1,365 research outputs found

    Analysis of wavelet controller for robustness in electronic differential of electric vehicles: an investigation and numerical developments

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    In road transportation systems, differential plays an important role in preventing the vehicle from slipping on curved tracks. In practice, mechanical differentials are used, but they are bulky because of their increased weight. Moreover, they are not suitable for electric vehicles, especially those employing separate drives for both rear wheels. The electronic differential constitutes recent technological advances in electric vehicle design, enabling better stability and control of a vehicle on curved roads. This article articulates the modeling and simulation of an electronic differential employing a novel wavelet transform controller for two brushless DC motors ensuring drive in two right and left back driving wheels. Further, the proposed work uses a discrete wavelet transform controller to decompose the error between actual and command speed provided by the electronic differential based on throttle and steering angle as the input into frequency components. By scaling these frequency components by their respective gains, the obtained control signal is actually given as input to the motor. To verify the proposal, a set of designed strategies were carried out: a vehicle on a straight road, turning right and turning left. Numerical simulation test results of the controllers are presented and compared for robust performance and stability

    Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Technique for Speed Control of Six-Step Brushless DC Motor

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    The brushless DC motors with permanent magnets (PM-BLDC) are widely used in a miscellaneous of industrial applications. In this paper, The adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) controller for Six-Step Brushless DC Motor Drive is introduced. The brushless DC motor’s dynamic characteristics such as torque , current , speed, , and inverter component voltages are showed and analysed using MATLAB simulation. The  propotional-integral (PI) and fuzzy system controllers  are developed., based on designer’s test and error process and experts. The  experimential and hardware resuts for the inverter- driver circuits are presented. The simulation results using MATLAB simulink are conducted to validate the proposed (ANFIS) controller’s robustness and high performance relative to other controllers

    Nov i jednostavan hibridni neizraziti/PI regulator za istosmjerne motore bez četkica

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    A novel speed controller for the trapezoidal three--phase Brushless DC (BLDC) Motor Drive is proposed using a hybrid fuzzy logic and proportional plus integral (PI) control. The fuzzy logic control structure is different from conventional fuzzy logic implementations such that it only uses three simple rules based on speed error being either in the positive, negative or zero regions. The controller outputs a reference current, that is enforced through the motor phases by pulsewidth modulation (PWM) control. The proposed fuzzy logic controller can be used individually in applications requiring lower computation load and accepting small steady state offset. For high performance applications requiring offset free tracking, a PI controller is augmented with the fuzzy logic controller and a simple switching scheme is devised based on error variance to switch the active controller based on operating conditions. The response of the drive system under the proposed composite control structure is compared with the conventional PI based and the sliding mode controllers to demonstrate its improved performance. Simulations studies using detailed models in MATLAB/Simulink\u27s Simpowersystems toolbox are carried out to show the validity of proposed control.U ovome radu predlaže se nov regulator brzine za trapezoidalne trofazne istosmjerne motore bez četkica zasnovan na hibridnom regulatoru. Hibridni regulator sastoji se od dijela s neizrazitom logikom i proporcionano-integracijskog regulatora. Struktura neizrazitog regulatora razlikuje se od konvencionalnih implementacija neizrazitih regulatora po tome što koristi samo tri jednostavna pravila zasnovana na pogrešci brzine u pozitivnom, negativnom ili nultom području. Izlaz regulatora čini referentna struja, koja se šalje na faze motora pomoću širinsko-impulsne modulacije. Predloženi neizraziti regulator može se koristiti i zasebno u primjenama koje zahtijevaju manju računsku složenost i toleriraju malu pogrešku u stacionarnom stanju. Za slučajeve kada je potrebna visoka učinkovitost bez pogreške u stacionarnom stanju, s neizrazitim dijelom proširuje se PI regulator te je razvijen jednostavan postupak promijene regulatora zasnovan na varijanci pogreške. Odziv razmatranog sustava uspoređen je s konvencionalnim PI regulatorom i regulatorom u kliznom režimu rada kako bi se pokazala njegova učinkovitost. Izvršene su simulacije u Matlab/Simulinkovom SimPowerSystems alatu kako bi se pokazala ispravnost predloženog postupka

