10 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT-Multi-tenant clouds with resource virtualization offer elasticity of resources and elimination of initial cluster setup cost and time for applications. However, poor network performance, performance variation and noisy neighbors are some of the challenges for execution of high performance applications on public clouds. Utilizing these virtualized resources for scientific applications, which have complex communication patterns, require low latency communication mechanisms and a rich set of communication constructs. To minimize the virtualization overhead, a novel approach for low latency networking for HPC Clouds is proposed and implemented over a multi-technology software defined network. The efficiency of the proposed low-latency SDN is analyzed and evaluated for high performance applications. The results of the experiments show that the latest Mellanox FDR InfiniBand interconnect and Mellanox OpenStack plugin gives the best performance for implementing virtual machine based high performance clouds with large message sizes

    InfiniCloud 2.0: Distributing High Performance Computing across Continents

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    InfiniCloud 2.0 is the world's first native InfiniBand High Performance Cloud distributed across four continents, spanning Asia, Australia, Europe and North America. The project provides researchers with instant access to computational, storage and network resources distributed around the globe. These resources are then used to build a geographically distributed, virtual supercomputer, complete with globally-accessible parallel file system and job scheduling. This paper describes the high level design and the implementation details of InfiniCloud 2.0. Two example applications types, a gene sequencing pipeline and plasma physics simulation code were chosen to demonstrate the system's capabilities

    HPC Cloud for Scientific and Business Applications: Taxonomy, Vision, and Research Challenges

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    High Performance Computing (HPC) clouds are becoming an alternative to on-premise clusters for executing scientific applications and business analytics services. Most research efforts in HPC cloud aim to understand the cost-benefit of moving resource-intensive applications from on-premise environments to public cloud platforms. Industry trends show hybrid environments are the natural path to get the best of the on-premise and cloud resources---steady (and sensitive) workloads can run on on-premise resources and peak demand can leverage remote resources in a pay-as-you-go manner. Nevertheless, there are plenty of questions to be answered in HPC cloud, which range from how to extract the best performance of an unknown underlying platform to what services are essential to make its usage easier. Moreover, the discussion on the right pricing and contractual models to fit small and large users is relevant for the sustainability of HPC clouds. This paper brings a survey and taxonomy of efforts in HPC cloud and a vision on what we believe is ahead of us, including a set of research challenges that, once tackled, can help advance businesses and scientific discoveries. This becomes particularly relevant due to the fast increasing wave of new HPC applications coming from big data and artificial intelligence.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, Published in ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR

    Evaluation of the network performance in a high performance computing cloud

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    Pilvipalvelut mahdollistavat resurssien joustavan käytön. Erityisesti niin sanoituissa Infrastructure-as-a-Service -pilvipalveluissa käyttäjän voivat virtualisoinnin kautta ajaa sovelluksiaan omissa virtuaalikoneissaan ja siten muokata sovellusten ajoympäristöä omien tarpeidensa mukaan. Näissä palveluissa käytettävä virtualisointi lisää yleisrasitetta, joka heikentää sekä laskennan että I/O-laitteiden suorituskykyä. Tässä työssä evaluoidaan tällaisen pilvipalvelun verkon suorituskykyä. Palvelussa käytetty verkkoteknologia pohjautuu InfiniBand-arkkitehtuuriin, joka on yleinen teknologia erityisesti suurteholaskennassa käytettävissä klusterijärjestelmissä. Evaluointimenetelmät tutkivat verkon latenssia ja läpisyöttöä (engl. throughput) eri skenaarioissa, joissa suureita tutkitaan sekä ilman virtualisointia että virtualisoinnin kanssa. Skenaarioiden tarkoituksena on kartoittaa yleisrasitteeseen voimakkaimmin vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tämän lisäksi työssä evaluoidaan erityistä SR-IOV-teknologiaa, joka mahdollistaa fyysisen laitteen esittämisen joukkona virtuaalikoneisiin liitettäviä virtuaalilaitteita. Teknologian avulla voidaan yleisesti tehostaa I/O laitteiden suorituskykyä virtuaalikoneissa. Tämän evaluoinnin yhteydessä käytettävissä InfiniBand-laitteissa on SR-IOV-tuesta ollut kehitysversio, jota on testettu evaluoitavassa järjestelmässä. Evaluoinnin tulokset osoittavat käytettävän tunnelointiprotokollan sekä virtualisoinnin I/O-tuen puutteen aiheuttavan suurimmat suorituskyvyn menetykset evaluoiduissa skenaarioissa. Evaluoitu SR-IOV-teknologia on tulosten perusteella kaikissa tapauksissa suositeltava käyttöönotettava teknologia suorituskyvyn parantamiseksi.The cloud services enable a flexible use of resources. Especially in so called Infrasturcture-as-a-Service style cloud services the users can run their own applications in their own virtual machines and so customize the whole execution environment as needed. However the virtualization introduces an overhead which decreases the performance of computation and I/O-device access. This work contains a network performance evaluation of this kind of cloud service. The service uses InfiniBand as its network interconnect solution, a technology often used in high performance computing clusters. The evaluation methods study the network latency and throughput in different scenarios. In these scenarios the metrics are studied with and without virtualization. The purpose of these scenarios is to study the major contributing sources for the introduced overhead. This work also contains an evaluation of SR-IOV technology, which enables the mapping from physical device into multiple virtual functions which can be assigned directly to virtual machines. The technology can be used to improve the performance of I/O devices. In this work the SR-IOV technology is studied with InfiniBand devices which are currently having an experimental support for SR-IOV. The evaluation results show that the tunneling protocol used and the lack of hardware support for virtualized I/O are causing the biggest performance losses in the evaluated scenarios. The evaluated SR-IOV technology is, based on the evaluated scenarios, desired in all cases to improve the performance

