27 research outputs found

    Fairness and transmission opportunity limit in IEEE 802.11e enhanced distributed channel access

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    Tämä diplomityö tutkii lähetysaikarajan vaikutusta verkon reiluuteen IEEE802.11e tehostettuun ja hajautettuun kommunikaatiokanavaan pääsyyn. IEEE802.11e tuo palvelunlaatuominaisuuksia IEEE802.11 langattomiin verkkoihin. Asemat, jotka käyttävät IEEE802.11e-ominaisuuksia jakavat liikenteen neljään kategoriaan. Kategorioiden välinen erottelu saavutetaan neljällä parametrilla, jotka kontrolloivat kanavaan pääsyä. Tämä työ tutkii yhtä näistä parametreistä, lähetysaikarajaa, joka kontrolloi lähetyksen kestoa. IEEE802.11e antaa referenssiarvoja parametreille, mutta näillä arvoilla verkon kuormituksen lisääntyessä, alemman prioriteetin liikenne kärsii nopeasti. Hyvin pian kuormituksen lisääntyessä alemman prioriteetin liikenne ei pääse verkosta läpi lainkaan. Tällöin myös verkon reiluus on matala. Reiluuden parantamiseksi, häiritsemättä korkean prioriteetin liikennettä, tämä työ tutkii ison lähetysaikarajan käyttöä. Ensimmäisessä simulaatiosarjassa alemman prioriteetin lähetysaikaraja on ääretön. Tämä tarkoitta sitä, että alemman prioriteetin jono voi lähettää kaikki pakettinsa kun se pääsee lähettämään. Tulokset osoittavat, että ääretön lähetysaikaraja parantaa reiluutta kun kanava on kuormittumassa. Tulokset osoittavat myös, että ääretön lähetysaikaraja ei merkittävästi heikennä korkean prioriteetin liikennettä. Toinen simulaatiosarja keskittyy sellaiseen verkon kuormitustilaan, missä äärettömän lähetysaikarajan vaikutus on suurin. Näissä simulaatioissa lähetysaikarajan arvo on staattinen. Simulaatiosta toiseen lähetysaikarajan arvo muutetaan toiseen arvoon väliltä nolla-suurin sallittu arvo. Tulokset näistä simulaatioista ovat hyvin samanlaiset kuin ensimmäisen simulaatiosarjan tulokset.This thesis investigates the effect of transmission opportunity limit on fairness in IEEE802.11e enhanced distributed channel access. IEEE802.11e brings quality of service features into IEEE802.11 wireless local area networks. In stations operating with IEEE802.11e, traffic is divided into categories. Differentiation between these categories is achieved by using four parameters to control the channel access. This thesis investigates one of these parameters, the transmission opportunity limit, which controls the channel access duration. With the reference parameter values given in IEEE802.11e, as the network congestion level increases, low priority traffic suffers quickly to a point where none of it gets transmitted. This makes the network overall fairness poor. To improve fairness while not disturbing high priority traffic, this thesis investigates the use of large transmission opportunity limit values. In the first set of simulations, the low priority traffic transmission opportunity limit values are set to infinite. This means that the low priority queue can send all its packets when it gains access to the channel. The results show that infinite transmission opportunity limit improves fairness when channel is getting congested. Also infinite transmission opportunity limit does not notably weaken high priority traffic performance. Second set of simulations focuses on the network congestion level where the effect of the infinite transmission opportunity limit is the largest. In these simulations the transmission opportunity limit is set to static value ranging from zero to a maximum allowed value. The results from these simulations are similar to the results of the first simulation set

    Advanced Wireless LAN

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    The past two decades have witnessed starling advances in wireless LAN technologies that were stimulated by its increasing popularity in the home due to ease of installation, and in commercial complexes offering wireless access to their customers. This book presents some of the latest development status of wireless LAN, covering the topics on physical layer, MAC layer, QoS and systems. It provides an opportunity for both practitioners and researchers to explore the problems that arise in the rapidly developed technologies in wireless LAN


