69 research outputs found

    Low-Complexity Near-Optimal Detection Algorithms for MIMO Systems

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    As the number of subscribers in wireless networks and their demanding data rate are exponentially increasing, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) systems have been scaled up in the 5G where tens to hundreds of antennas are deployed at base stations (BSs). However, by scaling up the MIMO systems, designing detectors with low computational complexity and close to the optimal error performance becomes challenging. In this dissertation, we study the problem of efficient detector designs for MIMO systems. In Chapter 2, we propose efficient detection algorithms for small and moderate MIMO systems by using lattice reduction and subspace (or conditional) detection techniques. The proposed algorithms exhibit full receive diversity and approach the bit error rate (BER) of the optimal maximum likelihood (ML) solution. For quasi-static channels, the complexity of the proposed schemes is cubic in the system dimension and is only linear in the size of the QAM modulation used. However, the computational complexity of lattice reduction algorithms imposes a large burden on the proposed detectors for large MIMO systems or fast fading channels. In Chapter 3, we propose detectors for large MIMO systems based on the combination of minimum mean square error decision feedback equalization (MMSE-DFE) and subspace detection tailored to an appropriate channel ordering. Although the achieved diversity order of the proposed detectors does not necessarily equal the full receive diversity for some MIMO systems, the coding gain allows for close to ML error performance at practical values of signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the cost of a small computational complexity increase over the classical MMSE- DFE detection. The receive diversity deficiency is addressed by proposing another algorithm in which a partial lattice reduction (PLR) technique is deployed to improve the diversity order. Massive multiuser MIMO (MU-MIMO) is another technology where the BS is equipped with hundreds of antennas and serves tens of single-antenna user terminals (UTs). For the uplink of massive MIMO systems, linear detectors, such as zero-forcing (ZF) and minimum mean square error (MMSE), approach the error performances of sophisticated nonlinear detectors. However, the exact solutions of ZF and MMSE involve matrix-matrix multiplication and matrix inversion operations which are expensive for massive MIMO systems. In Chapter 4, we propose efficient truncated polynomial expansion (TPE)-based detectors that achieve the error performance of the exact solutions with a computational complexity proportional to the system dimensions. The millimeter wave (mmWave) massive MIMO is another key technology for 5G cellular networks. By using hybrid beamforming techniques in which a few numbers of radio frequency (RF) chains are deployed at the BSs and the UTs, the fully-digital precoder (combiner) is approximated as a product of analog and digital precoders (combiners). In Chapter 5, we consider a signal detection scheme using the equivalent channel consisting of the precoder, mmWave channel, and combiner. The available structure in the equivalent channel enables us to achieve the BER of the optimal ML solution with a significant reduction in the computational complexity

    Effi cient algorithms for iterative detection and decoding in Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Communication Systems

