8 research outputs found

    Performance Analysis of Multiple Input Multiple Output Free Space Optical Communication Systems

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    The Free Space Optical (FSO) communication i.e. optical communication without fibers is slowly becoming quite popular as fiber and its installation cost as well as difficulties involved becomes zero. The FSO communication is already making its impact in deep space communication and is expected to replace the existing optical fiber communication systems in the near future. In order to further speed up the optical communication, the Multiple Input/Multiple Output (MIMO) technology from microwave MIMO systems is being investigated. The characteristics of the Multiple Input/Multiple Output Free Space Optical communication systems using APD receivers have been discussed. The APD-based receivers for MIMO FSO systems under normal working conditions are designed and the characteristics of the components, such as InGaAs APDs, GaAs MESFET transimpedance amplifiers, a matched filter and an equalizer, etc., are considered. The probabilistic analysis of a FSO channel, APDs and noise in the FSO systems has been carried out. The main contributions in this dissertation are: obtaining the detailed closed-form expressions for the upper bounds of the error probabilities, analyzing the impacts of different parameters in MIMO FSO systems, and thorough analysis of a more complex model of the MIMO FSO system involving Webb distribution for APD-based optical receiver, the probabilistic analysis of the detection for pulse position modulation signaling and the transmitted symbol matrix for MIMO FSO equal gain combining systems. Using this detailed analysis the average symbol error probability, average bit error probability and average pairwise probability are also obtained. The equations have been derived by using the Fourier series analysis method. The modified Gauss-Chebyshev method for error probability calculation is also proposed. Results for average SEP and average BEP under different parameters are obtained and the impact of these parameters on MIMO FSO systems is also discussed

    Optical wireless MIMO communication

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    This thesis provides an in-depth investigation and evaluation of infrared optical wireless MIMO communication systems to be applied in both indoor and outdoor environment. The principle objective of the research is to demonstrate both the advantages and disadvantages of the optical wireless MIMO systems using different modulation types. The first part provided analyses of important OW configurations using APD receivers using WMC model and SISO, MISO, SIMO and MIMO configuration. Thus, an analytical expression for 2-1 MISO, 1-2 SIMO and MIMO was successfully developed. This part also illustrates the coding gains possible using diversity schemes for APD OW systems. In the presence of strong fading, the SISO approach is rendered virtually useless, whereas diversity offers acceptable BER values. The results underpin the approach of this thesis, where indoor PIN diode based experimental measurements confirm the gains offered by diversity. In the second part of the work, several optical wireless MIMO systems applicable for the indoor environment are developed for three different modulation types, OOK modulation, PPM modulation and SIR-RZI modulation. These modulations are used in optical MIMO systems are studied for which, mathematical models that evaluate the BER performance of the MIMO system for different axis displacement and for different distances between transmitters and receivers. Based on the results, the PPM system has been shown to present the best BER performance, including high interference-resistance capability. A group of new mathematical models have been evaluated, which demonstrates a high level of correlation with the results derived from empirical models at 93%. Thus, the mathematical models developed and used for the specified evaluation appear to correspond reasonably well, and can be applied in future research on these aspects

    Robust Optical Wireless Links over Turbulent Media using Diversity Solutions

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    Free-space optic (FSO) technology, i.e., optical wireless communication (OWC), is widely recognized as superior to radio frequency (RF) in many aspects. Visible and invisible optical wireless links solve first/last mile connectivity problems and provide secure, jam-free communication. FSO is license-free and delivers high-speed data rates in the order of Gigabits. Its advantages have fostered significant research efforts aimed at utilizing optical wireless communication, e.g. visible light communication (VLC), for high-speed, secure, indoor communication under the IEEE 802.15.7 standard. However, conventional optical wireless links demand precise optical alignment and suffer from atmospheric turbulence. When compared with RF, they suffer a low degree of reliability and lack robustness. Pointing errors cause optical transceiver misalignment, adversely affecting system reliability. Furthermore, atmospheric turbulence causes irradiance fluctuations and beam broadening of transmitted light. Innovative solutions to overcome limitations on the exploitation of high-speed optical wireless links are greatly needed.Spatial diversity is known to improve RF wireless communication systems. Similar diversity approaches can be adapted for FSO systems to improve its reliability and robustness; however, careful diversity design is needed since FSO apertures typically remain unbalanced as a result of FSO system sensitivity to misalignment. Conventional diversity combining schemes require persistent aperture monitoring and repetitive switching, thus increasing FSO implementation complexities. Furthermore, current RF diversity combining schemes may not be optimized to address the issue of unbalanced FSO receiving apertures.This dissertation investigates two efficient diversity combining schemes for multi-receiving FSO systems: switched diversity combining and generalized selection combining. Both can be exploited to reduce complexity and improve combining efficiency. Unlike maximum ratio combing, equal gain combining, and selective combining, switched diversity simplifies receiver design by avoiding unnecessary switching among receiving apertures. The most significant advantage of generalized combining is its ability to exclude apertures with low quality that could potentially affect the resultant output signal performance.This dissertation also investigates mobile FSO by considering a multi-receiving system in which all receiving FSO apertures are circularly placed on a platform. System mobility and performance are analyzed. Performance results confirm improvements when using angular diversity and generalized selection combining.The précis of this dissertation establishes the foundation of reliable FSO communications using efficient diversity-based solutions. Performance parameters are analyzed mathematically, and then evaluated using computer simulations. A testbed prototype is developed to facilitate the evaluation of optical wireless links via lab experiments