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     An ad hoc network does not rely on the fixed network infrastructure; it uses a distributed network management method. With the popularity of the smart devices, ad hoc network has received more and more attention, supporting QoS in ad hoc network has become inevitable. Many researches have been done for provision of QoS in ad hoc networks. These researches can be divided into three types. The first type is contention-based approach which is the most widely used. IEEE 802.11e MAC (media access control) protocol belongs to this type which is an extension of IEEE 802.11 DCF(Distributed Coordination Function). It specifies a procedure to guarantee QoS by providing more transmission opportunities for high priority data. However, since IEEE 802.11eis designed based on the premise that access points are used, when the number of QoS flows increases, packet collisions could occur in multi-hop ad hoc network. The second type is using TDMA-based approach. The TDMA approach can provide contention-free access for QoS traffics through the appropriate time slot reservation. The current TDMA approaches reserve time slots for both QoS traffics and best-effort traffics. However, it is difficult for TDMA as the only approach to allocating channel access time for best-effort traffics sincet he required bandwidth of the best-effort traffics changes frequently. We propose a QoS scheme, which takes advantage of both contention-based approach and TDMA-based approach. In the proposed scheme, contention-based approach DCF provides easy and fair channel time for best-effort traffics, and TDMA approach serves the QoS traffics. A time frame structure is designed to manage the bandwidth allocation. A time frame is divided into two periods, specifically the TDMA periods and the DCF periods. The proportion of two periods is decided by QoS traffics. Therefore the QoS traffics are given absolutely higher priority than best-effort traffics. In order to guarantee the transmission of each QoS packet in TDMA period, a time slot assignment algorithm based on QoS data rate has been proposed. The proposed scheme also employs an admission control scheme, which rejects the new QoS user when the channel capacity is reached. In addition, we provide the configuration of the proposed scheme in the mobile environment. The procedures are designed for route changes and new-adding users.  The proposed scheme is simulated in the QualNet simulator. In the static environment, the performance of the proposed scheme is evaluated in the case of a gradual increase in the number TCP flows and in the case of gradual increase in QoS data rate. Simulation results show that in the static environment the proposed scheme can not only provide effective QoS performance, but also can provide good support for best-effort flows. In the mobile environment, we simulated the performance of the proposed scheme at different moving speed (maximum is 5 Km/h) when the ARF (Auto Rate Fallback) is available. From the simulation results, in a specific mobile environment, the proposed scheme can support the QoS transmission well.電気通信大学201

    Supporting Real-Time Communication in CSMA-Based Networks : the VTP-CSMA Virtual Token Passing Approach

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    Tese de doutoramento. Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 200


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    The rapid development of wireless communication imposes several challenges to support QoS for real-time multimedia applications such as video stream applications. Researchers tackled these challenges from different points of view including the semantics of the video to achieve better QoS requirements. The main goal of this research is to design a UDP protocol to realize a distributed sequential mapping scheme (DSM) with a cross-layer design and evaluate its accuracy under different network conditions. In DSM, the perceived quality of a multi-layer video is addressed by mapping each video layer into channel resources represented as queues or access categories (ACs) existing in IEEE 802.11e MAC layer. This research work further investigates the efficiency of this scheme with actual implementation and thorough simulation experiments. The experiments reported the efficiency of this scheme with the presence of different composite traffic models covering most known traffic scenarios using Expected Reconstructed Video Layers (ERVL) and packet loss rate as accuracy measures. This research work also investigates the accuracy of calculating the ERVL compared to its value using actual readings of layers drop rate. The effect of changing the ACs queue size on the ERVL is studied. The use of this scheme shows zero-drop in the base layer in almost all scenarios where no ongoing traffic is presented except that the testing video sessions between nodes. In these experiments, the ERVL continuously reported high values for the number of expected reconstructed video layers. While these values dramatically vary when introducing ongoing different composite traffic models together with the testing video sessions between nodes. Finally, a 40% increase in the ACs queue size shows significant improvement on ERVL while an increase of the queue size beyond this value has very little significance on ERVL

