118 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Strong Computation Migration

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    The continuous increase in performance requirements, for both scientific computation and industry, motivates the need of a powerful computing infrastructure. The Grid appeared as a solution for inexpensive execution of heavy applications in a parallel and distributed manner. It allows combining resources independently of their physical location and architecture to form a global resource pool available to all grid users. However, grid environments are highly unstable and unpredictable. Adaptability is a crucial issue in this context, in order to guarantee an appropriate quality of service to users. Migration is a technique frequently used for achieving adaptation. The objective of this report is to survey the problem of strong migration in heterogeneous environments like the grids', the related implementation issues and the current solutions.Comment: This is the pre-peer reviewed version of the following article: Milan\'es, A., Rodriguez, N. and Schulze, B. (2008), State of the art in heterogeneous strong migration of computations. Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 20: 1485-1508, which has been published in final form at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/cpe.1287/abstrac

    MobiStreams: A Reliable Distributed Stream Processing System for Mobile Devices

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    Multi-core phones are now pervasive. Yet, existing applications rely predominantly on a client-server computing paradigm, using phones only as thin clients, sending sensed information via the cellular network to servers for processing. This makes the cellular network the bottleneck, limiting overall application performance. In this paper, we propose Mobi Streams, a Distributed Stream Processing System (DSPS) that runs directly on smartphones. Mobi Streams can offload computing from remote servers to local phones and thus alleviate the pressure on the cellular network. Implementing DSPS on smartphones faces significant challenges: 1) multiple phones can readily fail simultaneously, and 2) the phones' ad-hoc WiFi network has low bandwidth. Mobi Streams tackles these challenges through two new techniques: 1) token-triggered check pointing, and 2) broadcast-based check pointing. Our evaluations driven by two real world applications deployed in the US and Singapore show that migrating from a server platform to a smartphone platform eliminates the cellular network bottleneck, leading to 0.78~42.6X throughput increase and 10%~94.8% latency decrease. Also, Mobi Streams' fault tolerance scheme increases throughput by 230% and reduces latency by 40% vs. prior state-of-the-art fault-tolerant DSPSs

    Resource-Efficient Replication and Migration of Virtual Machines.

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    Continuous replication and live migration of Virtual Machines (VMs) are two vital tools in a virtualized environment, but they are resource-expensive. Continuously replicating a VM's checkpointed state to a backup host maintains high-availability (HA) of the VM despite host failures, but checkpoint replication can generate significant network traffic. Each replicated VM also incurs a 100% memory overhead, since the backup unproductively reserves the same amount of memory to hold the redundant VM state. Live migration, though being widely used for load-balancing, power-saving, etc., can also generate excessive network traffic, by transferring VM state iteratively. In addition, it can incur a long completion time and degrade application performance. This thesis explores ways to replicate VMs for HA using resources efficiently, and to migrate VMs fast, with minimal execution disruption and using resources efficiently. First, we investigate the tradeoffs in using different compression methods to reduce the network traffic of checkpoint replication in a HA system. We evaluate gzip, delta and similarity compressions based on metrics that are specifically important in a HA system, and then suggest guidelines for their selection. Next, we propose HydraVM, a storage-based HA approach that eliminates the unproductive memory reservation made in backup hosts. HydraVM maintains a recent image of a protected VM in a shared storage by taking and consolidating incremental VM checkpoints. When a failure occurs, HydraVM quickly resumes the execution of a failed VM by loading a small amount of essential VM state from the storage. As the VM executes, the VM state not yet loaded is supplied on-demand. Finally, we propose application-assisted live migration, which skips transfer of VM memory that need not be migrated to execute running applications at the destination. We develop a generic framework for the proposed approach, and then use the framework to build JAVMM, a system that migrates VMs running Java applications skipping transfer of garbage in Java memory. Our evaluation results show that compared to Xen live migration, which is agnostic of running applications, JAVMM can reduce the completion time, network traffic and application downtime caused by Java VM migration, all by up to over 90%.PhDComputer Science and EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/111575/1/karenhou_1.pd