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    This thesis fits into the Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) communication systems. Nowadays, these schemes are the most promising technology in the field of wireless communications. The use of this technology allows to increase the rate and the quality of the transmission through the use of multiple antennas at the transmitter and receiver sides. Furthermore, the MIMO technology can also be used in a multiuser scenario, where a Base Station (BS) equipped with several antennas serves several users that share the spatial dimension causing interference. However, employing precoding algorithms the signal of the multiuser interference can be mitigated. For these reasons, the MIMO technology has become an essential key in many new generation communications standards. On the other hand, Massive MIMO technology or Large MIMO, where the BS is equipped with very large number of antennas (hundreds or thousands) serves many users in the same time-frequency resource. Nevertheless, the advantages provided by the MIMO technology entail a substantial increase in the computational cost. Therefore the design of low-complexity receivers is an important issue which is tackled throughout this thesis. To this end, one of the main contributions of this dissertation is the implementation of efficient soft-output detectors and precoding schemes. First, the problem of efficient soft detection with no iteration at the receiver has been addressed. A detailed overview of the most employed soft detectors is provided. Furthermore, the complexity and performance of these methods are evaluated and compared. Additionally, two low-complexity algorithms have been proposed. The first algorithm is based on the efficient Box Optimization Hard Detector (BOHD) algorithm and provides a low-complexity implementation achieving a suitable performance. The second algorithm tries to reduce the computational cost of the Subspace Marginalization with Interference Suppression (SUMIS) algorithm. Second, soft-input soft-output (SISO) detectors, which are included in an iterative receiver structure, have been investigated. An iterative receiver improves the performance with respect to no iteration, achieving a performance close to the channel capacity. In contrast, its computational cost becomes prohibitive. In this context, three algorithms are presented. Two of them achieve max-log performance reducing the complexity of standard SISO detectors. The last one achieves near max-log performance with low complexity. The precoding problem has been addressed in the third part of this thesis. An analysis of some of the most employed precoding techniques has been carried out. The algorithms have been compared in terms of performance and complexity. In this context, the impact of the channel matrix condition number on the performance of the precoders has been analyzed. This impact has been exploited to propose an hybrid precoding scheme that reduces the complexity of the previously proposed precoders. In addition, in Large MIMO systems, an alternative precoder scheme is proposed. In the last part of the thesis, parallel implementations of the SUMIS algorithm are presented. Several strategies for the parallelization of the algorithm are proposed and evaluated on two different platforms: multicore central processing unit (CPU) and graphics processing unit (GPU). The parallel implementations achieve a significant speedup compared to the CPU version. Therefore, these implementations allow to simulate a scalable quasi optimal soft detector in a Large MIMO system much faster than by conventional simuLa presente tesis se enmarca dentro de los sistemas de comunicaciones de múltiples antenas o sistemas MIMO. Hoy en día, estos sistemas presentan una de las tecnologías más prometedoras dentro de los sistemas comunicaciones inalámbricas. A través del uso de múltiples antenas en ambos lados, transmisor y receptor, la tasa de transmisión y la calidad de la misma es aumentada. Por otro lado, la tecnología MIMO puede ser utilizada en un escenario multiusuario, donde una estación base (BS) la cual está equipada con varias antenas, sirve a varios usuarios al mismo tiempo, estos usuarios comparten dimensión espacial causando interferencias multiusuario. Por todas estas razones, la tecnología MIMO ha sido adoptada en muchos de los estándares de comunicaciones de nueva generación. Por otro lado, la tecnología MIMO Masivo, en la cual la estación base está equipada con un gran número de antenas (cientos o miles) que sirve a muchos usuarios en el mismo recurso de tiempo-frecuencia. Sin embargo, las ventajas proporcionadas por los sistemas MIMO implican un aumento en el coste computacional requerido. Por ello, el diseño de receptores de baja complejidad es una cuestión importante en estos sistemas. Para conseguir esta finalidad, las principales contribuciones de la tesis se basan en la implementación de algoritmos de detección soft y esquemas de precodificación eficientes. En primer lugar, el problema de la detección soft eficiente en un sistema receptor sin iteración es abordado. Una descripción detallada sobre los detectores soft más empleados es presentada. Por otro lado, han sido propuestos dos algoritmos de bajo coste. El primer algoritmo está basado en el algoritmo Box Optimization Hard Detector (BOHD) y proporciona una baja complejidad de implementación logrando un buen rendimiento. El segundo de los algoritmos propuestos intenta reducir el coste computacional del conocido