7,591 research outputs found

    Intelligent Transportation Systems, Hybrid Electric Vehicles, Powertrain Control, Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control, Model Predictive Control

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    Information obtainable from Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) provides the possibility of improving the safety and efficiency of vehicles at different levels. In particular, such information has the potential to be utilized for prediction of driving conditions and traffic flow, which allows us to improve the performance of the control systems in different vehicular applications, such as Hybrid Electric Vehicles (HEVs) powertrain control and Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC). In the first part of this work, we study the design of an MPC controller for a Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC) system, which is an automated application that provides the drivers with extra benefits, such as traffic throughput maximization and collision avoidance. CACC systems must be designed in a way that are sufficiently robust against all special maneuvers such as interfering vehicles cutting-into the CACC platoons or hard braking by leading cars. To address this problem, we first propose a Neural- Network (NN)-based cut-in detection and trajectory prediction scheme. Then, the predicted trajectory of each vehicle in the adjacent lanes is used to estimate the probability of that vehicle cutting-into the CACC platoon. To consider the calculated probability in control system decisions, a Stochastic Model Predictive Controller (SMPC) needs to be designed which incorporates this cut-in probability, and enhances the reaction against the detected dangerous cut-in maneuver. However, in this work, we propose an alternative way of solving this problem. We convert the SMPC problem into modeling the CACC as a Stochastic Hybrid System (SHS) while we still use a deterministic MPC controller running in the only state of the SHS model. Finally, we find the conditions under which the designed deterministic controller is stable and feasible for the proposed SHS model of the CACC platoon. In the second part of this work, we propose to improve the performance of one of the most promising realtime powertrain control strategies, called Adaptive Equivalent Consumption Minimization Strategy (AECMS), using predicted driving conditions. In this part, two different real-time powertrain control strategies are proposed for HEVs. The first proposed method, including three different variations, introduces an adjustment factor for the cost of using electrical energy (equivalent factor) in AECMS. The factor is proportional to the predicted energy requirements of the vehicle, regenerative braking energy, and the cost of battery charging and discharging in a finite time window. Simulation results using detailed vehicle powertrain models illustrate that the proposed control strategies improve the performance of AECMS in terms of fuel economy by 4\%. Finally, we integrate the recent development in reinforcement learning to design a novel multi-level power distribution control. The proposed controller reacts in two levels, namely high-level and low-level control. The high-level control decision estimates the most probable driving profile matched to the current (and near future) state of the vehicle. Then, the corresponding low-level controller of the selected profile is utilized to distribute the requested power between Electric Motor (EM) and Internal Combustion Engine (ICE). This is important because there is no other prior work addressing this problem using a controller which can adjust its decision to the driving pattern. We proposed to use two reinforcement learning agents in two levels of abstraction. The first agent, selects the most optimal low-level controller (second agent) based on the overall pattern of the drive cycle in the near past and future, i.e., urban, highway and harsh. Then, the selected agent by the high-level controller (first agent) decides how to distribute the demanded power between the EM and ICE. We found that by carefully designing a training scheme, it is possible to effectively improve the performance of this data-driven controller. Simulation results show up to 6\% improvement in fuel economy compared to the AECMS

