358 research outputs found

    Demokrasi dan Amerika Serikat

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    The United State of America life is always the result of interaction between the anti-democratic and nondemocratic traditions with the existing democratic traditions, and a new perception in the field of human social, religious, political necessity and political rights. While in Islamic history there are a number of concepts and images that make up a very important Islamic perception of democracy is of course different from what is believed to be in the United State of America

    Chinese characters reveal impacts of prior experience on very early stages of perception

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    Visual perception is strongly determined by accumulated experience with the world, which has been shown for shape, color, and position perception, in the field of visuomotor learning, and in neural computation. In addition, visual perception is tuned to statistics of natural scenes. Such prior experience is modulated by neuronal top-down control the temporal properties of which had been subject to recent studies. Here, we deal with these temporal properties and address the question how early in time accumulated past experience can modulate visual perception

    Apa Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Berkarir Di Perpajakan?

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    This study is to examine and analyze what influences the interest in a career in taxation by looking at the factors of perception in the field of taxation, career motivation, financial rewards, tax knowledge, and self-confidence. Data were obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 students of the accounting study program at Wijaya Kusuma University, Surabaya. Data analysis with multiple regression. Perceptions in the field of taxation, career motivation, financial rewards, and self-confidence have an effect on interest in a career in taxation, while tax knowledge has no effect

    Attention-based Adversarial Appearance Learning of Augmented Pedestrians

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    Synthetic data became already an essential component of machine learning-based perception in the field of autonomous driving. Yet it still cannot replace real data completely due to the sim2real domain shift. In this work, we propose a method that leverages the advantages of the augmentation process and adversarial training to synthesize realistic data for the pedestrian recognition task. Our approach utilizes an attention mechanism driven by an adversarial loss to learn domain discrepancies and improve sim2real adaptation. Our experiments confirm that the proposed adaptation method is robust to such discrepancies and reveals both visual realism and semantic consistency. Furthermore, we evaluate our data generation pipeline on the task of pedestrian recognition and demonstrate that generated data resemble properties of the real domain

    Tooth fairy myth: a project for child oral health education

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    Early prevention in oral medicine is particularly relevant as well as health education programs. The present research fits to the situation-context of message communication on oral health education. Through a questionnaire based on Tooth Fairy Myth, fifty children (6 - 12 years), were asked to describe the appearance, characteristics, and actions regarding the Tooth Fairy. The resource to the symbolic, by the means of puppets-theatre, acts as an “imaginary - transmitter”, thus motivating the child to develop imagination, creativeness and enabling the improvement of the visual-motor perception. In the field of oral health promotion, the finger-puppet theatre movie appears as a child’s “imagination performer”, at the level of information given on oral health, namely in what concerns the oral routine of hygiene and the promotion of healthy eating behaviours.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The Ethical Behaviors through Students Perception in the Field of Business Administration in Rajamangala of Technology University Phra Nakhon

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    The purposes of the research were to study ethical behaviors through business administration’s students perception in the field of in Rajamangala university of Technology Phra Nakhon in the following aspects: honesty, discipline, favor, responsibilities, diligence selfhelp and gratefulness.The purposes of the research were to study ethical behaviors through business administration’s students perception in the field of in Rajamangala university of Technology Phra Nakhon in the following aspects: honesty, discipline, favor, responsibilities, diligence selfhelp and gratefulness. The sample groups were 300 students of Business Administration. The results were as the following: the ethical behaviors were at a moderate level. When compared by gender it was found that there was statistically significant differences at .05. When compared by achievement it was found that there was significant differences at .05

    Teaching Race in Schools

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