14 research outputs found

    Estudio de la inclusión del sistema PCE en redes GMPLS

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    Deliverable DJRA1.2. Solutions and protocols proposal for the network control, management and monitoring in a virtualized network context

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    This deliverable presents several research proposals for the FEDERICA network, in different subjects, such as monitoring, routing, signalling, resource discovery, and isolation. For each topic one or more possible solutions are elaborated, explaining the background, functioning and the implications of the proposed solutions.This deliverable goes further on the research aspects within FEDERICA. First of all the architecture of the control plane for the FEDERICA infrastructure will be defined. Several possibilities could be implemented, using the basic FEDERICA infrastructure as a starting point. The focus on this document is the intra-domain aspects of the control plane and their properties. Also some inter-domain aspects are addressed. The main objective of this deliverable is to lay great stress on creating and implementing the prototype/tool for the FEDERICA slice-oriented control system using the appropriate framework. This deliverable goes deeply into the definition of the containers between entities and their syntax, preparing this tool for the future implementation of any kind of algorithm related to the control plane, for both to apply UPB policies or to configure it by hand. We opt for an open solution despite the real time limitations that we could have (for instance, opening web services connexions or applying fast recovering mechanisms). The application being developed is the central element in the control plane, and additional features must be added to this application. This control plane, from the functionality point of view, is composed by several procedures that provide a reliable application and that include some mechanisms or algorithms to be able to discover and assign resources to the user. To achieve this, several topics must be researched in order to propose new protocols for the virtual infrastructure. The topics and necessary features covered in this document include resource discovery, resource allocation, signalling, routing, isolation and monitoring. All these topics must be researched in order to find a good solution for the FEDERICA network. Some of these algorithms have started to be analyzed and will be expanded in the next deliverable. Current standardization and existing solutions have been investigated in order to find a good solution for FEDERICA. Resource discovery is an important issue within the FEDERICA network, as manual resource discovery is no option, due to scalability requirement. Furthermore, no standardization exists, so knowledge must be obtained from related work. Ideally, the proposed solutions for these topics should not only be adequate specifically for this infrastructure, but could also be applied to other virtualized networks.Postprint (published version

    Dynamic Prioritization of Path for Quality-of-Service Differentiation in Multi-Priority Traffic

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    The emergence of value added services relying on a higher interactivity has altered the requirements of current transport network. Diverse traffic classes are processed by a large-scale optical network, imposing a more efficient utilization of their network infrastructure resources. Such services generally cross multiple domains, but inter-domain path computation algorithms still have some limitations. This paper describes a priority based path computation algorithm to meet all QoS requirements with the available capacity. The proposed algorithm increases the rate of successful replies while minimizing the blockage in network. The dynamic traffic is classified into high and low priority, so it improves emergency response in network

    A Survey on the Path Computation Element (PCE) Architecture

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    Quality of Service-enabled applications and services rely on Traffic Engineering-based (TE) Label Switched Paths (LSP) established in core networks and controlled by the GMPLS control plane. Path computation process is crucial to achieve the desired TE objective. Its actual effectiveness depends on a number of factors. Mechanisms utilized to update topology and TE information, as well as the latency between path computation and resource reservation, which is typically distributed, may affect path computation efficiency. Moreover, TE visibility is limited in many network scenarios, such as multi-layer, multi-domain and multi-carrier networks, and it may negatively impact resource utilization. The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) has promoted the Path Computation Element (PCE) architecture, proposing a dedicated network entity devoted to path computation process. The PCE represents a flexible instrument to overcome visibility and distributed provisioning inefficiencies. Communications between path computation clients (PCC) and PCEs, realized through the PCE Protocol (PCEP), also enable inter-PCE communications offering an attractive way to perform TE-based path computation among cooperating PCEs in multi-layer/domain scenarios, while preserving scalability and confidentiality. This survey presents the state-of-the-art on the PCE architecture for GMPLS-controlled networks carried out by research and standardization community. In this work, packet (i.e., MPLS-TE and MPLS-TP) and wavelength/spectrum (i.e., WSON and SSON) switching capabilities are the considered technological platforms, in which the PCE is shown to achieve a number of evident benefits

    RI-CUBE: dotando al PCE de información abstracta de ingeniería de tráfico interdominio

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    El cómputo de rutas en Internet se ha vuelto una tarea compleja y costosa. La arquitectura PCE (Path Computation Element) proporciona la funcionalidad necesaria para el cómputo de rutas interdominio en redes MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching) y GMPLS (Generalized Multiprotocol Label Switching). En este escenario, el cálculo de rutas interdominio se lleva a cabo mediante la cooperación entre PCEs. El PCE que requiera ayuda, utiliza un mecanismo de selección de PCEs colaboradores que podría tener en consideración el estado de la red y sus recursos. Este mecanismo es especialmente importante debido al impacto que tiene en el tiempo total necesario para computar una ruta interdominio completa. En este trabajo, aportamos un detallado estudio de la información de ingeniería de tráfico manejada por los IGPs (Interior Gateway Protocols) más importantes y también un mecanismo para intercambiar esta información en entornos interdominio de forma que no se viole la privacidad de sobre la topología de la dominios afectados. Con esta información en su poder, un elemento PCE puede seleccionar un PCE exterior para colaborar, de forma efectiva y más precisa, minimizando el tiempo total necesario para calcular la ruta interdominio.Postprint (published version

    Designing a Hadoop system based on computational resources and network delay for wide area networks

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    This paper proposes a Hadoop system that considers both slave server’s processing capacity and network delay for wide area networks to reduce the job processing time. The task allocation scheme in the proposed Hadoop system divides each individual job into multiple tasks using suitable splitting ratios and then allocates the tasks to different slaves according to the computational capability of each server and the availability of network resources. We incorporate software-defined networking to the proposed Hadoop system to manage path computation elements and network resources. The performance of proposed Hadoop system is experimentally evaluated with fourteen machines located in the different parts of the globe using a scale-out approach. A scale-out experiment using the proposed and conventional Hadoop systems is conducted by executing both single job and multiple jobs. The practical testbed and simulation results indicate that the proposed Hadoop system is effective compared to the conventional Hadoop system in terms of processing time

    Single tag scheme for segment routing in software-defined network

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    This paper proposes a scheme to reduce a size of a packet header for a segment routing (SR) scheme in a software-defined network (SDN). The SR scheme inserts a segment identification (SID) list into the packet header to indicate a path for the source–destination pair of the packet. The path can be split into different segments to suit the service requirement and the segments are carried by the SID-list whose length increases with the number of segments. This also increases the packet overhead, and an additional packet is needed if the packet length exceeds the maximum transmission unit (MTU). Moreover, it may not be possible to implement SR in SDN due to the limited number of stacked labels provided by the switch vendor. In the proposed scheme, the SID-list is replaced by a single tag to indicate a node edge, called a swapping node. The tag is replaced by a new tag at the swapping node. With this scheme, the size of SID-list is fixed and does not vary with the number of segments, and no additional packets are required. A mathematic model to balance the number of flow entries in each swapping node is introduced by minimizing the maximum number of flow entries in each swapping node over the network. We implement the proposed scheme on the transmission-Japan science information network (SINET5) and demonstrate confirms its functionality