57 research outputs found

    On Applications of Machine Learning In IRS NOMA Architectures For 5G and Beyond

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    Downlink and Uplink Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided Networks: NOMA and OMA

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    Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) are envisioned to provide reconfigurable wireless environments for future communication networks. In this paper, both downlink and uplink IRS-aided non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) and orthogonal multiple access (OMA) networks are studied, in which an IRS is deployed to enhance the coverage by assisting a cell-edge user device (UD) to communicate with the base station (BS). To characterize system performance, new channel statistics of the BS-IRS-UD link with Nakagami-mm fading are investigated. For each scenario, the closed-form expressions for the outage probability and ergodic rate are derived. To gain further insight, the diversity order and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) slope for each scenario are obtained according to asymptotic approximations in the high-SNR regime. It is demonstrated that the diversity order is affected by the number of IRS reflecting elements and Nakagami fading parameters, but the high-SNR slope is not related to these parameters. Simulation results validate our analysis and reveal the superiority of the IRS over the full-duplex decode-and-forward relay.Comment: Accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communication

    Physical-Layer Security in Cognitive Radio Networks

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    The fifth-generation (5G) communications and beyond are expected to serve a huge number of devices and services. However, due to the fixed spectrum allocation policies, the need for cognitive radio networks (CRNs) has increased accordingly. CRNs have been proposed as a promising approach to address the problem of under-utilization and scarcity of the spectrum. In CRNs, secondary users (SUs) access the licensed spectrum of the primary users (PUs) using underlay, overlay, or interweave paradigms. SUs can access the spectrum band simultaneously with the PUs in underlay access mode provided that the SUs’ transmission power does not cause interference to the PUs’ communication. In this case, SUs should keep monitoring the interference level that the PU receiver can tolerate and adjust the transmission power accordingly. However, varying the transmission power may lead to some threats to the privacy of the information transfer of CRNs. Therefore, securing data transmission in an underlay CRN is a challenge that should be addressed. Physical-layer security (PLS) has recently emerged as a reliable method to protect the confidentiality of the SUs’ transmission against attacks, especially for the underlay model with no need for sharing security keys. Indeed, PLS has the advantage of safeguarding the data transmission without the necessity of adding enormous additional resources, specifically when there are massively connected devices. Apart from the energy consumed by the various functions carried out by SUs, enhancing security consumes additional energy. Therefore, energy harvesting (EH) is adopted in our work to achieve both; energy efficiency and spectral efficiency. EH is a significant breakthrough for green communication, allowing the network nodes to reap energy from multiple sources to lengthen battery life. The energy from various sources, such as solar, wind, vibration, and radio frequency (RF) signals, can be obtained through the process of EH. This accumulated energy can be stored to be used for various processes, such as improving the users’ privacy and prolonging the energy-constrained devices’ battery life. In this thesis, for the purpose of realistic modelling of signal transmission, we explicitly assume scenarios involving moving vehicles or nodes in networks that are densely surrounded by obstacles. Hence, we begin our investigations by studying the link performance under the impact of cascaded κ−μ fading channels. Moreover, using the approach of PLS, we address the privacy of several three-node wiretap system models, in which there are two legitimate devices communicating under the threat of eavesdroppers. We begin by a three-node wiretap system model operating over cascaded κ − μ fading channels and under worst-case assumptions. Moreover, assuming cascaded κ − μ distributions for all the links, we investigate the impact of these cascade levels, as well as the impact of multiple antennas employed at the eavesdropper on security. Additionally, the PLS is examined for two distinct eavesdropping scenarios: colluding and non-colluding eavesdroppers. Throughout the thesis, PLS is mainly evaluated through the secrecy outage probability (SOP), the probability of non-zero secrecy capacity (Pnzcr ), and the intercept probability (Pint). Considering an underlay CRN operating over cascaded Rayleigh fading channel, with the presence of an eavesdropper, we explore the PLS for SUs in the network. This study is then extended to investigate the PLS of SUs in an underlay single-input-multiple-output (SIMO) CRN over cascaded κ-μ general fading channels with the presence of a multi-antenna eavesdropper. The impact of the constraint over the transmission power of the SU transmitter due to the underlay access mode is investigated. In addition, the effects of multiple antennas and cascade levels over security are well-explored. In the second part of our thesis, we propose an underlay CRN, in which an SU transmitter communicates with an SU destination over cascaded κ-μ channels. The confidentiality of the shared information between SUs is threatened by an eavesdropper. Our major objective is to achieve a secured network, while at the same time improving the energy and spectrum efficiencies with practical modeling for signals’ propagation. Hence, we presume that the SU destination harvests energy from the SU transmitter. The harvested energy is used to produce jamming signals to be transmitted to mislead the eavesdropper. In this scenario, a comparison is made between an energy-harvesting eavesdropper and a non-energy harvesting one. Additionally, we present another scenario in which cooperative jamming is utilized as one of the means to boost security. In this system model, the users are assumed to communicate over cascaded Rayleigh channels. Moreover, two scenarios for the tapping capabilities of the eavesdroppers are presented; colluding and non-colluding eavesdroppers. This study is then extended for the case of non-colluding eavesdroppers, operating over cascaded κ-μ channels. Finally, we investigate the reliability of the SUs and PUs while accessing the licensed bands using the overlay mode, while enhancing the energy efficiency via EH techniques. Hence, we assume that multiple SUs are randomly distributed, in which one of the SUs is selected to harvest energy from the PUs’ messages. Then, utilizing the gathered energy, this SU combines its own messages with the amplified PUs messages and forwards them to the destinations. Furthermore, we develop two optimization problems with the potential of maximizing the secondary users’ rate and the sum rate of both networks