    High Performance Computing using Infiniband-based clusters

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    A Study of Scalability and Cost-effectiveness of Large-scale Scientific Applications over Heterogeneous Computing Environment

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    Recent advances in large-scale experimental facilities ushered in an era of data-driven science. These large-scale data increase the opportunity to answer many fundamental questions in basic science. However, these data pose new challenges to the scientific community in terms of their optimal processing and transfer. Consequently, scientists are in dire need of robust high performance computing (HPC) solutions that can scale with terabytes of data. In this thesis, I address the challenges in three major aspects of scientific big data processing as follows: 1) Developing scalable software and algorithms for data- and compute-intensive scientific applications. 2) Proposing new cluster architectures that these software tools need for good performance. 3) Transferring the big scientific dataset among clusters situated at geographically disparate locations. In the first part, I develop scalable algorithms to process huge amounts of scientific big data using the power of recent analytic tools such as, Hadoop, Giraph, NoSQL, etc. At a broader level, these algorithms take the advantage of locality-based computing that can scale with increasing amount of data. The thesis mainly addresses the challenges involved in large-scale genome analysis applications such as, genomic error correction and genome assembly which made their way to the forefront of big data challenges recently. In the second part of the thesis, I perform a systematic benchmark study using the above-mentioned algorithms on different distributed cyberinfrastructures to pinpoint the limitations in a traditional HPC cluster to process big data. Then I propose the solution to those limitations by balancing the I/O bandwidth of the solid state drive (SSD) with the computational speed of high-performance CPUs. A theoretical model has been also proposed to help the HPC system designers who are striving for system balance. In the third part of the thesis, I develop a high throughput architecture for transferring these big scientific datasets among geographically disparate clusters. The architecture leverages the power of Ethereum\u27s Blockchain technology and Swarm\u27s peer-to-peer (P2P) storage technology to transfer the data in secure, tamper-proof fashion. Instead of optimizing the computation in a single cluster, in this part, my major motivation is to foster translational research and data interoperability in collaboration with multiple institutions

    Application-centric bandwidth allocation in datacenters

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    Today's datacenters host a large number of concurrently executing applications with diverse intra-datacenter latency and bandwidth requirements. Some of these applications, such as data analytics, graph processing, and machine learning training, are data-intensive and require high bandwidth to function properly. However, these bandwidth-hungry applications can often congest the datacenter network, leading to queuing delays that hurt application completion time. To remove the network as a potential performance bottleneck, datacenter operators have begun deploying high-end HPC-grade networks like InfiniBand. These networks offer fully offloaded network stacks, remote direct memory access (RDMA) capability, and non-discarding links, which allow them to provide both low latency and high bandwidth for a single application. However, it is unclear how well such networks accommodate a mix of latency- and bandwidth-sensitive traffic in a real-world deployment. In this thesis, we aim to answer the above question. To do so, we develop RPerf, a latency measurement tool for RDMA-based networks that can precisely measure the InfiniBand switch latency without hardware support. Using RPerf, we benchmark a rack-scale InfiniBand cluster in both isolated and mixed-traffic scenarios. Our key finding is that the evaluated switch can provide either low latency or high bandwidth, but not both simultaneously in a mixed-traffic scenario. We also evaluate several options to improve the latency-bandwidth trade-off and demonstrate that none are ideal. We find that while queue separation is a solution to protect latency-sensitive applications, it fails to properly manage the bandwidth of other applications. We also aim to resolve the problem with bandwidth management for non-latency-sensitive applications. Previous efforts to address this problem have generally focused on achieving max-min fairness at the flow level. However, we observe that different workloads exhibit varying levels of sensitivity to network bandwidth. For some workloads, even a small reduction in available bandwidth can significantly increase completion time, while for others, completion time is largely insensitive to available network bandwidth. As a result, simply splitting the bandwidth equally among all workloads is sub-optimal for overall application-level performance. To address this issue, we first propose a robust methodology capable of effectively measuring the sensitivity of applications to bandwidth. We then design Saba, an application-aware bandwidth allocation framework that distributes network bandwidth based on application-level sensitivity. Saba combines ahead-of-time application profiling to determine bandwidth sensitivity with runtime bandwidth allocation using lightweight software support, with no modifications to network hardware or protocols. Experiments with a 32-server hardware testbed show that Saba can significantly increase overall performance by reducing the job completion time for bandwidth-sensitive jobs

