100 research outputs found

    E-Delivery Training System using Agile Technology

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    E-learning represents a wide range of methods in order to provide education or online training of the electronic delivery of information. E-Learning provides interactive technologies and announcement systems to improve the learning experience. It has the potential to transform the way that teach and learn across the board. It cannot replace teachers and lecturers, but alongside existing methods it can enhance the quality and reach of their teaching. Normally speaking, this type of education is carried out during the average of the World Wide Web where the instructive organization construct its programs and materials obtainable on a special website in such a way that students are capable to make use of them and interrelate with effortlessness during closed or shared, networks, or the Internet, and during utilize of e-mail and online discussion groups. This work proposed the Agile technique development process as an iterative method based on collaboration. Agile would focus on version, growing development, hasty prototyping, and constant feedback and evaluation


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    Pembelajaran daring menjadi satu-satunya pilihan yang dapat dilakukan semasa pandemi, namun tantangan yang dihadapi adalah bagaimana pembelajaran tersebut mampu terlaksana dengan lebih menarik bagi para siswa berbasis kreativitas, inovasi, dan penciptaan nilai tambah sebagai bentuk entrepreneurial activity. Keterbatasan para guru dalam pemanfaatan teknologi diatasi dengan pelatihan pembuatan video pembelajaran yang interaktif. Kegiatan ini dilaksanakan sepenuhnya secara daring antara tim Universitas Ciputra dengan kepala sekolah dan para guru SMAK Kalam Kudus Surabaya. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan para guru terhadap teknologi informasi yang berguna untuk pembuatan dan pengeditan video secara praktis. Metode yang digunakan adalah diskusi interaktif tentang kondisi aktual yang dihadapi di lapangan, identifikasi pengetahuan dan kemampuan para guru, jenis mata pelajaran, dan pengamatan kondisi fisik di lapangan untuk melihat ketersediaan sarana prasarana. Selama pelatihan, ketertarikan dan minat para guru meningkat cukup tinggi dari banyaknya pertanyaan yang diajukan. Hal ini menimbulkan kebutuhan untuk penyusunan rencana pembelajaran secara daring, sebelum video pembelajaran yang menarik dapat dibuat. Tantangan waktu operasional sekolah yang sangat terbatas tidak menyurutkan keinginan para guru untuk mengatur dan mempersiapkan strategi pembelajaran yang lebih sistematis dan terencana terutama untuk mengantisipasi waktu yang lebih panjang saat pengeditan video

    A Brief Examination of Predictors of E-Learning Success for Novice and Expert Learners

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    As the prevalence of e-learning continues to grow in higher education settings, so too does the need for empirical research examining the antecedents of success in this environment. Previous research has suggested some characteristics that may determine success in an online course; however, little empirical evidence exists relating potential predictors of e-learning success with actual performance outcomes, particularly for different levels of learners. Students new to college may need different kinds of support to succeed in an online course compared to students with more experience in taking college-level courses, whether online or in-class, and navigating institutional resources. A primary goal of the current study is to determine the kinds of support needed to help lower-level and upper-level learners succeed in an e-learning environment. We assess several predictors of e-learning success and compare the relative effectiveness of these characteristics across novice and expert learners. Findings suggest that for lower-level students, access to technology predicted learner performance, whereas for upper-level students, motivation and self-discipline predicted learner performance. We discuss the implications of these results for e-learning instructors, instructional designers, and knowledge management practitioners

    The continuance intention of user’s engagement in multiplayer video games based on uses and gratifications theory

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    One of the key success factors in video game industry, including multiplayer video game (MVG), is the user’s continuance intention. The MVG industry runs in a highly competitive market. Users can shift to another game as soon as they discover a slightly inconvenient issue. Thus, maintaining the user’s enthusiasm in playing MVG for a long time is challenging for most games. The solution to prolong the users’ engagement can be initiated by identifying all factors that facilitate the continuance use of playing MVG. This study applied uses and gratifications theory to examine seven variables (enjoyment, fantasy, escapism, social interaction, social presence, achievement, and self-presentation) and the moderating effects of age and gender on the MVG continuance intention. The data analysis and the model development were tested based on Partial Least Square method using the responses of 453 MVG users. The results revealed that enjoyment, fantasy, social interaction, achievement, and self-presentation significantly affected the continuance intention of playing MVG, with enjoyment being the strongest variable. The result also demonstrated the moderating effect of age and gender on the relation between independent variables and continuance intention. The results and findings offered additional insights into the system development to enhance the information system application

    Pengaruh Kepuasan Pengguna Sistem Terhadap Kinerja Pembelajaran Daring Dengan Biaya Sebagai Moderasi

