30 research outputs found

    Patterns with bounded treewidth

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    A pattern is a string consisting of variables and terminal symbols, and its language is the set of all words that can be obtained by substituting arbitrary words for the variables. The membership problem for pattern languages, i.e., deciding on whether or not a given word is in the pattern language of a given pattern is NP-complete. We show that any parameter of patterns that is an upper bound for the treewidth of appropriate encodings of patterns as relational structures, if restricted, allows the membership problem for pattern languages to be solved in polynomial time. Furthermore, we identify new such parameters

    Patterns with bounded treewidth

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    We show that any parameter of patterns that is an upper bound for the treewidth of appropriate encodings of patterns as relational structures, if restricted to a constant, allows the membership problem for pattern languages to be solved in polynomial time. Furthermore, we identify a new such parameter, called the scope coincidence degree

    Patterns with Bounded Treewidth

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    We show that any parameter of patterns that is an upper bound for the treewidth of appropriate encodings of patterns as relational structures, if restricted to a constant, allows the membership problem for pattern languages to be solved in polynomial time. Furthermore, we identify a new such parameter, called the scope coincidence degree

    Graph and String Parameters: Connections Between Pathwidth, Cutwidth and the Locality Number

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    We investigate the locality number, a recently introduced structural parameter for strings (with applications in pattern matching with variables), and its connection to two important graph-parameters, cutwidth and pathwidth. These connections allow us to show that computing the locality number is NP-hard but fixed-parameter tractable (when the locality number or the alphabet size is treated as a parameter), and can be approximated with ratio O(sqrt{log{opt}} log n). As a by-product, we also relate cutwidth via the locality number to pathwidth, which is of independent interest, since it improves the best currently known approximation algorithm for cutwidth. In addition to these main results, we also consider the possibility of greedy-based approximation algorithms for the locality number

    Efficient Computation of Descriptive Patterns

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    A pattern α\alpha is a word consisting of constants and variables and the pattern language L(α)L(\alpha) (over an alphabet Σ\Sigma) is the set of all words that can be obtained from α\alpha by uniformly replacing the variables with words over Σ\Sigma. We investigate the problem of computing a pattern α\alpha that is descriptive of a given finite set S⊆Σ∗S \subseteq \Sigma^* of words, i.\,e., S⊆L(α)S \subseteq L(\alpha) and there is no other pattern β\beta with S⊆L(β)⊂L(α)S \subseteq L(\beta) \subset L(\alpha). A pattern α\alpha that is descriptive of a set SS represents the structural commonalities of the words in SS and, thus, can serve as a classifier with respect to this structure. Furthermore, (polynomial time) computability of descriptive patterns is sufficient for (polynomial time) inductive inference of pattern languages. We investigate the complexity of computing descriptive patterns and, for subclasses of patterns, we present efficient algorithms for computing them

    Closure properties of pattern languages

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    Pattern languages are a well-established class of languages that is particularly popular in algorithmic learning theory, but very little is known about their closure properties. In the present paper we establish a large number of closure properties of the terminal-free pattern languages, and we characterise when the union of two terminal-free pattern languages is again a terminal-free pattern language. We demonstrate that the equivalent question for general pattern languages is characterised differently, and that it is linked to some of the most prominent open problems for pattern languages. We also provide fundamental insights into a well-known construction of E-pattern languages as unions of NE-pattern languages, and vice versa. © 2014 Springer International Publishing Switzerland

    Matching Patterns with Variables Under Hamming Distance

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    A pattern ? is a string of variables and terminal letters. We say that ? matches a word w, consisting only of terminal letters, if w can be obtained by replacing the variables of ? by terminal words. The matching problem, i.e., deciding whether a given pattern matches a given word, was heavily investigated: it is NP-complete in general, but can be solved efficiently for classes of patterns with restricted structure. In this paper, we approach this problem in a generalized setting, by considering approximate pattern matching under Hamming distance. More precisely, we are interested in what is the minimum Hamming distance between w and any word u obtained by replacing the variables of ? by terminal words. Firstly, we address the class of regular patterns (in which no variable occurs twice) and propose efficient algorithms for this problem, as well as matching conditional lower bounds. We show that the problem can still be solved efficiently if we allow repeated variables, but restrict the way the different variables can be interleaved according to a locality parameter. However, as soon as we allow a variable to occur more than once and its occurrences can be interleaved arbitrarily with those of other variables, even if none of them occurs more than once, the problem becomes intractable

    Local Patterns

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    A pattern is a word consisting of constants from an alphabet Sigma of terminal symbols and variables from a set X. Given a pattern alpha, the decision-problem whether a given word w may be obtained by substituting the variables in alpha for words over Sigma is called the matching problem. While this problem is, in general, NP-complete, several classes of patterns for which it can be efficiently solved are already known. We present two new classes of patterns, called k-local, and strongly-nested, and show that the respective matching problems, as well as membership can be solved efficiently for any fixed k

    The Hardness of Solving Simple Word Equations

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    We investigate the class of regular-ordered word equations. In such equations, each variable occurs at most once in each side and the order of the variables occurring in both left and right hand sides is preserved (the variables can be, however, separated by potentially distinct constant factors). Surprisingly, we obtain that solving such simple equations, even when the sides contain exactly the same variables, is NP-hard. By considerations regarding the combinatorial structure of the minimal solutions of the more general quadratic equations we obtain that the satisfiability problem for regular-ordered equations is in NP. The complexity of solving such word equations under regular constraints is also settled. Finally, we show that a related class of simple word equations, that generalises one-variable equations, is in P