    Optimizing recovery protocols for replicated database systems

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    En la actualidad, el uso de tecnologías de informacíon y sistemas de cómputo tienen una gran influencia en la vida diaria. Dentro de los sistemas informáticos actualmente en uso, son de gran relevancia los sistemas distribuidos por la capacidad que pueden tener para escalar, proporcionar soporte para la tolerancia a fallos y mejorar el desempeño de aplicaciones y proporcionar alta disponibilidad. Los sistemas replicados son un caso especial de los sistemas distribuidos. Esta tesis está centrada en el área de las bases de datos replicadas debido al uso extendido que en el presente se hace de ellas, requiriendo características como: bajos tiempos de respuesta, alto rendimiento en los procesos, balanceo de carga entre las replicas, consistencia e integridad de datos y tolerancia a fallos. En este contexto, el desarrollo de aplicaciones utilizando bases de datos replicadas presenta dificultades que pueden verse atenuadas mediante el uso de servicios de soporte a mas bajo nivel tales como servicios de comunicacion y pertenencia. El uso de los servicios proporcionados por los sistemas de comunicación de grupos permiten ocultar los detalles de las comunicaciones y facilitan el diseño de protocolos de replicación y recuperación. En esta tesis, se presenta un estudio de las alternativas y estrategias empleadas en los protocolos de replicación y recuperación en las bases de datos replicadas. También se revisan diferentes conceptos sobre los sistemas de comunicación de grupos y sincronia virtual. Se caracterizan y clasifican diferentes tipos de protocolos de replicación con respecto a la interacción o soporte que pudieran dar a la recuperación, sin embargo el enfoque se dirige a los protocolos basados en sistemas de comunicación de grupos. Debido a que los sistemas comerciales actuales permiten a los programadores y administradores de sistemas de bases de datos renunciar en alguna medida a la consistencia con la finalidad de aumentar el rendimiento, es importante determinar el nivel de consistencia necesario. En el caso de las bases de datos replicadas la consistencia está muy relacionada con el nivel de aislamiento establecido entre las transacciones. Una de las propuestas centrales de esta tesis es un protocolo de recuperación para un protocolo de replicación basado en certificación. Los protocolos de replicación de base de datos basados en certificación proveen buenas bases para el desarrollo de sus respectivos protocolos de recuperación cuando se utiliza el nivel de aislamiento snapshot. Para tal nivel de aislamiento no se requiere que los readsets sean transferidos entre las réplicas ni revisados en la fase de cetificación y ya que estos protocolos mantienen un histórico de la lista de writesets que es utilizada para certificar las transacciones, este histórico provee la información necesaria para transferir el estado perdido por la réplica en recuperación. Se hace un estudio del rendimiento del protocolo de recuperación básico y de la versión optimizada en la que se compacta la información a transferir. Se presentan los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas de la implementación del protocolo de recuperación en el middleware de soporte. La segunda propuesta esta basada en aplicar el principio de compactación de la informacion de recuperación en un protocolo de recuperación para los protocolos de replicación basados en votación débil. El objetivo es minimizar el tiempo necesario para transfeir y aplicar la información perdida por la réplica en recuperación obteniendo con esto un protocolo de recuperación mas eficiente. Se ha verificado el buen desempeño de este algoritmo a través de una simulación. Para efectuar la simulación se ha hecho uso del entorno de simulación Omnet++. En los resultados de los experimentos puede apreciarse que este protocolo de recuperación tiene buenos resultados en múltiples escenarios. Finalmente, se presenta la verificación de la corrección de ambos algoritmos de recuperación en el Capítulo 5.Nowadays, information technology and computing systems have a great relevance on our lives. Among current computer systems, distributed systems are one of the most important because of their scalability, fault tolerance, performance improvements and high availability. Replicated systems are a specific case of distributed system. This Ph.D. thesis is centered in the replicated database field due to their extended usage, requiring among other properties: low response times, high throughput, load balancing among replicas, data consistency, data integrity and fault tolerance. In this scope, the development of applications that use replicated databases raises some problems that can be reduced using other fault-tolerant building blocks, as group communication and membership services. Thus, the usage of the services provided by group communication systems (GCS) hides several communication details, simplifying the design of replication and recovery protocols. This Ph.D. thesis surveys the alternatives and strategies being used in the replication and recovery protocols for database replication systems. It also summarizes different concepts about group communication systems and virtual synchrony. As a result, the thesis provides a classification of database replication protocols according to their support to (and interaction with) recovery protocols, always assuming that both kinds of protocol rely on a GCS. Since current commercial DBMSs allow that programmers and database administrators sacrifice consistency with the aim of improving performance, it is important to select the appropriate level of consistency. Regarding (replicated) databases, consistency is strongly related to the isolation levels being assigned to transactions. One of the main proposals of this thesis is a recovery protocol for a replication protocol based on certification. Certification-based database replication protocols provide a good basis for the development of their recovery strategies when a snapshot isolation level is assumed. In that level readsets are not needed in the validation step. As a result, they do not need to be transmitted to other replicas. Additionally, these protocols hold a writeset list that is used in the certification/validation step. That list maintains the set of writesets needed by the recovery protocol. This thesis evaluates the performance of a recovery protocol based on the writeset list tranfer (basic protocol) and of an optimized version that compacts the information to be transferred. The second proposal applies the compaction principle to a recovery protocol designed for weak-voting replication protocols. Its aim is to minimize the time needed for transferring and applying the writesets lost by the recovering replica, obtaining in this way an efficient recovery. The performance of this recovery algorithm has been checked implementing a simulator. To this end, the Omnet++ simulating framework has been used. The simulation results confirm that this recovery protocol provides good results in multiple scenarios. Finally, the correction of both recovery protocols is also justified and presented in Chapter 5.García Muñoz, LH. (2013). Optimizing recovery protocols for replicated database systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/31632TESI