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    Wabah covid-19 telah memaksa pendidikan di Indonesia untuk menerapkan sistem pembelajaran daring. Perubahan ini menimbulkan fenomena keluhan masyarakat terhadap besarnya biaya belajar daring. Hal ini menimbulkan ketidakpuasan masyarakat terhadap sistem belajar daring. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji faktor yang mempengaruhi kinerja pembelajaran dalam sistem pembelajaran daring dengan biaya sebagai moderasi. Penelitian ini mengembangkan kepuasan pengguna sistem sebagai variabel mediasi dan pembelajaran, sistem, pengajar sebagai variabel independen. Penelitian dilakukan pada mahasiswa akuntansi yang sedang mengambil mata kuliah Sistem Informasi Akuntansi dan Analisa Perancangan Sistem. Data diperoleh dengan mendistribusikan kuesioner secara daring kepada 185 mahasiswa. Data yang diperoleh di oleh menggunakan pendekatan Partial Least Square (PLS), dengan menggunakan software WarpPLS 6.0. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa proses pembelajaran yang jelas dan sistematis akan meningkatkan kepuasan pengguna dan berdampak pada kinerja pembelajaran yang baik. Sedangkan, besarnya biaya belajar daring tidak mempengaruhi kinerja pembelajaran

    La mejora de satisfacción de los estudiantes del grado de Relaciones Laborales y Recursos Humanos con el uso de las Tics: efectos de las estrategias de aprendizaje y de las experiencias de flujo

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    En este trabajo se intenta investigar el efecto de la aplicación SAKAI en la satisfacción percibida por los alumnos en el proceso de aprendizaje, así como en las estrategias de aprendizaje desarrolladas por el alumno. Por otro lado, medir el efecto de las estrategias de aprendizaje en el grado de satisfacción y en la experiencia de flujo de los alumnos, y el efecto mediador de las estrategias de aprendizaje en la satisfacción de los alumnos. El trabajo se ha realizado sobre una muestra de 126 alumnos de la Universidad de Murcia, pertenecientes a diferentes asignaturas y diferentes cursosThis paper attempts to investigate the effect of applying SAKAI in the degree of satisfaction of students in the learning process and learning strategies developed by the student. On the other hand, measure the effect of learning strategies on flow experience and student satisfaction, and the mediating effects of learning strategies on student satisfaction. The work was carried out on a sample of 127 students of the University of Murcia, from different subjects and course

    Measuring Satisfaction and Behavioral Intention of Students in Art Majors on the Use of Graduation Management System in China

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    Purpose: This research determines to measure factors impacting the satisfaction and behavioral intention of students in art majors who graduated in 2020 using the graduation management system in China. The conceptual framework was developed based on perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, system quality, trust, attitude, satisfaction, and behavioral intention. Research design, data, and methodology: The study applied the quantitative method and collected the data (n=500) using judgmental, stratified random, and convenience sampling. The questionnaire was used as a tool to collect the data. Before the data collection, The Item-Objective Congruence (IOC) and pilot test (n=50) of Cronbach’s Alpha were approved. The data were analyzed with confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling. Results: All hypotheses are supported. Perceived ease of use has a significant impact on perceived usefulness and satisfaction. Perceived usefulness strongly impacts satisfaction, followed by behavioral intention. System quality significantly impacts satisfaction. In addition, behavioral intention is significantly impacted by trust, attitude, and satisfaction. Conclusion: This study provides the necessary knowledge and reliable results for universities and system developers to improve and upgrade the graduation management system. Therefore, students’ behavioral intention and satisfaction can be valid indicators to enhance the performance of the graduation management system

    MOOCs Continuance Intention in Malaysia: The Moderating Role of Internet Self-efficacy

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    Previous researches have validated that students intention to continue use MOOCs was mainly determined by Usefulness and Enjoyment. This paper takes a different approach from previous studies and postulates that relationship between Usefulness and Enjoyment on MOOCs Continuance Intention are moderated by Internet Self-efficacy. Partial Least Square Path Modelling (PLS-PM) approach has been employed to analyse the data collected. Using online survey data from 251 students registered with Malaysia MOOCs program, the results revealed that Internet Self-efficacy moderates the relationship between Enjoyment and MOOCs Continuance Intention. However, the moderating effect of Internet Self-efficacy showed insignificant result on the path between Usefulness and MOOCs Continuance Intention

    Factors Influencing Students' Intention to use Online Tutoring Applications in Jakarta

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    As the COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted traditional learning methods, many students have turned to online tutoring as a supplementary source of education. This study aims to identify the factors that influence students' intention to use online tutoring applications. Data was collected from 401 student respondents in Jakarta through a questionnaire, and analyzed using smart PLS. The results show that perceived brand orientation, interactive course features, course quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and trust all have a significant impact on students' intention to use online tutoring applications. These findings have implications for the design and promotion of online tutoring applications, as well as for policymakers and educators seeking to support student learning in the era of COVID-19

    MOOCs Continuance Intention in Malaysia: The Moderating Role of Internet Self-efficacy

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    Previous researches have validated that students intention to continue use MOOCs was mainly determined by Usefulness and Enjoyment. This paper takes a different approach from previous studies and postulates that relationship between Usefulness and Enjoyment on MOOCs Continuance Intention are moderated by Internet Self-efficacy. Partial Least Square Path Modelling (PLS-PM) approach has been employed to analyse the data collected. Using online survey data from 251 students registered with Malaysia MOOCs program, the results revealed that Internet Self-efficacy moderates the relationship between Enjoyment and MOOCs Continuance Intention. However, the moderating effect of Internet Self-efficacy showed insignificant result on the path between Usefulness and MOOCs Continuance Intention
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