two different ways (selected in a random fashion): changing the selection of the resources of one process and organizing the processes by its execution time by level. In order to obtain more variability in the found solutions, the production orders and the products are organized with activity planning rules such as EDD, SPT and LPT. For each level of processes, the processes are organized by its processing time from lower to higher (PLU), from higher to lower (PUL), randomly (PR), and by local search (LS). As strategies for local search, three algorithms were implemented: Tabu Search (TS), Simulated Annealing (SA) and Exchange Deterministic Algorithm (EDA). The purpose of the local search is to organize the processes in such a way that minimizes the total execution time of the level. Finally, Pareto fronts are used to show the obtained results of applying each of the specified strategies. Results are analyzed and compared

    Comparison of a novel dominance-based differential evolution method with the state-of-the-art methods for solving multi-objective real-valued optimization problems

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    Differential Evolution algorithm (DE) is a well-known nature-inspired method in evolutionary computations scope. This paper adds some new features to DE algorithm and proposes a novel method focusing on ranking technique. The proposed method is named as Dominance-Based Differential Evolution, called DBDE from this point on, which is the improved version of the standard DE algorithm. The suggested DBDE applies some changes on the selection operator of the Differential Evolution (DE) algorithm and modifies the crossover and initialization phases to improve the performance of DE. The dominance ranks are used in the selection phase of DBDE to be capable of selecting higher quality solutions. A dominance-rank for solution X is the number of solutions dominating X. Moreover, some vectors called target vectors are used through the selection process. Effectiveness and performance of the proposed DBDE method is experimentally evaluated using six well-known benchmarks, provided by CEC2009, plus two additional test problems namely Kursawe and Fonseca & Fleming. The evaluation process emphasizes on specific bi-objective real-valued optimization problems reported in literature. Likewise, the Inverted Generational Distance (IGD) metric is calculated for the obtained results to measure the performance of algorithms. To follow up the evaluation rules obeyed by all state-of-the-art methods, the fitness evaluation function is called 300.000 times and 30 independent runs of DBDE is carried out. Analysis of the obtained results indicates that the performance of the proposed algorithm (DBDE) in terms of convergence and robustness outperforms the majority of state-of-the-art methods reported in the literatur

    Multi-Objective Optimization Programs and their Application to Amine Absorption Process Design for Natural Gas Sweetening

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    This chapter presents three MS Excel programs, namely, EMOO (Excel based Multi-Objective Optimization), NDS (Non-Dominated Sorting) and PM (Performance Metrics) useful for Multi-Objective Optimization (MOO) studies. The EMOO program is for finding non-dominated solutions of a given MOO problem. It has both binary-coded and realcoded NSGA-II (Elitist Non-Dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm), and two termination criteria based on chi-squared test and steady state detection. The known/true Pareto-optimal front for the application problems is not available unlike that for benchmark problems. Hence, a procedure for obtaining known/true Pareto-optimal front is described in this chapter. The NDS program is for non-dominated sorting and crowding distance calculations of the non-dominated solutions obtained from several optimization runs using same or different MOO programs. The PM program can be used to calculate the values of performance metrics between the non-dominated solutions obtained using a MOO program and the true/known Pareto optimal front. It is useful for comparing the performance of MOO programs to find the non-dominated solutions. Finally, use of EMOO, NDS and PM programs is demonstrated on MOO of amine absorption process for natural gas sweetening

    Ensemble Multi-Objective Biogeography-Based Optimization with Application to Automated Warehouse Scheduling

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    This paper proposes an ensemble multi-objective biogeography-based optimization (EMBBO) algorithm, which is inspired by ensemble learning, to solve the automated warehouse scheduling problem. First, a real-world automated warehouse scheduling problem is formulated as a constrained multi-objective optimization problem. Then EMBBO is formulated as a combination of several multi-objective biogeography-based optimization (MBBO) algorithms, including vector evaluated biogeography-based optimization (VEBBO), non-dominated sorting biogeography-based optimization (NSBBO), and niched Pareto biogeography-based optimization (NPBBO). Performance is tested on a set of 10 unconstrained multi-objective benchmark functions and 10 constrained multi-objective benchmark functions from the 2009 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), and compared with single constituent MBBO and CEC competition algorithms. Results show that EMBBO is better than its constituent algorithms, and among the best CEC competition algorithms, for the benchmark functions studied in this paper. Finally, EMBBO is successfully applied to the automated warehouse scheduling problem, and the results show that EMBBO is a competitive algorithm for automated warehouse scheduling

    Ensemble Multi-Objective Biogeography-Based Optimization with Application to Automated Warehouse Scheduling

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    This paper proposes an ensemble multi-objective biogeography-based optimization (EMBBO) algorithm, which is inspired by ensemble learning, to solve the automated warehouse scheduling problem. First, a real-world automated warehouse scheduling problem is formulated as a constrained multi-objective optimization problem. Then EMBBO is formulated as a combination of several multi-objective biogeography-based optimization (MBBO) algorithms, including vector evaluated biogeography-based optimization (VEBBO), non-dominated sorting biogeography-based optimization (NSBBO), and niched Pareto biogeography-based optimization (NPBBO). Performance is tested on a set of 10 unconstrained multi-objective benchmark functions and 10 constrained multi-objective benchmark functions from the 2009 Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC), and compared with single constituent MBBO and CEC competition algorithms. Results show that EMBBO is better than its constituent algorithms, and among the best CEC competition algorithms, for the benchmark functions studied in this paper. Finally, EMBBO is successfully applied to the automated warehouse scheduling problem, and the results show that EMBBO is a competitive algorithm for automated warehouse scheduling


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    Multi-objective optimisation of low-thrust trajectories

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    This research work developed an innovative computational approach to the preliminary design of low-thrust trajectories optimising multiple mission criteria. Low-Thrust (LT) propulsion has become the propulsion system of choice for a number of near Earth and interplanetary missions. Consequently, in the last two decades a good wealth of research has been devoted to the development of computational method to design low-thrust trajectories. Most of the techniques, however, minimise or maximise a single figure of merit under a set of design constraints. Less effort has been devoted to the development of efficient methods for the minimisation (or maximisation) of two or more figures of merit. On the other hand, in the preliminary mission design phase, the decision maker is interested in analysing as many design solutions as possible against different trade-off criteria. Therefore, in this PhD work, an innovative Multi-Objective (MO), memetic optimisation algorithm, called Multi-Agent Collaborative Search (MACS2), has been implemented to tackle low-thrust trajectory design problems with multiple figures of merit. Tests on both academic and real-world problems showed that the proposed MACS2 paradigm performs better than or as well as other state-of-the-art Multi-Objective optimisation algorithms. Concurrently, a set of novel approximated, first-order, analytical formulae has been developed, to obtain a fast but reliable estimation of the main trade-off criteria. These formulae allow for a fast propagation of the orbital motion under a constant perturbing acceleration. These formulae have been shown to allow for the fast and relatively accurate propagation of long LT trajectories under the typical acceleration level delivered by current engine technology. Various applications are presented to demonstrate the validity of the combination of the analytical formulae with MACS2. Among them, the preliminary design of the JAXA low-cost DESTINY mission to L2, a novel approach to the optimisation under uncertainty of deflection actions for Near Earth Objects (NEO), and the de-orbiting of space debris with low-thrust and with a combination of low-thrust and solar radiation pressure