109 research outputs found

    A phenomenological study of problematic internet use with massively multiplayer online games

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    Massively multiplayer online games (MMOG’s) are a specific form of online computer games that allow for millions of people to simultaneously play online at any time. This form of online gaming has become a huge phenomenon worldwide both as a popular past time and a business endeavour for many individuals. There are more than 16 million people worldwide who subscribe to fantasy role-playing online games. Although such games can provide entertainment for many people, they can also lead to problematic Internet use (PIU). PIU has also been referred to as Internet addiction, and can cause significant problems in an individual’s functioning. The study aimed to enhance a greater understanding of the phenomenon of male adults’ experiences PIU with MMOG’s. More specifically the study aims to identify if PIU with MMOG’s can be considered a form of Internet addiction within South Africa. Furthermore, assisting in the further development of online addiction diagnosis and treatment strategies. The study utilised an interpretive phenomenological approach (IPA) and participants were purposively sampled. The data was collected using semi-structured individual interviews. Furthermore, Braun and Clarks thematic analysis was used during data analysis while incorporating the four major processes in phenomenological research, namely 1) epoche, 2) phenomenological reduction, 3) imaginative variation and, 4) synthesis. Themes that emerged from the analysis of the participants’ experiences included, initial description of use, motives for continued use of MMOG’s, consequences of PIU with MMOG’s, perceptions of PIU with MMOG’s, and treatment considerations. This study provided a thick description of South African and international literature and combines the literature with the themes that emerged from the participants experiences in order to produce discussions based on the findings of this qualitative study. Conclusions, recommendations, and limitations of this study informed future research on cyber citizenship by providing a detailed understanding of the context of South African male adults’ experiences of PIU with MMOG’s

    The Five Indicia of Virtual Property

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    [Excerpt] “Many Americans use “it” every day. Although it is intangible, it may be worth thousands of dollars. Because we can both control it and prevent other people from controlling it, we assume, without much thought, that we own it. Sometimes we pay someone a monthly fee to hold it for us. Sometimes, simply by using it, we increase its value. When we finish using it, we often sell it. “It” is virtual property, and it may take the form of an email address, a website, a bidding agent, a video game character, or any number of other intangible, digital commodities. If it were to be damaged or stolen, the immediate questions would be: (1) how should a court identify it; and (2) what degree of legal protection should it receive? Because no court or legislature in the United States yet has recognized virtual property interests, a combination of contract and custom currently controls the relationship between Internet users and service providers. […] The question therefore becomes, how should courts identify protectable virtual property interests? Partially due to the dramatic success of Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs)9 and the rise of secondary markets for virtual characters and treasures from those games, a recent frenzy of legal scholarship has struggled to resolve this question. This note supports the legal recognition of virtual property interests, as already convincingly justified by the legal analogy to traditional property interests set forth by Professor Joshua Fairfield, buttressed by the practical reality that virtual property has significant economic value. Building on these rationales, this note proposes five indicia, common to most forms of virtual property, which a court should use to identify legally protectable virtual property interests on the Internet. These indicia are: (1) rivalry; (2) persistence; (3) interconnectivity; (4) secondary markets; and (5) value-added-by-users. This note cautions, however, against applying this newfound definition indiscriminately against the interests of the very entities without whom the property would not exist: the businesses hosting the remotely accessed computer resources (i.e., the service providers). […] Part III of this note applies the five indicia to the well-established framework of traditional property to illustrate this balancing process. Throughout the development of the law in this area, courts must retain the freedom and flexibility to craft appropriate equitable remedies on a case-by-case basis, and special attention should be directed to the practical issues commonly faced by Internet service providers. The ultimate purpose of virtual property jurisprudence should be to strike a balance that provides legal redress to users whose legitimate virtual property interests have been violated while simultaneously reducing liability and disincentives to service providers who promote and sustain the growth of the Internet.

    Athlos: A Framework for Developing Scalable MMOG Backends on Commodity Clouds

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    The development of resource-intensive, distributed, real-time applications like Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) backends entails a variety of challenges, some of which have been extensively studied. Despite some advancements, the development and deployment of MMOG backends on commodity clouds and high-level computing layers continues to face several obstacles, including a non-standardized development methodology, lack of provisions for scalability, and the need for abstractions and tools to support the development process. In this paper, we describe a set of models, methods, and tools for developing scalable MMOG backends and hosting them on commodity cloud platforms. We present Athlos, a framework that allows game developers to leverage our methodology to rapidly prototype MMOG backends that can run on any type of cloud environment. We evaluate this framework by conducting simulations based on several case-study MMOGs to benchmark its performance and scalability, and compare the development effort needed, and quality of the code produced with other approaches. We find that MMOGs developed using this framework: (a) can support a very high number of simultaneous players under a given latency threshold, (b) elastically scale both in terms of runtime and state, and (c) significantly reduce the amount of effort required to develop them. Coupled with the advantages of high-level computing layers such as Platform, Backend, and Function-as-a-Service, we argue that our framework accelerates the development of high-performance, scalable MMOGs, that leverage the resources of commodity cloud platforms

    Performance analysis of cloud-based cve communication architecture in comparison with the traditional client server, p2p and hybrid models