    Passive Reflection Codebook Design for IRS-Integrated Access Point

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    Intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) has emerged as a promising technique to extend the wireless signal coverage of access point (AP) and improve the communication performance cost-effectively. In order to reduce the path-loss of the cascaded user-IRS-AP channels, the IRS-integrated AP architecture has been proposed to deploy the IRSs and the antenna array of the AP within the same antenna radome. To reduce the pilot overhead for estimating all IRS-involved channels, in this paper, we propose a novel codebook-based IRS reflection design for the IRS-integrated AP to enhance the coverage performance in a given area. In particular, the codebook consisting of a small number of codewords is designed offline by employing an efficient sector division strategy based on the azimuth angle. To ensure the performance of each sector, we optimize its corresponding codeword for IRS reflection pattern to maximize the sector-min-average-effective-channel-power (SMAECP) by applying the alternating optimization (AO) and semidefinite relaxation (SDR) methods. With the designed codebook, the AP performs the IRS reflection training by sequentially applying all codewords and selects the one achieving the best communication performance for data transmission. Numerical results show that our proposed codebook design can enhance the average channel power of the whole coverage area, as compared to the system without IRS. Moreover, our proposed codebook-based IRS reflection design is shown to achieve significant performance gain over other benchmark schemes in both single-user and multi-user transmissions.Comment: 13 pages, 11 figure

    Second Order Statistics of -Fisher-Snedecor Distribution and Their Application to Burst Error Rate Analysis of Multi-Hop Communications