    Experimental Characterisation and Modelling of Atmospheric Fog and Turbulence in FSO

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    Free space optical (FSO) communication uses visible or infrared (IR) wavelengths to broadcast high-speed data wirelessly through the atmospheric channel. The performance of FSO communications is mainly dependent on the unpredictable atmospheric channel such as fog, smoke and temperature dependent turbulence. However, as the real outdoor atmosphere (ROA) is time varying and heterogeneous in nature as well as depending on the magnitude and intensity of different weather conditions, carrying out a proper link assessment under specific weather conditions becomes a challenging task. Investigation and modelling the ROA under diverse atmospheric conditions is still a great challenge in FSO communications. Hence a dedicated indoor atmospheric chamber is designed and built to produce controlled atmosphere as necessary to mimic the ROA as closely as possible. The experimental results indicate that the fog attenuation is wavelength dependent for all visibility V ranges, which contradicts the Kim model for V < 0.5 km. The obtained result validates that Kim model needs to be revised for V < 0.5 km in order to correctly predict the wavelength dependent fog attenuation. Also, there are no experimental data and empirical model available for FSO links in diverse smoke conditions, which are common in urban areas. Therefore, a new empirical model is proposed to evaluate the wavelength dependent fog and smoke attenuation by reconsidering the q value as a function of wavelength rather than visibility. The BER performance of an FSO system is theoretically and experimentally evaluated for OOK- NRZ, OOK-RZ and 4-PPM formats for Ethernet line data-rates from light to dense fog conditions. A BER of 10-6 (Q-factor ≈ 4.7) is achieved at dense fog (transmittance, T = 0.33) condition using 4-PPM than OOK-NRZ and OOK-RZ modulation schemes due to its high peak-to-average power ratio albeit at the expense of doubling the bandwidth. The effects of fog on OOK-NRZ, 4-PAM and BPSK are also experimentally investigated. In comparison to 4-PAM and OOK-NRZ signals, the BPSK modulation signalling format is more robust against the effects of fog. Moreover, the effects of using different average transmitted optical communication powers Popton the T and the received Q-factor using the OOK-NRZ modulation scheme are also investigated for light and dense fog conditions. The results show that for an FSO system operating at a Q-factor of 4.7 (for BER = 10-6), the required Q-factor is achieved at T of 48% under the thick fog condition by increasing Popt to 1.07 dBm, whereas the values of T are 55% and ~70% for the transmit power of 0.56 dBm and -0.7 dBm, respectively. The experimental characterisation and investigation of the atmospheric turbulence effect on the Ethernet and Fast-Ethernet FSO link is reported using different modulation schemes. The experiment is carried out in a controlled laboratory environment where turbulence is generated in a dedicated indoor atmospheric chamber. The atmospheric chamber is calibrated to mimic an outdoor turbulence conditions and the measured data are verified against the theoretical predictions. The experiment also demonstrates methods to control the turbulence levels and determine the equivalence between the indoor and outdoor FSO links. The results show that the connectivity of Ethernet and Fast-Ethernet links are highly sensitive to atmospheric turbulence. The results also show that the BPSK and OOK-NRZ modulation signalling formats are more robust against the weak atmospheric turbulence conditions than PAM signal

    Optical and electrical characteristics of vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers for free space optical communications