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    Gital et al. (2014) proposed a cloud based communication architecture for improving efficiency of collaborative virtual environment (CVE) systems in terms of Scalability and Consistency requirements. This paper evaluates the performance of the proposed CVE architecture. The metrics use for the evaluation is response time. We compare the cloud-based architecture to the traditional client server and peer-2–peer (P2P) architecture. The comparison was implemented in the CVE systems. The comparative simulation analysis of the results suggested that the CVE architecture based on cloud computing can significantly improve the performance of the CVE system


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    Models, methods, and tools for developing MMOG backends on commodity clouds

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    Online multiplayer games have grown to unprecedented scales, attracting millions of players worldwide. The revenue from this industry has already eclipsed well-established entertainment industries like music and films and is expected to continue its rapid growth in the future. Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs) have also been extensively used in research studies and education, further motivating the need to improve their development process. The development of resource-intensive, distributed, real-time applications like MMOG backends involves a variety of challenges. Past research has primarily focused on the development and deployment of MMOG backends on dedicated infrastructures such as on-premise data centers and private clouds, which provide more flexibility but are expensive and hard to set up and maintain. A limited set of works has also focused on utilizing the Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) layer of public clouds to deploy MMOG backends. These clouds can offer various advantages like a lower barrier to entry, a larger set of resources, etc. but lack resource elasticity, standardization, and focus on development effort, from which MMOG backends can greatly benefit. Meanwhile, other research has also focused on solving various problems related to consistency, performance, and scalability. Despite major advancements in these areas, there is no standardized development methodology to facilitate these features and assimilate the development of MMOG backends on commodity clouds. This thesis is motivated by the results of a systematic mapping study that identifies a gap in research, evident from the fact that only a handful of studies have explored the possibility of utilizing serverless environments within commodity clouds to host these types of backends. These studies are mostly vision papers and do not provide any novel contributions in terms of methods of development or detailed analyses of how such systems could be developed. Using the knowledge gathered from this mapping study, several hypotheses are proposed and a set of technical challenges is identified, guiding the development of a new methodology. The peculiarities of MMOG backends have so far constrained their development and deployment on commodity clouds despite rapid advancements in technology. To explore whether such environments are viable options, a feasibility study is conducted with a minimalistic MMOG prototype to evaluate a limited set of public clouds in terms of hosting MMOG backends. Foli lowing encouraging results from this study, this thesis first motivates toward and then presents a set of models, methods, and tools with which scalable MMOG backends can be developed for and deployed on commodity clouds. These are encapsulated into a software development framework called Athlos which allows software engineers to leverage the proposed development methodology to rapidly create MMOG backend prototypes that utilize the resources of these clouds to attain scalable states and runtimes. The proposed approach is based on a dynamic model which aims to abstract the data requirements and relationships of many types of MMOGs. Based on this model, several methods are outlined that aim to solve various problems and challenges related to the development of MMOG backends, mainly in terms of performance and scalability. Using a modular software architecture, and standardization in common development areas, the proposed framework aims to improve and expedite the development process leading to higher-quality MMOG backends and a lower time to market. The models and methods proposed in this approach can be utilized through various tools during the development lifecycle. The proposed development framework is evaluated qualitatively and quantitatively. The thesis presents three case study MMOG backend prototypes that validate the suitability of the proposed approach. These case studies also provide a proof of concept and are subsequently used to further evaluate the framework. The propositions in this thesis are assessed with respect to the performance, scalability, development effort, and code maintainability of MMOG backends developed using the Athlos framework, using a variety of methods such as small and large-scale simulations and more targeted experimental setups. The results of these experiments uncover useful information about the behavior of MMOG backends. In addition, they provide evidence that MMOG backends developed using the proposed methodology and hosted on serverless environments can: (a) support a very high number of simultaneous players under a given latency threshold, (b) elastically scale both in terms of processing power and memory capacity and (c) significantly reduce the amount of development effort. The results also show that this methodology can accelerate the development of high-performance, distributed, real-time applications like MMOG backends, while also exposing the limitations of Athlos in terms of code maintainability. Finally, the thesis provides a reflection on the research objectives, considerations on the hypotheses and technical challenges, and outlines plans for future work in this domain

    Massively Multiplayer Online Gamers’ Language: Argument for an M-Gamer Corpus

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    The past few decades have seen a steady, and sometimes rapid rise in the production and consumption of Massively Multiple Online Games (MMOGs), spanning a global arena. Players from a wide variety of demographical, economic, geographical, cultural and linguistic backgrounds congregate under the banner of MMOGs and spend a considerable amount of time interacting and communicating with one another, in the context of playing and socializing through such playing. It is only logical then, to see such players become part of larger and extended socio-communal landscapes, wherein they may appropriate multiple roles in conjunction with their MMOG player roles, such as teachers, learners, family members and workplace cohorts. It is also equally logical for a curious mind to speculate the effects of the communication and language characteristics of such gamers on themselves, and the greater communities they may inhabit, investigate the realms of such possibilities, and appropriate knowledge garnered from such investigations to share. That is precisely what this study and paper is about. In this paper, I report the findings of an investigation of the communication and language characteristics of MMOG players, using 23 participants for interviews and journal writing, as well as multiple online documents. The findings suggest that MMOG players share some unique communication and language patterns, based on which they can be justifiably categorized as a sub culture with their own corpus. Additionally, researcher and practitioner implications are also discussed
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