    Efficient real-time video delivery in vehicular networks

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    Tesis por compendio[EN] Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANET) are a special type of networks where the nodes involved in the communication are vehicles. VANETs are created when several vehicles connect among themselves without the use of any infrastructure. In certain situations the absence of infrastructure is an advantage, but it also creates several challenges that should be overcome. One of the main problems related with the absence of infrastructure is the lack of a coordinator that can ensure a certain level of quality in order to enable the correct transmission of video and audio. Video transmission can be extremely useful in this type of networks as it can be used for videoconferencing of by traffic authorities to monitor the scene of an accident. In this thesis we focused on real time video transmission, providing solutions for both unicast and multicast environments. Specifically, we built a real-world testbed scenario and made a comparison with simulation results to validate the behavior of the simulation models. Using that testbed we implemented and improved DACME, an admission control module able to provide Quality of Service (QoS) to unicast video transmissions. DACME proved to be a valid solution to obtain a certain level of QoS in multi-hop environments. Concerning multicast video transmission, we developed and simulated several flooding schemes, focusing specifically on VANET environments. In this scope, the main contribution of this thesis is the Automatic Copies Distance Based (ACDB) flooding scheme. Thanks to the use of the perceived vehicular density, ACDB is a zeroconf scheme able to achieve good video quality in both urban and highway environments, being specially effective in highway environments.[ES] Las redes vehiculares ad-hoc (VANET) son un tipo especial de redes en las que los nodos que participan de la comunicación son vehículos. Las VANETs se crean cuando diversos vehículos se conectan entre ellos sin el uso de ninguna infraestructura. En determinadas situaciones, la ausencia de infraestructura es una ventaja, pero también crea una gran cantidad de desafíos que se deben superar. Uno de los principales problemas relacionados con la ausencia de infraestructura, es la ausencia de un coordinador que pueda asegurar un determinado nivel de calidad, para poder asegurar la correcta transmisión de audio y vídeo. La transmisión de vídeo puede ser de extrema utilidad en este tipo de redes ya que puede ser empleada para videoconferencias o por las autoridades de tráfico para monitorizar el estado de un accidente. En esta tesis nos centramos en la transmisión de vídeo en tiempo real, proveyendo soluciones tanto para entornos unicast como multicast. En particular construimos un banco de pruebas real y comparamos los resultados obtenidos con resultados obtenidos en un entorno simulado para comprobar la fiabilidad de estos modelos. Usando el mismo banco de pruebas, implementamos y mejoramos DACME, un módulo de control de admisión capaz de proveer de calidad de servicio a transmisiones de vídeo unicast. DACME probó ser una solución válida para obtener ciertos niveles de calidad de servicio en entornos multisalto. En lo referente a la transmisión de vídeo multicast, desarrollamos y simulamos diversos esquemas de difusión diseñados específicamente para entornos VANET. En este campo, la principal contribución de esta tesis es el esquema de difusión "Automatic Copies Distance Based" (ACDB). Gracias al uso de la densidad vehicular percibida, ACDB es un esquema, que sin necesidad de configuración, permite alcanzar una buena calidad de vídeo tanto en entornos urbanos como en autopistas, siendo especialmente efectivo en este último entorno.[CA] Les xarxes vehiculars ad-hoc (VANET) son un tipus de xarxes especials a les que els diferents nodes que formen part d'una comunicació son vehicles. Les VANETs es formen quan diversos vehicles es connecten sense fer ús de cap infraestructura. A certes situacions l'absència d'una infraestructura suposa un avantatge, encara que també genera una gran quantitat de desafiaments que s'han de superar. U dels principals problemes relacionats amb l'absència d'infraestructura, és la manca d'un coordinador que puga garantir una correcta transmissió tant de video com d'àudio. La transmissió de video pot ser d'extrema utilitat a aquest tipus de xarxes, ja que es por emprar tant per a videoconferències com per part de les autoritats de trànsit per monitoritzar l'estat d'un accident. A aquesta tesi ens centrem en transmissió de video en temps real, proporcionant solucions tant a entorns unicast como a entorns multicast. Particularment, vam construir un banc de proves i obtinguérem resultats que comparàrem amb resultats obtinguts mitjançant simulació. D'aquesta manera validarem la fiabilitat dels resultats simulats. Fent ús del mateix banc de proves, vàrem implementar i millorar DACME, un mòdul de control d'admissió, capaç de proveir de qualitat de servici a transmissions de video unicast. DACME va provar ser una bona solució per obtindré un bon nivell de qualitat de servici en entorns de xarxes ad-hoc amb diversos salts. Si ens centrem a la transmissió de video multicast, vàrem implementar i simular diferents esquemes de difusió, específicament dissenyats per al seu ús a entorns VANET. La principal contribució d'aquesta tesi es l'esquema de difusió ACDB (Automatic Copies Distance Based). Fent ús de la densitat vehicular, ACDB es capaç d'obtindre una bona qualitat de video tant a ciutats com a vies interurbanes, sent a especialment efectiu a aquestes últimes. A més a més no es necessària cap configuració per part de l'usuari.Torres Cortés, Á. (2016). Efficient real-time video delivery in vehicular networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/62685TESISCompendi