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    Among the number of optical sources, vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) are relatively recent type of semiconductor laser devices, which are attractive for a number of applications particularly for free space optical (FSO) communication systems. In such systems reliable optical devices with lower power consumption and low cost are among the key requirements. VCSELs typically operate with unstable output polarization modes, and there is a need to improve their output power regarding to the polarization instability, particularly when introducing the optical feedback (OF). This thesis investigates a number of key properties of VCSEL including the polarization instability, hysteresis loop (HL), relative intensity noise (RIN) and how to control the polarization switching (PS). The investigations are based on the analytical studies and extensive experimental work. PS properties of VCSEL are investigated by introducing variable polarization optical feedback (VPOF) with the modulation frequency and modulation depth. The dependency conditions for the HL, RIN and PS are determined with VPOF. Under OF, the threshold current (Ith) of VCSEL is reduced by 11.5% and the PS, which is demonstrated theoretically and experimentally, is completely suppressed. The PS positions are depending on the polarization angle of OF, OF levels and the bias current. The PS disappeared with the modulation depth of 78.66%, whereas it is entirely vanished with the modulation frequency of 200 MHz. The hysteresis width of the VCSEL polarization modes is reduced by increasing the feedback level. The minimum RIN value of -156 dB/Hz is achieved at a zero degree of the polarization angle for the dominant polarization mode of VCSEL under VPOF. For the first time, a novel technique based on employing orthogonal polarization OF is proposed to supress the nonlinearity associated with the modulated VCSEL, where the second, third, and fourth harmonics are completely suppressed to the noise floor. Finally, optimal operating conditions for a high-quality polarization-resolved chaos synchronization of the polarization modes of VCSEL with VPOF are experimentally and theoretically studied. A perfect value of 99% of the correlation dynamics for the chaotic synchronization of the polarization modes of VCSEL is found with a zero time delay over a wide range of polarization angle. Finally, Simulink and Origin software version 6.1 are used in this work to simulate and plot the results. The simulation results are agreed with the experimental results, which show that the chaotic synchronization dynamic of the polarization modes can be achieved by VPOF

    Analiza i načini poboljšanja performansi bežičnih optičkih telekomunikacionih sistema u uslovima atmosferske turbulencije

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    Since contemporary radio-frequency (RF) communication systems are characterized by overcrowded and licensed spectrum, limited bandwidth and relatively low transmission data rates, the use of these technologies does not provide a series of new demands that future generations of telecommunications systems have to realize. Although optical fiber systems allow more bandwidth and higher transmission rates, they are characterized by complicated and expensive implementation. As one possible solution for the "last mile" problem, Free Space Optics (FSO) technology has gained importance since it provides simultaneously the optical fibre systems data rates and the flexibility of wireless communications. The optical signal at the reception is converted into an electrical one by photodiode after transmission via the atmospheric channel. Commercial FSO systems generally use intensity modulation (IM) with OOK scheme at the transmitting part of the system, while direct detection (DD) is performed at the reception. The FSO system employing IM/DD with OOK scheme and PIN photodiode at the receiver is analyzed in the thesis. The outage probability and error rate expressions are presented, which are used to examine the effect of atmospheric turbulence and pointing errors. The FSO systems with subcarrier intensity modulation (SIM) employing various modulations in electrical domain (phase shift keying (PSK), differential phase shift keying (DPSK) and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)) are analyzed in the continuation of the thesis. The error rate expressions are derived. The SIM-PSK and SIM- DPSK FSO system analysis is performed considering more general case when the hardware imperfections of the receiver electrical part are taken into account. The ergodic and outage capacity analysis is also presented, taking into consideration the probability of the optical signal blockage due to random obstacles. Based on the derived results, the FSO link optimization is done in order to achieve better system performance. Furthermore, the analysis of FSO systems with avalanche (APD) photodiode at the reception is presented. The bit error rate expressions for the FSO systems employing IM/DD with OOK scheme, SIM-PSK and SIM-BDPSK are derived. Based on the presented results, the APD gain optimization is performed in order to achieve minimal values of the error rate. The use of relaying technology is investigated as a method to improve system performance. The mixed RF/FSO systems with fixed and variable AF (Amplify and Forward) relays are analyzed. Beside the noise-limited scenario, the more general case, when the relay is affected by noise and interference, is also considered. The outage probability and error rate expressions are presented, which are utilized to determine the effects of the RF and FSO link conditions on system performance. The determination of a variable gain is performed based on instantaneous channel state information (CSI), which is happened to be outdated in practical scenario. Therefore, the analytical expressions for the outage probability and error rate are derived, considering the RF/FSO system with variable AF relay based on outdated CSI. Further improvement of the system performance is achieved by using diversity combining techniques in the RF domain by multiple parallel relaying. The analytical expressions for the system performance are derived for the RF/FSO system with partial relay selection based on outdated CSI. The RF/FSO system with fixed AF relays is considered, as well as the RF/FSO system with variable AF relays when the amplification gain is determined by the same outdated CSI used for relay selection. The effect of RF channel state is examined, as well as the influence of atmospheric conditions, pointing errors and FSO aperture design on the system performance. A developed simulation model is utilized to confirm the numerical results obtained by the analytical expressions presented in the dissertation thesis