401 research outputs found

    Performance analysis of modified asymmetrically-clipped optical orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing systems

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    A modification to the Asymmetrically-Clipped Optical Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (ACO-OFDM) technique is proposed through unipolar encoding. A performance analysis of the Bit Error Rate (BER) is developed and Monte Carlo simulations are carried out to verify the analysis. Results are compared to that of the corresponding ACO-OFDM system under the same bit energy and transmission rate; an improvement of 1 dB is obtained at a BER of 10-4. In addition, the performance of the proposed system in the presence of atmospheric turbulence is investigated using single-input multiple-output (SIMO) configuration and its performance under that environment is compared to that of ACO-OFDM. Energy improvements of 4 dB and 2.2 dB are obtained at a BER of 10-4 for SIMO systems of 1 and 2 photodetectors at the receiver for the case of strong turbulence, respectively

    Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed communication systems: analysis, design and optimization

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    En este trabajo se realiza una intensiva labor teórica de descripción de sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas que utilizan la técnica de multiplexación por división de frecuencias ortogonales (OFDM en inglés), más concretamente en sistemas con modulación directa de la intensidad de un láser y detección directa. Se parte pues de un modelo analítico que estudia con detalle todos aquellos fenómenos que afectan a la señal de información detectada en el receptor. Tales fenómenos son: la nolinealidad del láser, las modulaciones de intensidad y de fase ópticas, la propagación a través de la fibra óptica teniendo en cuenta la dispersión cromática de primer orden, y la detección de intensidad óptica final mediante un detector de ley cuadrática. El modelo analítico es validado mediante comparaciones con resultados obtenidos a través de simulaciones con software comercial. Dada la característica singularidad de las señales OFDM debidas a su naturaleza multi-portadora, la amplitud de la señal generada es aleatoria, y el modelo analítico es complementado con un estudio que contempla el recorte o "clipping" en el transmisor. Además, se tiene en cuenta los efectos de filtrado de la señal a lo largo de sistema de comunicaciones. Con el trabajo analítico realizado se está en disposición de realizar una descripción bastante completa de los principales fenómenos y realizar estudios para evaluar el funcionamiento final ante diferentes valores de los parámetros del sistema. Es bien sabido que los sistemas de comunicaciones ópticas con modulación y detección directa se ven perjudicados por la distorsión no lineal, que para señales multi-portadora como OFDM se traduce en la mezcla de los símbolos de información que transportan las diferentes subportadoras. Para mitigar la distorsión no lineal y así mejorar el funcionamiento del sistema, se propone el uso de una técnica de pre-distorsión que se basa en el modelo analítico previamente propuesto. Esta técnica mejora la eficiencia de modulación, haciendo posible incrementar el término de la señal de información sin que se vea incrementada la distorsión no lineal en el receptor. La técnica aquí propuesta se compara también con otra ya publicada con el objetivo de evaluar su funcionamiento. Otra técnica para la mejora de sistemas con modulación y detección directas es la realizada mediante filtrado óptico. Aunque se conoce de forma más o menos intuitiva su funcionamiento para formatos de modulación ópticos tradicionales, es preciso disponer de una formulación matemática para señales ópticas OFDM para entender de forma exacta su principio de operación, las mejoras obtenidas, así como su potencial. En esta estapa se realiza esta formulación matemática ampliando el análisis teórico previamente propuesto, y se aplica para evaluar el funcionamiento obtenido con diversas estructuras de filtrado óptico. Finalmente, puesto que un potencial escenario de funcionamiento para señales ópticas OFDM son las redes de acceso donde operan más de un usuario, se propone y se estudia la técnica "interleaving division multiple access" (IDMA) en combinación con OFDM.Sánchez Costa, C. (2014). Optical Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexed communication systems: analysis, design and optimization [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/39375TESI

    On The Non-linear Distortion Effects in an OFDM-RoF Link

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    Radio over Fiber (RoF) system is a promising technique for microcell and picocell applications for deployment of future ubiquitous wireless data networks. However, the performance of RoF systems can be severely degraded due to non-linear effects in the channel. Also, Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM), as a standard for broadband wireless networks, is being proposed for deployment with RoF systems to facilitate the total performance of a system. In this research, at first, the performance of OFDM-based RoF link with Mach-Zehnder modulator distortion effects has been analyzed at 5.8 GHz. Evaluation of mean-squared error of the proposed OFDM-RoF system was carried out to compare with the conventional single carrier system based RoF link after the modulator distortion case and also for fixed Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR) of 20 dB using undistorted OFDM signal. Later, nominal and offset biasing pre-distortion techniques are applied in proposed system to linearize the OFDM-RoF link. Thus, finally a comparison between the aforementioned pre-distortion techniques applied showed important observation in terms of distortion-free dynamic range and SNR to choose offset pre-distortion technique for our proposed system