    Health-aware predictive control schemes based on industrial processes

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    Aplicat embargament des de la data de defensa fins el dia 30 de desembre de 2021The research is motivated by real applications, such as pasteurization plant, water networks and autonomous system, which each of them require a specific control system to provide proper management able to take into account their particular features and operating limits in presence of uncertainties related to their operation and failures from component breakdowns. According to that most of the real systems have nonlinear behaviors, it can be approximated them by polytopic linear uncertain models such as Linear Parameter Varying (LPV) and Takagi-Sugeno (TS) models. Therefore, a new economic Model Predictive Control (MPC) approach based on LPV/TS models is proposed and the stability of the proposed approach is certified by using a region constraint on the terminal state. Besides, the MPC-LPV strategy is extended based on the system with varying delays affecting states and inputs. The control approach allows the controller to accommodate the scheduling parameters and delay change. By computing the prediction of the state variables and delay along a prediction time horizon, the system model can be modified according to the evaluation of the estimated state and delay at each time instant. To increase the system reliability, anticipate the appearance of faults and reduce the operational costs, actuator health monitoring should be considered. Regarding several types of system failures, different strategies are studied for obtaining system failures. First, the damage is assessed with the rainflow-counting algorithm that allows estimating the component’s fatigue and control objective is modified by adding an extra criterion that takes into account the accumulated damage. Besides, two different health-aware economic predictive control strategies that aim to minimize the damage of components are presented. Then, economic health-aware MPC controller is developed to compute the components and system reliability in the MPC model using an LPV modeling approach and maximizes the availability of the system by estimating system reliability. Additionally, another improvement considers chance-constraint programming to compute an optimal list replenishment policy based on a desired risk acceptability level, managing to dynamically designate safety stocks in flowbased networks to satisfy non-stationary flow demands. Finally, an innovative health-aware control approach for autonomous racing vehicles to simultaneously control it to the driving limits and to follow the desired path based on maximization of the battery RUL. The proposed approach is formulated as an optimal on-line robust LMI based MPC driven from Lyapunov stability and controller gain synthesis solved by LPV-LQR problem in LMI formulation with integral action for tracking the trajectory.Esta tesis pretende proporcionar contribuciones teóricas y prácticas sobre seguridad y control de sistemas industriales, especialmente en la forma maten ática de sistemas inciertos. La investigación está motivada por aplicaciones reales, como la planta de pasteurización, las redes de agua y el sistema autónomo, cada uno de los cuales requiere un sistema de control específico para proporcionar una gestión adecuada capaz de tener en cuenta sus características particulares y limites o de operación en presencia de incertidumbres relacionadas con su operación y fallas de averías de componentes. De acuerdo con que la mayoría de los sistemas reales tienen comportamientos no lineales, puede aproximarse a ellos mediante modelos inciertos lineales politopicos como los modelos de Lineal Variación de Parámetros (LPV) y Takagi-Sugeno (TS). Por lo tanto, se propone un nuevo enfoque de Control Predictivo del Modelo (MPC) económico basado en modelos LPV/TS y la estabilidad del enfoque propuesto se certifica mediante el uso de una restricción de región en el estado terminal. Además, la estrategia MPC-LPV se extiende en función del sistema con diferentes demoras que afectan los estados y las entradas. El enfoque de control permite al controlador acomodar los parámetros de programación y retrasar el cambio. Al calcular la predicción de las variables de estado y el retraso a lo largo de un horizonte de tiempo de predicción, el modelo del sistema se puede modificar de acuerdo con la evaluación del estado estimado y el retraso en cada instante de tiempo. Para aumentar la confiabilidad del sistema, anticipar la aparición de fallas y reducir los costos operativos, se debe considerar el monitoreo del estado del actuador. Con respecto a varios tipos de fallas del sistema, se estudian diferentes estrategias para obtener fallas del sistema. Primero, el daño se evalúa con el algoritmo de conteo de flujo de lluvia que permite estimar la fatiga del componente y el objetivo de control se modifica agregando un criterio adicional que tiene en cuenta el daño acumulado. Además, se presentan dos estrategias diferentes de control predictivo económico que tienen en cuenta la salud y tienen como objetivo minimizar el daño de los componentes. Luego, se desarrolla un controlador MPC económico con conciencia de salud para calcular los componentes y la confiabilidad del sistema en el modelo MPC utilizando un enfoque de modelado LPV y maximiza la disponibilidad del sistema mediante la estimación de la confiabilidad del sistema. Además, otra mejora considera la programación de restricción de posibilidades para calcular una política ´optima de reposición de listas basada en un nivel de aceptabilidad de riesgo deseado, logrando designar dinámicamente existencias de seguridad en redes basadas en flujo para satisfacer demandas de flujo no estacionarias. Finalmente, un enfoque innovador de control consciente de la salud para vehículos de carreras autónomos para controlarlo simultáneamente hasta los límites de conducción y seguir el camino deseado basado en la maximización de la bacteria RUL. El diseño del control se divide en dos capas con diferentes escalas de tiempo, planificador de ruta y controlador. El enfoque propuesto está formulado como un MPC robusto en línea optimo basado en LMI impulsado por la estabilidad de Lyapunov y la síntesis de ganancia del controlador resuelta por el problema LPV-LQR en la formulación de LMI con acción integral para el seguimiento de la trayectoria.Postprint (published version

    Battery Life Optimal Operation of Electric Vehicles

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    Uncertainty Quantification in Machine Learning for Engineering Design and Health Prognostics: A Tutorial

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    On top of machine learning models, uncertainty quantification (UQ) functions as an essential layer of safety assurance that could lead to more principled decision making by enabling sound risk assessment and management. The safety and reliability improvement of ML models empowered by UQ has the potential to significantly facilitate the broad adoption of ML solutions in high-stakes decision settings, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and aviation, to name a few. In this tutorial, we aim to provide a holistic lens on emerging UQ methods for ML models with a particular focus on neural networks and the applications of these UQ methods in tackling engineering design as well as prognostics and health management problems. Toward this goal, we start with a comprehensive classification of uncertainty types, sources, and causes pertaining to UQ of ML models. Next, we provide a tutorial-style description of several state-of-the-art UQ methods: Gaussian process regression, Bayesian neural network, neural network ensemble, and deterministic UQ methods focusing on spectral-normalized neural Gaussian process. Established upon the mathematical formulations, we subsequently examine the soundness of these UQ methods quantitatively and qualitatively (by a toy regression example) to examine their strengths and shortcomings from different dimensions. Then, we review quantitative metrics commonly used to assess the quality of predictive uncertainty in classification and regression problems. Afterward, we discuss the increasingly important role of UQ of ML models in solving challenging problems in engineering design and health prognostics. Two case studies with source codes available on GitHub are used to demonstrate these UQ methods and compare their performance in the life prediction of lithium-ion batteries at the early stage and the remaining useful life prediction of turbofan engines