    Diseño de un sistema de comunicaciones para virtualización remota de aceleradores gráficos sobre sistemas heterogéneos

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    El consumo de energía es una de las principales preocupaciones en el diseño de cualquier sistema de HPC y ha sido recientemente reconocido como uno de los grandes retos para alcanzar el siguiente hito en el rendimiento de los supercomputadores: un EXAFLOPS. Para lograr este ambicioso objetivo, es necesario diseñar supercomputadores cada vez más eficientes desde el punto de vista energético, sin perder de vista el rendimiento. En este contexto, la incorporación de los aceleradores gráficos a los sistemas HPC actuales ha dado lugar a clústeres de máquinas con varios núcleos donde cada nodo está equipado con su propio acelerador. En principio, esto ha supuesto un aumento de la eficiencia energética de estas configuraciones. Sin embargo, los aceleradores pueden permanecer inactivos gran parte del tiempo, durante el cual siguen consumiendo una importante cantidad de energía. Para conseguir un uso más eficiente de las GPUs se han desarrollado varias tecnologías de virtualización de GPUs que permiten ejecutar aplicaciones aceleradas con GPUs accediendo a un acelerador gráfico instalado en un nodo remoto. En la actualidad, la solución más destacada por su robustez, flexibilidad y eficiencia es rCUDA. Otra de las estrategias para aumentar la eficiencia energética de los clústeres consiste en reemplazar los nodos que incluyen procesadores de propósito general, con un elevado consumo energético, por un número mayor de plataformas con núcleos de menor capacidad de cálculo, pero bajo consumo de potencia eléctrica. Ahora bien, estas configuraciones incrementan el tiempo de ejecución de las aplicaciones de HPC, lo que a larga puede redundar en un mayor consumo de energía. Este trabajo de investigación aborda el diseño, implementación y evaluación de un sistema de comunicaciones para la virtualización remota de GPUs basado en rCUDA, utilizando redes de alto rendimiento sobre sistemas heterogéneos. En concreto, las propuestas desarrolladas en esta tesis permiten aprovechar las posibilidades de ahorro energético que pueden conseguirse al aplicar la virtualización de GPUs en un clúster heterogéneo que cuenta con nodos basados en procesadores propósito general, plataformas multinúcleo de bajo consumo y arquitecturas híbridas (CPU-GPU) interconectadas por redes de alto rendimiento que soportan \mbox{el protocolo RDMA}. La evaluación experimental del rendimiento y del consumo energético se efectúa en base a un conjunto de aplicaciones aceleradas con GPUs remotas. El marco de trabajo contempla varias configuraciones representativas de los futuros sistemas de HPC, caracterizados por arquitecturas heterogéneas dirigidas a aumentar la potencia de cálculo teniendo en cuenta la eficiencia energética. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran el potencial de las propuestas desarrolladas en este trabajo para incrementar la eficiencia energética de la solución de virtualización de rCUDA