    Performance Analysis of Distributed MAC Protocols for Wireless Networks

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    How to improve the radio resource utilization and provide better quality-of-service (QoS) is an everlasting challenge to the designers of wireless networks. As an indispensable element of the solution to the above task, medium access control (MAC) protocols coordinate the stations and resolve the channel access contentions so that the scarce radio resources are shared fairly and efficiently among the participating users. With a given physical layer, a properly designed MAC protocol is the key to desired system performance, and directly affects the perceived QoS of end users. Distributed random access protocols are widely used MAC protocols in both infrastructure-based and infrastructureless wireless networks. To understand the characteristics of these protocols, there have been enormous efforts on their performance study by means of analytical modeling in the literature. However, the existing approaches are inflexible to adapt to different protocol variants and traffic situations, due to either many unrealistic assumptions or high complexity. In this thesis, we propose a simple and scalable generic performance analysis framework for a family of carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) based distributed MAC protocols, regardless of the detailed backoff and channel access policies, with more realistic and fewer assumptions. It provides a systematic approach to the performance study and comparison of diverse MAC protocols in various situations. Developed from the viewpoint of a tagged station, the proposed framework focuses on modeling the backoff and channel access behavior of an individual station. A set of fixed point equations is obtained based on a novel three-level renewal process concept, which leads to the fundamental MAC performance metric, average frame service time. With this result, the important network saturation throughput is then obtained straightforwardly. The above distinctive approach makes the proposed analytical framework unified for both saturated and unsaturated stations. The proposed framework is successfully applied to study and compare the performance of three representative distributed MAC protocols: the legacy p-persistent CSMA/CA protocol, the IEEE 802.15.4 contention access period MAC protocol, and the IEEE 802.11 distributed coordination function, in a network with homogeneous service. It is also extended naturally to study the effects of three prevalent mechanisms for prioritized channel access in a network with service differentiation. In particular, the novel concepts of ``virtual backoff event'' and ``pre-backoff waiting periods'' greatly simplify the analysis of the arbitration interframe space mechanism, which is the most challenging one among the three, as shown in the previous works reported in the literature. The comparison with comprehensive simulations shows that the proposed analytical framework provides accurate performance predictions in a broad range of stations. The results obtained provide many helpful insights into how to improve the performance of current protocols and design better new ones

    Quality of service based distributed control of wireless networks

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