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    An advantage of using the composite fading models (CFMs) is their ability to concurrently address the impact of multi-path and shadowing phenomena on the system performance in wireless communications. A Fisher-Snedecor (FS) F CFM has been recently proposed as an experimentally verified and tractable fading model that can be efficiently applied for 5G and beyond 5G wireless communication systems. This paper provides second-order (s-order) performance analysis of the product of N independent but not identically distributed (i.n.i.d) FS F random variables (RVs). In particular, accurate and closedform approximations for level crossing rate (LCR) and average fade duration (AFD) of the product of N i.n.i.d FS F(N-FS F) RVs are successfully derived by exploiting a general property of a Laplace approximation method for evaluation of the N -folded integral-form LCR expression. Based on the obtained s-order statistical results, the burst error rate and maximum symbol rate of the N -FS F distribution are addressed and thoroughly examined. The numerical results of the considered performance measures are discussed in relation to the N-FS F multi-path and shadowing severity parameters. Moreover, the impact of the number of hops (N) of the N -FS F CFM on the s-order metrics, the burst error rate and maximum symbol rate are numerically evaluated and investigated. The derived s-order statistical results can be used to address the cooperative relay-assisted (RA) communications for vehicular systems. Monte-Carlo (M - C) simulations for the addressed statistical measures are developed in order to confirm the provided theoretical results.This work was supported in part by UC3M and the European Union's Horizon 2020 Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant through the CONEX-Plus Project under Agreement 801538; in part by the IRENE-EARTH Project under Grant PID2020-115323RB-C33/AEI/10.13039/501100011033; in part by ERDF and the Spanish Government Projects under Grant PID2019-106808RA-I00 AEI/FEDER, UE; in part by CDTI Cervera Project INTEGRA under Grant CER-20211031; in part by the Secretaria d'Universitats i Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya under Project 2017-SGR-00376 and Project Fem IoT under Grant 001-P-001662; in part by the European Commission Project CPSoSaware; and in part by the Cost Actions under Grant CA19111, Grant CA20120, and Grant CA16220.Publicad

    Effects of Co-Channel Interference on the Performance of IRS-Assisted Communications

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    This paper considers intelligent reflecting surface (IRS)-assisted communication systems in the presence of arbitrary interfering signals. The IRS reflects both the desired and interference signals through the same fading channels towards the user equipment. In this scenario, the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio might become a ratio of correlated random variables. Therefore, this paper aims to identify practical scenarios in which it is acceptable to disregard or necessary to consider the correlation between the desired and interference signals sharing the same fading channels. Furthermore, in the presence of correlated desired and interference signals, the analytical expressions presented in the existing literature are inadequate for evaluating the system performance. To address this limitation, new accurate expressions for the ergodic capacity, outage probability, and bit error rate are derived, which are applicable to both correlated and uncorrelated scenarios. The accuracy of the newly derived expressions is then validated by Monte-Carlo simulations. In contrast to the existing literature, it is revealed that when interferers have line-of-sight (LOS) components, the desired and interference signals are always correlated. It is also revealed that, in the presence of LOS interference, for a very large number of reflecting elements, the system performance reaches a limit, which cannot be improved by increasing the number of reflecting elements

    Low Cost and Reliable Wireless Sensor Networks for Environmental Monitoring

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    This thesis utilizes wireless sensor network systems to learn of changes in wireless network performance and environment, establishing power efficient systems that are low cost and are able to perform large scale monitoring. The proposed system was built at the University of Maine’s Wireless Sensor Networks (WiSe-Net) laboratory in collaboration with University of New Hampshire and University of Vermont researchers. The system was configured to perform soil moisture measurement with provision to include other sensor types at later stages in collaboration with Alabama A & M University. In the research associated with this thesis, a general relay energy assisted scenario is considered, where a transmitter is powered by an energy source through both direct and relay links. An energy efficient scheduling method is proposed for the system model to determine whether to transmit data or stay silent based on the stored energy level and channel state. An analytical expression has been derived to approximate outage probability of the system in terms of energy and data thresholds. In addition, we propose a model for evaluating the outage probability of a solar powered base station, equipped with a selected photo voltaic panel size and battery configuration. The energy harvesting environment location has been selected as the state of Maine, during a variety of weather conditions, considering base station loading during different days of the week. Simulation results shows the required photo-voltaic panel size and number of batteries for specific tolerable outage probability of the system. The fundamental contribution of this work is in development of hardware and software based on new methodologies to optimize network longevity using AI/ML. One of the most important metrics to define longevity and reliability is the outage probability of a network. We have derived equations for the outage probability, based upon power configuration panel size, battery capacity and the environmental factors, meteorological and diurnal. This will impact the observed cost function which is outage probability. The system models proposed in this thesis result in much more energy efficient systems with less outage probabilities compared to the current systems
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