    MystifY : A Proactive Moving-Target Defense for a Resilient SDN Controller in Software Defined CPS

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    The recent devastating mission Cyber–Physical System (CPS) attacks, failures, and the desperate need to scale and to dynamically adapt to changes, revolutionized traditional CPS to what we name as Software Defined CPS (SD-CPS). SD-CPS embraces the concept of Software Defined (SD) everything where CPS infrastructure is more elastic, dynamically adaptable and online-programmable. However, in SD-CPS, the threat became more immanent, as the long-been physically-protected assets are now programmatically accessible to cyber attackers. In SD-CPSs, a network failure hinders the entire functionality of the system. In this paper, we present MystifY, a spatiotemporal runtime diversification for Moving-Target Defense (MTD) to secure the SD-CPS infrastructure. In this paper, we relied on Smart Grid networks as crucial SD-CPS application to evaluate our presented solution. MystifY’s MTD relies on a set of pillars to ensure the SDN controller resiliency against failures and attacks. The 1st pillar is a grid-aware algorithm that optimally allocates the most suitable controller–deployment location in large-scale grids. The 2nd pillar is a special diversifier that dynamically relocates the controller between heterogeneously configured hosts to avoid host-based attacks. The 3rd pillar is a temporal diversifier that dynamically detours controller–workload between multiple controllers to enhance their reliability and to detect and avoid controller intrusions. Our experimental results showed the efficiency and effectiveness of the presented approach

    Distributed Management of Grid-based Scientific Workflows

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    Grids and service-oriented technologies are emerging as dominant approaches for distributed systems. With the evolution of these technologies, scientific workflows have been introduced as a tool for scientists to assemble highly specialized applications, and to exchange large heterogeneous datasets in order to automate and accelerate the accomplishment of complex scientific tasks. Several Scientific Workflow Management Systems (SWfMS) have already been designed to support the specification, execution, and monitoring of scientific workflows. Meanwhile, they still face key challenges from two different perspectives: system usability and system efficiency. From the system usability perspective, current SWfMS are not designed to be simple enough for scientists who have quite limited IT knowledge. What’s more, there is no easy mechanism by which scientists can share and re-use scientific experiments that have already been designed and proved by others. From the perspective of system efficiency, existing SWfMS are coordinating and executing workflows in a centralized fashion using a single scheduler and / or a workflow enactor. This creates a single point of failure, forms a scalability bottleneck, and enforces centralized fault handling. In addition, they don’t consider load balancing while mapping abstract jobs onto several computational nodes. Another important challenge exists due to the common nature of scientific workflow applications, that need to exchange a huge amount of data during the execution process. Some available SWfMS use a mediator-based approach for data transfer where data must be transferred first to a centralized data manager, which is completely inefficient. Other SWfMS apply a peer-to-peer approach via data references. Even this approach is not sufficient for scientific workflows as a single complex scientific activity can produce an extensive amount of data. In this thesis, we introduce SWIMS (Scientific Workflow Integration and Management System) framework. It employs the Web Services technology to originate a distributed management system for data-intensive scientific workflows. The purpose of SWIMS is to overcome the previously mentioned challenges through a set of salient features: i) Support for distributed execution and management of workflows, ii) diminution of communication traffic, iii) support for smart re-run, iv) distributed fault handling and load balancing, v) ease of use, and vi) extensive sharing of scientific workflows. We discuss the motivation, design, and implementation of the SWIMS framework. Then, we evaluate it through the Montage application from the astronomy domain