    ANFIS based Direct Torque Control of PMSM Motor for Speed and Torque Regulation

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    Nowadays, the Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) are gaining popularity among electric motors due to their high efficiency, high-speed operation, ruggedness, and small size. PMSM motors comprise a trapezoidal electromotive force which is also called synchronous motors. Direct Torque Control (DTC) has been extensively applied in speed regulation systems due to its better dynamic behavior. The controller manages the amplitude of torque and stator flux directly using the direct axis current. To manage the motor speed, the torque error, flux error, and projected location of flux linkage are employed to adjust the inverter switching sequence via Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation (SVPWM). One of the most common problems encountered in a PMSM motor is Torque ripple, which is recreated by power electronic commutation and a better controller reduces the ripples to increase the drive's performance. Conventional controllers such as PI, PID and SVPWM-DTC were compared with the proposed Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System (ANFIS) in terms of performance measures such as speed and torque ripple. In this work, the Two-Gaussian membership function of the ANFIS controller is used in conjunction with a PMSM motor to reduce torque ripple up to 0.53 Nm and maintain the speed with a distortion error of 2.33 %

    Observation of charge ordering signal in monovalent doped Nd0.75Na0.25-xKxMn1O3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.10) manganites

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    K doping in the compound of Nd0.75Na0.25-xKxMn1O3 (x = 0, 0.05 and 0.10) manganites have been investigated to study its effect on crystalline phase and surface morphology as well as electrical transport and magnetic properties. The structure properties of the Nd0.75Na0.25- xKxMnO3 manganite have been characterized using X-ray diffraction measurement and it proved that the crystalline phase of samples were essentially single phased and indexed as orthorhombic structure with space group of Pnma. The morphological study from scanning electron microscope showed there was an improvement on the grains boundaries and sizes as well as the compactness with K doping suggestively due to the difference of ionic radius. On the other hand, DC electrical resistivity measurement showed all samples exhibit insulating behavior. However, analysis of dlnρ/dT-1 vs. T revealed the clearly peaks could be observed at temperature 210K for x = 0 and the peaks were shifted to the lower temperature around 190 K and 165 K for x = 0.05 and x = 0.1 respectively, indicate the existence of charge ordering (CO) state in the compound. Meanwhile, the investigation on magnetic behavior showed all samples exhibit transition from paramagnetic phase to anti-ferromagnetic phase with decreasing temperature and the TN was observed to shift to lower temperature suggestively due to weakening of CO stat


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    The electric vehicle (EV) performance testing is an indispensable aspect of the design study and marketing of electric vehicle. The development of a suitable electric motor testing environment for EVs is very significant. On the one hand, it provides a relatively realistic testing environment for the study of the key technologies of electric vehicles, and it also plays an essential role in finding a reasonable and reliable optimization scheme. On the other hand, it provides a reference to the evaluation criteria for the products on the market. This thesis is based on such requirements to model and simulate the PM motor testing environment towards EV applications considering road conditions. Firstly, the requirements of the electric motor drive as a propulsion system for EV applications are investigated by comparing to that of the traditional engine as a propulsion system. Then, as the studying objective of this work, the mathematical model of PMSM is discussed according to three different coordinate systems, and the control strategy for EV application is developed. In order to test the PM motor in the context of an EV, a specific target vehicle model is needed as the virtual load of the tested motor with the dyno system to emulate the real operating environment of the vehicle. A slippery road is one of the severe driving conditions for EVs and should be considered during the traction motor testing process. Fuzzy logic based wheel slip control is adopted in this thesis to evaluate the PM motor performance under slippery road conditions. Through the proposed testing environment, the PM motor can be tested in virtual vehicle driving conditions, which is significant for improving the PM motor design and control

    Stability analysis and speed control of brushless DC motor based on self-ameliorate soft switching control methods

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    In recent years, electric vehicles are the large-scale spread of the transportation field has led to the emergence of brushless direct current (DC) motors (BLDCM), which are mostly utilized in electrical vehicle systems. The speed control of a BLDCM is a subsystem, consisting of torque, flux hysteresis comparators, and appropriate switching logic of an inverter. Due to the sudden load torque variation and improper switching pulse, the speed of the BLDCM is not maintained properly. In recent research, the BLDC current control method gives a better way to control the speed of the motor. Also, the rotor position information should be the need for feedback control of the power electronic converters to varying the appropriate pulse width modulation (PWM) of the inverter. The proposed optimization work controls the switching device to manage the power supply BLDCM. In this proposed self-ameliorate soft switching (SASS) system is a simple and effective way for BLDC motor current control technology, a proposed control strategy is intended to stabilize the speed of the BLDCM at different load torque conditions. The proposed SASS system method is analyzing hall-based sensor values continuously. The suggested model is simulated using the MATLAB Simulink tool, and the results reveal that the maximum steady-state error value achieved is 4.2, as well as a speedy recovery of the BLDCM's speed