algoritmo Subspace Marginalization with Interference Suppression (SUMIS). En segundo lugar, han sido investidados detectores de entrada y salida soft (SISO, soft-input soft-output) los cuales son ejecutados en estructuras de recepción iterativa. El empleo de un receptor iterativo mejora el rendimiento del sistema con respecto a no realizar realimentación, pudiendo lograr la capacidad óptima. Por el contrario, el coste computacional se vuelve prohibitivo. En este contexto, tres algoritmos han sido presentados. Dos de ellos logran un rendimiento óptimo, reduciendo la complejidad de los detectores SISO óptimos que normalmente son empleados. Por el contrario, el otro algoritmo logra un rendimiento casi óptimo a baja complejidad. En la tercera parte, se ha abordado el problema de la precodificación. Se ha llevado a cabo un análisis de algunas de las técnicas de precodificación más usadas. En este contexto, se ha evaluado el impacto que el número de condición de la matriz de canal tiene en el rendimiento de los precodificadores. Además, se ha aprovechado este impacto para proponer un precodificador hibrido. Por otro lado, en MIMO Masivo, se ha propuesto un esquema precodificador. En la última parte de la tesis, la implementación paralela del algoritmo SUMIS es presentada. Varias estrategias sobre la paralelización del algoritmo han sido propuestas y evaluadas en dos plataformas diferentes: Unidad Central de Procesamiento multicore (multicore CPU) y Unidad de Procesamiento Gráfico (GPU). Las implementaciones paralelas consiguen una mejora de speedup. Estas implementaciones permiten simular para MIMO Masivo y de forma más rápida que por simulación convencional, un algoLa present tesi s'emmarca dins dels sistemes de comunicacions de múltiples antenes o sistemes MIMO. Avui dia, aquestos sistemes presenten una de les tecnologies més prometedora dins dels sistemes de comunicacions inalàmbriques. A través de l'ús de múltiples antenes en tots dos costats, transmissor y receptor, es pot augmentar la taxa de transmissió i la qualitat de la mateixa. D'altra banda, la tecnologia MIMO es pot utilitzar en un escenari multiusuari, on una estació base (BS) la qual està equipada amb diverses antenes serveix a diversos usuaris al mateix temps, aquests usuaris comparteixen dimensió espacial causant interferències multiusuari. Per totes aquestes raons, la tecnologia MIMO ha sigut adoptada en molts dels estàndars de comunicacions de nova generació. D'altra banda, la tecnologia MIMO Massiu, en la qual l'estació base està equipada amb un gran nombre d'antenes (centenars o milers) que serveix a molts usuaris en el mateix recurs de temps-freqüència. No obstant això, els avantatges proporcionats pels sistemes MIMO impliquen un augment en el cost computacional requerit. Per això, el disseny de receptors de baixa complexitat és una qüestió important en aquests sistemes. Per tal d'aconseguir esta finalitat, les principals contribucions de la tesi es basen en la implementació d'algoritmes de detecció soft i esquemes de precodificació eficients. En primer lloc, és abordat el problema de la detecció soft eficient en un sistema receptor sense interacció. Una descripció detallada dels detectors soft més emprats és presentada. D'altra banda, han sigut proposats dos algorismes de baix cost. El primer algorisme està basat en l'algorisme Box Optimization Hard Decoder (BOHD) i proporciona una baixa complexitat d'implementació aconseguint un bon resultat. El segon dels algorismes proposats intenta reduir el cost computacional del conegut algoritme Subspace Marginalization with Interference Suppression (SUMIS). En segon lloc, detectors d'entrada i eixidia soft (SISO, soft-input soft-output) els cuals són executats en estructures de recepció iterativa han sigut investigats. L'ocupació d'un receptor iteratiu millora el rendiment del sistema pel que fa a no realitzar realimentació, podent aconseguir la capacitat òptima. Per contra, el cost computacional es torna prohibitiu. En aquest context, tres algorismes han sigut presentats. Dos d'ells aconsegueixen un rendiment òptim, reduint la complexitat dels detectors SISO òptims que normalment són emprats. Per contra, l'altre algorisme aconsegueix un rendiment quasi òptim a baixa complexitat. En la tercera part, s'ha abordat el problema de la precodificació. S'ha dut a terme una anàlisi d'algunes de les tècniques de precodificació més usades, prestant especial atenció al seu rendiment i a la seua complexitat. Dins d'aquest context, l'impacte que el nombre de condició de la matriu de canal té en el rendiment dels precodificadors ha sigut avaluat. A més, aquest impacte ha sigut aprofitat per a proposar un precodificador híbrid , amb la finalitat de reduir la complexitat d'algorismes prèviament proposats. D'altra banda, en MIMO Massiu, un esquema precodificador ha sigut proposat. En l'última part, la implementació paral·lela de l'algorisme SUMIS és presentada. Diverses estratègies sobre la paral·lelizació de l'algorisme han sigut proposades i avaluades en dues plataformes diferents: multicore CPU i GPU. Les implementacions paral·leles aconsegueixen una millora de speedup quan el nombre d'àntenes o l'ordre de la constel·lació incrementen. D'aquesta manera, aquestes implementacions permeten simular per a MIMO Massiu, i de forma més ràpida que la simulació convencional.Simarro Haro, MDLA. (2017). Effi cient algorithms for iterative detection and decoding in Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output Communication Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86186TESI