    Enhancing Energy Efficiency in Connected Vehicles Via Access to Traffic Signal Information

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    This dissertation expounds on algorithms that can deterministically or proba-bilistically predict the future Signal Phase and Timing (SPAT) of a traffic signal by relying on real-time information from numerous vehicles and traffic infrastructure, historical data, and the computational power of a back-end computing cluster. When made available on an open server, predictive information about traffic signals’ states can be extremely valuable in enabling new fuel efficiency and safety functionalities in connected vehicles: Predictive Cruise Control (PCC) can use the predicted timing plan to calculate globally optimal velocity trajectories that reduce idling time at red signals and therefore improve fuel efficiency and reduce emissions. Advanced engine management strategies can shut down the engine in anticipation of a long idling interval at red. Intersection collision avoidance is another functionality that can benefit from the prediction. We start by exploring a globally optimal velocity planning algorithm through the use of Dynamic Programming (DP), and provide to it three levels of traffic signal information - none, real-time only, and full-future information. The no-information case represents the average driver today, and is expected to provide an energy efficiency minimum or baseline. The full-information case represents a driver with full and exact knowledge of the future red and green times of all the traffic signals along their route, and is expected to provide an energy efficiency maximum. We propose a probabilistic method that seeks to optimize fuel efficiency when only real-time only information is available with the goal of obtaining fuel efficiency as close to the full-future knowledge example as possible. We used Monte-Carlo simulations to evaluate whether the fuel efficiency gains found were merely the result of lucky case studies or whether they were statistically significant; we found in related case studies that up to 16% gains in fuel economy were possible. While these results were promising, the delivery of relevant and accurate future traffic signal phase and timing information remained an unsolved problem. The next step we took was towards building The next step we took was towards building traffic signal prediction models. We took several prescient techniques from the data mining and machine learning fields, and adapted them to our purposes in the exploration of massive amounts of data recorded from traffic Management Centers (TMCs). This manuscript evaluates Transition Probability Modeling, Decision Tree, Multi-Linear Regression, and Neural Network machine learning methods for use in the prediction of traffic Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) information. signal prediction models. We took several prescient techniques from the data mining and machine learning fields, and adapted them to our purposes in the exploration of massive amounts of data recorded from traffic Management Centers (TMCs). This manuscript evaluates Transition Probability Modeling, Decision Tree, Multi-Linear Regression, and Neural Network machine learning methods for use in the prediction of traffic Signal Phase and Timing (SPaT) information. Finally, we evaluated the influence of providing SPaT data to vehicles. To that end, we investigated both smartphone and in-vehicle proof-of-concepts. An in-vehicle velocity recommendation application has been tested in two cities: San Jose, California and San Francisco, California. The two test locations used two different data sources: data directly from a TMC, and data crowdsourced from public transit bus routes, respectively. A total of 14 test drivers were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the algorithm. In San Jose, the algorithm was found to produce a 8.4% improvement in fuel economy. In San Francisco, traffic conditions were not conducive to testing as the driver was unable to significantly vary his speed to follow the recommendation algorithm, and a negligible difference in fuel economy was observed. However, it did provide an opportunity to evaluate the quality of data coming from the crowdsourced data algorithms. Predicted phase timing com-pared to camera-recorded ground truth data indicated an RMS difference (error) in prediction of approximately 4.1 seconds

    6G White Paper on Machine Learning in Wireless Communication Networks

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    The focus of this white paper is on machine learning (ML) in wireless communications. 6G wireless communication networks will be the backbone of the digital transformation of societies by providing ubiquitous, reliable, and near-instant wireless connectivity for humans and machines. Recent advances in ML research has led enable a wide range of novel technologies such as self-driving vehicles and voice assistants. Such innovation is possible as a result of the availability of advanced ML models, large datasets, and high computational power. On the other hand, the ever-increasing demand for connectivity will require a lot of innovation in 6G wireless networks, and ML tools will play a major role in solving problems in the wireless domain. In this paper, we provide an overview of the vision of how ML will impact the wireless communication systems. We first give an overview of the ML methods that have the highest potential to be used in wireless networks. Then, we discuss the problems that can be solved by using ML in various layers of the network such as the physical layer, medium access layer, and application layer. Zero-touch optimization of wireless networks using ML is another interesting aspect that is discussed in this paper. Finally, at the end of each section, important research questions that the section aims to answer are presented