823 research outputs found

    Late allocation and early release of physical registers

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    The register file is one of the critical components of current processors in terms of access time and power consumption. Among other things, the potential to exploit instruction-level parallelism is closely related to the size and number of ports of the register file. In conventional register renaming schemes, both register allocation and releasing are conservatively done, the former at the rename stage, before registers are loaded with values, and the latter at the commit stage of the instruction redefining the same register, once registers are not used any more. We introduce VP-LAER, a renaming scheme that allocates registers later and releases them earlier than conventional schemes. Specifically, physical registers are allocated at the end of the execution stage and released as soon as the processor realizes that there will be no further use of them. VP-LAER enhances register utilization, that is, the fraction of allocated registers having a value to be read in the future. Detailed cycle-level simulations show either a significant speedup for a given register file size or a reduction in the register file size for a given performance level, especially for floating-point codes, where the register file pressure is usually high.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Efficient resources assignment schemes for clustered multithreaded processors

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    New feature sizes provide larger number of transistors per chip that architects could use in order to further exploit instruction level parallelism. However, these technologies bring also new challenges that complicate conventional monolithic processor designs. On the one hand, exploiting instruction level parallelism is leading us to diminishing returns and therefore exploiting other sources of parallelism like thread level parallelism is needed in order to keep raising performance with a reasonable hardware complexity. On the other hand, clustering architectures have been widely studied in order to reduce the inherent complexity of current monolithic processors. This paper studies the synergies and trade-offs between two concepts, clustering and simultaneous multithreading (SMT), in order to understand the reasons why conventional SMT resource assignment schemes are not so effective in clustered processors. These trade-offs are used to propose a novel resource assignment scheme that gets and average speed up of 17.6% versus Icount improving fairness in 24%.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Low-complexity distributed issue queue

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    As technology evolves, power density significantly increases and cooling systems become more complex and expensive. The issue logic is one of the processor hotspots and, at the same time, its latency is crucial for the processor performance. We present a low-complexity FP issue logic (MB/spl I.bar/distr) that achieves high performance with small energy requirements. The MB/spl I.bar/distr scheme is based on classifying instructions and dispatching them into a set of queues depending on their data dependences. These instructions are selected for issuing based on an estimation of when their operands will be available, so the conventional wakeup activity is not required. Additionally, the functional units are distributed across the different queues. The energy required by the proposed scheme is substantially lower than that required by a conventional issue design, even if the latter has the ability of waking-up only unready operands. MB/spl I.bar/distr scheme reduces the energy-delay product by 35% and the energy-delay product by 18% with respect to a state-of-the-art approach.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    CAREER: Automated software understanding for retargeting embedded image processing software for data parallel execution

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    Issued as final reportNational Science Foundation (U.S.

    Dynamic Dependency Collapsing

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    In this dissertation, we explore the concept of dynamic dependency collapsing. Performance increases in computer architecture are always introduced by exploiting additional parallelism when the clock speed is fixed. We show that further improvements are possible even when the available parallelism in programs are exhausted. This performance improvement is possible due to executing instructions in parallel that would ordinarily have been serialized. We call this concept dependency collapsing. We explore existing techniques that exploit parallelism and show which of them fall under the umbrella of dependency collapsing. We then introduce two dependency collapsing techniques of our own. The first technique collapses data dependencies by executing two normally dependent instructions together by fusing them. We show that exploiting the additional parallelism generated by collapsing these dependencies results in a performance increase. Our second technique collapses resource dependencies to execute instructions that would normally have been serialized due to resource constraints in the processor. We show that it is possible to take advantage of larger in-processor structures while avoiding the power and area penalty this often implies

    Superscalar RISC-V Processor with SIMD Vector Extension

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    With the increasing number of digital products in the market, the need for robust and highly configurable processors rises. The demand is convened by the stable and extensible open-sourced RISC-V instruction set architecture. RISC-V processors are becoming popular in many fields of applications and research. This thesis presents a dual-issue superscalar RISC-V processor design with dynamic execution. The proposed design employs the global sharing scheme for branch prediction and Tomasulo algorithm for out-of-order execution. The processor is capable of speculative execution with five checkpoints. Data flow in the instruction dispatch and commit stages is optimized to achieve higher instruction throughput. The superscalar processor is extended with a customized vector instruction set of single-instruction-multiple-data computations to specifically improve the performance on machine learning tasks. According to the definition of the proposed vector instruction set, the scratchpad memory and element-wise arithmetic units are implemented in the vector co-processor. Different test programs are evaluated on the fully-tested superscalar processor. Compared to the reference work, the proposed design improves 18.9% on average instruction throughput and 4.92% on average prediction hit rate, with 16.9% higher operating clock frequency synthesized on the Intel Arria 10 FPGA board. The forward propagation of a convolution neural network model is evaluated by the standalone superscalar processor and the integration of the vector co-processor. The vector program with software-level optimizations achieves 9.53Ă— improvement on instruction throughput and 10.18Ă— improvement on real-time throughput. Moreover, the integration also provides 2.22Ă— energy efficiency compared with the superscalar processor along

    Power reduction in superscalar datapaths through dynamic bit-slice activation

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    Using MCD-DVS for dynamic thermal management performance improvement

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    With chip temperature being a major hurdle in microprocessor design, techniques to recover the performance loss due to thermal emergency mechanisms are crucial in order to sustain performance growth. Many techniques for power reduction in the past and some on thermal management more recently have contributed to alleviate this problem. Probably the most important thermal control technique is dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVS) which allows for almost cubic reduction in power with worst-case performance penalty only linear. So far, DVS techniques for temperature control have been studied at the chip level. Finer grain DVS is feasible if a globally-asynchronous locally-synchronous (GALS) design style is employed. GALS, also known as multiple-clock domain (MCD), allows for an independent voltage and frequency control for each one of the clock domains that are part of the chip. There are several studies on DVS for GALS that aim to improve energy and power efficiency but not temperature. This paper proposes and analyses the usage of DVS at the domain level to control temperature in a clustered MCD microarchitecture with the goal of improving the performance of applications that do not meet the thermal constraints imposed by the designers.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    RingScalar: A Complexity-Effective Out-of-Order Superscalar Microarchitecture

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    RingScalar is a complexity-effective microarchitecture for out-of-order superscalar processors, that reduces the area, latency, and power of all major structures in the instruction flow. The design divides an N-way superscalar into N columns connected in a unidirectional ring, where each column contains a portion of the instruction window, a bank of the register file, and an ALU. The design exploits the fact that most decoded instructions are waiting on just one operand to use only a single tag per issue window entry, and to restrict instruction wakeup and value bypass to only communicate with the neighboring column. Detailed simulations of four-issue single-threaded machines running SPECint2000 show that RingScalar has IPC only 13% lower than an idealized superscalar, while providing large reductions in area, power, and circuit latency
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