    Towards a novel biologically-inspired cloud elasticity framework

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    With the widespread use of the Internet, the popularity of web applications has significantly increased. Such applications are subject to unpredictable workload conditions that vary from time to time. For example, an e-commerce website may face higher workloads than normal during festivals or promotional schemes. Such applications are critical and performance related issues, or service disruption can result in financial losses. Cloud computing with its attractive feature of dynamic resource provisioning (elasticity) is a perfect match to host such applications. The rapid growth in the usage of cloud computing model, as well as the rise in complexity of the web applications poses new challenges regarding the effective monitoring and management of the underlying cloud computational resources. This thesis investigates the state-of-the-art elastic methods including the models and techniques for the dynamic management and provisioning of cloud resources from a service provider perspective. An elastic controller is responsible to determine the optimal number of cloud resources, required at a particular time to achieve the desired performance demands. Researchers and practitioners have proposed many elastic controllers using versatile techniques ranging from simple if-then-else based rules to sophisticated optimisation, control theory and machine learning based methods. However, despite an extensive range of existing elasticity research, the aim of implementing an efficient scaling technique that satisfies the actual demands is still a challenge to achieve. There exist many issues that have not received much attention from a holistic point of view. Some of these issues include: 1) the lack of adaptability and static scaling behaviour whilst considering completely fixed approaches; 2) the burden of additional computational overhead, the inability to cope with the sudden changes in the workload behaviour and the preference of adaptability over reliability at runtime whilst considering the fully dynamic approaches; and 3) the lack of considering uncertainty aspects while designing auto-scaling solutions. This thesis seeks solutions to address these issues altogether using an integrated approach. Moreover, this thesis aims at the provision of qualitative elasticity rules. This thesis proposes a novel biologically-inspired switched feedback control methodology to address the horizontal elasticity problem. The switched methodology utilises multiple controllers simultaneously, whereas the selection of a suitable controller is realised using an intelligent switching mechanism. Each controller itself depicts a different elasticity policy that can be designed using the principles of fixed gain feedback controller approach. The switching mechanism is implemented using a fuzzy system that determines a suitable controller/- policy at runtime based on the current behaviour of the system. Furthermore, to improve the possibility of bumpless transitions and to avoid the oscillatory behaviour, which is a problem commonly associated with switching based control methodologies, this thesis proposes an alternative soft switching approach. This soft switching approach incorporates a biologically-inspired Basal Ganglia based computational model of action selection. In addition, this thesis formulates the problem of designing the membership functions of the switching mechanism as a multi-objective optimisation problem. The key purpose behind this formulation is to obtain the near optimal (or to fine tune) parameter settings for the membership functions of the fuzzy control system in the absence of domain experts’ knowledge. This problem is addressed by using two different techniques including the commonly used Genetic Algorithm and an alternative less known economic approach called the Taguchi method. Lastly, we identify seven different kinds of real workload patterns, each of which reflects a different set of applications. Six real and one synthetic HTTP traces, one for each pattern, are further identified and utilised to evaluate the performance of the proposed methods against the state-of-the-art approaches