    Towards Scalable OLTP Over Fast Networks

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    Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) underpins real-time data processing in many mission-critical applications, from banking to e-commerce. These applications typically issue short-duration, latency-sensitive transactions that demand immediate processing. High-volume applications, such as Alibaba's e-commerce platform, achieve peak transaction rates as high as 70 million transactions per second, exceeding the capacity of a single machine. Instead, distributed OLTP database management systems (DBMS) are deployed across multiple powerful machines. Historically, such distributed OLTP DBMSs have been primarily designed to avoid network communication, a paradigm largely unchanged since the 1980s. However, fast networks challenge the conventional belief that network communication is the main bottleneck. In particular, emerging network technologies, like Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA), radically alter how data can be accessed over a network. RDMA's primitives allow direct access to the memory of a remote machine within an order of magnitude of local memory access. This development invalidates the notion that network communication is the primary bottleneck. Given that traditional distributed database systems have been designed with the premise that the network is slow, they cannot efficiently exploit these fast network primitives, which requires us to reconsider how we design distributed OLTP systems. This thesis focuses on the challenges RDMA presents and its implications on the design of distributed OLTP systems. First, we examine distributed architectures to understand data access patterns and scalability in modern OLTP systems. Drawing on these insights, we advocate a distributed storage engine optimized for high-speed networks. The storage engine serves as the foundation of a database, ensuring efficient data access through three central components: indexes, synchronization primitives, and buffer management (caching). With the introduction of RDMA, the landscape of data access has undergone a significant transformation. This requires a comprehensive redesign of the storage engine components to exploit the potential of RDMA and similar high-speed network technologies. Thus, as the second contribution, we design RDMA-optimized tree-based indexes — especially applicable for disaggregated databases to access remote data efficiently. We then turn our attention to the unique challenges of RDMA. One-sided RDMA, one of the network primitives introduced by RDMA, presents a performance advantage in enabling remote memory access while bypassing the remote CPU and the operating system. This allows the remote CPU to process transactions uninterrupted, with no requirement to be on hand for network communication. However, that way, specialized one-sided RDMA synchronization primitives are required since traditional CPU-driven primitives are bypassed. We found that existing RDMA one-sided synchronization schemes are unscalable or, even worse, fail to synchronize correctly, leading to hard-to-detect data corruption. As our third contribution, we address this issue by offering guidelines to build scalable and correct one-sided RDMA synchronization primitives. Finally, recognizing that maintaining all data in memory becomes economically unattractive, we propose a distributed buffer manager design that efficiently utilizes cost-effective NVMe flash storage. By leveraging low-latency RDMA messages, our buffer manager provides a transparent memory abstraction, accessing the aggregated DRAM and NVMe storage across nodes. Central to our approach is a distributed caching protocol that dynamically caches data. With this approach, our system can outperform RDMA-enabled in-memory distributed databases while managing larger-than-memory datasets efficiently

    Enabling Hyperscale Web Services

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    Modern web services such as social media, online messaging, web search, video streaming, and online banking often support billions of users, requiring data centers that scale to hundreds of thousands of servers, i.e., hyperscale. In fact, the world continues to expect hyperscale computing to drive more futuristic applications such as virtual reality, self-driving cars, conversational AI, and the Internet of Things. This dissertation presents technologies that will enable tomorrow’s web services to meet the world’s expectations. The key challenge in enabling hyperscale web services arises from two important trends. First, over the past few years, there has been a radical shift in hyperscale computing due to an unprecedented growth in data, users, and web service software functionality. Second, modern hardware can no longer support this growth in hyperscale trends due to a decline in hardware performance scaling. To enable this new hyperscale era, hardware architects must become more aware of hyperscale software needs and software researchers can no longer expect unlimited hardware performance scaling. In short, systems researchers can no longer follow the traditional approach of building each layer of the systems stack separately. Instead, they must rethink the synergy between the software and hardware worlds from the ground up. This dissertation establishes such a synergy to enable futuristic hyperscale web services. This dissertation bridges the software and hardware worlds, demonstrating the importance of that bridge in realizing efficient hyperscale web services via solutions that span the systems stack. The specific goal is to design software that is aware of new hardware constraints and architect hardware that efficiently supports new hyperscale software requirements. This dissertation spans two broad thrusts: (1) a software and (2) a hardware thrust to analyze the complex hyperscale design space and use insights from these analyses to design efficient cross-stack solutions for hyperscale computation. In the software thrust, this dissertation contributes uSuite, the first open-source benchmark suite of web services built with a new hyperscale software paradigm, that is used in academia and industry to study hyperscale behaviors. Next, this dissertation uses uSuite to study software threading implications in light of today’s hardware reality, identifying new insights in the age-old research area of software threading. Driven by these insights, this dissertation demonstrates how threading models must be redesigned at hyperscale by presenting an automated approach and tool, uTune, that makes intelligent run-time threading decisions. In the hardware thrust, this dissertation architects both commodity and custom hardware to efficiently support hyperscale software requirements. First, this dissertation characterizes commodity hardware’s shortcomings, revealing insights that influenced commercial CPU designs. Based on these insights, this dissertation presents an approach and tool, SoftSKU, that enables cheap commodity hardware to efficiently support new hyperscale software paradigms, improving the efficiency of real-world web services that serve billions of users, saving millions of dollars, and meaningfully reducing the global carbon footprint. This dissertation also presents a hardware-software co-design, uNotify, that redesigns commodity hardware with minimal modifications by using existing hardware mechanisms more intelligently to overcome new hyperscale overheads. Next, this dissertation characterizes how custom hardware must be designed at hyperscale, resulting in industry-academia benchmarking efforts, commercial hardware changes, and improved software development. Based on this characterization’s insights, this dissertation presents Accelerometer, an analytical model that estimates gains from hardware customization. Multiple hyperscale enterprises and hardware vendors use Accelerometer to make well-informed hardware decisions.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/169802/1/akshitha_1.pd