634 research outputs found

    Comparison of single-phase matrix converter and H-bridge converter for radio frequency induction heating

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    This paper compares the newly developed single-phase matrix converter and the more conventional H- bridge converter for radio frequency induction heating. Both the converters exhibit unity power factor, very low total harmonic distortion at the utility supply interface, good controllability under soft switching condition for a wide range of power, and high efficiencies, whilst still having simple structures. A novel switching control pattern has been proposed for the matrix converter in order to maintain the comparable performance to the H-bridge converter. Simulation and experimental results for both converters are presented. Comparisons between two converters have confirmed the excellent performance of the proposed matrix converter

    Extension of Zero Voltage Switching Capability for CLLC Resonant Converter

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    TheCLLC resonant converter has been widely used to obtaina high power conversion efficiency with sinusoidal current waveforms and a soft switching capability. However, it has a limited voltage gain range according to the input voltage variation. The current-fed structure canbe one solution to extend the voltage gain range for the wide input voltage variation, butit has a limited zero voltage switching (ZVS) range. In this paper, the current-fed CLLC resonant converter with additional inductance is proposed to extend the ZVS range. The operational principle is analyzed to design the additional inductance for obtaining the extended ZVS range. The design methodology of the additional inductance is proposed to maximize the ZVS capability for the entire load range. The performance of the proposed method is verified with a 20 W prototype converter

    Modulation scheme for the bidirectional operation of the Phase Shift Full Bridge Power Converter

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    This paper proposes a novel modulation technique for the bidirectional operation of the Phase Shift Full Bridge (PSFB) DC/DC power converter. The forward or buck operation of this topology is well known and widely used in medium to high power DC to DC converter applications. In contrast, backward or boost operation is less typical since it exhibits large drain voltage overshoot in devices located at the secondary or current-fed side; a known problem in isolated boost converters. For that reason other topologies of symmetric configuration are preferred in bidirectional applications, like CLLC resonant converter or Dual Active Bridge (DAB). In this work, we propose a modulation technique overcoming the drain voltage overshoot of the isolated boost converter at the secondary or current-fed side, without additional components other than the ones in a standard PSFB and still achieving full or nearly full ZVS in the primary or voltage-fed side along all the load range of the converter. The proposed modulation has been tested in a bidirectional 3.3 kW PSFB with 400 V input and 54.5 V output, achieving a 98 % of peak efficiency in buck mode and 97.5 % in boost mode operation. This demonstrates that the PSFB converter may become a relatively simple and efficient topology for bidirectional DC to DC converter applications

    A comprehensive review on Bidirectional traction converter for Electric vehicles

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    In this fast-changing environmental condition, the effect of fossil fuel in vehicle is a significant concern. Many sustainable sources are being studied to replace the exhausting fossil fuel in most of the countries. This paper surveys the types of electric vehicle’s energy sources and current scenario of the on-road electric vehicle and its technical challenges. It summarizes the number of state-of-the-art research progresses in bidirectional dc-dc converters and its control strategies reported in last two decades. The performance of the various topologies of bidirectional dc-dc converters is also tabulated along with their references. Hence, this work will present a clear view on the development of state-of-the-art topologies in bidirectional dc-dc converters. This review paper will be a guide for the researchers for selecting suitable bidirectional traction dc-dc converters for electric vehicle and it gives the clear picture of this research field

    A comprehensive review on Bidirectional traction converter for Electric vehicles

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    In this fast-changing environmental condition, the effect of fossil fuel in vehicle is a significant concern. Many sustainable sources are being studied to replace the exhausting fossil fuel in most of the countries. This paper surveys the types of electric vehicle’s energy sources and current scenario of the on-road electric vehicle and its technical challenges. It summarizes the number of state-of-the-art research progresses in bidirectional dc-dc converters and its control strategies reported in last two decades. The performance of the various topologies of bidirectional dc-dc converters is also tabulated along with their references. Hence, this work will present a clear view on the development of state-of-the-art topologies in bidirectional dc-dc converters. This review paper will be a guide for the researchers for selecting suitable bidirectional traction dc-dc converters for electric vehicle and it gives the clear picture of this research field

    Design of LLC resonant converter with silicon carbide MOSFET switches and nonlinear adaptive sliding controller for brushless DC motor system