    BER Estimation of Dual Hop QAM OFDM ROFSO over Exponentially Modeled Turbulence and Optical Fiber with Nonlinear Clipping

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    The radio on free space optical (RoFSO) communication systems are gaining popularity due to their high data rates, license free spectrum and adequate reliability at installation and operational costs which are much lower than comparable technologies. A significant disadvantage of these systems concerns the randomly time varying characteristics of the propagation path mainly caused by the turbulence effect. On the other hand, the optical fiber communication systems offer links with higher data rates but with expensive infrastructure and installation cost. In this work, we study the BER performance of an optical communication system which consists of a RoFSO link that is connected with an optical fiber link through a regenerator node. The signal propagates, in both links, using the OFDM technique with QAM format and the dominant impairments which have been taken into account are the atmospheric turbulence, modelled with the negative exponential distribution, the nonlinear responsivity of the laser diode which can be modelled with a Volterra series and the biasing with nonlinear clipping noise. For this setup, closed form mathematical expression for the estimation of system's BER has been derived and the corresponding numerical results are presented for common link parameters

    Analytical Characterization and Optimum Detection of Nonlinear Multicarrier Schemes

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    It is widely recognized that multicarrier systems such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) are suitable for severely time-dispersive channels. However, it is also recognized that multicarrier signals have high envelope fluctuations which make them especially sensitive to nonlinear distortion effects. In fact, it is almost unavoidable to have nonlinear distortion effects in the transmission chain. For this reason, it is essential to have a theoretical, accurate characterization of nonlinearly distorted signals not only to evaluate the corresponding impact of these distortion effects on the system’s performance, but also to develop mechanisms to combat them. One of the goals of this thesis is to address these challenges and involves a theoretical characterization of nonlinearly distorted multicarrier signals in a simple, accurate way. The other goal of this thesis is to study the optimum detection of nonlinearly distorted, multicarrier signals. Conventionally, nonlinear distortion is seen as a noise term that degrades the system’s performance, leading even to irreducible error floors. Even receivers that try to estimate and cancel it have a poor performance, comparatively to the performance associated to a linear transmission, even with perfect cancellation of nonlinear distortion effects. It is shown that the nonlinear distortion should not be considered as a noise term, but instead as something that contains useful information for detection purposes. The adequate receiver to take advantage of this information is the optimum receiver, since it makes a block-by-block detection, allowing us to exploit the nonlinear distortion which is spread along the signal’s band. Although the optimum receiver for nonlinear multicarrier schemes is too complex, due to its necessity to compare the received signal with all possible transmitted sequences, it is important to study its potential performance gains. In this thesis, it is shown that the optimum receiver outperforms the conventional detection, presenting gains not only relatively to conventional receivers that deal with nonlinear multicarrier signals, but also relatively to conventional receivers that deal with linear, multicarrier signals. We also present sub-optimum receivers which are able to approach the performance gains associated to the optimum detection and that can even outperform the conventional linear, multicarrier schemes

    K Modeled Turbulence and Nonlinear Clipping for QAM OFDM with FSO and Fiber Serial Linked

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    The free space optical (FSO) and more specifically the radio on free space optical (RoFSO) communication systems are becoming very popular because they can achieve high bit rate transmission with low operational and installation cost. The main disadvantage of such systems is their dependence on the atmospheric conditions and more specifically the randomly time varying characteristics of the propagation path through the atmosphere which is, mainly, caused by the turbulence effect and affects significantly the system's availability and performance. On the other hand, the use of optical fiber systems, offer higher bit-rates and security level but their cost is larger. In this work, the performance of a hybrid dual hop optical communication system is investigated. This system consists of a RoFSO communication link which is connected with an optical fiber link part using a regenerator between them. In both links, the modulation technique that is used is the orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with either a 4 or 16 QAM format. The main phenomena that are taken into account are the atmospheric turbulence, which is modelled with K distribution, the nonlinearities of the laser diode which could be modelled by Volterra series and the biasing with the nonlinear clipping at the optical fiber segment. For this system, closed form mathematical expression for the estimation of its BER is derived and numerical results are presented for realistic parameter values