9 research outputs found

    Application Protocols enabling Internet of Remote Things via Random Access Satellite Channels

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    Nowadays, Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT) traffic rate is increasing at a fast pace. The use of satellites is expected to play a large role in delivering such a traffic. In this work, we investigate the use of two of the most common M2M/IoT protocols stacks on a satellite Random Access (RA) channel, based on DVB-RCS2 standard. The metric under consideration is the completion time, in order to identify the protocol stack that can provide the best performance level

    Improving web experience on DVB-RCS2 links

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    The specifications of Digital Video Broadcasting - Return Channel via Satellite(DVB-RCS2) state that the satellite gateway could introduce both random and dedicated access methods to distribute the capacity among the different home users. Before starting an engineering process to design an algorithm allowing to combine both methods, it seems necessary to assess the performance of each. This paper compares random and dedicated access methods by measuring their impact on the performance of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) sessions when the home users exploit the DVB-RCS2 link for regular use (e.g., web browsing or email transmission). In this paper we detail the implementation of an NS-2 module emulating Physical Channel Access (PCA). This module fills a gap in terms of random and deterministic access methods and allows to model various satellite channel access strategies. Based on NS-2 simulations using realistic system parameters of the DVB-RCS2 link, we demonstrate that, compared to dedicated access methods, which generally result in higher levels of transmitted data, random access methods enable faster transmission for short flows. We propose to combine random and dedicated access methods, with the selection of a specific method dependent on the dynamic load of the network and the sequence number of the TCP segments

    Convergence vers IP des systèmes de télécommunication par satellite

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    Dans un contexte de convergence vers IP du monde des télécommunications, les systèmes de communication par satellite se doivent de suivre la tendance pour rester compétitifs et s'intégrer efficacement au monde Internet. Après avoir rappelé les enjeux d'une convergence dans les systèmes satellite et dressé un panorama des architectures de convergence envisageables, nous avons identifié les limites des systèmes actuels en termes de convergence vers IP. Notre choix se porte alors sur l'architecture IP/GSE pour la voie aller. Nous spécifions ensuite le protocole d'encapsulation GSE-Alt, inspiré de GSE mais adapté à la voie retour. Le déploiement de nouveaux services et l'évolution de services existants sont assurés et rendus plus aisés grâce à la couche IP. Les couches GSE et GSE-Alt optimisent le transport d'IP. Pour offrir un support de communication répondant à la diversité des exigences de qualité des services applicatif, nous définissons ensuite plusieurs mécanismes autorisant la mise en cohérence du traitement de la qualité de service (QoS) aux différents niveaux protocolaires dans les systèmes de communication par satellite. Enfin, pour permettre une interconnexion et une intégration du monde satellite au monde Internet, nous étudions les besoins en termes de déploiement du routage IP. Nous définissons alors une architecture permettant au satellite de réaliser de la commutation de niveau IP. Cette convergence vers un système « tout IP » du segment de communication par satellite est le fondement nécessaire à son insertion transparente au reste du monde des télécommunications. ABSTRACT : The world of telecommunications converging towards IP, the telecommunication satellite systems have to follow the trend to stay competitive and to be integrated to the Internet world. We first remind the issues of convergence in satellite communications, then we list the different convergence architectures conceivable in satellite systems and describe the limits of current systems in term of IP convergence. Our choice is devoted to the IP/GSE architecture for the forward link. Then, we specify the GSE-Alt protocol, inspired from GSE but adapted to the return link. The deployment of new services and the evolution of existing services are possible and made easier thanks to the IP layer. Both layers GSE and GSE-Alt optimize the transport of the IP packets. In order to propose a communication support allowing various quality of service (QoS) needs, we specify several mechanisms allowing a great coherence of the quality of service treatments at the different protocol levels. Finally, to allow an interconnection and an integration of the satellite world to the Internet world, we study the requirements in term of IP routing deployment. Therefore, we specify an architecture allowing the satellite to make the switching at the IP level. This convergence of the satellite towards an "all IP" system is the base required to its transparent insertion to the rest of the telecommunication world

    QoS support in satellite and wireless networks : study under the network simulator (NS-2)