    Mobile and Wireless Communications

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    Mobile and Wireless Communications have been one of the major revolutions of the late twentieth century. We are witnessing a very fast growth in these technologies where mobile and wireless communications have become so ubiquitous in our society and indispensable for our daily lives. The relentless demand for higher data rates with better quality of services to comply with state-of-the art applications has revolutionized the wireless communication field and led to the emergence of new technologies such as Bluetooth, WiFi, Wimax, Ultra wideband, OFDMA. Moreover, the market tendency confirms that this revolution is not ready to stop in the foreseen future. Mobile and wireless communications applications cover diverse areas including entertainment, industrialist, biomedical, medicine, safety and security, and others, which definitely are improving our daily life. Wireless communication network is a multidisciplinary field addressing different aspects raging from theoretical analysis, system architecture design, and hardware and software implementations. While different new applications are requiring higher data rates and better quality of service and prolonging the mobile battery life, new development and advanced research studies and systems and circuits designs are necessary to keep pace with the market requirements. This book covers the most advanced research and development topics in mobile and wireless communication networks. It is divided into two parts with a total of thirty-four stand-alone chapters covering various areas of wireless communications of special topics including: physical layer and network layer, access methods and scheduling, techniques and technologies, antenna and amplifier design, integrated circuit design, applications and systems. These chapters present advanced novel and cutting-edge results and development related to wireless communication offering the readers the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in specific topics as well as to explore the whole field of rapidly emerging mobile and wireless networks. We hope that this book will be useful for students, researchers and practitioners in their research studies

    Radio Communications

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    In the last decades the restless evolution of information and communication technologies (ICT) brought to a deep transformation of our habits. The growth of the Internet and the advances in hardware and software implementations modified our way to communicate and to share information. In this book, an overview of the major issues faced today by researchers in the field of radio communications is given through 35 high quality chapters written by specialists working in universities and research centers all over the world. Various aspects will be deeply discussed: channel modeling, beamforming, multiple antennas, cooperative networks, opportunistic scheduling, advanced admission control, handover management, systems performance assessment, routing issues in mobility conditions, localization, web security. Advanced techniques for the radio resource management will be discussed both in single and multiple radio technologies; either in infrastructure, mesh or ad hoc networks

    Design of aiming control strategies to enhance energy harnessing in power-generation solar systems with central receiver during cloud shading transients

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    Alternative technologies that have the potential to replace those based on non-renewable resources still need to grow. One of the most promising technologies is central solar towers. In central-tower thermal power plants, an array of large mirrors called heliostats redirects the solar radiation towards a receiver located at the top of a tower. Then a heat transfer fluid flowing through the receiver takes the concentrated radiation and transports the heat to a conventional thermodynamic cycle to generate power. However, at ground level, direct solar radiation mainly varies because of clouds, which is a complex phenomenon not easily predictable. This solar radiation transient variation can cause dangerous high thermal stresses over the central receiver, an unwanted condition due to the cost of these kind of devices. This dissertation proposes a novel closed loop heliostat aiming point strategy based on a multiple-input-multiple-output model predictive control (MPC) approach to maintain safe operating conditions even when the system is under the effect of solar radiation disturbances. The results reveal that the primary feedback loop aiming strategy could successfully restore the solar receiver back to its steady state after transient operations caused by clouds. However, the controlled variables showed undesired overshoots and high heating rates. These issues are overcome through a set point readjustment approach, which is temporally supported by a PI controller. Following tests indicate that the proposed aiming control strategy provides a continuous safe operation of the solar central receiver when subject to transient flux distribution due to clouds