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    Introduction. The high voltage gain DC-DC converters are increasingly used in many power electronics application systems, due to their benefits of increased voltage output, reduced noise contents, uninterrupted power supply, and ensured system reliability. Most of the existing works are highly concentrated on developing the high voltage DC-DC converter and controller topologies for goal improving the steady state response of brushless DC motor driving system and also obtain the regulated voltage with increased power density and reduced harmonics, the LLC resonant DC-DC converter is implemented with the silicon carbide MOSFET switching devices Problem. Yet, it facing the major problems of increased switching loss, conduction loss, error outputs, time consumption, and reduced efficiency. Also the existing works are mainly concentrating on improving the voltage gain, regulation, and operating performance of the power system with reduced loss of factors by using the different types of converters and controlling techniques. The goal of this work is to obtain the improved voltage gain output with reduced loss factors and harmonic distortions. Method. Because, this type of converter has the ability to generate the high gain DC output voltage fed to the brushless DC motor with reduced harmonics and loss factors. Also, the nonlinear adaptive sliding controller is implemented to generate the controlling pulses for triggering the switching components properly. For this operation, the best gain parameters are selected based on the duty cycle, feedback DC voltage and current, and gain of silicon carbide MOSFET. By using this, the controlling signals are generated and given to the converter, which helps to control the brushless DC motor with steady state error. Practical value. The simulation results of the proposed LLC silicon carbide MOSFET incorporated with nonlinear adaptive sliding controller controlling scheme are validated and compared by using various evaluation indicators. Вступ. Високовольтні перетворювачі постійного струму з високим коефіцієнтом посилення напруги все частіше використовуються в багатьох прикладних системах силової електроніки через їх переваги, пов'язані з підвищеною вихідною напругою, зниженим рівнем шуму, безперебійним живленням і гарантованою надійністю системи. Більшість існуючих робіт значною мірою зосереджені на розробці топологій високовольтного перетворювача постійного струму і контролера з метою поліпшення усталеного відгуку системи приводу безщіткового двигуна постійного струму, а також отримання регульованої напруги з підвищеною щільністю потужності і зменшеними гармоніками; резонансний LLC-перетворювач постійного струму, реалізований на перемикаючих пристроях на основі польових МОП-транзисторах з карбіду кремнію. Проблема. Тим не менш, це стикається з основними проблемами, пов'язаними зі збільшенням втрат при перемиканні, втратами провідності, помилками на виході, витратами часу та зниженням ефективності. Крім того, існуючі роботи в основному зосереджені на покращенні коефіцієнта посилення напруги, регулювання та робочих характеристик енергосистеми із зменшенням факторів втрат за рахунок використання різних типів перетворювачів та методів управління. Метою роботи є отримання покращеного коефіцієнта посилення напруги зі зниженими коефіцієнтами втрат і гармонійних спотворень. Метод. Таким чином, цей тип перетворювача здатний генерувати вихідну постійну напругу з високим коефіцієнтом посилення, що подається на безщітковий двигун постійного струму, зі зменшеними коефіцієнтами гармонік та втрат. Крім того, реалізований нелінійний адаптивний ковзний регулятор для генерування керуючих імпульсів для належного спрацьовування перемикаючих компонентів. Для цієї операції вибираються найкращі параметри посилення на основі робочого циклу, постійної напруги та струму зворотного зв'язку, а також коефіцієнта посилення польового МОП-транзистора з карбіду кремнію. При цьому керуючі сигнали генеруються і передаються на перетворювач, який допомагає керувати безщітковим двигуном постійного струму з помилкою, що встановилася. Практична цінність. Результати моделювання запропонованого LLC-перетворювача на основі польових МОП-транзисторів з карбіду кремнію зі схемою управління нелінійним адаптивним ковзним регулятором перевіряються та порівнюються з використанням різних показників оцінки.&nbsp

    A Comprehensive Review of DC-DC Converters for EV Applications

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    DC-DC converters in Electric vehicles (EVs) have the role of interfacing power sources to the DC-link and the DC-link to the required voltage levels for usage of different systems in EVs like DC drive, electric traction, entertainment, safety and etc. Improvement of gain and performance in these converters has a huge impact on the overall performance and future of EVs. So, different configurations have been suggested by many researches. In this paper, bidirectional DC-DC converters (BDCs) are divided into four categories as isolated-soft, isolated-hard, non-isolated-soft and non-isolated-hard depending on the isolation and type of switching. Moreover, the control strategies, comparative factors, selection for a specific application and recent trends are reviewed completely. As a matter of fact, over than 200 papers have been categorized and considered to help the researchers who work on BDCs for EV application

    Grid Integration of DC Buildings: Standards, Requirements and Power Converter Topologies

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    Residential dc microgrids and nanogrids are the emerging technology that is aimed to promote the transition to energy-efficient buildings and provide simple, highly flexible integration of renewables, storages, and loads. At the same time, the mass acceptance of dc buildings is slowed down by the relative immaturity of the dc technology, lack of standardization and general awareness about its potential. Additional efforts from multiple directions are necessary to promote this technology and increase its market attractiveness. In the near-term, it is highly likely that the dc buildings will be connected to the conventional ac distribution grid by a front-end ac-dc converter that provides all the necessary protection and desired functionality. At the same time, the corresponding requirements for this converter have not been yet consolidated. To address this, present paper focuses on various aspects of the integration of dc buildings and includes analysis of related standards, directives, operational and compatibility requirements as well as classification of voltage levels. In addition, power converter configurations and modulation methods are analyzed and compared. A classification of topologies that can provide the required functionality for the application is proposed. Finally, future trends and remaining challenges pointed out to motivate new contributions to this topic

    Review of Electric Vehicle Charging Technologies, Configurations, and Architectures

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    Electric Vehicles (EVs) are projected to be one of the major contributors to energy transition in the global transportation due to their rapid expansion. The EVs will play a vital role in achieving a sustainable transportation system by reducing fossil fuel dependency and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. However, high level of EVs integration into the distribution grid has introduced many challenges for the power grid operation, safety, and network planning due to the increase in load demand, power quality impacts and power losses. An increasing fleet of electric mobility requires the advanced charging systems to enhance charging efficiency and utility grid support. Innovative EV charging technologies are obtaining much attention in recent research studies aimed at strengthening EV adoption while providing ancillary services. Therefore, analysis of the status of EV charging technologies is significant to accelerate EV adoption with advanced control strategies to discover a remedial solution for negative grid impacts, enhance desired charging efficiency and grid support. This paper presents a comprehensive review of the current deployment of EV charging systems, international standards, charging configurations, EV battery technologies, architecture of EV charging stations, and emerging technical challenges. The charging systems require a dedicated converter topology, a control strategy and international standards for charging and grid interconnection to ensure optimum operation and enhance grid support. An overview of different charging systems in terms of onboard and off-board chargers, AC-DC and DC-DC converter topologies, and AC and DC-based charging station architectures are evaluated