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    Aquest projecte es basa en l'estudi de l'oferiment de qualitat de servei en xarxes wireless i satel·litals. Per això l'estudi de les tècniques de cross-layer i del IEEE 802.11e ha sigut el punt clau per al desenvolupament teòric d'aquest estudi. Usant el simulador de xarxes network simulator, a la part de simulacions es plantegen tres situacions: l'estudi de la xarxa satel·lital, l'estudi del mètode d'accés HCCA i la interconnexió de la xarxa satel·lital amb la wireless. Encara que aquest últim punt, incomplet en aquest projecte, ha de ser la continuació per a futures investigacions.Este proyecto se basa en el estudio del ofrecimiento de calidad de servicio en redes wireless y satelitales. Por eso el estudio de las técnicas de cross-layer y del IEEE 802.11eha sido el punto clave para el desarrollo teórico de este estudio. Usando el simulador de redes network simulator, en la parte de simulaciones se plantean tres situaciones: el estudio de la red satelital, el estudio del método de acceso HCCA y la interconexión de la red satelital con la wireless. Aunque este último punto, incompleto en este proyecto, tiene que ser la continuación para futuras investigaciones.This project is based on the study of offering quality of service in satellite and wireless networks. For that reason the study of the techniques of cross-layer and the IEEE 802.11e has been the key point for the theoretical development of this study. Using the software network simulator, in the part of simulations three situations consider: the study of the satellite network, the study of the access method HCCA and the interconnection of the satellite network with the wireless. Although this last point, incomplete in this work, must be the continuation for future investigations

    Reducing the acknowledgement frequency in IETF QUIC

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    Research Funding European Space Agency University of AberdeenPeer reviewedPublisher PD

    Impact of Acknowledgements Using IETF QUIC on Satellite Performance

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    ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The MTAILS CCN project received European Space Agency funding under Contract No. 4000122992. The authors thank Nicholas Kuhn for data and discussion relating to the performance of PicoQUIC over an emulated satellite link. The authors also thank Dr. Raffaello Secchi for discussion and review of the presented content.Postprin

    Congestion Prediction in Internet of Things Network using Temporal Convolutional Network A Centralized Approach

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    The unprecedented ballooning of network traffic flow, specifically, Internet of Things (IoT) network traffic, has big stressed of congestion on todays Internet. Non-recurring network traffic flow may be caused by temporary disruptions, such as packet drop, poor quality of services, delay, etc. Hence, the network traffic flow estimation is important in IoT networks to predict congestion. As the data in IoT networks is collected from a large number of diversified devices which have unlike format of data and also manifest complex correlations, so the generated data is heterogeneous and nonlinear in nature. Conventional machine learning approaches unable to deal with nonlinear datasets and suffer from misclassification of real network traffic due to overfitting. Therefore, it also becomes really hard for conventional machine learning tools like shallow neural networks to predict the congestion accurately. Accuracy of congestion prediction algorithms play an important role to control the congestion by regulating the send rate of the source. Various deeplearning methods (LSTM, CNN, GRU, etc.) are considered in designing network traffic flow predictors, which have shown promising results. In this work, we propose a novel congestion predictor for IoT, that uses Temporal Convolutional Network (TCN). Furthermore, we use Taguchi method to optimize the TCN model that reduces the number of runs of the experiments. We compare TCN with other four deep learning-based models concerning Mean Absolute Error (MAE) and Mean Relative Error (MRE). The experimental results show that TCN based deep learning framework achieves improved performance with 95.52% accuracy in predicting network congestion. Further, we design the Home IoT network testbed to capture the real network traffic flows as no standard dataset is available

    Reducing Internet Latency : A Survey of Techniques and their Merit

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    Bob Briscoe, Anna Brunstrom, Andreas Petlund, David Hayes, David Ros, Ing-Jyh Tsang, Stein Gjessing, Gorry Fairhurst, Carsten Griwodz, Michael WelzlPeer reviewedPreprin

    Architecture réseau pour véhicule de transport en commun communiquant

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    Avec la démocratisation des appareils mobiles, les transports en commun sont amenés à proposer de nouveaux services à leur usagers et notamment une connexion à Internet. Le véhicule de transport en commun agit alors comme un routeur mobile fournissant une connexion fiable à ses nœuds et doit pour cela être connecté en permanence à un point d'accès. Les zones de couverture étant limitées par les technologies utilisées et par les obstacles, des changements de réseaux sont alors nécessaires et provoquant différents évènements pouvant impacter les performances des protocoles de Transport : introduction de latences dues à la configuration des interfaces, modification des caractéristiques du chemin utilisé par la communication.. Dans cette thèse nous étudions cet impact en déterminant son origine puis nous proposons des solutions visant à le réduire de deux manières : en réduisant les latences introduites par le changement de réseau et en diminuant l'impact de la modification des caractéristiques du réseau.With the growing popularity of mobile devices, Public Transport will have to evolve and will have to introduce new services to customers, like an Internet connection onboard for example. The vehicle will act as a mobile router providing its nodes with a reliable connection and therefore will be forced to stay connected to an access point at any time. Since network coverage area is restricted depending on communication technology and environment, performing handovers is mandatory, leading to network events affecting Transport protocols efficiency: latencies are introduced by network configuration, network parameters are changed brutally. This thesis studies such impact by focusing on its source before giving solutions aiming at lowering handover impact. Two means were chosen: lowering latencies introduced by network configuration and avoiding network parameters modification impact on Transport protocols