    New Approaches in Automation and Robotics

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    The book New Approaches in Automation and Robotics offers in 22 chapters a collection of recent developments in automation, robotics as well as control theory. It is dedicated to researchers in science and industry, students, and practicing engineers, who wish to update and enhance their knowledge on modern methods and innovative applications. The authors and editor of this book wish to motivate people, especially under-graduate students, to get involved with the interesting field of robotics and mechatronics. We hope that the ideas and concepts presented in this book are useful for your own work and could contribute to problem solving in similar applications as well. It is clear, however, that the wide area of automation and robotics can only be highlighted at several spots but not completely covered by a single book

    Intelligent Control Strategies for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

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    The dynamic characteristics of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) present a control problem that classical methods cannot often accommodate easily. Fundamentally, AUV dynamics are highly non-linear, and the relative similarity between the linear and angular velocities about each degree of freedom means that control schemes employed within other flight vehicles are not always applicable. In such instances, intelligent control strategies offer a more sophisticated approach to the design of the control algorithm. Neurofuzzy control is one such technique, which fuses the beneficial properties of neural networks and fuzzy logic in a hybrid control architecture. Such an approach is highly suited to development of an autopilot for an AUV. Specifically, the adaptive network-based fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) is discussed in Chapter 4 as an effective new approach for neurally tuning course-changing fuzzy autopilots. However, the limitation of this technique is that it cannot be used for developing multivariable fuzzy structures. Consequently, the co-active ANFIS (CANFIS) architecture is developed and employed as a novel multi variable AUV autopilot within Chapter 5, whereby simultaneous control of the AUV yaw and roll channels is achieved. Moreover, this structure is flexible in that it is extended in Chapter 6 to perform on-line control of the AUV leading to a novel autopilot design that can accommodate changing vehicle pay loads and environmental disturbances. Whilst the typical ANFIS and CANFIS structures prove effective for AUV control system design, the well known properties of radial basis function networks (RBFN) offer a more flexible controller architecture. Chapter 7 presents a new approach to fuzzy modelling and employs both ANFIS and CANFIS structures with non-linear consequent functions of composite Gaussian form. This merger of CANFIS and a RBFN lends itself naturally to tuning with an extended form of the hybrid learning rule, and provides a very effective approach to intelligent controller development.The Sea Systems and Platform Integration Sector, Defence Evaluation and Research Agency, Winfrit

    International Symposium on Mathematics, Quantum Theory, and Cryptography

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    This open access book presents selected papers from International Symposium on Mathematics, Quantum Theory, and Cryptography (MQC), which was held on September 25-27, 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan. The international symposium MQC addresses the mathematics and quantum theory underlying secure modeling of the post quantum cryptography including e.g. mathematical study of the light-matter interaction models as well as quantum computing. The security of the most widely used RSA cryptosystem is based on the difficulty of factoring large integers. However, in 1994 Shor proposed a quantum polynomial time algorithm for factoring integers, and the RSA cryptosystem is no longer secure in the quantum computing model. This vulnerability has prompted research into post-quantum cryptography using alternative mathematical problems that are secure in the era of quantum computers. In this regard, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) began to standardize post-quantum cryptography in 2016. This book is suitable for postgraduate students in mathematics and computer science, as well as for experts in industry working on post-quantum cryptography

    International Symposium on Mathematics, Quantum Theory, and Cryptography

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    This open access book presents selected papers from International Symposium on Mathematics, Quantum Theory, and Cryptography (MQC), which was held on September 25-27, 2019 in Fukuoka, Japan. The international symposium MQC addresses the mathematics and quantum theory underlying secure modeling of the post quantum cryptography including e.g. mathematical study of the light-matter interaction models as well as quantum computing. The security of the most widely used RSA cryptosystem is based on the difficulty of factoring large integers. However, in 1994 Shor proposed a quantum polynomial time algorithm for factoring integers, and the RSA cryptosystem is no longer secure in the quantum computing model. This vulnerability has prompted research into post-quantum cryptography using alternative mathematical problems that are secure in the era of quantum computers. In this regard, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) began to standardize post-quantum cryptography in 2016. This book is suitable for postgraduate students in mathematics and computer science, as well as for experts in industry working on post-quantum cryptography